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Trip Report - Oasis Eastern 4/30/16 sailing Bill Oh's first cruise as Diamond

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I'll jump ahead in time to mention on a 7 day cruise, 8 days of vacation, I only gained 3 pounds and I pretty much ate/drank what I wanted. On the first day before I turned off my phone we walked 14,000 steps. Speaking of steps, I love to take the stairs and enjoy the art found there. This ended up being my favorite piece.


This was on deck 10 on the foreward port side.




As much as I like a good set of knockers, this one was Gina's favorite.



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Between the set of knockers and Metamucil the cat, I'm really enjoying your report Bill. Haven't done Oasis or Allure yet (too much of a cheapskate) but your report is tempting me. And as an added bonus, I won't have to go see Cats since I feel like I've seen it already. ;)

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Thanks for the info on the jetski tour, Bill. I have it bookmarked for future reference. I'm wondering if you brought your own snorkel gear. I saw on the website that snorkel masks were provided, but saw no mention of fins, are fins allowed? How was the snorkeling? Was there much marine life to see? How hard was it to get back aboard your jetski once you were done snorkeling? Sorry for all the questions, but these are the things I know DH will be asking me, so I want to be prepared.

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Okay it is a rainy cold dreary day here in Ohio, with snow expected tonight.


So make your fellow Ohioans happy and post more.


Like the phrase goes.



". . . .please sir, can I have so more...."


Love your review and obviously cannot wait for more.


Sea Ya

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Sent them this morning around 10am. Hope you got them.


Another good example of the value of roll calls and roll call friends. Thank you Brenda!






This was the first question It was an easy one, "Which member of your wife's family is the most Annoying?" This one was easy.





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Thanks for the info on the jetski tour, Bill. I have it bookmarked for future reference. I'm wondering if you brought your own snorkel gear. I saw on the website that snorkel masks were provided, but saw no mention of fins, are fins allowed? How was the snorkeling? Was there much marine life to see? How hard was it to get back aboard your jetski once you were done snorkeling? Sorry for all the questions, but these are the things I know DH will be asking me, so I want to be prepared.


They give you a mask and fins and you keep your lifevest on so you can't really dive down. The tourguide said his knickname was "Scooby" since he brought Scooby snacks (dog biscuits) When he threw them out the fish came, and he gave us some. There was a surprising number of fish and species. It only lasted about 15 minutes, but it was enjoyable.


I have the legs of a marathoner but not that much upper body strength, but I had no problem with it. The one couple who were further into the obese category had more problem and they had to both climb on. Its much harder with two people. Gina and I both love to drive so we had our own.

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As mentioned before I love the balcony when sailing into St Thomas and St Martin! Well, its day 5 already, but its been a fun week and one of my favorite days has arrived.




We were the only ship in St Martin that day.




Oh, Oasis and Allure both refuel every two weeks in St Martin, we got to see it up close and personal his year.




We always have to take a picture here. This is our 4th time here and we will be back next year.




We skipped breakfast this day and snacked on bananas and cereal appropriated from the Windjammer. We proceeded to walk to the taxi area after taking a few of the ship's photos. We were there just a few minutes when enough people gathered that we were on our way to Orient beach for the day.


The taxi driver left us off about 100 yards north of Pedro's near Bikini beach. Here you can see some of the newly built buildings put up by the government. They are mostly empty.




We continue to walk further south toward Pedro's.




We continued to walk south, past the full time greeter which someone told us his name, but I forget it was. We walked almost all the way to the southern end, just north of Papagayo's restaurant and bar where we rented ourselves two chairs and a yellow umbrella for $20.


Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures for the next 5 hours. It was a beautiful day, the surf was calm, there was only the slightest breeze, the sand was warm and soft all the way out as far as you could walk into he ocean. It was 10am and the start of a perfect day. We had a full bottle of SPF 30 and would need it. In hindsight, since it had been a cold wet spring in Ohio, we probably could have used SPF50. for some of the places that hadn't seen the sun yet. This was supposed to be sport sunscreen that stays applied in water, which I think it did. But I think I should have reapplied more when we got back out. We spent a lot of time just relaxing on shore and then cooling off. The weather and water was both perfect!


One of the highlights of the day was coming out of the water and having a couple stop and ask us if we were the middle couple from Love and Marriage! Later, we would be lying on our chairs when some of our roll call friends came by. Still later we me another couple from not far from us at home. We both thought the other couple was staying at the resort, but we were both from Oasis.


I was an absolutely wonderful day. About 3pm I relented to take a cab back into town to shop. Gina had been searching back home for a new perfume and it wasn't available yet. To help with a perfect day, she found it in only the 2nd place we looked! Soon it was back to the ship. We highly enjoyed the 1/2 mile walk back to the ship. No water taxi for us!

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Between the set of knockers and Metamucil the cat, I'm really enjoying your report Bill. Haven't done Oasis or Allure yet (too much of a cheapskate) but your report is tempting me. And as an added bonus, I won't have to go see Cats since I feel like I've seen it already. ;)


I wound encourage you to give it a try. My personal favorite maybe the Freedom that we sailed on together back in 2008. But I have really enjoyed both Oasis, Allure, and Freedom.

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Again, I apologize for dragging this out! I really intended on getting it done in a day or two, but between work, babysitting grandkids, and losing my notebook, its been tough and I probably forgot a few details I wanted to share.


Wednesday night day 5 we went back to the MDR for only the 2nd time. We like the MDR, but shows, anniversary specialty restaurants and plain exhaustion on day 4 made us miss 3 in a row for ever. This night was the shiitake menu, my least favorite so I went off the main page to the marinated chicken breast. It was perfect. Everything was great including the service and we were given the same speeches about scoring 10s. I was getting great service so I didn't let it bother me too much.


After dinner we with to the COME FLY WITH ME show. This show matches up with BLUE PLANET on Allure.




I enjoyed Blue Planet immensly as pretty innovative entertainment. In my reviews and plenty of threads I have recommended that you sit in the balcony as the neck strain of all the aerial acts can be a burden.


I think with CFWM I recommend the main floor of the auditorium as so much happens above you, but right over your head. A few times I found spotlights in my face making viewing hard.


With that said, my sitting in the balcony made have given me a clue as to why the show stopped suddenly with technical difficulties and it was delayed about 20 minutes.


At that point a singer disappears into the stage. From the first floor level it must look dramatic, but from the balcony I could see the trap door open and never close. I started wondering about that and was trying to adjust my camera to take a picture of the open door, but it was very dark scene. I didn't get the shot. I am guessing this set off alarms for the actors safety and the show stopped until that or something else was fixed.


Even with the delay, I found this show very entertaining and probably preferred it over Blue Planet.


COMING UP 2 FINAL SEA DAYS and we wrap this up!

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Day 6, the first of 2 consecutive sea days after St Martin started off with a leasurely meal in the WJ. I did note one Freestyle machine out of all diet colas. This was the only problem I saw all week with those.


Next we went to the "Splish splash" show in the aquatheater. Before I go on, note the display problems with the aquatheater's big screens.




I saw this several times all week and I kept thinking, "You would never see this in a Disney Park" (I've never been on a Disney cruise) Plus this isn't a park and they probably can't have every possible repair part available. Anyone else seen anything like this on Oasis lately? Since my nearly 40 year old degree is in Electronic Engineering, I dwelled on it. Hopefully people reading this after May and June cruises will say they saw no problem.


Back to Splish Splash. It's a 2nd show put on by these performers. It's billed as a comedy version and it was fun. It was an enjoyable experience. to the best of my knowledge, they don't do this on Allure, at least not in 2011 or 2013. People in our roll call mentioned it, so we went and enjoyed it!




It was announced that right after that show would be the SEXIEST MAN CONTEST and the Belly flop competition. We were killing time waiting for Gina's cup cake class so we hung around and wouldn't you know it Gina volunteered to be a judge. As many of you can figure out by now that is her talking to the MC. This pic shows 2 of the 4 judges.




Above you can only see about 1/2 the contestants. And there is one contestent this picture actually shows 1/2 of him. (More on him shortly) In this era of policitical correctness and insisting people can use whatever bathrooms their mood strikes, perhaps they need to add a male judge too. There was one contestent with his hair piled high enough to be an extra in a STRAY CATS video. (remember when MTV stood for Music Television and they showed videos?) While he was a great dancer, Gina told me she didn't want to be mean, but she would have given him the title of Sexiest My Little Pony. :D


Now back to the guy you can only see half of. Clearly this guy enters a lot of fitness contests and probably never misses this one on a cruise. I am not the least bit jealous and am certainly not worthy to be a contestant in this competition. I would speculate this guy works out hours per day and steroids are probably involved. I doubt he could clap or go bowling because of his muscle development. He had a "little buddy" with him, who didn't get into the show. We saw both of them the day before walking back and forth on the entire length of Orient beach. (perhaps a mile or so) They did this all day for at least the 5 hours we were there, they would stop and pose every 5 minutes or so.


Anyway he clearly thought a lot of himself. (again, not jealous) Three of the 4 judges weren't too fond of him though. The 4th judge, I think she licked the guy head to toe and she may have had an orgasm too. :eek: Ok, lets just say she was happy. That guy didn't make the top 3 cut, but was still seen hanging around later asking people if they wanted their picture taken with him. The only taker I saw was Judge "O" The winner by 3 of 4 judges was the guy 2nd from the left in the photo above.


On to the Belly flop contest. We had good seats we stayed. The guy who won deserved it. (I didn't take any photos)

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Nope, only guests in JS and better staterooms get robes. Platinum level and above C&A members are also supposed to get robes upon request, but this might be changing.


I don't know if it is just a difference in ships, but we sailed Allure not a month before you all. We are lowly Platinum and had robes in our room. I didn't have to request them.

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I don't know if it is just a difference in ships, but we sailed Allure not a month before you all. We are lowly Platinum and had robes in our room. I didn't have to request them.

I believe the change to "robes only upon request" was a recent one. Also, different ships can implement their own policies. I remember when Allure first came out, all the staterooms were getting the separate containers of bathroom amenities. Not sure if that's automatic anymore on Allure.

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I don't know if it is just a difference in ships, but we sailed Allure not a month before you all. We are lowly Platinum and had robes in our room. I didn't have to request them.


Hey Jen,


I know sailing with me was the opportunity of a lifetime last year, but you have got to update your signature! :D


Just kidding! Hope you enjoyed Allure.

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Hey Jen,


I know sailing with me was the opportunity of a lifetime last year, but you have got to update your signature! :D.


Bill, I don't remember how I put that notation on my signature, but I think I got it off of there now. Yikes.

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I'm not sure if other are having this problem but I can't see any of the pictures in your recent posts.


All my pictures are hosted at tripod.lycos.com and I have very little problems wiht that site, no bandwith issues of any type. I'll watch to see if anyone else does and I'll check my own posts from home tonight.

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Inquiring minds want to know...Was Mr. Muscles walking Orient Beach au naturel?


I just need to know in case anyone asks me...:D:D:D


I wasn't very clear on that. I thought by underlining the ENTIRE beach that would indicate he was also on the suit required side, but I guess he might not follow the rules. Him and his little buddy (actual 2nd person) did have speedo type suits.

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Hey Bill-

LOVE your review. One of my favorites ever!


Now, can you do me a favor and take the Harmony this fall, and write a review on it? :) I am yearning for Harmony reviews, and love your style!


I just added my 2018 cruise to my signature, so I guess I will be watching your review and that of others for my future consideration.


And Thanks!

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Again, I apologize for dragging this out, I may have lost part of you. Now is the part where I could really use that notebook. In 3 visits on an Oasis class ship and once on Freedom I've signed Gina up for the Cupcake making class. She really enjoys it and I usually get to eat the spoils.


Speaking of spoils, here is Gina at the beginning of the class wearing one of the spoils from the Love and Marriage.



Twice on Allure Gina did the cupcake class and they offered two family class and 1 adult class. Both times Gina did the adult class. On Freedom there was no separation and their was a minor incident regarding a young girl with little attention span. (You will have to find my 2015 Freedom review) This time it was all adults except for one girl who appeared be around 5-6. I found out later she was 7. (The girl on Freedom who had problems with the class was 8. As time went on I wandered in an out and was taking pictures. Turns out this little girl was excellent with small detail and eye-hand coordination. She really did a great job.


In her previous visits Gina had made 2 puppy dog cupcakes and one cheeseburger looking cupcake. This time it was a frog.




I guess you can't make a piece of art this tall with frosting so they use something called fondant. (I just had to google it). After watching them roll it, cut it, cold it, and stamp it. I kind of lost my appetite. We have a cupcake shop here locally that arose years ago in the cupcake hype, its called Gigi's Cupcakes. I always call it Gigi's Frosting as the cupcake seems to be after thought. That is what this cupcake reminded me of.




Gina was proud of the final product and it looked good, it just wasn't appetizing to me, so I didn't help eat it. (We usually eat it in the morning before we leave the cabin for the last time. Back to the class, the area they do the class is a little larger than it was and a bit quieter so it makes for a good class setting.

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I'm struggling to remember what happened the last 2 days without my notebook. I do know I had a relaxing great time. On the first of 2 final Sea days, we played more trivia, bought another bargain on the promenade, including a t-shirt for myself. We played more trivia this cruise than all of the first 11 cruises together. We did enjoy another cocktail hour in the Diamond Club. I being a blue collar hockey/bowling fan didn't think I would enjoy it that much. This night we stayed a little longer, had quite a few drinks and conversed with the Cleveland couple we met at the south end of Orient Beach. I said Hi to Max's Mom one more time, conversed with a couple of roll call members and met a few new people. We also consumed quite a few of the hot appetizers. We hung out till dinner.


At Dinner, our great service continued along with the reminders of giving the staff 10's from our waiter. I think I had the Chicken Cordon-blue tonight. It was good as was the side dish, appetizers, and dessert. We couldn't finish it all because of our over indulgence in the Diamond Club. Our waiter was concerned we didn't like it and kept offering to bring us something else. I really had to assure him that we just weren't big eaters and everything was wonderful.


The last thing I remember about day 6 was THE QUEST. As usual we had a great time. We have done the Captain thing, but I am too slow moving now. We were fortunate to sit down in a section with some pretty fun people. Possible one theme for this cruise was meeting some nice young (<30 people) I'm not so slowly transitioning to that old guy in the neighborhood who yells at the kids to stay off his lawn. Having two adorable grandchildren I like kids. I just generally have a dislike for young adults of this generation. The younger couple in the Love and Marriage, our Quest Captains, and the couple sitting next to us where the nicest people. We had a lot of fun. Drew Devine was a good CD and he ran an entertaining Quest. I don't remember any new quests, but he added a few wrinkles.


I didn't take my camera as I find that can be a downer for people wanting to have a good time. (I wish I would haven taken a picture of Jabba the Hut when he brought about $5000 worth of Camera equipment to Quest on Jewel. Then CD Dennis Charles made him put it away. There was one incident and you have to remind people that its only a game for a 50 cent medal. One lady ran out prematurely, fell and wrenched her knee and was taken to Medical.





Coming up, the final day :( The Highlight was probably the all access tour.

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Enjoying your review Bill. We sailed with you and your wife on your Freedom of the Seas cruise last year... wish we could have gone again this year. We are booked for next summer on Harmony of the Seas and can't wait! So until then just trying to get my cruise "fix" by viewing others vacations! Happy yall had a great trip and anniversary!

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Enjoying your review Bill. We sailed with you and your wife on your Freedom of the Seas cruise last year... wish we could have gone again this year. We are booked for next summer on Harmony of the Seas and can't wait! So until then just trying to get my cruise "fix" by viewing others vacations! Happy yall had a great trip and anniversary!


Thanks for writing. As I've said I really value the friends and acquaintances I make on these cruise. Looking forward to what people have to say about Harmony.

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