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There is a First Time for Everything! Live from the Emerald Princes-- 3/10-3/14, 2016


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Loving your posts, keep them coming. Especially helps since a certain blogger is now on hiatus ;) We board the Emerald on Monday so love getting updates and glad to hear the Spring Break crowd is thinning. Keep enjoying yourself.

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Loving your posts, keep them coming. Especially helps since a certain blogger is now on hiatus ;) We board the Emerald on Monday so love getting updates and glad to hear the Spring Break crowd is thinning. Keep enjoying yourself.


If you want the sanctuary and some quiet, I would head up there quickly. Unfortunately, the spring break numbers will be going back up on Monday. Not where we had it, but I think the numbers were around 600 or so.

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So, Keith, that's what it looks like when the ship anchors where it is intended to? Both times we have gone to GC, we have had to (Luckily and thanks for watching after your passengers, captain) drop anchor on the other side of the island and taxi over. Still all in all, a good day when you don't have to shovel the white stuff, just have to walk in the white sands instead!


I also have to say, I usually read these posts at night and for some reason, all the posts with the camera views of where they are, seem to be black!! Hmm. . . go figure. . . :rolleyes::D

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So, Keith, that's what it looks like when the ship anchors where it is intended to? Both times we have gone to GC, we have had to (Luckily and thanks for watching after your passengers, captain) drop anchor on the other side of the island and taxi over. Still all in all, a good day when you don't have to shovel the white stuff, just have to walk in the white sands instead!


I also have to say, I usually read these posts at night and for some reason, all the posts with the camera views of where they are, seem to be black!! Hmm. . . go figure. . . :rolleyes::D



We had that "other" side of the island stop once many years ago due to high wind/swells etc.

Luckily none since. GC is known for the wind/swells. :(


Yeah that dark screen.......magic. :eek:

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Loving your posts, keep them coming. Especially helps since a certain blogger is now on hiatus ;) We board the Emerald on Monday so love getting updates and glad to hear the Spring Break crowd is thinning. Keep enjoying yourself.


If you want the sanctuary and some quiet, I would head up there quickly. Unfortunately, the spring break numbers will be going back up on Monday. Not where we had it, but I think the numbers were around 600 or so.


Unfortunately, the number is actually higher. I went up to the PES lounge last night (a rarity for me) and we were talking about the poor soul on the Island Princess and about the number of Spring Breakers aboard come Monday. I am told the number is in the 800s. Don't let them ruin your cruise. As Carolyn can confirm, we still had a great time despite the spring breakers.

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Don't know what's going on with share. We were there last night and you could have had a table anytime before 7 maybe after if you had less than 10 friends with you. The echoes were pretty strong, and yet we were told we could not have a6:15 so settled for a5:30. I am thinking of doing a review when we get back.

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March 12, 2016

Georgetown, Grand Cayman


Because it's all about that ship, 'bout that ship. No shore ex. (sing to the tune of All About that Bass by Meghan Traynor).


Hi friends-

I just ran into Chris of CRLess fame who reminded me I did not blog today. Yep. That's it. I am officially lazy, lazy, lazy. But here I am...


Today was one of those days I just could not make a plan and stick to it. I woke at 6:30 am and thought I will not get of the ship. Then I thought, ok I will get of the ship. No, maybe I will stay on. No, I really should go into town. I did the daily debate dance as I showered, dressed, cleaned the cabin, went to the IC for my coffee, went to the MDR for breakfast (fruit plate, Grape Nuts- which are not quite magically delicious (Bradley), walked by the tender ticket area on deck 5, still debating... and there was not need for a tender ticket, so I just sort of followed the line and was the last one on a tender that left 30 seconds after I boarded. Well, I guess that settled it. I was going ashore. We are one of 3 ships in port. The Allure (I think) which is huge-mongous, the Island (which is struggling right now with their recent tragic event in Panama), and the lovely, lovely Emerald. The weather was stellar today and the water was such an amazing blue.


When I reached Georgetown (after about 4 minutes in the tender), I set out to walk a bit. I walked about 1.5 miles one way, then turned around and walked back. I set out to explore around shopping area. I stopped at one of my husband's favorite shops and bought some souvies for him and my son (they are so easy to buy for!). I bought a blouse for myself and tried to buy a pen at Tous-- and that did not work out. I strolled through some jewelry shops, but did not indulge. I headed back to the tenders, was the last one on and back at the ship in about 6 minutes. I can do about 3 hours in Georgetown and then I am done. On the way back, I did get to chat with Peggy and Jim from the roll call. I think they are having the most fun- lots of cruises with a little Disney in between.


I stopped at the IC for my second coffee of the day. I think I mentioned it before, but the baristas sing. All day, happy singing. So when I ordered my iced latte, they asked my name. Then proceeded to sign my name into Patsy Cline's "Crazy". On key and with harmonies. It is a gift. I am not sure if was more embarrassed or impressed. I am pretty sure it was a combo of both. There may even be a word for that, but for the life of me, I can't not bring it up.


I also ran into Grant from our roll call. Grant is an avid cruise who brings some serious gear when he travels, in the form a pretty snazzy mean green power chair. I work in the field, so I can get downright personal with people who are willing to chat about their adaptations. He is in an accessible room, which has some great features, but there are other cruise lines who may do this a bit better. It was a great chat as he brought an interesting perspective to traveling.


At this point I headed up to the Sanctuary-- and now with two lattes in me, I might have in full-on teeth grinding mode-- Which means one thing and one thing only- I am over caffeinated and I need to eat- STAT! I reach the "Pocket of Serenity" and my chair still has the green cover on it. And there is no menu. And I had to hunt up a steward-- which is sort of defeating the purpose. I finally order- gazpacho, citrus carpaccio,edamame, and grilled chicken, which sounds like a lot, but is not. All was great, except for the edamame-- and then I remembered that I committed this error in the past- why, in the name of all things soy, would you ever prepare edamame with oil. Lightly steamed with salt. Done! Yum! Nope- I got overcooked and greasy. Bad soy bean preparer person. Bad! Ok, Ok. I get it. This is a classic example of first-world problems. Eating greasy, soggy soybean pods on the helm of an amazing floating city, in a deluxe, comfy lounger- overlooking the beautiful turquoise and cobalt waters of the Caribbean. Man, my life is soooooo hard. Poor, poor Tracie. Ummmm- not so much!:)


I came. I saw. I ate. I napped. OK, truth be told, I sort of napped. I really can't sleep in public. Not sure why. I guess I just have sleeping performance anxiety. So that was the impetus that I needed to head down to the cabin. To watch.... anyone? anyone? Bueller? Bueller? More Love Boat! Today, I will share my favorite short excerpt:


Scene 1: Man and woman in a cabin. Both look unhappy.

Agnes: I can't see.

Walter: Agnes, you have gone <insert dramatic pause here>..... blind!

Agnes: I don't want anyone to know.

Walter: Agnes, I am going to get a drink. It is down the hall and to the right. You come and find me there. <unceremoniously drops a cane in Agnes' lap>


Scene 2: Cut to Walter sitting at a bar stool looking like someone just ran over his cat. Camera swings to the doorway. Agnes is standing at the doorway in a full-on evening gown and heels with perfectly coiffed hair and artfully applied make-up. And is transversing like she was born with that cane in her hand. And Walter doesn't even give Blind Agnes a little "YooHoo! Agnes, I'm over here!" Seriously- people.


Now if that was me, I would have that dress on inside out and backward, with mascara dripping down my cheek and a big old hair lump on one side of my head. And I would be on a whole different deck- heck, maybe even a different ship! For being newly blind, Agnes developed some professional level orientation and mobility skills. In about 3 minutes! Stevie would be proud! (Too much???)


In the middle of my mini Love Boat marathon part deux, I get a knock on the door. Guess who? Room service with more strawberries! This is awesome! No card for this order either, but I think I have a clue.


Ok, so hear is Tracie's Weirdo Corrolary of the Day- The introduction of the AIBP has vastly improved the overall composition of the photographs in the Photo Gallery- e.g. the drunker people get : the funnier the pictures. For example--Last night, they had the solid white background with the big stuffed animals (dolphin, tiger, etc...) as a setting that I believe was originally conceived for little children. Yet, in the gallery, there are all of these adults rolling around on the ground with the stuffies- and Holy Cow, those were some funny pictures. As I was lurking through them, I got to chatting with Chris. Then this very obviously intoxicated couple came up to this batch of photos and said, "Hey, look, that's us!" "Honey, do you remember this?" "No-" and there they are rolling all over the floor with a stuffed tiger and dolphin. How great is that?!?!?! You have all heard the expression, "Friends don't let friend drive drunk." I think the new express should be, "Friends should highly encourage drunk posing!" If not for themselves, for the entertainment and edification of the rest of the passengers. Maybe, it is just me...


I moved through the Photo Gallery to the MDR. Tonight, I had appetizer dinner-- I do this about once a cruise. I had the dried beef, the gazpacho (round 2), a salad, and an appetizer portion of the fettuccini Alfredo. They offered another Norman Love dessert. This time it is the white chocolate cheesecake with strawberries! I love that one! Though, here is my word of warning-- it is much easier to eat this dessert of you de-construct it a bit. I know that someone worked very hard to get the space-ship looking thing together, but you have take it apart if you have any hope of eating it with a bit of grace.


I also met Susan and Norman who are my next door neighbors in the dining room. Norman has a couple of dietary restrictions (sodium and potassium), and Francesco the Head Waiter has worked with them each evening to assure that Norman has an amazing meal. It was wonderful to watch how Francesco has taken care of them- bringing basmati rice instead of the standard white rice, special soups without salt, lovely desserts. This is one of the reasons that I really enjoy Princess. I feel that they work hard to care for their passengers. Susan and I chatted a bit about the blogging process (I write all through my meals, and she had guessed I was a food writer. Little does she know that I am just silly. :))


Troy Threadgill was the comedian this evening. Surprise! He was genuinely original, and bonus! He was funny! Really, really funny! No standard cruise jokes about soaping up the shower walls and spinning- Nope, this was all new. He has an amazing delivery coupled with the correct amount of physical comedy. It was a very fast hour. Ironically, I have had several opportunities to chat with him and had no idea that he was the ship's comedian. If you get a chance to see him, it is well worth your time.


I am back in my cabin now, and getting ready for bed. It was a good day. Of course, most any day on a cruise ship is a good day. But I am sleepy now.


Tracie-Lynn :) :)

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March 12, 2016

Georgetown, Grand Cayman


Because it's all about that ship, 'bout that ship. No shore ex. (sing to the tune of All About that Bass by Meghan Traynor).


Hi friends-

I just ran into Chris of CRLess fame who reminded me I did not blog today. Yep. That's it. I am officially lazy, lazy, lazy. But here I am...


Today was one of those days I just could not make a plan and stick to it. I woke at 6:30 am and thought I will not get of the ship. Then I thought, ok I will get of the ship. No, maybe I will stay on. No, I really should go into town. I did the daily debate dance as I showered, dressed, cleaned the cabin, went to the IC for my coffee, went to the MDR for breakfast (fruit plate, Grape Nuts- which are not quite magically delicious (Bradley), walked by the tender ticket area on deck 5, still debating... and there was not need for a tender ticket, so I just sort of followed the line and was the last one on a tender that left 30 seconds after I boarded. Well, I guess that settled it. I was going ashore. We are one of 3 ships in port. The Allure (I think) which is huge-mongous, the Island (which is struggling right now with their recent tragic event in Panama), and the lovely, lovely Emerald. The weather was stellar today and the water was such an amazing blue.


When I reached Georgetown (after about 4 minutes in the tender), I set out to walk a bit. I walked about 1.5 miles one way, then turned around and walked back. I set out to explore around shopping area. I stopped at one of my husband's favorite shops and bought some souvies for him and my son (they are so easy to buy for!). I bought a blouse for myself and tried to buy a pen at Tous-- and that did not work out. I strolled through some jewelry shops, but did not indulge. I headed back to the tenders, was the last one on and back at the ship in about 6 minutes. I can do about 3 hours in Georgetown and then I am done. On the way back, I did get to chat with Peggy and Jim from the roll call. I think they are having the most fun- lots of cruises with a little Disney in between.


I stopped at the IC for my second coffee of the day. I think I mentioned it before, but the baristas sing. All day, happy singing. So when I ordered my iced latte, they asked my name. Then proceeded to sign my name into Patsy Cline's "Crazy". On key and with harmonies. It is a gift. I am not sure if was more embarrassed or impressed. I am pretty sure it was a combo of both. There may even be a word for that, but for the life of me, I can't not bring it up.


I also ran into Grant from our roll call. Grant is an avid cruise who brings some serious gear when he travels, in the form a pretty snazzy mean green power chair. I work in the field, so I can get downright personal with people who are willing to chat about their adaptations. He is in an accessible room, which has some great features, but there are other cruise lines who may do this a bit better. It was a great chat as he brought an interesting perspective to traveling.


At this point I headed up to the Sanctuary-- and now with two lattes in me, I might have in full-on teeth grinding mode-- Which means one thing and one thing only- I am over caffeinated and I need to eat- STAT! I reach the "Pocket of Serenity" and my chair still has the green cover on it. And there is no menu. And I had to hunt up a steward-- which is sort of defeating the purpose. I finally order- gazpacho, citrus carpaccio,edamame, and grilled chicken, which sounds like a lot, but is not. All was great, except for the edamame-- and then I remembered that I committed this error in the past- why, in the name of all things soy, would you ever prepare edamame with oil. Lightly steamed with salt. Done! Yum! Nope- I got overcooked and greasy. Bad soy bean preparer person. Bad! Ok, Ok. I get it. This is a classic example of first-world problems. Eating greasy, soggy soybean pods on the helm of an amazing floating city, in a deluxe, comfy lounger- overlooking the beautiful turquoise and cobalt waters of the Caribbean. Man, my life is soooooo hard. Poor, poor Tracie. Ummmm- not so much!:)


I came. I saw. I ate. I napped. OK, truth be told, I sort of napped. I really can't sleep in public. Not sure why. I guess I just have sleeping performance anxiety. So that was the impetus that I needed to head down to the cabin. To watch.... anyone? anyone? Bueller? Bueller? More Love Boat! Today, I will share my favorite short excerpt:


Scene 1: Man and woman in a cabin. Both look unhappy.

Agnes: I can't see.

Walter: Agnes, you have gone <insert dramatic pause here>..... blind!

Agnes: I don't want anyone to know.

Walter: Agnes, I am going to get a drink. It is down the hall and to the right. You come and find me there. <unceremoniously drops a cane in Agnes' lap>


Scene 2: Cut to Walter sitting at a bar stool looking like someone just ran over his cat. Camera swings to the doorway. Agnes is standing at the doorway in a full-on evening gown and heels with perfectly coiffed hair and artfully applied make-up. And is transversing like she was born with that cane in her hand. And Walter doesn't even give Blind Agnes a little "YooHoo! Agnes, I'm over here!" Seriously- people.


Now if that was me, I would have that dress on inside out and backward, with mascara dripping down my cheek and a big old hair lump on one side of my head. And I would be on a whole different deck- heck, maybe even a different ship! For being newly blind, Agnes developed some professional level orientation and mobility skills. In about 3 minutes! Stevie would be proud! (Too much???)


In the middle of my mini Love Boat marathon part deux, I get a knock on the door. Guess who? Room service with more strawberries! This is awesome! No card for this order either, but I think I have a clue.


Ok, so hear is Tracie's Weirdo Corrolary of the Day- The introduction of the AIBP has vastly improved the overall composition of the photographs in the Photo Gallery- e.g. the drunker people get : the funnier the pictures. For example--Last night, they had the solid white background with the big stuffed animals (dolphin, tiger, etc...) as a setting that I believe was originally conceived for little children. Yet, in the gallery, there are all of these adults rolling around on the ground with the stuffies- and Holy Cow, those were some funny pictures. As I was lurking through them, I got to chatting with Chris. Then this very obviously intoxicated couple came up to this batch of photos and said, "Hey, look, that's us!" "Honey, do you remember this?" "No-" and there they are rolling all over the floor with a stuffed tiger and dolphin. How great is that?!?!?! You have all heard the expression, "Friends don't let friend drive drunk." I think the new express should be, "Friends should highly encourage drunk posing!" If not for themselves, for the entertainment and edification of the rest of the passengers. Maybe, it is just me...


I moved through the Photo Gallery to the MDR. Tonight, I had appetizer dinner-- I do this about once a cruise. I had the dried beef, the gazpacho (round 2), a salad, and an appetizer portion of the fettuccini Alfredo. They offered another Norman Love dessert. This time it is the white chocolate cheesecake with strawberries! I love that one! Though, here is my word of warning-- it is much easier to eat this dessert of you de-construct it a bit. I know that someone worked very hard to get the space-ship looking thing together, but you have take it apart if you have any hope of eating it with a bit of grace.


I also met Susan and Norman who are my next door neighbors in the dining room. Norman has a couple of dietary restrictions (sodium and potassium), and Francesco the Head Waiter has worked with them each evening to assure that Norman has an amazing meal. It was wonderful to watch how Francesco has taken care of them- bringing basmati rice instead of the standard white rice, special soups without salt, lovely desserts. This is one of the reasons that I really enjoy Princess. I feel that they work hard to care for their passengers. Susan and I chatted a bit about the blogging process (I write all through my meals, and she had guessed I was a food writer. Little does she know that I am just silly. :))


Troy Threadgill was the comedian this evening. Surprise! He was genuinely original, and bonus! He was funny! Really, really funny! No standard cruise jokes about soaping up the shower walls and spinning- Nope, this was all new. He has an amazing delivery coupled with the correct amount of physical comedy. It was a very fast hour. Ironically, I have had several opportunities to chat with him and had no idea that he was the ship's comedian. If you get a chance to see him, it is well worth your time.


I am back in my cabin now, and getting ready for bed. It was a good day. Of course, most any day on a cruise ship is a good day. But I am sleepy now.


Tracie-Lynn :) :)


I loved the crew member who took orders at the register... I asked him for a skinny latte and he turned to his side and started singing "skinny like me!!" It was very funny. Even with the seriously long lines of very hung over college kids, the crew here was always in such good moods.


Glad you had such a great day.

Edited by cjskids
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Tracie, we never had the opportunity to say goodbye and thanks to Francesco because he was moved to Botticelli. Would you, please, for us? He and Luis are aces in my book.


Troy Thirdgill...funny, funny guy. "How'd you hurt your neck?" "Reading". Hahahahaha. Too true.


That Love Boat featured June Allyson long before her incontinence awareness days but it was silver fox Peter Graves that made that one semi-tolerable.


Only one more day. It will be withdrawl time all over again. :(

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Hi! Nice talking to you on the tender ride back today! Just read in the Patter that we will not be returning to terminal 2 in Ft Lauderdale. We will be returning to terminal 19 and they will have a shuttle to take us back to terminal 2, where our car is parked. Not good news because I have to get to work Monday morning.

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March 12, 2016

Georgetown, Grand Cayman



I stopped at the IC for my second coffee of the day. I think I mentioned it before, but the baristas sing. All day, happy singing. So when I ordered my iced latte, they asked my name. Then proceeded to sign my name into Patsy Cline's "Crazy". On key and with harmonies. It is a gift. I am not sure if was more embarrassed or impressed. I am pretty sure it was a combo of both. There may even be a word for that, but for the life of me, I can't not bring it up.




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I loved the crew member who took orders at the register... I asked him for a skinny latte and he turned to his side and started singing "skinny like me!!" It was very funny. Even with the seriously long lines of very hung over college kids, the crew here was always in such good moods.


Glad you had such a great day.

Nothing cheers you up like schadenfreude.

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March 13, 2016

Sea Day. Last Day. Boo.


Hi friends-

I just want you know of a recent tragic event that has occurred in my cabin. The "luggage mat of doom and disembarkation" is laying on my bed. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? <insert plaintiff wailing here>. Luggage tags this morning... luggage mat this afternoon. I think that it a pretty big visual hint that my mini cruise is coming to a rapid conclusion. Oh, and to add salt to the wound, we lost an hour this morning- I demand a refund!!!!


I did get out of bed in time to grab a coffee (yes, there was singing) and a yogurt parfait down in the IC. I love the yogurt parfaits, but wish they would offer a few without the granola. I always end up dumping the granola to get to the yogurt. However, I am super grateful that they use plain unsweetened yogurt in the parfait. The IC was also featuring a Normal Love selection. I am not sure what it was called (did not have my act together enough to actually write it down). It was called a Bretard (???). I decided to take one for the team and try it. It was a flaky chocolate pastry that was layered with raspberry filling and had a little dollup of chocolate ganache on top. It was good and not too sweet.


I then schlepped up to Crooners for the Susan G Komen Walk for the Cure. I know that there has been a fair amount of controversy around this, but it is a for cause that is near and dear to my heart-- both literally and figuratively. Sadly, there was only one other participant-- and even a bit more sadly, we both had walked a mile in one another's shoes. We walked it together and chatted about our experiences. Princess did lay out the nicest spread for us-- yogurts and a fruit carving of a peacock with fruit skewers for the feathers. I wished I had my camera with me. I also wish there had been a bit more participation, and I think that this was the fault of the CD staff. In past cruises, they begin advertising for it a few days in advance of the event in the patter. This showed up in the patter last night for the first time. But I also have to give props- this is a four day cruise, and they did still hold the event- which was vast improvement of our 10 day PC on the Coral this December.


After the "race" of two- I hiked it up the million flights of stairs to the Sanctuary. So far, I have managed to stay out of the elevators except for one short ride. I have walked up and down a lot of stairs. But no matter, salt air makes me swell. (the bread and butter at 9 meals a day may be contributing factor as well). I chatted with Chris and Brenda, and the three of us made plans for the Salty Dog tonight. I cannot even begin to express how lackluster the MDR menu is for the evening. But again, I also appreciate how Princess posts its menus- so a person can actually plan their meals.


In that same vein, when I was looking at the dinner menu, I noticed the Brunch/Lunch menu. I had not originally planned to have lunch in the MDR (food wall), but they offered all of my favorites: antipasto, gazpacho (again) and the stuffed yellow pepper! I will again state for my friends in the cheap seats- Princess is game on with their vegetarian menus. I am not a vegetarian, any more, but that is often my selection- because their choices are so darn yummy. And then, to top it all off, they are offering my favorite lunch dessert-- the blueberry rolade. I think I am going to have to roll-ade right out of the dining room.


Well, I guess I will give up this entry, and post it. I am running dangerously low on internet, so I may have to actually budget my remaining couple of minutes.


I will post more later-

Rolling, rolling, rolling-

Tracie-Lynn :) :)

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Thanks for your report, Tracie! We were on the Emerald the week before last (7-day), and the On Deck for the Cure was not announced until the Patter the night before, either (I could swear that on previous cruises, it was publicized several days ahead of time). We had about 10 - 12 participate -- it was still special as it was on my 12-year "Survivorversary"!

It sounds like a bittersweet cruise for you, glad you had a good time. Cruise on!

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Loving reading your posts, Tracie.

I was going to ask you how eating solo on the dining room was, but obviously it's just fine.

We just saw Troy Thirdgill (sp) on the Royal and he's one of the funniest comedians we've seen !

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Hi Tracie

I have been reading your posts. It seems that you are enjoying this "solo" cruise.

Kudos to you for trying this cruise on your own!

I have often thought what I would do if I attempted to cruise without my DH - either by choice or circumstance.

I think I would do some of the things that you have done on this cruise. Booking the Sanctuary,going to the CC Meet and Greet, and blogging on the CC forum are all things I certainly would plan to do.

I was disappointed to read that there were only two participants for the On Deck for the Cure.

My hubby and I first participated in the walk when we were on the Crown Princess in 2008.

There were a good number of participants then. The walk.was featured in part of the DVD of the cruise.

A few years later,we participated in the walk on the Caribbean Princess on a Canada- New England cruise.

There were very few participants on that cruise. We thought that it may be due to the demographics ( noticeably older passengers) or lack of notice by the CD about the walk.

We had enjoyed taking part in this walk as we had done 5k walks at home for various causes.

On each lap on the Promenade deck,we thought about all the women we knew- family, friends and colleagues who had battled with breast cancer. It made the walk on the ship more personal for us.

I will admit that we did not participate on the walk on our last cruise on the Regal in 2014.

I had not been feeling well,so we didn't plan on participating.

We did notice that the walk did not get much notice by the CD on that ship and there was only a brief notice about it in the Patter that was delivered the evening before the schedule walk.

I hope that you continue to post about this cruise and that you enjoy the cruises you have planned in the future with your DH.

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Tracie will be checking back in tomorrow when we are back in FLL....she is out of internet time. We just finished a great dinner in the Salty Dog Gastro Pub with her, and she was heading to Magic To Do.


Tracie....thanks for your company tonight. Brenda and I enjoyed it immensely and enjoyed our very deep conversations. Look forward to cruising again in the not so distant future with our "cousin".


If all goes well, I will be posting my review of our 9 days on the Emerald "The Tale of Two Cruises" sometime tomorrow or early in the week.

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Tracie will be checking back in tomorrow when we are back in FLL....she is out of internet time. We just finished a great dinner in the Salty Dog Gastro Pub with her, and she was heading to Magic To Do.


Tracie....thanks for your company tonight. Brenda and I enjoyed it immensely and enjoyed our very deep conversations. Look forward to cruising again in the not so distant future with our "cousin".


If all goes well, I will be posting my review of our 9 days on the Emerald "The Tale of Two Cruises" sometime tomorrow or early in the week.


Enjoy the last night!! :)

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Tracie will be checking back in tomorrow when we are back in FLL....she is out of internet time. We just finished a great dinner in the Salty Dog Gastro Pub with her, and she was heading to Magic To Do.


Tracie....thanks for your company tonight. Brenda and I enjoyed it immensely and enjoyed our very deep conversations. Look forward to cruising again in the not so distant future with our "cousin".


If all goes well, I will be posting my review of our 9 days on the Emerald "The Tale of Two Cruises" sometime tomorrow or early in the week.


Looking forward to reading it! Glad you went back to Salty Dog again. We enjoyed our meal there, Share and Crown Grill. I'm only sorry we didn't get to go to Share again, especially when the ships wasn't swaying so much.


Enjoy your last night and say hi to Brenda for me. Hope to see you soon.

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