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Saddness with carnival corp and my pvp


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So did pulling up the history page give u enough info to file your claim? If not, I would escalate to a supervisor.


As far as switching from a fly-in port to a drive port, when faced with a medical issue, well that seems logical to me. Flying means the airport hassles, luggage, waiting, loading, taxi etc... whereas driving you can drop bags directly at ship and park. Plus driving you can stop, stretch and have room...


I have had MANY surgeries and have had to alter my cruise plans/choices to fit my medical needs, doesn't mean I am unfit to cruise, but flying is another matter... people judging have luckily prolly never had to make vacation choices with medical conditions in mind... it is easy to say "well if you can't do this.... you should not cruise" but when that reality would mean you never go on vacation, well, you find a way that works for you!

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Something I started doing after I needed Cruise Docs, Payment info etc for travel Ins was make a Folder on my iPhone called Cruise....Any and All things to do with any cruise from the original booking,

Payments, Excursions, Hotel info etc goes in there


Plus I print it all But if anything ever happens I have it all on my iPhone and it's also backed up on the cloud

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I had the same problem last year but my PVP said to send it with a note that I couldn't get the info. She said they would have to call and verify it with Carnival anyway. No problem. This was with Carnival's insurance. Got a full refund.

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Something I started doing after I needed Cruise Docs, Payment info etc for travel Ins was make a Folder on my iPhone called Cruise....Any and All things to do with any cruise from the original booking,

Payments, Excursions, Hotel info etc goes in there


Plus I print it all But if anything ever happens I have it all on my iPhone and it's also backed up on the cloud


That's exactly what I do as well! Anything I get goes into that file, even if it doesn't seem important.

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Spleenstomper - incontinuence??? You obviously have issues of not comprehending things but your not worth any other words.


Pozz222 YES! I never knew there was a way to pull up and search for older things in my trash.


You have a point about flying although driving would be totally out of the question as it would take me 4 hours to get to Ft. Lauderdale, although your correct I could stop and stretch and move around but that make the trip that much longer....I am 45 minutes to the airport so I be in my one hour sitting restriction limit, then I get at the airport and can move around until I board the plane and the flight is only 50 minutes. We are flying into Ft. Lauderdale the day before the cruise, I am from there and my entire immediate family lives there so we be able to have dinner all together and this way it gives me a rest. Should anything happen to me, my family has good doctors of every type down there (sad but true) and it wouldn't be a bad place for me to have surgery should that happen but of course I want my cruise trip. I am sorry to hear you had your share of problems and issues but you definitely understand unfortunately....some people don't as you mentioned but nobody can speak and think they are right unless they are in our shoes. Yes, I found a way and I do carry GeoBlue medical insurance which covers pre-existing conditions its called they Voyager Choice program should you ever be interested....they are excellent overall.


LaCal you bet from now on this day forward I be doing exactly what you do! :)


Bob7Judy- I am sorry to hear that you had the same problem with your PVP I wonder whether its the same person lol...


FloridaMommyof3- Yes I will print it out also for sure!

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Ok, well obviously you aren't getting the SPLEEN stomper thing. And, yes, nerve and back issues can cause incontinence, bowel and bladder.


It's very common, especially regarding L5.


You are clearly miffed by my question, so good day..





ETA: maybe you should ask your doctor as your next visit if you are at risk for this.

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You should have also received an email when you made the final payment showing the booking paid in full. As well as having proof of payment from your credit card. I keep every single email from every payment I make. Though did you cancel before or after your final payment was owed? I know for my cruise in May the final payment wasn't due until March 28 (we are doing the Triumph out of New Orleans).

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Spleenstomper no I didn't get it, went way over my head by the way, are you a physician, not asking out of sarcasm but curiosity whether you are a doctor because I be more worried now after hearing that could happen!! LOL. No so far knock on wood not that:o. lol...just the pain and it also on both sides and pain down my legs into the foot, weakness at times feeling like I going to loose the use of my leg and numbness at times or just very painful and if I have a good day, moderate pain....I didn't know THAT could happen, now that be one thing to stop me from going. :eek:

I get surgery shortly down the road, no sense living with this pain when they can do something although I understand the arthritis but living with fibromyalgia and lupus the arthritis from the surgery be next to nothing I am used to now, unless I am wrong. :confused: I am going to jump to those links now thank you so very much!! psssssss oopsi just kidding ;)


Mom2tcdx2- My email is set up after 30 days it gets rid of the email, I should of put it in a folder but I didn't although a member on here made me look further and I found a way to get hold of what I needed!! :D

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My husband is the doctor (surgical specialist). I work for him. (I know a lot of medical stuff).


Yeah, I don't mean to poo poo (excuse the pun) your cruise, because I know for myself a cruise is theraputic and helps me feel better... and if your doc says you can go, go. But, yeah, what happens if your disc ruptures if you are at sea?

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Not to sound negative as I am truly curious. What happens if you have an incident on the ship and you need to be in surgery within the 3 hours? How do you know that's even possible? There are various scenarios that make that timeline unobtainable. Some of which include weather, or the actual time it takes to dispatch the CG, or other rescue personnel to come get you. They could be tied up with another rescue, or not close by. It's not as simple as calling 911 from your home. 3 hours can come and go very quickly should things turn south. I would be a nervous wreck and probably wouldn't take that chance. Not trying to be negative once again, just trying to understand your thought process.

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Not to sound negative as I am truly curious. What happens if you have an incident on the ship and you need to be in surgery within the 3 hours? How do you know that's even possible? There are various scenarios that make that timeline unobtainable. Some of which include weather, or the actual time it takes to dispatch the CG, or other rescue personnel to come get you. They could be tied up with another rescue, or not close by. It's not as simple as calling 911 from your home. 3 hours can come and go very quickly should things turn south. I would be a nervous wreck and probably wouldn't take that chance. Not trying to be negative once again, just trying to understand your thought process.


I thought the same thing but figured the OP was well aware of the risks associated with being in the middle of the ocean with a ticking time bomb inside them.

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Spleenstomper are you located in Florida!!?? I could use a good surgeon!;)


I purchase medical insurance called GeoBlue which is blue cross/shield but international, it covers me up to 1 million dollars, no out of pocket expenses everything is paid 100% and includes pre-existing conditions, medical evacuation is 500k...after this experience, I realize how important it is for everybody to have medical coverage. I asked them about emergency evacuation and they said for where I am going, they can dispatch an ambulatory helicopter from the nearest place I am at, most likely San Juan, St. Thomas and also Florida and they also provide long range helicopter medical evacuations also but the eastern Caribbean takes less time for them to get to a ship than the western Caribbean, where islands are more far apart and further away from Florida. If I follow doctors orders, don't lift anything over 10 pounds, don't bend and don't sit longer than an hour at a time and a few other things, I should be fine. Yes, there is always a risk such as weather and such...making me think here....hummmm :o

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I understand what the insurance company is saying. Just remember that it will be up to the Ship's medical personnel and Captain as to how you can be evacuated, not them. As far as an at sea rescue, I don't know if anyone besides the CG actually does them, but that's neither here nor there. If they are unable to reach you, or the ships' officers decide that kind of rescue is not possible, it could be hours before you could be brought back to land which is when your air ambulance would meet you.

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I was told they also use Lifeline and Medevac but most likely the doctor of the ship who feels a person does need medical evacuation will notify the captain who will call the coast guard and that is free but expenses to the facility and medical care will be paid by the passenger, this is where insurance comes to play. I will make sure I bring along my doctors written diagnoses which explains everything clearly, it also states situations that I may be in and he has written emergency medical care needed right away should certain things happen such as rupture of disk. I do know RC is linked with Baptist Memorial Hospital in Miami which my doctor is linked with Baptist hospitals throughout Florida. I also was told RC has the electronic medical records system, so that records can easily and quickly be accessed by ships doctor.


Am I worried, yes, am I going to have this stop me from living and going on my most loved vacations no....we all live each day with the risk of anything can happen to any one of us. Its a lot easier to be medical evacuated in the eastern Caribbean than the western Caribbean, the reason why we chose eastern Caribbean.

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So if the Coast Guard comes to get you then don't they bring you to the nearest facility? Then your med evac would have to transport you to your hospital of choice, right? All this will take time. It's not like the CG is 5 min out just waiting for a call. It takes them time to get the call, to suit up, to get the helicopter warmed up, in the air, fly to the ship, hover above it all the while maintaining a safe distance with possible cross winds, lower their guy down, get you in the basket, lift you and him up, then be on your way. And this is all pending weather is OK.


If they are unavailable, or a helicopter rescue is not doable for whatever reason, then the alternative is to turn the ship around and make it back to port or go as fast as it can to the next available port. Then hope that someone is there to guide the ship in and tie it off enough to get you off.


Please don't take this the wrong way. I'm not trying to argue with you or change your mind. But I am seriously stressing thinking about all the things that could go wrong should you have an episode. It's not so easy to pick up the phone and have someone whisk you away with a simple call. It will take time. Of which you would have very little of.


As for myself, I can't say I would do the same. Especially since the stakes are so high. I'm not you, and don't know all the details, but from what you have told us, it seems extremely risky. However it's your life, and if you are willing to accept the consequences, then that's all that matters. Know that I will be praying for an uneventful cruise for you.

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Spleenstomper are you located in Florida!!?? I could use a good surgeon!;)


I purchase medical insurance called GeoBlue which is blue cross/shield but international, it covers me up to 1 million dollars, no out of pocket expenses everything is paid 100% and includes pre-existing conditions, medical evacuation is 500k...after this experience, I realize how important it is for everybody to have medical coverage. I asked them about emergency evacuation and they said for where I am going, they can dispatch an ambulatory helicopter from the nearest place I am at, most likely San Juan, St. Thomas and also Florida and they also provide long range helicopter medical evacuations also but the eastern Caribbean takes less time for them to get to a ship than the western Caribbean, where islands are more far apart and further away from Florida. If I follow doctors orders, don't lift anything over 10 pounds, don't bend and don't sit longer than an hour at a time and a few other things, I should be fine. Yes, there is always a risk such as weather and such...making me think here....hummmm :o



Not Florida, sorry!

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Honestly, I have been on 69 cruises, I am 53 and live with many medical conditions, fibromyalgia, lupus, spinal problems etc. I booked up a cruise last year leaving out of New Orleans for the month of May. My other half never seen New Orleans and I thought it be very nice and then go on the Dream.


My doctor advised me just two weeks ago after going through mri's and other tests that its essential I do not fly or sit longer than an hours time because one of my four herniated disks, one being the the N5S1 is protruding badly into my main and nerve can rupture if sitting longer than an hour and I would have within three hours to get surgery or get paralyzed. As a result, my other half told me to cancel at which I did and we have purchased Carnival insurance and are able to get the money back only they are asking proof of full payment from Carnival. I have written Carnival and to the department that is able to send that proof and my PVP and have totally been ignored. Carnival is not helping me with the information that I need to get my refund. I am very disappointed in Carnival, but my reason for writing this is to tell you all, when you make final payment print out your final payment statement just in case.

I am booked on the Harmony of the Seas for the same week, as we live in Florida and it only involves a 50 minute flight time which the doctor said I am able to do. I may never go back to Carnival, it really hurts knowing that Carnival only cares about getting my money and the booking and when I get their insurance and need their help with proof of final payment I totally get ignored. :loudcry:



I'm so sorry to read of your health problems, especially at such a young age! I wish the best for you. I sure hope everything works out with Carnival, and you don't lose confidence in them. For what it's worth, they were always so wonderful to my mom who also had many health problems. She was also in her 50's. I realize your post has nothing to do with the treatment of disabled passengers, but I just thought I'd point that out.

Also, they showed a tremendous amount of generosity and compassion to me a few years back: I won't get into the details, but perhaps it's not too hard to imagine...

Anyway, I received a full refund just days before a planned cruise. I didn't have any travel insurance...and I am a nobody, (meaning not platinum or diamond).

I will never forget the compassion they showed. Meant a lot to me.

I sincerely hope you receive your refund, and you will not lose hope in CCL.:)

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Update, remember I said I sent another email to my PCP, he called me but I was out at the doctors and I sent him an email back as I got home had to take care of the pets then start dinner and do laundry in between. I didn't hear back via email from him but he did call.


Firemanbobswife- Yes they take me to the nearest facility and should that not be the proper place for me for the care I need the Lifeline and Medevac will meet up with me and take me to another facility that is more equipped or better for my medical care needed. Your such a kind hearted and caring person as so as many others here and truly if I seen you in person I give you a big hug but be careful hugging me back hahahaha. My doctor is putting me on prednisone two weeks before my cruise and I be off of it 3 days before I leave....being on prednisone reduces your immune system fighting infection/illnesses of all types the reason why he isn't putting me on it while on the cruise because being amongst 6k plus passengers its risking catching something. It will calm down the inflammation and give me a better chance of getting through the cruise.


I think when you live so long with medical problems you learn to adapt to them and learn to live with the pain and gain a very strong "stubborn" mind and go on.... I sure hate to come back and say you told me so as others have mentioned, again, because they are all kind and caring..... the doctor has me getting mri's every three months, my next one is two weeks before the cruise so if the protrusion has moved more into my main nerve and worsens, then I won't go but if it remains, I be on the high seas hoping for the best but at the same time loving my cruise. I am saddened it won't be on the Dream out of New Orleans and won't be able to spend a few days there pre and post cruise but any cruise is better than no cruise. :halo:

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Roscoe13 why bother reading my post, skip over them, no worries lol


Shellster1- I know Carnival is wonderful and we always come back to Carnival, in fact, I am bumming that I had to cancel my Carnival Dream out of New Orleans cruise and I am glad you bought this out about how wonderful they were to your mom and yourself, its wonderful to hear! I hear many good things that Carnival did for others, as for me, its the rules, I was in final payment and have to abide by the rules but thank goodness for the insurance, and I believe it will all work out and I get the refund. Thank you!


I am calling the neurosurgeon and speak to him, possibly get that surgery after my May cruise so I be all good to go to Aruba in August and on another Carnival cruise in October. I be back :D

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I am 53 and live with many medical conditions



In a prior thread you mentioned getting insurance for what Medicare doesn't cover. Are you able to qualify for Medicare because of special medical conditions? I thought it was only available to me if I was over 65?

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