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Silversea Water Cooler: Part 3, Welcome!

Host Dan

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First of all, I agree with JP. It is important to remember that most of us our more alike than we are different. The neighbors on either side of us are both left leaning, but we enjoy their company and our regular get togethers.


Also, most of us want similar things, we just want to get there different ways. JP has no less empathy for the poor, he just doesn't think it can be accomplished any better through socialism.


I think we all believe in a free press. Not sure I agree with Trumps technique in this area, but if the American people thought that he was trying to become a dictator we would all stop it. Candidly I had similar concerns with Obama. Unfortunately, the "free press", isn't that free or unbiased and it comes through various sources. HBO has a mediocre (and left leaning) version of Rush Limbaugh that they play almost every night and is available in most hotels across the US (Bill Maher).



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Just reported by Huffington Post: Fox New conducted a poll Aug 27-29.The results were a majority of Americans think President Trump is unstable, dishonest, and a immoral bully.


I'm not certain the poll shows him up badly from my quick read. 53% thinks the word bully is appropriate, but in the over all scheme of things isn't it suprising it isn't higher?


Also you should be mistrustful when this type of survey has just over 1000 participants and claims a plus or minus 3% accuracy. That is factually wrong. For example it is more likely that Trump supporters, as in the main campaign itself. would be more likely to be unwilling to participate. Now as then, they may not wish to be as vocal about Trump support as non-supporters. The reasons why the polls then were wrong is true with this poll.


In my view the poll will both distort and under represent by a significant margin Trumps popularity.

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Hello Jeff.


I hope you didn’t take my thoughts as a personal attackagainst you. I in no way meant that you actually said that you hate PresidentTrump. That was directed solely at the main stream media. And to show my ownignorance, what did you mean by hyperbolic?


I admit that my comment regarding your discussion of the contribution could be considered personal. However, my only point is that I considered it completely unnecessary unless it were only intended to be derogatory. I did see your comment in #3694, but did not understand it in thecontext of the sentence.


I understand that many people’s opinion of President Trumphas been highly influenced by his publicity during the campaign and even before in his business life. I think that is somewhat unfair when considering hisactions as President. However, I also understand that if you don’t like him, you will probably have a hard time praising his current actions.


I, along with many of his supporters, are often offended by some of his tweets and outlandish statements. He does nothing with these to help his cause. However, we must remember he is not a practiced politician and often says things that are not “politically correct”. Truth is that is actuallywhy we like him.


I do disagree with your position that my argument that many people are swayed and misdirected by the media is weak. My concern is that for many people, I believe the only information they receive is not only biased, but actually deceptive. My belief here is founded on what is reported by Fox News as opposed to the main street media. Fox News is neither completely proTrump nor anti Trump. Most of the time they attempt to provide balancedcoverage.


Obviously, we will never come to agreement on these issues.I do appreciate the opportunity to air my thoughts and opinions. That is a real benefit of the cooler. I also appreciate and enjoy all of your pictures and most of your comments.

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I agree with JP as well. His post was a thoughtful and lucid description of what happens when opposing views collide.


It is very difficult these days to sift the “wheat of truth” from the “chaff of bias”. In my recent experience this is true for any “news” broadcast. Reporting is not restricted to the actual event in question anymore. The event is dressed in attempts to explain, enhance or provide (possibly misguided) direction to understanding. News has become a form of entertainment. As an example, our newscasts here have introduced “What’s Trending” to give viewers insight into what youtube videos are the most popular for the day. Seriously? This is not news! I am concerned at the extent of the bias that is creeping into news broadcasts and its effect on the increasing polarization of opinions.

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Hi Ernie,


Before answering may I just make the general point, and that is the quality and sensitivity in your reply, is exactly why I feel it so important that the Cooler be indulged and allowed to continue. Almost evry other forum I have seen where contentious issues are aired it always ends badly with personal insults and sneering and moderator intervention. When I started the cooler it was simply because I believed that decent sensible and intelligent adults should be able to debate issues without the degeneration I have seen almost evrywhere else. So in a clumsy way I'm suggesting that the way you have responded is exactly why the cooler has survived thus far, and I hope is never derailed by others with bad intent. Thanks.


Firstly ... to clarify,






noun: hyperbole; plural noun: hyperboles

exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

"he vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles"

synonyms:exaggeration, overstatement, magnification, amplification, embroidery,


embellishment, overplaying, excess, overkill; More

To be clear, your position on people being swayed by the media does seem weak because you are implying than opposers have been more swayed by the media that supporters. My point is that both sides have been swayed equally and there is no proof whatosever that anti-Trumpers have been more misled than supporters.


So far as the tweets and outbursts are concerned and your excuse that Trump is an inexperienced politician, I do not feel that this is a plausible excuse. This is nothing about experience of being a politico that has anything to do with this. This is plain old nouse, common business sense and ordinary plain judgement. Playing your cards close to your chest and keeping your powder dry and thinking before you speak are all common sense irrespective of profession. It is a sign that he is petulant and allows stuff to go straight from the brain to the mouth without the interference of filtration by judgement, consideration and common sense. This is what his supporters find attractive about him. They say "he says what he thinks". Saying what you think without the interference of common sense in the position of American President is not a positive trait. It is a dangerous trait. You should only say what you think after you consider whether saying it is a sensible thing to do. That is true of business people as well as politicos. His detractors would say that the person who has command of the atomic bomb, should not be the same man that does not feel the need to reflect before words or action. That seems a sensible concern to me.


On the wider points about expressing views considerately, I also very much agree with a point JP touched on, and it goes back to my first paragraph. Dim people feel that they cannot be "friends" with a person that holds different views to themselves. This manifests itself in forums by people behaving in a black and white way towards others. If they disagree once on something they seem to then hold and sustain a grudge and forever after it seems will find every excuse to attack. And then of course the concept of eloyalty gets introduced and you get factions where groups ganf up on common enemies. It is childish and unfullfilling except to those that know no better. That is not adult behaviour. It isn't behaviour that generates the environment in which all can learn from those with different views. I have said often and for a long time, I prefer the company of people who hold different views to my own because talking to people who have the same views simply isn't as interesting .... I may as well talk to myself. Dim people also seek the constant validation of people who agree with them and create mutual support groups. These are the reason why the Cooler should be protected by it's members so we can prove that it is possible to have adult debates amongst intelligent people and to agree to disagree without making it into something destructive.


As life morphs more into genuine but remote "friendships" finding a way to discuss and debate without the need for censoring and moderation will become increasingly precious in ensuring we all maintain human contact as we get older.

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Just reported by Huffington Post: Fox New conducted a poll Aug 27-29.The results were a majority of Americans think President Trump is unstable, dishonest, and a immoral bully.

And that's just the people who watch Fox News? Good grief, what must normal people think?

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Jeff -

I hate to admit it but you are correct about the tweets and outbursts. Many of his statements I would find objective and unacceptable coming from a business person, not to mention the President of the United States. In most instances they are totally counterproductive. I am usually very disappointed that what should be a very intelligent person would inflict such harm upon himself.

By the way, the poll obviously did not include just Fox News fans. I was not included.

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Mind you...never was a Trump fan. Much too liberal and also fit the mold of a rich ostentatious person that I don't generally care to encourage.


However, I believe (but do not claim with certainty),that the true audience of Trump's threats to North Korea is China. I am hopeful that it will ultimately prove the safer and more effective solution. Much like Reagan accomplished during the cold war.


Since I don't claim to have intimate access to negotiations between Countries I tend to provide more deference to appointed political officials. IMHO, the whole advantage of a represented Republic vs a democracy where the ignorant mob rules. Tweets, YouTube, etc.



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Have you been on board?

No. I looked into it - you can still get a studio for $600k (USD). You know they sold for $90k in the beginning,

But The World won't even talk to you unless you can show $8M in assets, which I don't have. The annual maintenance and other fees are rather high, also.

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Changing the topic for a moment if I may.........if any of you recall, I had mentioned earlier that I have a form of Leukemia.

I have to go to the Dr once a month and they take blood to check the cells.......still doing good but now it seems something

with my kidney number is up:eek:.......so I had to go back to my "regular dr"....(GP) and he had me go to the lab for

another blood test.......had that last night........and the number is still high...I also have type 2 Diabeties:eek:.....and the

dr wants me to stop the meds (temporarily)......and to drink lots and lots of water (I drink water but this is extra)....I am

supposed to drink between 1 and 2 Liters every day and then I have to go back to the lab (next week) to have my

blood tested AGAIN......if the number is still high I will have to see a Kidney specialist:rolleyes:.............so, Cancer, DIabetes,

and now this? Go ahead and just shoot me:mad:.............this is getting ridiculous............

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Lois, I have been lurking while the political conversations are going on, but now want to stand up and be here for you. I'm sure all of us at the Cooler, as Misty just did, have your best wishes at heart. Please keep us informed of any developments. We are rooting for you!!

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Hi Mysty...thanks:).....I am quite annoyed to say it nicely.......I am PO'd:eek:............all of a sudden the number went up:eek:

it is enough already..........seems 2016 and 2017 are a mess for me.

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Hi Cam, thanks so much......I know I am probably sounding like I am whining but geeezz....:eek:..........I don't feel bad

physically at all.........(thankfully)but something must be breaking down inside somewhere or something..I have no idea

why the numbers went up.:loudcry:

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I think many of your mates here have been thinking about you and routing for you in all our individual and seperate ways.


This isn't news to be welcomed, but on the positive side, you are being properly evaluated and your conditions are being scrutinised in a way that gives you the maximum odds possible than anywhere else or at any time ever before. No one before you had the amount of expertise that's available today and directed at you. Feeling down about it is understandable and you're being brave. It's good you shared this with us because none of us know you and you can talk freely about how you feel about things, but at the same time I think we all feel we have got to know the spirit of the person inside even if we don't know you physically.


I guess the most important thing now is to treat this as first stage as "no news is good news" and then if you need a course of treatments then to recognise you are amongst the group that know what the score is rather than amongst those who are not treated 'cos they are unaware and don't know. You then go on and treat it whatever it turns out to be as a battle to be beaten. I strongly believe that we can think ourselves sick and we can think ourselves well. I also genuinely believe that the odds of beating bad stuff is related to how hard you try to beat it and how your frame of mind assists the medications and other routines. Resistance of the mind as important as resistance of the body.


Get yourself a stiff drink of whatever your choice is, feel sorry for yourself a bit - you are entitled to that - but then tell yourself you will defeat anything that's bad and welcome everything that is good. I'm raising a glass of armagnac to you now .......:)


So at the moment don't worry about what you don't yet know. I feel my post has been clumsy, cack-handed and useless but really ...... we are all with you and thinking of you.



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Lois, the unknown is scary! Try not to let your imagination run away with you. Wait and see what the results are and what your doctor has to say. Stay off the health websites on the internet. They can feed anxiety! You really don't need that! Is there a friend you could call to go out with?...For coffee, or a walk or a movie? Some kind of distraction? I'm trying to virtually hold your hand. :)

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Thanks for the kind words.......Jeff, not clumsy at all:).............I appreciate all the positive thoughts and good wishes,



I know right now I cannot do anything......long, holiday weekend:)......so I will continue on and will drink more water.

Next week I will have the additional lab tests done and go from there.

Mysty, I am going to my sister's on Sunday so can chat with her and my bil about it.........she is quite supportive:)


It was just really a shock to get this news........was not expecting it

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L, I think M's words were really right.


The real enemy here is the imagination filling in all those yet unknown bits. Fear of the unknown plays irrational tricks on us. If we don't know something we fear the worst. I'm a bloke, and we are as you women constantly remind us, the hypochondriacs of the species.


I have had to play a new trick on myself. Whenever I imagine a new terminal illness because something has changed,something I do whenever something changes a little, I simply remind myself that up to now whenever I have had these fears in the past, that so far I was always wrong, and I am currently against all odds, very much alive. That will change one day but today thankfully isn't that day and we're both fine.


So don't torture yourself with premature and self-concocted irrational fears. :)

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Lois, thinking positive thoughts for you and hoping that all will blow over. Kidney numbers do fluctuate now and then for unexplained reasons so I will hope on your behalf that it's just that for now, and next week's retest will be all back to the usual.


So enjoy your weekend and your family visit. Next week will be here when it gets here and you will sort it out then. I will say that if your regular doctor told you to just go drink some water and see him in a few days, he or she couldn't have been too worried. So I might read something encouraging in that.


Jeff, you think you have it bad? I had a terrible case of "medical student's disease" back in the day. Classic second year affliction, when you really start learning about all the nasty diseases out there, and systematically think that you are coming down with all of them in succession. It's brutal! Fear of the recently learned (known) is much worse...

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Hi JP.....he was pretty specific about how much water to drink though......and he did say to stop taking my meds...I am on

pills for the Diabetes AND for Cholesterol. ...so really right now that is all I can do...........and hopefully the numbers

will come down.. It is alot of water........I will be running to the bathroom a lot LOL...............

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Well JP, at this moment we're both in comparatively good health ..... eh? :D


Just my knees, back, throat clearing, burnt finger, broken tooth, stiff joints, an inability to get up or down without a bit of helpful leverage ......:o


Today has been the fullest of days in The Cooler. Not a moment of boredom. it has been "War and Peace" in unequal balance. :)

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