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Luggage Didn't Make It


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Southwest lost our big suitcase when we sailed to Alaska. And they lost the bag PERMANENTLY. They never found it! [emoji36] They did reimburse us for everything that was in the suitcase, but because we had insurance, we also received reimbursement for everything that we had to purchase in Seattle the morning of departure.


Which brings me to the topic of NOT FLYING ON THE DAY OF THE CRUISE! If you cruise on the day of the cruise, even if your flight is on time, your bag could get lost with zero time to make it to you before the ship sails and to make alternate plans. Thankfully for us, we'd flown to Seattle in advance so when we learned on the morning of the cruise that the bag was still nowhere to be found, we had time to make a shopping run for 7 days worth of clothing for our family! Otherwise we would've been screwed.

Edited by Tapi
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And how would that have helped?



See my post above. Insurance will reimburse you for items that you may need to purchase. In our case, our insurance paid for over $1,000 worth of new clothing and a new suitcase that we had to purchase on the morning of the cruise. Save all receipts and submit them with your claim.

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That is one advantage of not having any real dress code. You can pack a full 7 - 10 day cruise worth of clothes in a small gym bag and carry it on the plane and the ship and be able to catch that 8:30 am flight back home no problem.

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That is one advantage of not having any real dress code. You can pack a full 7 - 10 day cruise worth of clothes in a small gym bag and carry it on the plane and the ship and be able to catch that 8:30 am flight back home no problem.



I manage to bring 2 dresses for elegant nights, plenty of clothes to dress appropriately for during the day (hardly spend any time in my bathing suit unless I'm laying out), separate clothes for dinner (no jeans), and no less than 6 pairs of shoes. My bathrobe stays in my cabin and I only wear it when I get out of the shower if I need to blow dry my hair.


It's really not that difficult if you know how to pack to be able to get everything you need in a carry on and tote. I carry my luggage on and off the plane as well as on and off the ship. It's much easier and yes I can make an 8:30am flight if I want to barring no hiccups with the ship or port. Nothing wrong with that.

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I manage to bring 2 dresses for elegant nights, plenty of clothes to dress appropriately for during the day (hardly spend any time in my bathing suit unless I'm laying out), separate clothes for dinner (no jeans), and no less than 6 pairs of shoes. My bathrobe stays in my cabin and I only wear it when I get out of the shower if I need to blow dry my hair.


It's really not that difficult if you know how to pack to be able to get everything you need in a carry on and tote. I carry my luggage on and off the plane as well as on and off the ship. It's much easier and yes I can make an 8:30am flight if I want to barring no hiccups with the ship or port. Nothing wrong with that.


I, TOO, really know how to pack. I could easily get a whole week of MY clothes in a carry on. But, husband is large, hairy, and sweaty. So, can't re-wear anything. He works out every morning, 6 outfits, then 6 swimsuits tops and bottoms, 6 casual outfits and 4 MDR outfits. Plus pj's underwear, etc... Thankfully, we live less than a mile from the port. So, no worries about airlines losing luggage. But, have heard enough horror stories about the ships losing luggage, that after all this time, I finally am going to smarten up and pack some things I usually don't in my carry on, such as at least 2 outfits each and UNDERWEAR. We buy trip insurance but doubt that they would have anything other than t shirts in husbands size in gift shops. We self assist leaving. (bungee cords) But, when boarding, we actually know some of the longshoremen that handle the luggage, (porters), since we are local. They break their necks trying to get to us as know there will be a good tip, since we have so many cases. One, just for his baseball caps, (to match each outfit, and shoes). Sad, isn't it?:)

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i, too, really know how to pack. I could easily get a whole week of my clothes in a carry on. But, husband is large, hairy, and sweaty. So, can't re-wear anything. He works out every morning, 6 outfits, then 6 swimsuits tops and bottoms, 6 casual outfits and 4 mdr outfits. Plus pj's underwear, etc... Thankfully, we live less than a mile from the port. So, no worries about airlines losing luggage. But, have heard enough horror stories about the ships losing luggage, that after all this time, i finally am going to smarten up and pack some things i usually don't in my carry on, such as at least 2 outfits each and underwear. We buy trip insurance but doubt that they would have anything other than t shirts in husbands size in gift shops. We self assist leaving. (bungee cords) but, when boarding, we actually know some of the longshoremen that handle the luggage, (porters), since we are local. They break their necks trying to get to us as know there will be a good tip, since we have so many cases. One, just for his baseball caps, (to match each outfit, and shoes). Sad, isn't it?:)


Hahahahahaha! :D

Edited by firemanbobswife
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I forgot to pack all my pants for a 7 day cruise. I had to wear the one pair of jeans I had the whole trip. The price of pants on the ship were too high. Wife and I still laugh about that.


Not on a cruise but, we invited all the neighbors up to our cabin one Memorial weekend. On the 1st morning, we all hear a husband ask his wife where his underpants were. He thought his wife packed his underwear, and she told him to pack them. Needless to say, he ended up wearing the same pair for the entire weekend. :eek:

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We have never had one piece of luggage not arrive when we do. Of course we drive 19 hours down to FLL to catch a ship. It's planned into our trip and no pressure. Airlines are getting worse, costing more and caring even less if that's even possible.

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We have never had one piece of luggage not arrive when we do. Of course we drive 19 hours down to FLL to catch a ship. It's planned into our trip and no pressure. Airlines are getting worse, costing more and caring even less if that's even possible.


True airlines are getting worse, but I've pretty much learned to live with/beat the system. Takes more planning but that's the fun of it.



And always fly in the day before!

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Airlines are getting worse, costing more and caring even less if that's even possible.



Yet, according to most aviation industry studies, passenger satisfaction is at a 10 year high, airfares are actually lower, and overall scores haven't been this high since 1994. The airline that I work for specifically improved in 2016 in ALL 7 metrics that JD Powers uses to rank airlines. [emoji3]


Although we love to poke fun at airlines, say how bad things are, and roll our eyes any time that air travel is involved, the industry has indeed improved tremendously. Less bags lost thanks to improved technology (for many airlines, you can track your bag in real time as you travel), far superior entertainment and wifi coverage onboard, wider variety of onboard offerings, newer airplanes, more efficient connections, and as mentioned above, lower fares.


Even behind the scenes, your flight experience is getting better. For example we now have invested in a new software that allows us to graphically plot turbulence in real time up in the flight deck so we can be more proactive about selecting the smoothest altitudes and giving you a better ride instead of relying on turbulence reports from other airplanes or actually running into turbulence before taking measures about it (which up until now, has been the way things are done).


Will it ever be like the golden years of flying? Just because of the sheer number of passengers flying today, the answer is NO. But the airlines are in the most part improving, not getting worse as you say.

Edited by Tapi
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My sister's suitcase arrived two days late with tire marks on the outside and sawdust on the inside.

We fly with carry-on luggage because we can't get direct flights from our home airport and our checked bags prefer travelling by taxi after a flight.

If I think I MIGHT wear something, it doesn't get packed.

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I forgot to pack all my pants for a 7 day cruise. I had to wear the one pair of jeans I had the whole trip. The price of pants on the ship were too high. Wife and I still laugh about that.


That is my worst fear! LOL


The one time I had lost luggage, the airline gave me money to buy clothes and stuff. They waited 24 hours before they would cut the check though. That was years ago and I don't know if they still do that or if you have to be reimbursed only now.

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Yet, according to most aviation industry studies, passenger satisfaction is at a 10 year high, airfares are actually lower, and overall scores haven't been this high since 1994. The airline that I work for specifically improved in 2016 in ALL 7 metrics that JD Powers uses to rank airlines. [emoji3]


Although we love to poke fun at airlines, say how bad things are, and roll our eyes any time that air travel is involved, the industry has indeed improved tremendously. Less bags lost thanks to improved technology (for many airlines, you can track your bag in real time as you travel), far superior entertainment and wifi coverage onboard, wider variety of onboard offerings, newer airplanes, more efficient connections, and as mentioned above, lower fares.


Even behind the scenes, your flight experience is getting better. For example we now have invested in a new software that allows us to graphically plot turbulence in real time up in the flight deck so we can be more proactive about selecting the smoothest altitudes and giving you a better ride instead of relying on turbulence reports from other airplanes or actually running into turbulence before taking measures about it (which up until now, has been the way things are done).


Will it ever be like the golden years of flying? Just because of the sheer number of passengers flying today, the answer is NO. But the airlines are in the most part improving, not getting worse as you say.


All the extra costs are super frustrating but according to some articles I've read recently, that money is actually being spend on improving the passenger experience.


I've been finding awesome airfares, about $200 RT from DC to Houston and back and I can tell you, fares haven't been that low in a VERY long time! Luggage is the one area I think airlines still need improvement, but I do understand why they're charging extra for it. It's certainly changed the way I pack.

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There were people on the Vista Inaugural who didn't get their luggage. Not sure if it ever arrived, but I think it did, finally, several days after we sailed (and I think they flew in at least a day early). Imagine 2 weeks on a Med cruise with no change of clothes!


I also always pack at least one change of clothing and bring in my carry-on. And, yes, arriving a day early gives you time to buy a few things just in case the luggage doesn't catch up.

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I have a great carry-on that is the maximum allowable size plus has the expandable zipper thingy. I pack that full (not expanded) - usually have no trouble getting all my clothes and shoes in plus a few other items. Toiletries, travel info, small purse all go in my backpack or zipping tote bag. I carry on both items on on my way TO my destination.


When I come home I expand the suitcase and my clothes, toiletries, souvenirs all go in there and get checked (free with airline CC) and I can board and transfer planes a little lighter.


Also I will never again gate check my bag (when they ask for volunteers and it goes in with checked bags) as I did one time when traveling on Delta and all the luggage that was put under the plane went to the international terminal bag claim in Atlanta. Took two and a half hours for them to figure out what happened and for me to go get the bag. I said to myself several times "at least it's work, not vacation" lol - but I do have to say they gave me a nice compensation in the form of miles.

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We were on a 10 day Baltic cruise from Copenhagen to Copenhagen. I overheard a woman in a laundry room telling another woman that her luggage finally arrived. By then we were in Helsinki; I think it was the 7th day of the cruise.


We only had a bag not show up once, though it was on a land vacation, not a cruise. The trip was to Paris, then Amsterdam, and then back to the USA. The bag somehow was temporarily lost on the way to Amsterdam. Luckily, it was delivered to our hotel that evening. That was the only portion of our trip that required us to pay for the baggage. When we got home, I called our cc company and asked to have the charge for the bags by KLM cut from $50 to $25 and explained what had happened including giving them the claim number we had from the airline when the bag did not show up from the plane. I assume the airline did not dispute cutting the fee in half since it was done by our cc company. They did give us an emergency pack basically with toiletries.

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The part about losing my luggage that terrifies me... I'm plus size. I have to shop in specialty stores. I can't just buy a few things at a gift shop to get through! I always pack an extra outfit in my carry-on and always cross pack clothes so that if 1 bag goes missing I still have a few things left to wear. I dread the idea of trying to run out the day of the cruise and find a store that carries my size in a city I've never been to!


I hope they can sort out the luggage issues soon!

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I forgot to pack all my pants for a 7 day cruise. I had to wear the one pair of jeans I had the whole trip. The price of pants on the ship were too high. Wife and I still laugh about that.


I have a recurring dream where I show up to a cruise and I've forgotten something at home. Once it was bathing suits, once it was all of my hair/make-up stuff, once it was shirts! Hearing your story won't help me sleep any better at night! LOL

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All the extra costs are super frustrating but according to some articles I've read recently, that money is actually being spend on improving the passenger experience.


ahahaha... thank for the laugh. Needed that!

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I have a recurring dream where I show up to a cruise and I've forgotten something at home. Once it was bathing suits, once it was all of my hair/make-up stuff, once it was shirts! Hearing your story won't help me sleep any better at night! LOL


I hear you, Misty! Before someone flames you (and now me) that these are vanity things, I wanted to comment. Things that aren't that important to some are things others have a hard time living without. My hair has always been finely textured, but very long, and now as I have aged I have way less of it. I can only comb it, even after conditioner, with my "special comb", otherwise a regular comb will tear out even more of it. We went to a land based casino, out in the middle of nowhere. I forgot my comb. I drove to every shopping venue possible and, nope. We were there there 5 nights. I could not wash my hair the whole time we were there. Thankfully, I had a baseball cap, and just covered up the mess. Was very embarrassing when we went to the fine dining restaurant. Believe me, when we returned home, I bought multiples, have one in every purse, travel bag, make up kit, etc... Won't happen again. And I would be freaked if I forgot to pack my make up, too. May all sound silly to some, but if they had to see me without any makeup, they would understand.:eek:

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My swim trunks once ripped pretty badly in the crotch area on a cruise and of course it was my only pair. Now while Carnival does have some lovely $50 trunks in their stores I decided to pass on those. Luckily it was Puerto Rico the next day and I found me a really nice pair for all of $10.


I now always pack a 2nd swimsuit and after reading horror stories like this I always pack enough in my carryon to make it through the cruise if need be.

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If you haven't heard, today Sky Harbor airport had a major problem screening luggage. I took my wife to the airport for a 5:30am flight. Her luggage made it but many didn't Sometime during the day ALL luggage screening stopped and 3000+ bags were placed in the parking lot of the airport. As far as I heard, its still not working. Southwest is trucking luggage to LA and Las Vegas to screen and ship. Other airlines are going to attempt to hand screen every piece of luggage.


Carnival had at least 4 ships sail out today and its likely some of these people do not have their luggage today. They say it may take DAYS to arrive where it should. So, you MAY want to put some clothes in your carry-on.




What a mess.

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That's why we never go in less than a day early.


However, once we were embarking at Galveston and saw an entire luggage cart break away from the tug and go over the side into the water.


I am guessing there was more than one person who didn't get their luggage on that cruise.

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If you haven't heard, today Sky Harbor airport had a major problem screening luggage. I took my wife to the airport for a 5:30am flight. Her luggage made it but many didn't Sometime during the day ALL luggage screening stopped and 3000+ bags were placed in the parking lot of the airport. As far as I heard, its still not working. Southwest is trucking luggage to LA and Las Vegas to screen and ship. Other airlines are going to attempt to hand screen every piece of luggage.


Carnival had at least 4 ships sail out today and its likely some of these people do not have their luggage today. They say it may take DAYS to arrive where it should. So, you MAY want to put some clothes in your carry-on.



This is another reason my DH insists on us having carry on luggage only. I have learned to pack with two carry-ons for up to 10 day cruises.....even for a 10 day land trip to Ireland! It's not because he doesn't want to pay to check our luggage, it's because the airlines lost our luggage 3x in a short period years ago....so no more checking luggage!

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