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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Laurie, that is a cute dress, isn't it? I am learning, slowly, about managing my temperature better. So, if it's warm enough to wear a tank top, a long dress would probably be too hot for me. I've been using a natural progesterone cream and my hot flashes have almost disappeared. (y) I've also been distressed at the amount of new lines on my face, which I was attributing to the stressful year I've had. But, they may be due to the big M, so I am going to try a hyaluronic acid product. Has anyone used those?


I am going great guns at our Africa trip because if we don't book it soon, everything we want will be filled. Right now we are trying to shift it earlier by a week and we are running into issues like that with a couple of the tented camps. They are generally not very big, maybe 20 tents or so.


Anita, I remember on one of your trips that you had a very lightweight nylon suitcase/backpack? It is clear that we will both need new luggage of some sort because the in-country small planes have very tight weight restrictions (33lbs) and a requirement for smushable luggage, i.e. duffel bags. There will be a lot of hand wash in the sink evenings. Clothes-wise the pictodiary will be very boring! The more I read, the longer the list of questions I have going for Kim.


Have I mentioned that DH and I have the same birthday? We had a nice dinner out, and for our presents we're going to buy each other new cameras for Africa. Since I always have the hand-me-down camera, I'm excited to get the latest zoom and stabilizing technology. I want to practice with it over the summer. The waterproof camera is staying home this time!


Sally, I'm rooting for you! It's good you live in FL, you'll be better prepared for the heat than us northern folks.


We're trying to decide whether we want to give up a Saturday at the lake this summer to see the B-52s. :)

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This is my luggage backpack:




I love it. I've used it several times. When I compare it to some of our wheeled luggage of similar sizee, it feels much bigger because there aren't the bars or the wheels to take away from the capacity of the bag. Using this with packing cubes makes for a nice pack. The bag itself is light so there's more allowance for your stuff.


It can get a bit rough on the shoulders when fully packed, however, I've found that the convenience of the backpack versus dragging luggage around is a good trade. Stairs, escalators, curbs, uneven ground, and even bathrooms. As odd as it is...I have even mastered the art of the loo with the pack on...:o which is seriously helpful to get in, get out, wash hands and move on.


I can't wait to hear all about Africa! Tis the season for A-word travel!! And I second a boring pictodiary...I'm pretty sure Alaska will be the same way...but I'm thinking that the actual travel diary will more than make up for it. Kim shared all her photos of Africa itself and that was great fun to see.

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For Cuba you have to purchase a Visa which the ship does for you .It is $75.00 . There are also restrictions about touring some lines are more lay back but they really encourage educational activities .We booked a six hour private tour which meets all the requirements.RCL has added some interesting trips to Cuba from Miami including several stops in Cuba .



One of my friends is going to Africa for the second time she is going with Overseas adventure Travel . They are small group travel.

We loved Alaska . The one item I used the most was my rain jacket . It did not rain except one day but I wore it with layers . It was chilly but not super cold when we went in may .All the Alaskan were in shorts and t shirts . The only time I was really chilly was in the Yukon . It was snowing .


Laurie , WHBM has a loyalty club If you sign up they give you a little more off and free shipping .

Margaret , Menopause was a beast . Besides the hot flashes I got crazy emotional . I am so glad that is over .

I have a minimal first aid kit that I take . Gary takes a better one which is funny since I was a nurse .

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Had a few minutes. Thanks for all the wishes. Our niece had just moved into a new house two weeks before her mom was moved into hospice. She wants to have an open house after the funeral on Saturday...guess I’m unpacking lots of stuff. Les is going to be doing lots of yard work.


My travel emergency pack (which is in a bright orange backpack) is a water purifier filter (with its own bottle), roll of duct tape, crank flashlight & high powered flashlight, handful of energy bars, 1 lb bag of m&ms, first aid kit, pressure bandage & ace wrap, space blanket (if a road trip, flares), & a few other things. I was a paramedic with Boston PD for 6 years. Melody



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Melody - my sympathies to you and your family.


Laurie - we usually pack a fair amount of first aid supplies (various otc medicines, bandaids, creams, flossers) but are probably a little light on emergency supplies. I tend to carry a pair of scissors in a case and an eyeglass repair kit, but should probably start carrying at least a small sewing kit and flashlight. It's amazing what can be "MacGyver'ed" if you have to though ;)

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Woo hoo Margaret! Very exciting! I can't wait to hear all about it. Did you decide to go to the B52s? Or to the lake?


Sally...I believe it on the rain jacket. Layers are key is what everyone says about Alaska. Someone posted a link...I can't find it right now, but it broke down the recommended layers for Alaska in the following way:


Comfort Layer: this is the layer closest to your skin. Also called a base layer. This could be anything from a sleeveless tank to a long sleeved shirt.


Warmth Layer: this is the layer over the base layer. Depending on your style and need for warmth, this could be a vest or a jacket. Suggestions for this layer include fleece, sweaters, sweat shirts, flannel shirts, packable puffy jackets.


Protection Layer: this is the outmost layer that keeps you dry. WaterPROOF.


So the idea is to know your own personal comfort levels...and mix and match your base and warmth as appropriate for the day.


Did I mention I got a messy bun / ponytail beanie?




I got the oatmeal flecked color.

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I hope everyone had a relaxing and otherwise enjoyable Mother's Day!


We sorted out the details of our Boston trip. DH and DS will be flying up there to do the whole drop off thing. DH will actually fly back the same day. Gonna be a rough one...BUT yeah! for miles reward flights! At the end, DH and I will fly up there on a Thursday night...the end of program concerts are Friday night...DS has to check out of the dorms on Saturday...so I found what sounds like not quite a dive hotel in Back Bay Boston for a really fair price considering the location. So, just DH and I for two nights, then add DS...


Haven't sorted the way home yet. Contemplating staying another night and/or hopping home via Amtrak and hitting up some college visits...

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Anita, that sounds like quite a whirlwind!


I added Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hydrating Serum to my skin routine. I started out with this article, eliminated all the ones with retinol (because of rosacea) and botanicals (too many allergies), and then chose from the cheap ones as a test.




I use it after cleansing at night, let it sit five minutes, then use my regular moisturizer (Clinique Overnight Masque). So far it has made my skin softer and less reactive. I think it looks brighter. I don't know that it's helping with the lines though!


I also bought these shoes I've been eyeing, waiting for a coupon which finally came. The color says Platinum but they go very nicely with the taupe/mushroom part of my closet, so they're keepers. In the catalog they were shown with a skirt in a color called portobello, so I gave it a shot.




Our safari is booked. We will have 12 days in Tanzania. One will be a rest day, and the others will be on safari in different areas with our own driver and vehicle so we can explore at our own pace. We'll get to experience lodgings from a treehouse to a mobile camp with bag showers to a coffee plantation. I've started looking at clothing already because if we wait until fall, we may not be able to find what we need in our sizes. Already some of the shirts I've been looking at are sold out in green and tan. Since summer is the high season there, I suppose a lot of folks are buying up now exactly the same items we're looking for. We don't need much because the weight limit on two of our flights is 33lbs in total, carryon AND luggage. :eek:

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Margaret...we'll need to get us all together after your safari. Between Kim and you, we can get a mini-course in traveling to/in Tanzania. I'm going to want to pick both your brains, so we are seriously going to have to figure that out. Not sure when... Your trip sounds like a such an adventure! I'm excited to vicariously go with you!


Cute shoes. Looks like a good neutral color.


I should probably be doing something more with my skin care routine. I don't really do much of anything. Mom has found a very effective oil...that's pretty much all I do. I had some samples...one was actually a black tea sample, I'll need to double check what that is, but when I used that eye cream, I don't think I use it properly...makes my eyes sting!


I understanding and planning what you need to live through the days to be quite challenging. But I enjoy it. As I do every time we go camping of any sort...the music festival being the most recent...I am always impressed with how little you need each day when the days are well defined and without great variation in activity. It's introducing the doing of so many different things that leads to needing more tools and items and things to help you do those different things. Keeping things simple and on a narrow path of possibility really lets you streamline your load. I think that you'll be able to get by. For all the travel you will be doing, it feels like your activities will be confined to a relatively limited range. Does the weather fluctuate much? Do you have to be concerned with rain as well as heat/humidity? Is there humidity?


I'm going to be testing out this lightweight wool. It sounds counterintuitive to think about wool as a summer weight thing but it is supposed to be a superior cloth for all seasons. Just varying the thickness of it to account for more or less heat. I'm going to be wearing my boots each day to be sure that my ankles are used to them again and also testing out my new smart wool short sleeves. Have you thought about wool? As weird as that sounds?

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Margaret , Cute Sandals .I have been on a sandal shopping spree in fact Thursday I am going to DSW to buy one more pair .Your Safari sounds so interesting .I imagine clothes planning is shorts and tops .Will you be able to wash out any clothes ? Debbie should be able to help you with the planning .

Anita , I love Boston so I am sure you will have a great time . Boston is such a college town . My daughter went to BU and my son went to MIT .Great schools .

Is your son interested in any Boston schools ?

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Anita, I would totally be up for a FIRE-EARTH get-together to talk fashion and cruising. Two of my favorite things! Kim has been a lot of help, and in fact we're talking again later today. There is a lot of information and opinion about what you need, what to wear, etc. so it's helpful to hear her first-hand experience.


Sally, layering is important because it can be quite cool and breezy at night and on early morning game drives, but the highs for January can reach mid-80's. It can be dry and dusty or rainy and muddy. So, I will have to think versatile and washable. There will be laundry at most places we stay, and I've done plenty of trips where washing in the sink is an important component of packing. Given the mosquitoes at night and the tropical sun during the day, I will need be covered up most of the time. Fortunately it shouldn't be too humid.


I'm excited that our two first class tickets ended up costing us about $460 in taxes and fees. The trade-off is that it will take us a long time to get there. We are flying New York-London-Paris-Nairobi-Kilimanjaro on the way there, and bush plane-Kilimanjaro-Nairobi-Amsterdam-London-New York on the way back. The flights direct from Paris to Kilimanjaro fill up very fast. Even so, the fastest route takes about a day and half to get there even with minimal connections. We left fairly long layovers to ensure that we didn't miss any connections (especially if we have winter weather delays). With time changes and all those flights we are leaving at night and arriving in the afternoon two days later. If I had booked just a month earlier, we could have skipped the leg to London. We'll have lots of time to sleep and read, and drink champagne. ;p

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Sally, your children are very accomplished. You must be so proud of them! Working in a community college, I am lucky if one student per semester ends up in a college like that. We are very excited for them when they do. Of course, I am also excited when they get their nursing degree or become and accountant. Each dream is precious. :)


I go on a summer shoe buying spree each spring. I wear my shoes out quickly, especially summer shoes, because I walk so much, most of it on pavement, and dirty pavement at that. I was surprised I got two seasons out of my favorite Keds.

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You've got mail Melody.


The sojourn at the Conservatory will help him know if he is interested in the Conservatory/Berklee for undergraduate. He also is interested in Harvard. Over the Winter Arts intensive, the composition studio did a study with Vijaya Iyer, who is on the faculty at Harvard...and DS was very impressed with him, so we're going to tour Harvard on the Monday after the summer program...extend our Boston stay just a bit.

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Sally, my days of flying overseas in coach next to my giant of a husband are over. He's not fat but he's wide. :) And he most certainly does not want to be around me when I haven't slept in two days. I've never been able to sleep sitting up: cars, planes, trains, boats, comfy chairs, you name it.


I like what Anita said: "I am always impressed with how little you need each day when the days are well defined and without great variation in activity. It's introducing the doing of so many different things that leads to needing more tools and items and things to help you do those different things. Keeping things simple and on a narrow path of possibility really lets you streamline your load."


Our different vacations have been all along the spectrum, but I think this one will be the most streamlined. Only two pairs of shoes and three outfits!!! I'm up for the challenge. :)


I want to see a picture of Anita in her ponytail beanie!

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Well, we arrived home tonight to heavy, heavy rain (badly needed rain), hail & tornadoes—it was a fun filled 90 minute drive, but we’re home safe.


Our niece had been caring for her Mom (Altzeimers) by herself with an aide only when she worked, talk about being drained. We arrived, looked at each other & just dug in. Spent three full days cleaning & doing yard work...we’re both totally exhausted. Our grandson graduates high school tomorrow so no sleep or nap tomorrow. Both of us inflated our little beach balls, elevated our feet & crashed on the plane to Denver. I read one page of my book! Glad we went as she really needed the help, oh yeah, there were over 100 people that came back to the house after the funeral (so much food!). Swedish Italian wake! Melody



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3 outfits? Layered outfits? What does 3 outfits mean? With Alaska layering that could mean several items of clothing, but what is safari layering?


Mostly to keep the smell in :'):'):')


It has been fun talking with Margaret about safari "stuff". I also agree--we need to plan a get together sooner versus later!!

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Kim has been amazingly helpful.(y) She's so fun to talk to and we are both total travel planning ninjas.:cool:


I should have said three changes of clothes. It's basically warm layer (fleece), rain protection (my travel rain jacket), two long sleeve tops with SPF to wear like a jacket over t-shirts (three), two pairs of convertible pants and one shorts. Hat, bathing suit, rash guard (for the sun while swimming), undies, socks, and pj's. That's it for clothing. We'll have laundry done every couple of days. I think most of our 33lbs will be in camera gear, tech, and all the odds and ends like medication, toiletries, sunscreen, bug repellent, etc. My packing cubes will come in very handy as we'll be moving every two or three days.


I never thought I'd say this... but I think I'm basically going glamping.:p

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