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Ho Ho Ho live Regal Princess


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This is my first time on the Regal, we got a deluxe obstructed balcony and it's fantastic, with a direct routs to the lifeboats if need be. The only obstruction is the lifeboat on the bottom, otherwise i can see the sea clearly. Good deal too, we paid much less than for a non obstructed balcony and got a small couch too.


Other than a disappointing dining experience, so far so good. Lots of games and fun things to do. We won several Trivia games and scored some of those cool flashlights.


Oops I posted before I corrected the funky title, I meant to say somewhat live ON the Regal.


I'll write offline now and post more later...I do miss all my cruise critic friends and hope everybody is having wonderful holidays.



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Happy holidays to you both! We absolutely loved the Regal on our recent 24 day cruise from New York to the Caribbean! We sure enjoyed that wonderful cruise to South America with you Such great memories! Looking fireard to your posts. All our wishes to you and your better halves for lots of happiness, good health and fun cruising in 2017!


PS. We are spending Christmas in Borrego Springs!


xxoo Deb and Bill

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Enjoy your voyage on one of our favorite ships. I'm sure it is beautifully decorated and you'll have a great time.


Sorry to hear you had a bad dining experience. We have been lucky that the only bad experiences have been table mate issues - constant complaining, politics, position of the TP holder in the cabin WC, etc.


We'll be on the Caribbean Princess for New Year's and have enjoyed the two other bringing in the new year events.


Safe travels.

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12/21/2016 Regal Princess


Happy Holidays from the Regal Princess! It's day 3 of our 21 day cruise and I am a few days behind so will attempt to catch up now with some bits and pieces of the last few days.


Embarkation was easy, we were in Key West for 5 days prior to getting on the ship and got to the port late at about 3 pm, I usually get on as early as possible. We went to muster almost immediately, our station was in the Piazza with standing room only.


We are in E319 in an obstructed deluxe balcony, the only obstruction is the lifeboat which is below us and not really an obstruction at all. This is a great room and saved us a lot of money which became more important since Kenny finally retired! Yes he finally did it! Looking forward to cruising more...


This first time I am on this ship, so far it seems the same as the Royal. I have been absent from the boards for several months, so please forgive any repeat questions and let me know if I am missing something special here.


The ship is all decked out for the holidays, it looks lovely. We are located close to the front stairs, making it an easy location to climb the stairs or take the elevator. For those who miss the middle stairs past deck 7 this is an ideal location. I've learned that the Majestic will be a little different than this ship, they will be adding more gaming places in the rear of the ship as it is intended to serve the Asian population. I will be on the 49 day Majestic repositioning from Europe to Asia and will report on those changes as best as I can.


So far we have visited Nassau, Bahamas, and St Thomas (today) where we hopped on a ferry for St. John and enjoyed a tour of the island and all is wonderful beaches, fragrant leaves, herbs, and flowers, and those oh so beautiful white sand beaches. Just magnificent.


I am also writing on my facebook page, where I am posting lots of pictures if you are interested just friend me on Facebook. I am under my name Amelia Hesson.


We've been playing games like we are in camp! It's so much fun to do this on a cruise, camp for adults. BtW since when did Princess start doing the quest? I thought that was a Royal Caribbean thing. Anyway that is happening tonight, and they also had some stargazing on deck but I missed it, bummer! Anybody try the Stargazing?


It's time for bed. Tomorrow is an early day and we have a long excursion, we will be in Antigua!

If I've missed your questions give me time, I'm trying to do it all and of course there are not enough minutes in the day to accomplish this.



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Enjoy your day in Antigua! There are a couple of nice shops near the port. Many were closed the day we were there but Bill bought a lovely water colour at the shop with all sorts of handmade, recycled jewelery, trinkets, artwork.

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Good morning. Yesterday we visited St. Thomas, it was hot and cloudy but did not rain as some people were warning. I was not expecting rain, I tend to ignore people and expect the weather to be favorable and so it was.


I had forgot to bring my inhaler and needed to call my doctor and use his emergency pager, something I've never done in 24 years and was pleased that he called me right back. As it happened I was close to a pharmacy and was able to hand my phone to the pharmacist who took the prescription over the phone, whew. Since Ken just retired we used cobra to keep me insured as I am 60 and not eligible for Medicare, but Ken forgot to bring the new cards. The meds cost a jaw dropping $600, but we gave them Ken's old card and it worked! The cost was $0! I was so glad there was a good pharmacy at the port.


We went back to the ship and met our group for our journey to St John, a lovely island filled with fragrant flowers and other flora including bay leaves which smell incredible when freshly picked. I am obsessed with my leaves for the whole trip and can't stop smelling them, do think I can grow them in Thousand Oaks?


Anyway we passed Carol Burnett's house and other celebrities that live on the island, and after a 45 minute ferry ride we arrive. We take a nice driving tour and the water is so inviting, I wish we were going snorkeling. Don't come to this place without dipping into the water, it is so inviting and lovely. After the tour we get herded into a fenced area like animals, it is a claustrophobic bummer and I want out. The ferry comes and does not dock where we are herded, so we are moved to another small area where we are able to get back on the ferry en masse! Ship tours still suck!


Back on the ship, we try the buffet which is really very good. I am glad you all told me that, and you all were right, it was yummy and of course you cannot beat the vast array of choices. Even though I pile lots of veggies on my plate, I eat too much! Portion control is difficult here with so many choices and ever little tastes add up to a lot of food! Thanks for the recommendation CC friends.


Ok one thing that was such a bummer was the formal night canapés. I had taken to writing in chocolate covered strawberries on the request form (which was hidden in my room and not readily accessible) and got a call from room service telling me that there would not give me one without charging my account, bummer.


On the upside, my laundry came back in One day! Wow, it's been awhile since that happened. It all evened out in the end. Time to get going, we are pulling into Antigua as I write and I've never been here. Yes, another country to add to my list which is growing quick these days.



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Aww thanks for your kind words, that totally makes my day! I miss you all and wish you were all on the cruise with me, meanwhile I will endeavor to bring you all along.


I'm taking a full day excursion in Antigua today and will report diligently, for me it's all about the tours and discovering new and wonderful people and places.


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Another great buffet hint is the afternoon tea snacks. I think it is around 3 pm, fresh warm scones and various salads including wonderful chicken salad and tuna salads. I always wonder why these salads aren't out at lunch as a scoop over salad greens would be a nice lunch, but that is their routine! And please go to Alfredos and try the ravioli, eggplant or the calzone. Alfredos has so much beyond pizza.


Oh no I'm hungry now!



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Woke up to a cloudy day with some bits of sun, I always expect some rain in the Caribbean and indeed we got that. However it only rained for a half hour and then it cleared up and we had good weather.


We took a ship tour: Nelson's Dockyard, Shirley Heights, and lunch by 4WD. It cost us $120 pp. it was terrible, beware of this ship tour. Here is the low down. We found our tour and followed the guide into our 4WD which fit 10 people. We started out toward our first destination which was Shirley Heights although in the moment it was unclear where we were going and the driver--big Mike--was talking into a poor mic and we could not really understand what he was saying. We headed out of town and up into the mountains in on a paved road. At one point it started to rain pretty hard and I was bummed out that I had chosen the seat closest to the back and got soaked. No biggie, my hair got wet and so did my right side but it was hot and I didn't have to maintain a hairdo and just let it curl.


We arrived at our first destination, got out of the 4WD and scrambled to the building which was Shirley Heights visitor's center. Wrapped in a ship towel, we went into a small auditorium with swivel seats, screens, and enactments surrounding the room. The movie started and ran from one screen to the next in a circle with various enactments highlighted as the movie played. We swiveled with the movie and enjoyed it a lot, it lasted about 15 minutes, not enough to time to dry out but still very pleasant.


After the movie, we hung out and some photographed the scenery while others shopped in the gift shop, or just waited to go back to the 4WD. Getting in and out of this vehicle was difficult and everybody banged their heads on the low hard roof, and knocked their knees on the seats and sides. It took me one time to learn to be mindful of the roof and sides, and we all reminded each other about watching their heads as well. It was still raining as we headed back to the 4WD, I could not find the rain poncho I thought I packed and wished they had been provided to us by Princess. I was very thirsty and also wished we were offered water, another glaring miss by Princess. All the private tours we have taken everywhere provide water, beer, or sodas.


As we headed to the dockyards, it stopped raining and I started to dry out. We stopped at another lookout, snapped some photos, got back into the 4WD, more head bumping, more jostling around, and maybe 45 minutes later we arrived at the dockyards which were very interesting with lots of shops, a museum, scenic docks, lots of greenery, and of course a lovely local bakery. Me and my friend Pat ditched the museum in favor of walking around and finding the bakery (behind the museum), while the boys visited the museum. The orientation talk lasted a few minutes and then we were given 15 minutes to look around. This was a lovely place and I could have spend a few hours here taking in the sights and donating some money for the mandatory magnet which is my way of remembering that I had visited this place in the years to come! I later met people who had wisely hired a taxi and went directly to the dockyards where they spend as much time as they wanted.


When will I learn to avoid ship tours like this? I booked this tour, and many others, because I had never been to Antigua and figured the ship tour would give me a taste of this place. It left a bad taste, but I am getting ahead of myself here and there is more to tell of this tour.


Leaving the dockyards, and after another round of head bumping and more, we headed for the next location, a beach where we would eat lunch and be free to swim. We arrived at some nameless location and were seated after much discussion between our guide and the restaurant employees. We grabbed a table for 4, and went to the buffet line. We were given a fork wrapped in a napkin and a plate. I could see that there was only a few things to eat; salad, rice, macaroni and cheese, and some chicken legs. Also there was some pre poured water or pineapple juice. I got a small portion of salad and asked for more twice. Some guy was portioning out lettuce leaves 3 at a time and it was clear that I was not going to get more. I took some Mac and cheese and sat down to eat. The Mac and cheese was cold and yucky, and all I ate was a small amount, maybe 7 leaves, of salad. I went back to ask for more but it was all gone. The guides had taken all the rest of the food for themselves!


I asked why couldn't they bring us out more salad and was told there was none left. I told my guide that I was refused salad and he got upset, brought the man who refused me and together they stood above me and and argued loudly about how I better not complain because if I did they would lose their jobs. They intimated me and my group, and frankly I was frightened and just told them to forget about it and that I was fine with what was served. I was not fine but realized that this was not the way to deal with the food problem. We all could not wait to get out of there.


I visited the bathroom which had only one of 3 toilets working, the broken toilets were filled with terrible smelly stuff and of course there was a long line of ladies waiting to use that one toilet. Of course there was no toilet paper and I was happy that I was carrying my own Kleenex.


After about 45 minutes we all piled back into the 4WD and headed back the ship. I could not wait to get there. All the folks we were traveling with were upset and complaining about the excursion, most of them spitting mad!


I recommend taking a taxi on your own to visit Shirley Heights and the lovely Nelson Dockyards, rather than the ship tour. At $120 pp, you will save a lot of money and frustration, and do bring a sandwich from the ship, or whatever you like, or choose your place to eat at the dockyards as there were several choices.


Ok we are arriving in Dominica now and Ken is bugging me to hurry up because we need to grab bit at the IC, make trivia at 9 am, and get off the ship. I hope this info helps, remember that this is simply my perspective and may not hold true for you.


Happy holidays,


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I hope you informed the tour desk about the problems with the tour in Antigua. Unfortunately this happens all too frequently in the Caribbean where the main function of the islanders is to rip off cruise passengers. This has happened to me numerous times as to where there are only a few islands I actually get off the ship.

I will be joining the ship on Thursday for the NY's cruise. I do have one tour booked in Barbados but have done this tour before - catamaran to snorkel with turtles. It was excellent last time so hopefully it still is.

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We had a ships tour in Antigua this year that was a beach break with chair and drink. I went back to the tour desk afterwards and said that I did not want anything refunded as everything advertised was provided, but to let them know that the place they took us to was not up to Princess standards.


But several days later my onboard statement reflected a partial refund. Good customer service, just hope they don't take future tours there!



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We took a ship tour: Nelson's Dockyard, Shirley Heights, and lunch by 4WD. It cost us $120 pp. it was terrible, beware of this ship tour.

When will I learn to avoid ship tours like this? I booked this tour, and many others, because I had never been to Antigua and figured the ship tour would give me a taste of this place. It left a bad taste, but I am getting ahead of myself here and there is more to tell of this tour.


I recommend taking a taxi on your own to visit Shirley Heights and the lovely Nelson Dockyards, rather than the ship tour. At $120 pp, you will save a lot of money and frustration, and do bring a sandwich from the ship, or whatever you like, or choose your place to eat at the dockyards as there were several choices.


Happy holidays,


Thanks for sharing your experience. It is helpful for our Antigua itinerary in March.

Happy holidays.

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