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Can't bring soda on board anymore


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This thread is almost there...just a few more posts and it will hit 2000. :roll eyes:


I admit I have skipped over most of this thread but at what point does it reach a saturation point. Where it is just noting more than the same folks arguing the same points over and over?

Edited by TruckerDave
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Not outrageous mark-up at all. I can buy a six pack of Corona for about $9. So on a boat it costs me about $5 a bottle. So for a six pack I pay $25 to $30 depending if they give me one free in the bucket.


Anywhere you go like Disney, hotels, movie theaters, restaurants there are tremendous mark-ups everywhere from soda, candy, snacks, necessities like sun screen and even water. Even your store rite aid marks up products compared to a regular grocery store mostly because they don't buy as much bulk like a wal-mart. I can get a Gatorade at Walmart for .88 but if I go to Walgreens or rite aid I pay at least $2 for it.


To me I don't find the price of water for the brand and size all that outrageous. I don't mind either way with NCL policy on not bringing in water or soda on board. But look around and you see outrageous mark-ups everywhere and everyday but that's life and business.


I don't drink bottled water but I have a great deal of empathy for those that do. I doubt that they are paying anywhere near $20 wholesale and if they are they should worry about getting a new purchasing agent.

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Put in ice and a piece of lemon. It will taste great!


Thanks for the suggestion, and great for you that you can find ways to make the ship's water palatable (and I mean that sincerely, not snarkily). Unfortunately, I can't, and people telling me all the things I could do to make the water taste not DEAD (because that's how it tastes to me -- dead, stale, etc -- like ice cubes that have been sitting in the freezer too long) is not going to change it. This is a matter of opinion, folks, not fact.


Let me try to explain this a different way. I am one of those people who have the genetic thing that makes cilantro taste like soap. (This is a real thing -- Google it if you've never heard of it.) No matter how many times people tell me how delicious cilantro is, and how I'm missing out on one of the best flavors in the world because I don't eat it, it still tastes like soap to me. Every once in a while, I'll give it a taste, just to see if anything's changed. Nope -- still get the refreshing taste of Irish Spring ... and I don't mean water from an Irish spring, either. Luckily, I can usually manage to avoid it without too much trouble. I think I'd be less successful avoiding drinking water on a ship, though.


I've resigned myself to paying the exorbitant price for bottled water on board -- since this change was announced after we were required to make final payment on our trip. I knew what the water cost when I made the reservation and I knew bottled water wasn't included in ANY NCL beverage package (unlike the package of other similar lines, like RCCL). But since we're driving to port, I figured it would be easy enough to put some bottled water in a wheeled duffel and bring it on board. Now I don't have that option.


I'm not stomping my feet saying I'll never cruise NCL again. But the fact that NCL is the only major cruise line in this category that doesn't offer a beverage package that includes bottled water (not to mention the specialty coffee and fresh juice we enjoyed with the RCCL beverage package last year) is something that will factor into future decision making. So will the fact that the change was made on extremely short notice. I suspect that my husband's ability to wear (nice, not gym) shorts to dinner will probably trump my annoyance over the bottled water and short notice, but maybe not. And who knows -- maybe the next change NCL will make is that shorts can only be worn in the buffet at dinner time. That would not go over well in my house.


What NCL management has managed to do with this policy change is irritate someone who was willing to pay full-price (with some nice perks, but still full-price) for a suite. Seems pretty silly for NCL to risk that over what would have amounted to less than $10 worth of bottled water that they could have either just added to the beverage package or sold to me at a more reasonable mark-up. And almost all the SFs on my upcoming cruise were still available last time I looked, so people are not lining up to pay for these at "full price" either.

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So they're getting it for, what, $20 or less wholesale? Still quite the markup for water.


With a $20 wholesale product, the business then needs to:


- ship the product to the port

- pay port workers to onboard the product

- use crew time (not free) to rotate & store product onboard

- pay for the product usually Net 30, although it may not be sold for 60 days

- pay the financing fees for the stock

- distribute the water via sales tables (manned by paid crew)

- pay for the paper bill-of-sale

- pay for the accounting people to charge the water to your room

- pay for the disposal of the empty water bottle.



- make a profit out of whatever is leftover.








I rebooked on Carnival, called to cancel my NCL booking- the rude service rep said that no refunds will be made because we are past the deadline.

So I called the credit card company, contacted the BBB, and have prepared for a long legal battle to get my money back.



Good luck with that. Try reading the contract you agreed to. The BBB is kind of like Yelp...useful if you want to read reviews, but has absolutely no teeth.


You may as well cancel your Carnival booking, and take the NCL cruise since you're paying for it anyway....OR are you past Final Payment on Carnival too? Better call your credit card company, and explain to them you don't know how cancellation periods work.








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Actually, I am pretty sure NCL has an arbitration clause in the T+CX, so you can't take them to court anyway at least initially.


The T+C is specifically written to allow this sort of change, I posted the language earlier...


Which you will lose if you can even find an attorney of any repute to take a very clear case of NCL being right. You cancelled after final, unless you have the proper insurance you get nothing back. It isn't difficult! The CC company will investigate and you will end up still paying the bill.
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My dad had the same issue. His solution was to dissolve about 1/4 to 1/2 tab of Tums into the water. It adds back some of the missing minerals and a hint of flavor.


Doesn't work for me, but would be a cheap experiment to try.


Glad for you that this solution works. I haven't found that filtering the water makes it taste any better. If anything, the water is already so filtered that it tastes stale. Having done my bit for the environment in other ways, I enjoy bottled water guilt free when I'm someplace where I find the tap water undrinkable.
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To repeat. IF THE SYSTEM IS PROPERLY MAINTAINED THERE IS NO SIGNIFICANT SODIUM IN SHIP PRODUCED DRINKING WATER. There may be some in water brought on from shore, but this is also unlikely as that water is still filtered and processed.


Yes, I am shouting, because this point has been made clear and documented over and over, and still people say it.


The ships use the exact same process used to produce most bottled water, which if you look, you will find is sodium free.


Just so you know, that Bobble bottle uses activated carbon which will remove the chlorine from the water. But it will not remove the sodium. I see on Cruise Critic a lot of people talk about not drinking the tap water because their ankles swell due to the sodium in the water. This bottle is not a solution to that problem. But it should make the water taste "fresher".



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It also seems time again to repost what the core issue is here..


It's not price gouging, or no Coke, etc.


It's NCL has again changed rules in a time frame when people are in final payment lock without any form of real communication, understanding or allowance.


Whether these particular changes bother individuals at all, everyone should be concerned with this because its become a clear and persistent pattern, which means that whatever is important to you may not be there when you cruise.


Changes will be made, and usually in the line's favor. That's a part of dealing with a business this far in advance. HOW those changes are made however, is key. When a line consistently starts to give the middle finger to its customers, that's a real and valid item for complaint.


This particular change doesn't affect me at all, but I am still very displeased at how it was done and have communicated such.

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LOL at how literal people are. ...replacing $5 worth of water will cost us $70.


That's the problem, those literal people apparently don't understand math & enjoy paying least retail for everything.


No matter how one slices it, whether it's 2x or 10+x markup, paying an astro markup for water is asinine but it is what it is.


NCL should have grandfathered in those who book & confirmed prior to this policy change so that they can see how people really feel.

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It also seems time again to repost what the core issue is here..


It's not price gouging, or no Coke, etc.


It's NCL has again changed rules in a time frame when people are in final payment lock without any form of real communication, understanding or allowance.


Whether these particular changes bother individuals at all, everyone should be concerned with this because its become a clear and persistent pattern, which means that whatever is important to you may not be there when you cruise.


Changes will be made, and usually in the line's favor. That's a part of dealing with a business this far in advance. HOW those changes are made however, is key. When a line consistently starts to give the middle finger to its customers, that's a real and valid item for complaint.


This particular change doesn't affect me at all, but I am still very displeased at how it was done and have communicated such.


Actually, I have to agree. Although this policy has no effect on me since I am not booked on anything...and I'm fine with "buffet water" (water is the only thing I drink)......they absolutely should have given more notice.


I can advise people "what to do"....but the bottom line is that it's their choice. And when they booked "their choice" was available.


At the very least, they should do what Carnival did....and make bottles available at a low cost. We never bought bottled water on a ship (DH always refills his bottle) but on our last Carnival cruise it was easier to buy these bottles then refilling his.


I'm certainly not leaving NCL because of this, but if it created "issues" for me and there were other equally convenient lines I would.

Edited by April42749
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It also seems time again to repost what the core issue is here..


It's not price gouging, or no Coke, etc.


It's NCL has again changed rules in a time frame when people are in final payment lock without any form of real communication, understanding or allowance.


Whether these particular changes bother individuals at all, everyone should be concerned with this because its become a clear and persistent pattern, which means that whatever is important to you may not be there when you cruise.


Changes will be made, and usually in the line's favor. That's a part of dealing with a business this far in advance. HOW those changes are made however, is key. When a line consistently starts to give the middle finger to its customers, that's a real and valid item for complaint.


This particular change doesn't affect me at all, but I am still very displeased at how it was done and have communicated such.


Hear, hear!

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It also seems time again to repost what the core issue is here..


It's not price gouging, or no Coke, etc.


It's NCL has again changed rules in a time frame when people are in final payment lock without any form of real communication, understanding or allowance.


Whether these particular changes bother individuals at all, everyone should be concerned with this because its become a clear and persistent pattern, which means that whatever is important to you may not be there when you cruise.


Changes will be made, and usually in the line's favor. That's a part of dealing with a business this far in advance. HOW those changes are made however, is key. When a line consistently starts to give the middle finger to its customers, that's a real and valid item for complaint.


This particular change doesn't affect me at all, but I am still very displeased at how it was done and have communicated such.


Well put!

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My dad had the same issue. His solution was to dissolve about 1/4 to 1/2 tab of Tums into the water. It adds back some of the missing minerals and a hint of flavor.


Doesn't work for me, but would be a cheap experiment to try.


Thanks for the suggestion -- it's certainly worth investing in a pack of Tums to see if it helps. It also will remind me of my Nana, as one of her catch phrases was "would you like a Tum?" as she'd pull her roll of them out of her purse.

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It also seems time again to repost what the core issue is here..


It's not price gouging, or no Coke, etc.


It's NCL has again changed rules in a time frame when people are in final payment lock without any form of real communication, understanding or allowance.


Whether these particular changes bother individuals at all, everyone should be concerned with this because its become a clear and persistent pattern, which means that whatever is important to you may not be there when you cruise.


Changes will be made, and usually in the line's favor. That's a part of dealing with a business this far in advance. HOW those changes are made however, is key. When a line consistently starts to give the middle finger to its customers, that's a real and valid item for complaint.


This particular change doesn't affect me at all, but I am still very displeased at how it was done and have communicated such.


+5 (or is it 6 now).

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Thank you for posting this. I was really SHM trying to figure out where they were getting that $5.00 per case.


Ever hear of GOOGLE ??? See below.


Aquafina Purified Drinking Water - 32/16.9 oz. Regular Price: $7.99

Special Price $5.35

Availability: In stock

Sign up for price alert


Sodium-free, fat-free and gluten-free.

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Slim Brita is a container with filter that is 5 cup capacity - it's smaller and slimmer then the regular size. I got it for my 2 older boys for their college dorm refrigerators - fits perfectly. It should fit in my suite fridge but we normally keep the larger one out on the counter at home so that will be OK too! Going to get a bunch of reusable water bottles from the $1 store (just in case on gets lost) and bring a cook pack bag we have (which folds flat). I'm in the haven so I am sure our butler will have no problem freezing a few of our filled water bottles - this way I can have a few with me on excursion days. Hope this helps.


Thanks for the tips!

Never had to think about all the workarounds before on a cruise.

Of course, I've never been on a cruise line that changed policy for confirmed customers; essentially changing the written rules under which I understood as when I contracted with them.

Edited by OV8
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It also seems time again to repost what the core issue is here.


It's NCL has again changed rules in a time frame when people are in final payment lock without any form of real communication, understanding or allowance.


Here's the core issue with that - again.


Norwegian has ships leaving every week from multiple ports. How are they ever going to have nobody in final payment lock?


Remember all the complaining when UDP went to SDP? Everyone was confused because they were running two programs at once. (It's still happening, but winding down.)


Are you seriously suggesting that the stevedores check not only boarding passes and luggage tags, but also booking receipts? "HEY! Why are you taking my water away? He's carrying four cases onboard!" "Ah, yes, but he purchased his tickets before the change."


It would be a logistics nightmare.


Yes, there are some inconvenienced. By the number of unique people posting here, there are a very few who are extremely inconvenienced. There are also those who never brought drinks aboard and there are those who did not know it was an option.


So, people sailing had two weeks notice, others are getting notice bit by bit, and life will go on.


The real question is "Can we keep this thread going until the policy goes into place?"

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Here's the core issue with that - again.


Norwegian has ships leaving every week from multiple ports. How are they ever going to have nobody in final payment lock?


Remember all the complaining when UDP went to SDP? Everyone was confused because they were running two programs at once. (It's still happening, but winding down.)


Are you seriously suggesting that the stevedores check not only boarding passes and luggage tags, but also booking receipts? "HEY! Why are you taking my water away? He's carrying four cases onboard!" "Ah, yes, but he purchased his tickets before the change."


It would be a logistics nightmare.


Yes, there are some inconvenienced. By the number of unique people posting here, there are a very few who are extremely inconvenienced. There are also those who never brought drinks aboard and there are those who did not know it was an option.


So, people sailing had two weeks notice, others are getting notice bit by bit, and life will go on.


The real question is "Can we keep this thread going until the policy goes into place?"



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Announcing the change 120 days in advance would give everyone who'd booked under the previous terms the opportunity to cancel without penalty from NCL. Of course, by raising the specter of "security reasons," NCL may have been trying to justify the last minute change.


Note that I said "without penalty from NCL." I know that doesn't necessarily help passengers who've paid for their own airfare, but at least people could look into other trips rather than sail under different T&Cs, if they are so inclined.


The change to SDP from UDP didn't impact passengers who'd booked the UDP. This change does.


Yes. +1 ^^^

It's not a logistical nightmare from a well organized & run company.

Apparently, NCL is neither & in using recent events as a shield to nickel & dime - their motives are dubious even more.

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To repeat. IF THE SYSTEM IS PROPERLY MAINTAINED THERE IS NO SIGNIFICANT SODIUM IN SHIP PRODUCED DRINKING WATER. There may be some in water brought on from shore, but this is also unlikely as that water is still filtered and processed.


Yes, I am shouting, because this point has been made clear and documented over and over, and still people say it.


The ships use the exact same process used to produce most bottled water, which if you look, you will find is sodium free.


One would think that the term "desalinization" would be a less-than -subtle hint!

Edited by Annmeat
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Or as an age old saying goes " make lemonade out of lemons".


All this time, I thought that's what I was doing. NCL sells Pepsi products. Okay, I understand. I don't like Pepsi but, I can bring on a 12-pack of Coke- it's all good.

Any loss for NCL was more than recovered by the simple fact that I was AWAKE and in a good mood- not suffering from a caffiene headache- and willing to spend money in the casino and shops.

I still plan on going and having a great time. If I have to buy a Mt. Dew, I will. However, I can assure you I won't be spending anymore money on board.

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