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Don't be late! Don't miss the ship!


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Folks are late at most stops on ships that I have sailed. What is worse than being late is many of these folks could care less. Often the ship is already fifteen minutes past departure and Johnny come lately will emerge from a cab and then take a leisurely stroll to the ship. The attitude is complete arrogance and narcissism by these folks. The world revolves around them and damn the captain and other passengers.


I have watched several cruise documentaries in which this issue occurs. The departing ship can lose its departure slot, and then be further delayed while another ship departs before the delayed ship. The extra fuel burned to make up time to the next port can cost up to $50,000 to the cruise line. No sympathy for folks who are late.




Nicely stated.

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I'm guessing the couple would have to fly from Nassau to New York and wait for the Breakaway's return. When we went to Nassau, all we had was our picture ID and a small amount a cash. It would be difficult to purchase food, flights, hotels etc.



There are people saying it's easy for people who know what to do ... so I'll help out for future reference. If you're left behind, lose your passport, etc. .. proceed immediately to the embassy. These aren't just vacation ports of call ... these are foreign countries and our government maintains embassies to assist U.S. citizens. The one in Nassau is next to the McDonalds that many of you pass by walking to the beach from the boat (approx. 5 blocks from the dock).

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Sorry, holding the ship & keeping the other 4,448+ passengers and crew waiting for 30 minutes is more than sufficient & customary, 10 to 20 minutes are given at the captain's discretion - but 45 plus minutes delay to wait for the shopper to finish the buying frenzy is not reasonable nor expected, or fair for others who abide by the terms & rules for going ashore.


Perhaps, ship security should/could be dispatched to go into town & check out all the stores nearby to locate & recover this person and give her a free ride on their golf cart - to speed up the delayed sailing :rolleyes: :eek:


Not here to second guess the captain & crew's decision on the handling the father & the children that remained onboard, as I'm reasonably sure NCL has protcols and guidelines in place under similar situations in the past, present & future - as this isn't the first time nor will it be the last time in dealing with pier runners late due to their shopping ... by most description, not a flat tire situation, medical emergency or victims of circumstances beyond their personal control, etc. I'm sure differential standards were applied, giving them extra, extra time by waiting longer than the usual 10 to 20 minutes.


We're on the BA in 2014 and the same names (foreign-sounding, thus, easier to remember & recognize for us) were paged over PA in both Port Canaveral & then again, in Nassau - as they were late both times returning to the ship ... and we watched from the waterfront as they semi-run after getting off the taxi, shopping bags in both hands. :mad:


Once the ship released their lines & began moving away from the piers, it's not exactly as simple as "slamming" on the brakes & reverse the thrusters and azipods, etc.

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OK...you can't just "stop the boat and back up." This is not your Uncle's bass boat. You need to have longshoreman on shore who tie the boat down to the pier before you can drop a gangway. And those guys are not just waiting there, they leave the pier when the boat is released from its mooring. I am sure the ship is charged for the length of time those longshoreman are on pier, and I am sure that is NOT cheap.


To think NCL should incur a LOT of costs to go back to get one passenger REGARDLESS of the circumstances is just...wrong. It is NOT NCL's fault. And the cost of the family to fly two people home one way from Nassau is going to be a lot less than the cost of keeping the boat at the pier longer or even more expensive, sending the boat back to the pier.


And, no, NCL should NOT leave one of their own staff (who have jobs to do on board the boat) behind to help this family. One, they would be paying someone to attend to just two passengers instead of doing what they are paid to do on board, and two, they would be incurring the costs of getting that person back to the ship.


Posts indicate family members were on board, but even if they were not,

NCL is more than capable of taking care of two minors. Even better than airlines who handle unaccompanied minors all the time. NCL has a kids club with trained staff and can easily assign a crew member to stay with the children.


The father had to card out when he left the boat the second time, staff knew he was on shore and why. I notice in the video he is considerably calmer than his wife and not paying attention to the boat (or to her) at all. I, like a previous poster, hope that NCL advised him to get their credit cards and passports before they pulled up the last gang plank. I hope they were able to find a flight home and meet the boat in NYC.


I have seen passengers miss the boat on every cruise I have been on. I have never seen the boat go back.

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I agree.




If the children were as young as they reported, I think the Captain took a risk in sailing without them - they are minors. The captain sets sail with children on board with no legal guardian present??




The parents could have been involved in an accident/incident.







Of course and this is my point but too many posters can't see clearly when posting and take sides too quickly




However the post before yours is now saying there were family members on board for the kids and had that been posted earlier I too would have a different opinion



That makes a world of difference



I wish we could get the facts but we won't of course




I'm going to change my opinion after reading family was on board....



The dh did the right thing in getting off to help his dw....he had the docs and money I read so he needed to get off to help her....if indeed family was on board.....so the dh is actually a superstar if that is the case



The real shame is he got off to help....but it was 10 minutes too late. Had she not been running to the ship but still in the stores or wherever it would have been a different story alltogether


The fact that she was running to the ship is what is really the issue



I'm glad dh got off and per above posts...I'm glad that family was on board. I just hope that info is correct





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If you read RIVacationGirl's review of the ship, she said she shared an elevator with family members of the couple that was left behind. That's probably why the husband felt was able to leave the ship without his kids in order to wait for his wife -- they had people on-board already watching the kids.



If this indeed the case.....


Then the kids were fine


So all of our Monday morning quarterbacking was for nothing



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And where would you even sue NCL? [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]


This case wouldn't stand a chance. The kids were left on boat while husband waited on his wife off the boat? Ok...


Some of you folks are serious busybodies. Even if there wasn't family on boat, which there was, oh my god the horror of being stuck on a cruise ship. Ha...

Edited by txagfan
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I think the poster you quoted understands it correctly and see the bigger picture and not just the $$$$


Would you like it if you found out your kids were housed in the captains quarters?



I would be pissed... at my husband, for abandoning our children.


I would be grateful to NCL for taking care of my abandoned children and hopeful that they didn't charge us excessively for their employees' time.

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After reading this entire thread as I posted already....my entire opinion of this situation has become clearer



1. Wife was late and although we do not and will not ever know why...the fact remains she was late


2. There are any number of reasons why she was late. Shopping. Getting ill in the bathroom. Being accosted on the street. Getting lost.


3. According to this thread there was family onboard to care for the minor kids so that is no longer an issue


4. Husband...who apparently would not abandon his wife in Nassau and who apparently had trusted family /friends onboard to watch his kids....gets off the ship with cash credit cards and docs with should assume....to go after his wife who he does not want to abandon in Nassau with possible no money or docs etc



So bottom line....another pax misses a ship and its caught on video...


Not the 1st time....not the last time...



The pax was fortunate to have a concerned loving husband


Both husband and life were lucky they had someone on board to care for the kids



The husband did the right thing



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I would be pissed... at my husband, for abandoning our children.


I would be grateful to NCL for taking care of my abandoned children and hopeful that they didn't charge us excessively for their employees' time.[/quote


Agreed husband should have stayed and been pissed at the wife for HER selfish act.


There are way way way to many ME first people nowadays !

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I would be pissed... at my husband, for abandoning our children.




I would be grateful to NCL for taking care of my abandoned children and hopeful that they didn't charge us excessively for their employees' time.[/quote




Agreed husband should have stayed and been pissed at the wife for HER selfish act.




There are way way way to many ME first people nowadays !



Being upset with the wife for being selfish only makes sense if we know EXACTLY why she was late


She could have been a doctor and was helping an injured person


She could have been sick and in a bathroom stall


Bottom line is that you can't be angry with the wife until you know why she was late


Those bags in her hand are meaningless as we don't know what they are and we don't know if she was shopping or was sick or was a witness to a crime and was detained to give her account


The husband did the right thing and is probably relieved the wife was safe





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Edited by Crusin6
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Based on the facts, I fault the husband much more than the wife.








^what does hearing have to do with reading your watch?



You do realize we are now finding out that there was family onboard to watch the kids



Based on that fact I applaud the husband for not abandoning his with in Nassau

Edited by luvtheships
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There is one post that said family was on board, and about 6 that say they weren't. There is a post that says the kids are 9 and 11, and right beside it is a post saying they are 5 and 7... My point is that people seem to be trying to "solve" this, but what they are really doing is taking whatever particular posts and deciding that that is the one that is true, even though it holds no more validity than any other. We don't know what happened, and it appears people on the ship don't either, since they are posting conflicting info.


Give it a rest.

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Sure it's a guess , but the bags in her hand more than likely played a big part. We have traveled with another couple b/4 and the wife was hell bent on getting a certain piece of jewelry in Mexico that the 3 of us spend 1 1/2 hrs waiting on her.


At least there was a bar nearby!


The 2 things mentioned being a doctor, sick in a bathroom stall are farther outside the real of possibility than the arm full of bags.

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There is one post that said family was on board, and about 6 that say they weren't. There is a post that says the kids are 9 and 11, and right beside it is a post saying they are 5 and 7... My point is that people seem to be trying to "solve" this, but what they are really doing is taking whatever particular posts and deciding that that is the one that is true, even though it holds no more validity than any other. We don't know what happened, and it appears people on the ship don't either, since they are posting conflicting info.


Give it a rest.





We have no idea and no real information other than the video, and that tells us only so much. We don't even know if that was the her husband. LOL. He's gone from being a horrible father to being a saint all based on speculative posts. Gotta love the internet. :p

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Has it occurred to anyone that perhaps dad left the children in the care of family members so he could take care of his wife?


I am acquainted with more than a few females who wouldn't have a clue how to get from Nassau to New York without written directions and someone holding their hand. If mom is one of them, dad did what was right for the family.


There are many reasons people make the decisions they do. Saying they're wrong without knowing the individuals involved and ALL the details is the wrong way to go!

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Being upset with the wife for being selfish only makes sense if we know EXACTLY why she was late

Or...NOT being upset with the wife only makes sense if we know EXACTLY why she was late...with shopping bags.


She could have been a doctor and was helping an injured person

Speculating a valid reason is worse than NOT speculating a valid reason.


She could have been sick and in a bathroom stall

see above


Bottom line is that you can't be angry with the wife until you know why she was late

Of course you can. The father didn't give a valid reason ("She's sick"..."she's delivering a baby"..."she's been kidnapped"...) to the cruise staff, did he?


Those bags in her hand are meaningless as we don't know what they are and we don't know if she was shopping or was sick or was a witness to a crime and was detained to give her account

If ANY of those things happened to excuse her tardiness, her husband would've given a valid reason for her not being on board when she was supposed to be on board.


The husband did the right thing and is probably relieved the wife was safe

Or...he's pissed that she doesn't have a valid excuse for being late. Which is more likely?



In cases like this, you take the known information and form an opinion, not make up excuses to support the narrative that you would like. We don't know a valid reason for her being so late so it is wrong to assume that there is a valid reason for her being so late. If there is an actual valid reason, then opinions can change based on that information but until then....

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Being upset with the wife for being selfish only makes sense if we know EXACTLY why she was late


She could have been a doctor and was helping an injured person




If there was a medical situation, doctors, authorities would have been involved. They would have known the predicament, and contacted officials of the situation, as well as the cruise line.


Further, she would not be walking alone back to the ship with bags of goodies. Should would have been driven back in some vehicle.


We know why she missed the ship. She is an idiot.

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I am acquainted with more than a few females who wouldn't have a clue how to get from Nassau to New York without written directions and someone holding their hand. If mom is one of them, dad did what was right for the family.

If the mom is that incompetent, they shouldn't have let her go on her own in a foreign country with +4,000 passengers waiting for her.

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Sure it's a guess , but the bags in her hand more than likely played a big part. We have traveled with another couple b/4 and the wife was hell bent on getting a certain piece of jewelry in Mexico that the 3 of us spend 1 1/2 hrs waiting on her.




At least there was a bar nearby!




The 2 things mentioned being a doctor, sick in a bathroom stall are farther outside the real of possibility than the arm full of bags.



Well of course she may have been shopping but the point is....


She was very very late.....which could mean she was hit by a car while leaving the store



Or could have been sick or could have been helping someone



Seriously what man leaves his wife without knowing what happened to her?



Come on the kids were safe....



His only choice was to go after her



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Or...NOT being upset with the wife only makes sense if we know EXACTLY why she was late...with shopping bags.






Speculating a valid reason is worse than NOT speculating a valid reason.






see above






Of course you can. The father didn't give a valid reason ("She's sick"..."she's delivering a baby"..."she's been kidnapped"...) to the cruise staff, did he?






If ANY of those things happened to excuse her tardiness, her husband would've given a valid reason for her not being on board when she was supposed to be on board.






Or...he's pissed that she doesn't have a valid excuse for being late. Which is more likely?






In cases like this, you take the known information and form an opinion, not make up excuses to support the narrative that you would like. We don't know a valid reason for her being so late so it is wrong to assume that there is a valid reason for her being so late. If there is an actual valid reason, then opinions can change based on that information but until then....



I know you don't realize this....but you are completely agreeing with me. Lol



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Has it occurred to anyone that perhaps dad left the children in the care of family members so he could take care of his wife?




I am acquainted with more than a few females who wouldn't have a clue how to get from Nassau to New York without written directions and someone holding their hand. If mom is one of them, dad did what was right for the family.




There are many reasons people make the decisions they do. Saying they're wrong without knowing the individuals involved and ALL the details is the wrong way to go!



Yes it has totally occurred to my and my logical running mind!


Btw I could get you around Europe NYC and most of the civilized world with my eyes blindfolded



Don't even use a gps in the car with my good sense of direction


My logistical mind always keeps me 2 steps ahead of the game



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WOW this thread is eight pages long!!


Was it Miss Peacock in the library with a candle stick,or was it Miss Scarlet in the kitchen with a revolver, or.......................?


After extensive investigation I have found the REAL reason why she was late......


She was in an internet cafe reading one of these ridiculous threads here on CC.:)

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