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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

CC Help Michell

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Thanks very much Jeff, I was going to trawl through to find your sin posts and you did it for me !

I have five days to fill, maybe two days at the garden show and I guess the zoo and the bird park.. after that just walking I guess.


Thanks again for the links and my apologies for the name mixup.

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Thanks very much Jeff, I was going to trawl through to find your sin posts and you did it for me !

I have five days to fill, maybe two days at the garden show and I guess the zoo and the bird park.. after that just walking I guess.


Thanks again for the links and my apologies for the name mixup.



I guess you will love Botanic gardens where we go every morning. You will also love the Orchid Garden (in Botanic) .... if you are a senior take a photocopy of your passport and you will get admission for S$1 instead of S$5. o


You are unlikely to have any food problems as Singapore is the most hygiene controlled country by far (including Oz and the UK) I have ever visited. They have to display their hygiene signs prominently and only go to A or B rated stalls.




I wrote a lot more about Singapore than I linked to above in the earlier cooler thread - we have been going three times a year for three weeks or so each time - but if you have any questions just ask. We're thre in January. Hope Singapore gets under your skin as it has ours ....



Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Sorry....should have used the word titters......



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Yes, "rhymes with ...."


Hopefully they might work over the next days to avoid a vote down .... and perhaps on balance it should be Theresa as PM and the rest of the team in decent slots.


Theresa is seen as trustworthy although she played brexit too quietly, but she has courage and diplomacy. I think she could give us our best shot with brexit because we have to see her through EU heads eyes and not our own. They would prefer to deal with her than perhaps Gove.



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There is talk of May and Gove coming to some sort of arrangement between them - although it is said they do not get on - don't know why, they are both sensible people - and he has previously said he did not want to be PM, which I am inclined to believe, strangely. They would seem to make a fairly formidable intelligent couple with her as PM and him whatever is nearly as important. Is this a possibility, Jeff and everyone?

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There is talk of May and Gove coming to some sort of arrangement between them - although it is said they do not get on - don't know why, they are both sensible people - and he has previously said he did not want to be PM, which I am inclined to believe, strangely. They would seem to make a fairly formidable intelligent couple with her as PM and him whatever is nearly as important. Is this a possibility, Jeff and everyone?





Having thought about this I've changed my mind and think that this would be by far the best outcome. We must see this from the perspective of European eyes if we want the best arrangements we can get having made the decision. They will dislike Boris intensely and may not feel that they want to deal with Gove. They will however feel that May is more a kindred spirit and she will be more diplomatic and patient. She will be a perfect PM. She will get us the best deal. Here's hoping. :)


You may enjoy a snippet from wifey and her trip Up to London to have her hair done ..... the most expensive haircut man has ever devised I have to say. But that is a different complaint and I know i will get no sympathy from all the females. :(


She was sitting having done what women have done in such places alongside a very loud German lady who was complaining very loudly about the result and what will happen to her next having lived in the UK for 12 years, and her husband who is "in the city and just lost a big deal" and was moaning about the brexit result with everyone else keeping quiet. She was talking about her visit to the opera the previous night and how she was asked by someone in the row behind if she could talk in English and a bit more quietly if she had to (at this stage everyone else's eyes went skyward in the salon) when Dawn French (she will probably not be known to our American cousins) who is a labour party member said to wifey "Listen, I don't know what she is worrying about. If I apply to be an MP today ... I could be PM by the end of the week ..... now that is something she should find to worry about".


Sounds like wifey has a great time having her hair done.:D





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Having thought about this I've changed my mind and think that this would be by far the best outcome. We must see this from the perspective of European eyes if we want the best arrangements we can get having made the decision. They will dislike Boris intensely and may not feel that they want to deal with Gove. They will however feel that May is more a kindred spirit and she will be more diplomatic and patient. She will be a perfect PM. She will get us the best deal. Here's hoping. Jeff


Very fascinating news this morning that Boris Johnson would not seek the Prime Minister's job in the UK. Just watched on the Telegraph website the video of his announcement, plus reading the info on the top candidates for the PM position. Boris does seem to be a very unique "character" with a special style and approach. Right? Clearly the London bookies were wrong with their predictions that Boris would be the next PM.


As I understand, is it correct that it will most likely boil down to be a contest between Justice Minister Michael Gove versus Home Secretary Theresa May? Look forward to the insights, comments and predictions from Jeff and the other UK experts.


The major New York Times story just posted had this lead sentence: "The race to succeed David Cameron as prime minister of Britain was turned upside down on Thursday when Boris Johnson, widely seen as the leading candidate, chose at the last minute not to run, after his close ally Michael Gove unexpectedly said he would seek the job."


Added reactions?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 146,637 views for this posting.

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I think the bookies had always overstated the likelihood of Boris becoming PM.


Michael Gove doesn't want to be PM, and it is my instinct he only put his name up to stop Boris. Boris would have been a calamity and Gove realised he could stop him.


Now Boris is out of the race and "mission has been accomplished" it is quite possible that Gove will reach an understanding with May and make the process simpler. Another scenario might be to remain in the contest under the speedy process used by the Conservatives for choosing a leader (all runners are eliminated until there is just two) until Crabb, Leadsome and Fox are eliminated leaving just Gove and May to go before the party to choose, but then step aside. If May wins there will be no general election which would be a real advantage.



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Terry, I think the bookies had always overstated the likelihood of Boris becoming PM. Michael Gove doesn't want to be PM, and it is my instinct he only put his name up to stop Boris. Boris would have been a calamity and Gove realised he could stop him. Now Boris is out of the race and "mission has been accomplished" it is quite possible that Gove will reach an understanding with May and make the process simpler. Another scenario might be to remain in the contest under the speedy process used by the Conservatives for choosing a leader (all runners are eliminated until there is just two) until Crabb, Leadsome and Fox are eliminated leaving just Gove and May to go before the party to choose, but then step aside. If May wins there will be no general election which would be a real advantage. Jeff


Appreciate the great added analysis and background from Jeff. Very interesting and helpful. Will be watching and following how these "details" play out during the coming weeks. Am using your handy BigProject web links to check out the developments from the various London news sources.


Look forward to hearing any other comments from those in the UK. It's always "fun" and mentally stimulating to follow how these various aspects of politics play out in the real world.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 199,849 views.


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Very fascinating news this morning that Boris Johnson would not seek the Prime Minister's job in the UK. Just watched on the Telegraph website the video of his announcement, plus reading the info on the top candidates for the PM position. Boris does seem to be a very unique "character" with a special style and approach. Right? Clearly the London bookies were wrong with their predictions that Boris would be the next PM.


Is unique similar to buffoon?


There is no doubt that Boris is an intelligent guy, however he is also hugely naive and often the subject of mickey taking. He rose to fame (I personubally think) from appearing on a topical TV quiz show "Have I got news for you" where he was continually ridiculed by the other contestants and quiz master. The link should give you an idea what I mean.


I'm pleased that he is not standing. He is not a Euro sceptic - and I do think that he was involved to further his career. He came across ok in the debates, aided by the fact most of the opposition were truly awful with continual personal attacks on Boris about his aims. In particular from who i thought was the worst of the bunch Angela Eagle has said she is standing against Corbyn. What irony - all she did was make personal attacks that Boris wanted to be party leader! She probably said it 20 times in the debate!


I'm not a fan of Gove. He just looks shifty! lol But on a serious note, I wasn't impressed when he was the minister for Education. However, I thought he was very good in the campaign.


I dislike May as well.


How about none of the above! lol


Hunt, has also indicated he might throw his hat in, but considering his lack of understanding on article 50 and suggestion he wants another referendum (presumably until he gets the result he wants), I'd even rather have Boris!

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You really couldn't make any f this stuff up.


Corbyn today hosted an anti-semitism rally and the launch of Shami Chakrabati's enquiry into anti-semitism in the Labour party. There has been examples lately that concerned the Labour party including accusations about Corbyn, because of his associations and articles. To be fair he seems more anti-Isreal than anti-semetic although he has so,etimes bot appeared to see a clear difference. It is a shame as the origins of the UK Labour party had a very staunchly Jewish history.


An idiot in the audience attacked a Jewish MP Ruth Smeeth in the audience, and Ruth asks Corbyn to condemn his outburst but Corbyn instead simply stays quiet and does nothing to defend her.


To make things even worts in his speech, Mr Corbyn said: 'Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel or the Netanyahu Government than our Muslim friends are for those of various self-styled Islamic states or organisations.


This is a terrible thing to say. You could read several things into these comments. You could read that he believes it ok to be comparing Isreal to Isis. You could also read into it that it would be OK to be anti-semetic towards Jews who support Isreal.


He doesn't get any better.



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Les, Hunt cannot throw his hat in. Cutoff was midday.




I expect he was reminded of what'd he'd said about negotiating before article 50 like he suggested couldn't be done. Not a good start!


Did I mention I bumped into Boris about a month ago? City hall is about 200 yards from my office and we were both strolling along "more London" for lunch.


I just hope they dont leave, then agree to continue paying the fees without getting a say and still have to have freedom of movement in order to keep access to the single market and finance passport. If they dont have the courage of their convictions and give in on this, they are better off staying put. Ive a nasty feeling they will withdraw and end up worse off to keep the bits we want.


In the meantime, Jimmy Kramkie met in Brussels saying she wanted to continue in the EU and keep our membership alive.


Ok Nicola..... thats £350M per day please. :D

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I'm not sure that I understand all your comments, but that is probably just me being thick.


There are quite a few challenges that confront the EU over the next few weeks which will have a bearing on ours.


For example, CETA (the Canadian trading treaty) is causing a touch of disharmony in the EU at the moment. In simple terms no one in the EU is clear who is authorised to approve and sign it. Is it the commission or is it all 28 member states. Canada thinks it has a deal but it isn't clear that it has. Juncker believes he has the authority to sign this on behalf of all member states. Some member states disagree and think that every state has to agree it.


Within the trade agreement for example is a clause which entitles any Canadian corporation to trigger and cause to be sued an EU member state if it feels that it doesn't have access to it's market on equal terms as a home corporation. It is hardly surprising that some EU states eg Germany do not feel that Juncker should be throwing this level exposure around under his own sole authority. This also has impact on the US TTIP deal which has problems in both the EU and the US.


Juncker doesn't want individual states becoming involved because he feels that no deal would ever be done. Once citizens start understanding what the EU is doing on their behalf independently of their own government ........ well ... you get my drift.


I'm a bit surprised that I haven't seen much commentary on this as this has enormous repercussions on whether it is possible for the EU to actually trade in the future with a degree of flexibility it would need.




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Jeff....I'm just watching the events of the Somme and it does somehow bring it home to one in particular with what is happening right now.......Lordy knows what will come out with the Chilcot...l no longer dread anything..........



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What will come out of Chilcot is that Blair did a private deal with Bush and misled Parliament and the British people. What will not be published is that Blair wasn't aware of the personal Bush / Hussein "unfinished family business" issue the consequence of which has been hundreds of thousands dead, the unsettlement of millions and the seeds of ISIS et al.


We will see.



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What will come out of Chilcot is that Blair did a private deal with Bush and misled Parliament and the British people. What will not be published is that Blair wasn't aware of the personal Bush / Hussein "unfinished family business" issue the consequence of which has been hundreds of thousands dead, the unsettlement of millions and the seeds of ISIS et al.


We will see.




And in the meantime it would appear he is putting himself in the frame to act as negotiator on brexit! :eek:

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Thanks Mark! And your country's celebration is coming up soon. In case I forget to post on that day (will be visiting our new grandson), Happy Independence Day U.S.A!


J...those "dogs" and fries look delicious!


Have a great weekend all!

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And in the meantime it would appear he is putting himself in the frame to act as negotiator on brexit! :eek:


Mark_K: Happy Canada Day to mysty' date=' and all our Canadian friends. [/quote']


Yes, lots happening!! Happy birthday to Canada. July 1 is also my wife's birthday. Won't say the number for her birthday, but it is a "BIGGIE"!! But, she's still young-looking, active and enjoying life. PLUS, tonight is a big, BIG fireworks program here in Central Ohio as we start a major weekend to celebrate America's Birthday and enjoying "freedom" from British and Europe controls in our nation. Sorry!!


Did see that Tony Blair would like to be back in the "mix" in helping be the person figuring out the future relationship between the EU and the UK.


Below are a couple of media item visuals on the battle to be the next PM in London. Any added insights, tips, secrets, guesses, etc., from our wonderful British experts on this Cooler board? Love learning and hearing more!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean combo sailing over 26 days that started in Barbados, here is the link below to that live/blog. Lots of great visuals from this amazing Brazil river and these various Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.) that we experienced. Check it out at:


Now at 40,213 views for these postings.



First, from the popular and well-connected Drudge Report here in the U.S., this was their cover page summary/link for how they were guessing on the likely next PM. BUT, also below is a screen shot from part of today's Times of London having a cute cartoon on Boris being gobbled up in his quest to move up to PM. Plus, one of their columnists was offering views on Gove. I do not know the "players" there in the UK, but things do get covered in an interesting way by the various media folks there.:






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