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Proposing under the stars! Need Help!

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Hello everyone!

I am looking for memorable ways to propose to my girlfriend while cruising. We've talked getting married before, and I know she'll say yes when I ask. I have cruised before (she has not), but I've never sailed on Royal before. I have the ring already and I know she'll love it. She loves everything, but I still want to make it special. :D


I am sailing May 24th thru the 31st on the Independence of the Seas. Day 3 of the cruise we port at San Juan from 4pm to 11pm, Day 4 St. Maartin (10am-7pm), and day 5 St. Kitts (7am-5pm).


I was advised by my travel agent to contact the Maitre 'D or Cruise Director while on the ship, but since I would like to do it on the first full cruising day on the boat (Day2), I don't think that will be enough time and I will feel rushed to come up with a plan. Will the first formal night be Day2? I want to make sure we're both dressed up and looking our best when I do it. I’d like to pop the question as early as possible so we have a great time.


I do not want to do the common "propose to her while at dinner" routine with the ring in the champagne or on top of a dessert. I know that some people like it, but it is too cliché for us. I could do that at a fancy restaurant at home. I also don't want to do it in our stateroom. I'm looking for something very unique that we can only do on a cruise. I've heard of ice sculptures being made that said "Marry Me?", I've heard of being called up during a show and proposing in front of everyone at the Newlyweds gameshow, I've even heard of a couple doing it during the parade. But I think I have something better.


She's an astronomer, she loves the night sky and I thought it would be really great to propose to her under the stars. My thoughts were somehow having the staff block off the front part of the ship (the helipad) and walk her over there after dinner so we're secluded and then look at the stars together. I'd somehow have the captain involved and the deck would turn the spotlights on us when I get on one knee and he'd blow the horn when she says yes! I would do this on formal night when were both already dressed up. I'd have a ship photographer or cameraman involved who'd remain out of sight and catch the whole thing on film.


However, I don't know how windy it would be at the front of the ship and if that would ruin the experience. If I had a ship photographer involved, that would make for some very poor pictures with the poor lighting and the wind. I've read other users on here say that it's extremely windy, so that got me discouraged, but I still want to do it. For safety reasons as well, I don't know if they can block off the front part of the ship from others so I can make this private. Are there other/better places to do this at, like the common area above the bridge? Anybody have a really special part of the ship that they find romantic that's under the stars? I’m open to any suggestions!


Here's the thing, she's pretty private and afraid of large crowds, so I would never do this in front of a huge audience at a show or like in the middle of the dining room. But I am the extrovert, and I do want some people around for the ambiance AFTER she says yes. I don't want it COMPLETELY private, I want to give her the illusion we're alone and then after she says yes have people come out and cheer and celebrate. That way she's not thinking of the people during the act and instead surprised by the people after. Obviously people clapping and cheering would make it so memorable; she'd be ok with a small gathering, just not up in front of hundreds. I thought about walking into the promenade after she said yes and have people waiting to cheer and have balloons rain down from above. Somehow have the captain or Cruise Director involved to announce our commitment to everyone!


Any idea of how I can get in contact with the cruise director before the cruise? I'd love to hash this out and not feel rushed the day before. The lady might become suspicious when I keep disappearing to set it up!


I thought about doing it while docked at Puerto Rico since we’re there very late (11pm), but the lights of the city I fear will drown out the stars. God forbid if it’s a cloudy day or storming. I’d have to postpone to another day if that was the case.


What's the most unique proposal you've seen on the ship? Any cons to my idea?


I wanted to ask you guys first before I call Royal ahead of time. That way I can have some legit ideas and not waste their time. Thanks!! :D:D:D

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On all the Royal cruises we've been on, the passenger-accessible areas of the bow have always been pitch dark at night to allow people to stargaze. When I say pitch black I really mean it - you'll need a phone or other flashlight to navigate.


The last trip we were on I took my wife to come see the Milky Way and it was amazing. It stretched from horizon to horizon and looked almost as good as the time-lapsed pictures in Nat Geo.


You'll want to put a red-light filter on whatever flashlight you use or you'll be fumbling for her finger in the dark.

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I did the deed on a cruise. My advice is not to over think it and make it too complicated. My other half had no idea it was coming and is also not a fan of big audiences so at dinner was completely out.


I just kept it simple. First formal night, after lunch we took a stroll around the ship to settle our stomachs and whilst wandering I checked out the locations. We ended up on on of the upper forward decks. It was the one you can see down in to the bridge on the Voyager of the Seas. It was windy, you are not gonna get away from that outside at sea. There were a couple of people about but not enough to cause a scene. In fact I think one or two people around is quite nice. They come over and say congratulations and make a bit of a fuss of her, look at the ring etc but not too many to make it look like a crowd cheering etc.


The fact it was windy took nothing away from it at all. I didn't want pictures, just me and her in formal attire doing our private thing.


All in all I think it went absolutely perfectly and is a tale she loves to tell her friends. Quiet, intimate and a little bit posh....


Don't over think it and make too many arrangements is my advice. She'll get wind of it if you are running around in secret and will spoil it if the plan doesn't come off. Simple can be elegant. What girl wouldn't want to be proposed to on a ship dressed to the nines.


Good luck to you both!!!


EDIT : Just talking to my other half about this and it's a funny thing that us men what to make it the best where the ladies just remember you on your knee and first glance at the ring so she also says simple.


EDIT 2 If you are like me you'll be nervous as hell and twitching like I don't know what. Get a couple of sentences of speech ready in your head before hand. Get down on your knee when she's least expecting, give your prepared sentences (not too long) telling her what she means and pop that ring. You'll be the man for ever more.

Edited by BustedOut
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That sounds special. However, it is incredibly dark and very windy as one said, and I doubt you'll be able to get the captain to blow the horn. If it's just a matter of stargazing there are plenty of outdoor places thst won't have many people at night that have more light. Good luck!!

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I hate to say your ideas, as great as they may be, are very doubtful. RCI sells a proposal package. Most the time they need to be set up months in advance.


(from the website)


Royal Romance can arrange an unforgettable moment with

everything you need to “pop the question” in style.

Package includes:

• Choosing an ideal onboard setting with input from a

Royal Romance Specialist

• Coordination of details to ensure the perfect proposal moment

• Cruise Program Administrator available onboard the ship

for consultation

• Champagne breakfast-in-bed for two

• Chocolate covered strawberries in your stateroom

one evening at turn-down

• One hour photography service -photos not included

1-888-WED-RCCL (1-888-933-7225)


It may be worth it to call and speak to someone about it. Since it is not a wedding they may be able to do it on shorter notice.


Yes people, on CC, may be able to give you some ideal locations but if you want RCI involved, it would need to go thru Royal Romance.


Congrats in advance ;)

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Since it's on formal night have you thought of proposing as you are getting your pictures taken. You could talk to the photographer beforehand and get him to take a bunch of non posed pictures of the proposal. Purchase one of the all included photo packages.


This is a great idea and would not take much, if any, pre-planning!!:rolleyes: And you'll have pictures to capture the entire proposal!!:cool: Also, it'll save you a bundle of $$ by not purchasing the proposal package through RCCL!;)

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In my humble opinion you have an excellent opportunity here. You will be in Old San Juan at sunset. This is absolutely one of my most favorite places to be. There is a "boardwalk" that goes around the old city wall that is lit at night and is something my husband and I have to do every time we are in San Juan. We call it "doing the walk". At night it is a very romantic place to be. It is very safe, there are couples and families out there all evening. It doesn't go on forever, at it's end, they have piled boulders and the waves come crashing in. It is really very impressive. We have actually seen the ring pop at that very site. My DH and I quietly backed up and left them to it. I am including a few pics to give you the idea of what it could be like.



Just before sunset



Looking back from the half way point. If the gate happens to be closed due to high waves, this pier is also very nice for star gazing and goes out a fair amount for a private one knee moment.



"The walk" after dark. It really is very romantic :)

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I proposed on a cruise ship, many moons ago. I planned it down to the second, we were right central in the Mediterranean Sea, so apart from the planning of the time and where the ship was at sea, the event was just stop and propose when the second hit.


For your trip, I would suggest that you have a word with the Captain/Crew and see if you can have a private visit to the bridge. And then up there propose, with a small gathering of crew to cheer afterwards, and a photographer to capture the moment.


Or have the Captain present you with the ring to propose to her when you are meeting him for the formal gala night pictures.


Just ideas to help.

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Since it's on formal night have you thought of proposing as you are getting your pictures taken. You could talk to the photographer beforehand and get him to take a bunch of non posed pictures of the proposal. Purchase one of the all included photo packages.


Great idea and the sea wall in Old San Juan is beautiful too!!!:)

A quiet spot where the photographer doesn't have a line up would work. The photographer would love it too. [Find a photo backdrop you like first though. Some are not that great.]


It can be windy, it can be Wet on the deck, so maybe that may not be one to plan completely due to weather conditions.

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If the ship is moving (which it will be after dark, unless there's a port where you stay til midnight or something) it will be VERY windy. To each his own, but if I was getting proposed to, I would NOT want to be in a situation where my hair was blowing all over my face, and my dress was blowing up, etc. especially if I found out after that there were pix of the event and my face was covered by my hair etc. ;)


Personally I like the idea of getting your pictures taken in your formal attire, but right before the photographer starts you suddenly go down on one knee. There will be people around to clap and congratulate you after, but not hundreds. On second thought, maybe wait til the photographer has snapped at least one or two photos before you propose. That way if she starts crying or something you'll still have a couple good posed shots from just prior. ;)

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"Here's the thing, she's pretty private and afraid of large crowds, ....I want to give her the illusion we're alone and then after she says yes have people come out and cheer and celebrate."


So... You're doing well by taking her personality into account. I would continue with that care and consideration of her, and NOT have people come out to cheer and celebrate. Especially strangers; what's the point of that?


She will probably have to deal with the cheers and crowds for your wedding and that will likely make your personality happy; make the proposal about HER.


DH proposed to me in a parking lot while going to our car. We are just as married as we would have been if he proposed in another way. (he had other plans


If the ship is moving (which it will be after dark, unless there's a port where you stay til midnight or something) it will be VERY windy. To each his own, but if I was getting proposed to, I would NOT want to be in a situation where my hair was blowing all over my face, and my dress was blowing up, etc. especially if I found out after that there were pix of the event and my face was covered by my hair etc. ;)




Also, a windy ship would scare me that the ring was going to fly away.


EDIT : Just talking to my other half about this and it's a funny thing that us men what to make it the best where the ladies just remember you on your knee and first glance at the ring so she also says simple.



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Hi and congratulations for taking this big step. Marriage is wonderful - have been married to my love for almost 32 years and it gets better every day. :)


Having said that, I agree with the dark helipad comments - it is WAY too dark out there, I mean people can trip, it's so dark there. The bridge requires compete darkness for their instruments to work properly at night. Where I am going with this is - *ahem* - a gal's gotta see the ring. ;) She wants to see it in the box, in your hand, putting it on her finger, then on her hand and all of its sparkling glory. You will get NONE of that on the helipad at night. Please think of where you can propose so that you will have some light. She will remember this always and in the pitch black is not really my (personal) idea of a memorable proposal. Just a suggestion.


Have a great cruise. :)


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Hello everyone!

I am looking for memorable ways to propose to my girlfriend while cruising. We've talked getting married before, and I know she'll say yes when I ask. I have cruised before (she has not), but I've never sailed on Royal before. I have the ring already and I know she'll love it. She loves everything, but I still want to make it special. :D


I am sailing May 24th thru the 31st on the Independence of the Seas. Day 3 of the cruise we port at San Juan from 4pm to 11pm, Day 4 St. Maartin (10am-7pm), and day 5 St. Kitts (7am-5pm).


I was advised by my travel agent to contact the Maitre 'D or Cruise Director while on the ship, but since I would like to do it on the first full cruising day on the boat (Day2), I don't think that will be enough time and I will feel rushed to come up with a plan. Will the first formal night be Day2? I want to make sure we're both dressed up and looking our best when I do it. I’d like to pop the question as early as possible so we have a great time.


I do not want to do the common "propose to her while at dinner" routine with the ring in the champagne or on top of a dessert. I know that some people like it, but it is too cliché for us. I could do that at a fancy restaurant at home. I also don't want to do it in our stateroom. I'm looking for something very unique that we can only do on a cruise. I've heard of ice sculptures being made that said "Marry Me?", I've heard of being called up during a show and proposing in front of everyone at the Newlyweds gameshow, I've even heard of a couple doing it during the parade. But I think I have something better.


She's an astronomer, she loves the night sky and I thought it would be really great to propose to her under the stars. My thoughts were somehow having the staff block off the front part of the ship (the helipad) and walk her over there after dinner so we're secluded and then look at the stars together. I'd somehow have the captain involved and the deck would turn the spotlights on us when I get on one knee and he'd blow the horn when she says yes! I would do this on formal night when were both already dressed up. I'd have a ship photographer or cameraman involved who'd remain out of sight and catch the whole thing on film.


However, I don't know how windy it would be at the front of the ship and if that would ruin the experience. If I had a ship photographer involved, that would make for some very poor pictures with the poor lighting and the wind. I've read other users on here say that it's extremely windy, so that got me discouraged, but I still want to do it. For safety reasons as well, I don't know if they can block off the front part of the ship from others so I can make this private. Are there other/better places to do this at, like the common area above the bridge? Anybody have a really special part of the ship that they find romantic that's under the stars? I’m open to any suggestions!


Here's the thing, she's pretty private and afraid of large crowds, so I would never do this in front of a huge audience at a show or like in the middle of the dining room. But I am the extrovert, and I do want some people around for the ambiance AFTER she says yes. I don't want it COMPLETELY private, I want to give her the illusion we're alone and then after she says yes have people come out and cheer and celebrate. That way she's not thinking of the people during the act and instead surprised by the people after. Obviously people clapping and cheering would make it so memorable; she'd be ok with a small gathering, just not up in front of hundreds. I thought about walking into the promenade after she said yes and have people waiting to cheer and have balloons rain down from above. Somehow have the captain or Cruise Director involved to announce our commitment to everyone!

Any idea of how I can get in contact with the cruise director before the cruise? I'd love to hash this out and not feel rushed the day before. The lady might become suspicious when I keep disappearing to set it up!


I thought about doing it while docked at Puerto Rico since we’re there very late (11pm), but the lights of the city I fear will drown out the stars. God forbid if it’s a cloudy day or storming. I’d have to postpone to another day if that was the case.


What's the most unique proposal you've seen on the ship? Any cons to my idea?


I wanted to ask you guys first before I call Royal ahead of time. That way I can have some legit ideas and not waste their time. Thanks!! :D:D:D




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In my humble opinion you have an excellent opportunity here. You will be in Old San Juan at sunset.



"The walk" after dark. It really is very romantic :)





... and then you get mugged and they take the ring. :rolleyes:




Edited by F27TW
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I think over planning can be your nemesis. On the first sea day, normally day two, which should be a formal night, put on your best and take a walk before dinner. It really doesn't matter when or where or how. When you know the time is right, go to one knee, pull out the ring and propose. The crown lounge would be ideal. Shouldn't be to big a crowd. If you want a cruise photographer, they'll all be busy around the MDR doing formal poses.

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So many responses, thanks everyone! Let me try to address some.


Like I had said before, I would like it to involve the stars and the fact that we’re on a ship. While some have suggested the photo op on the formal night before dinner, this again is nothing either of us would want, too cliché. Browsing through a couple threads on this forum looking for ideas, you wouldn’t believe how overdone that is. I appreciate the thought since everybody likes something different, but that just isn’t for us. I can’t think of a better place to view the stars than out in the middle of the ocean, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.


Yes wind can be a factor; this is what I’m expecting. We love the trade winds, but don’t want an excessive amount of wind where the ring will fly right out of my hand. So I’m looking for the least windy place on the ship that is fairly dark where we can still be private/secluded. I had assumed the bow would be that place, but if it’s impossible to see without a flashlight, well then I may have to reconsider (hence why I had suggested the thought of the bridge turning the lights on us, as that would alleviate those worries). So my follow up question is what other places on the ship would give us a great view of the night sky? Does the stern provide the seclusion we’re looking for with less wind than the bow? What about the area above the bridge?


Also, are there ever any activities on the deck at night that I should be aware of (which could get in the way of this)?


If you guys think that it’s going to be too windy for pictures no matter what up there, then I won’t get the photographer. I can always arrange for pictures of us reenacting on a different date.


In my humble opinion you have an excellent opportunity here. You will be in Old San Juan at sunset. This is absolutely one of my most favorite places to be. There is a "boardwalk" that goes around the old city wall that is lit at night and is something my husband and I have to do every time we are in San Juan. We call it "doing the walk". At night it is a very romantic place to be. It is very safe' date=' there are couples and families out there all evening. It doesn't go on forever, at it's end, they have piled boulders and the waves come crashing in. It is really very impressive. We have actually seen the ring pop at that very site. [/quote']


Kevin’s Girl, you bring up a fantastic alternative to my plan, thank you very much! We’ll be at El Morro at dusk anyway, it’s close by. Are the stars visible with the city lights? We wouldn’t be dressed formally, but if the mood is great I guess that won’t really matter. You gave me another idea. I guess if the wind is that huge of a factor while sailing, I can always do it on the helipad while the ship is in port before it departs. Decisions decisions.

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My brain is about to explode because after 24 cruises I can't seem to picture star gazing from the cruise ship. Surely they are out there. I can picture the stars over my house and over my boat. I can't picture the stars over the ship!!!

Funny how the mind works. Now I have a mission for our December cruise.

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My brain is about to explode because after 24 cruises I can't seem to picture star gazing from the cruise ship. Surely they are out there. I can picture the stars over my house and over my boat. I can't picture the stars over the ship!!!

Funny how the mind works. Now I have a mission for our December cruise.


So glad I could help! I don't remember them on my last cruise either, but that was over a decade ago. Hopefully you will never forget again!

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On the first night onboard take a romantic walk around the ship, either before dinner (to work up an appetite) or after dinner (to work off dinner). Look for an appropriate spot.


On the first formal night suggest taking that walk again, and when you reach that perfect place, propose.


Keep it simple, and sweet.


If you are able to propose before dinner you could arrange for champagne to be waiting on your table, and maybe some flowers.


Best wishes to you both.

Edited by OzKiwiJJ
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On all the Royal cruises we've been on, the passenger-accessible areas of the bow have always been pitch dark at night to allow people to stargaze. When I say pitch black I really mean it - you'll need a phone or other flashlight to navigate.


The last trip we were on I took my wife to come see the Milky Way and it was amazing. It stretched from horizon to horizon and looked almost as good as the time-lapsed pictures in Nat Geo.


You'll want to put a red-light filter on whatever flashlight you use or you'll be fumbling for her finger in the dark.


I was proposed to on a beach, under the stars when I was young in an area like you describe. As beautiful as the stars were, it was way too dark! I was unable to see the ring and that was kind of disappointing. just saying...

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The only bonus that the helipad has is that it is one of the few places on the ship dark enough to see stars. My husband loves astronomy and we have gone out there to see them. If you're determined to be out there in the wind, put a little LED light on the box so she can see the ring when you open it. :)


Good luck. I am sure it will be wonderful whatever way you decide to do it. :)

Edited by HesterMofet
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I'm a little confused at this point. You keep saying you want a dark (so you can see the stars) and secluded place, but yet originally you were hoping to have people "waiting in the wings" to cheer and congratulate you?? Not sure how that would happen if you are really in a dark, secluded place. (Who's going to be waiting? Where exactly will they be? How will you get them there? etc.) Also, the stars idea is fine, but in addition to the excessively windy conditions on the bow, what if it's overcast that evening and you can't even see the stars? And as several have mentioned, if it's that dark she won't really be able to see the ring, and and photographer you arrange would have to be really close for the flash to work, so the surprise might get ruined when she sees him/her.


Just my .02 but I'm thinking I'd bag the whole "under the stars" idea. Just find a quiet spot before dinner and propose then/there. That way she has the whole evening ahead of her to relish the moment, and you have all evening to tell people around you that you just got engaged so they can congratulate you. ;)

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