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GA 2015 v 2016 v 2017: a farewell tour.


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If you can’t handle reading negativity, go ahead and click on the next thread! Or say snarky stuff, I don’t care any more and the ignore list is unlimited. :)


This is my third time on the GA. The first time was in 2015, and it was my first cruise ever, and I fell in love.

Sadly, I believe this will be my last trip. And while I’m going to list some negatives and downsides, it’s not ‘why’ I’m over NCL and the GA; that was already pretty much true, I just had a FCC to use up.


I’ll start by listing changes to the positive:


The internet is still incredibly slow (they have the new premium package), but it’s at least stable and unblocks all those ports that were formerly locked down—in other words, VPNs and apps like DropBox work. I’m on day 3 and there have been no major outages. I don’t pull down speed tests above 1Mbps/second though (usually well under). Don’t count on streaming anything, but you can probably get your work or homework done. Also, travel routers work now, and that’s all I’ll say about that.


Service in the specialties has been very good. I tried Moderno and had a nice experience, ditto La Cucina.


The spa is still as nice as ever, and public areas are still well maintained, even though this is a somewhat manic Spring Break cruise.


The scooped ice cream bar in the buffet and assorted toppings are still good.


The major problems I’m having so far (and this is not why this is my GA farewell tour, though it hasn’t helped) have largely been confined to my stateroom.

When they announced that staterooms were ready, I happily proceeded to the Studio area, only to find a very strange scene on deck 10—about half the stateroom doors were propped open, including mine, and obviously hadn’t been finished (there were things like half cases of sparkling wine sitting in the hallway, and beds were unmade, etc). But there was literally not a single crew member in the entire deck 10 area of the Studios. All these rooms standing open, no one there, like they’d all been raptured or something. I sighed and went up to have some lounger time on the pool deck (weather was very nice).

About an hour later I came back and my room was apparently finished, but lots of stuff was missing (the plastic luggage mat for the bed, a pool towel, etc), and the sink hadn’t been cleaned and still had toothpaste on it. When I opened the right closet door, I found out why—the door was completely broken, and it got stuck halfway between the closet and the sink. (There is a sliding door in the studio cabins that blocks the sink when you have the closet open.) So I think it had been stuck and the sink couldn’t be cleaned, then someone forced it back into the other position, breaking it even more, and the first time I moved it that was it. Every time I tried to slide it, sawdust fell from somewhere. Fortunately the deck 10 manager was in the studio area, probably trying to make up for the fact that the stewards all got raptured somewhere, and she got a repair crew in. I went off to the safety drill.


(It’s day three and I still haven’t met my steward—I don’t think I have a specific one assigned, because I see the deck 10 manager in here doing rooms a lot. On my first cruise in 2015 my steward introduced himself to me before my luggage even showed up, and spoke to me often. Back then they were always around. Now the halls are often empty. Crew cuts are ridiculously obvious.)


After the safety drill, I got back to my room, and the repair crew was still there, and they had the closet door off the rail and in pieces. My luggage had arrived, and I hauled it off to the studio lounge. Where I discovered a family with three young children had bought a regular room, and then a Studio stateroom they weren’t going to use (I know this because they told me). I don’t know if they did that because it was cheaper than whatever they’d need to fit 5 people, or if it was because they wanted to use the Studio lounge as a private living room for their kids, which was what they were doing. (To be fair to those folks: they were actually very nice and actually offered to let me use their unused studio room to take a shower, once I mentioned the problems I was having. But I’m sure you can see it will be problematic if more people start doing this in order to bring their kids to the studio lounge. The wife even mentioned it was just like having Haven access.)

I hauled my stuff back a while later, and the room seemed to be in order, and I started unpacking. And the first time I tried to slide the door to the right, it got fully stuck halfway again. More sawdust fell. I couldn’t move the door with all my might. I said a few swear words and then got on with my night. (Dinner at Moderno, enjoyed it.) In the morning I managed to brush my teeth with my six inches of access to the sink, then went to go stand in the Guest Services line.

At Guest Services, I was very nice (I am always very nice with crew) and explained I understood that some things had to be fixed in dry dock or whatever, and if they couldn’t properly fix the closet door I just wanted it taken off entirely so I didn’t have to worry about it getting stuck and preventing me from getting to the sink every day. The rep I worked with was very nice and tried to find me a new room but had been unable to (which I didn’t ask for and didn’t know he was doing until after he came back from wherever they disappear to in back), and gave me his card and asked me to give him the day to get it handled. And by the end of the day, it was handled. I’ve been being super careful with the door but it any case it hasn’t stuck again.

Other problems with the room became apparent: the wooden flooring looks like a kid sat on the floor and played tic-tac-toe with a pocket knife. I’ve been in a lot of these studios and have never seen damage to the floor like that. There are also scorch marks on the little desk, if I had to guess I’d say from a curling iron. The light’s out over the sink, and the sink itself smells badly of mold; it permeates the whole room if I don’t run hot water and soap down the sink for a long time after I use it. No, I haven’t reported these things (although they couldn’t fix anything but the bulb anyway). I’ve already burned enough vacation hours on the phone with the deck 10 manager (who gave me her direct line after the second time the closet broke), waiting in the hall outside my room while the repair crew worked, and standing in the line at guest services. It’s no longer my job to help them do things properly. (Well, I may ask them to change the bed linens tomorrow, because I’m pretty they weren’t changed after the last guest. I’d love to tip someone for this extra service, but like I said, I don’t seem to have an assigned steward. I’ll probably try leaving it in the room with a written request.)


The beds also seem much harder, but I don’t know if that’s my imagination or if they’ve swapped out the bedding since last year. It’s fine though, I’m sleeping okay.


Food quality: My feeling is that the buffet was pretty good in 2015, very good in 2016, and pretty bad this time around. Just having a harder time finding something to eat that wasn’t obviously made from leftovers of something else, and the grill no longer has strip steaks at dinner time. I’m probably also spoiled in that my last cruise was on the Royal Princess, which I think has the best mass-market buffet going right now.


Moderno was good, service was excellent (almost to a fault), loved the salad bar, but man you guys are not kidding about the meat being salty. I can handle a lot of salt and it was too much even for me. I was full from the salad bar so it didn’t matter much. (I may see if I can get another reservation this week and make it clear I’m just doing the salad bar.)

O’Sheehan’s was also decent, but weren’t they 24 hours in the past? They daily lists them as closing at 11:30 now. I think I’ll be going there more often because the buffet is mostly a miss for me at this point.

I also miss Flamingo Grill terribly. It was my go-to lunch and breakfast on my earlier GA cruises. (Now it’s a crummy upcharge Margaritaville.) It’s like salt in the wound when I’m fighting the insane breakfast crowds in the buffet, and when I’m looking at weird meat salads made of leftovers in the buffet at lunch. (Buffet traffic in general is heavy—lots of families and lots of people walking one direction while looking another, or stopping right in the middle of the buffet walkway. Please just don’t do either of those things.)


The croissants, which used to be small and somewhat croissanty (they at least had flaky layers that pulled apart) have finally been replaced by stale bread rolls in the shape of a croissant. They have also removed them from the studio lounge morning offerings. (The offerings have been reduced in general—used to be two trays of baked goods, now it’s one small tray and a bowl of apples in addition to the other fruit bowl on the bar. I don't think they put out cookies anymore, although I may have missed them. Just the pound and banana cake.)

Also: the studio lounge only plays Jimmy Buffet as background music now. Le sigh. I think they also play the same 2-3 songs in the buffet on the GA and Escape and have been for years, because it seems Katy Perry is always playing when I’m eating in the buffet on either ship.

(The fact that my last NCL ship was the Escape and it was still pretty new probably also isn’t making the GA look any better. Like I said, crew cuts are painfully obvious, no ‘washy washy’ songs (which they had on Escape, and no I don’t really care about that), invisible room stewards, extremely late room cleanings, etc. The studio area in general is obviously low priority for them now; I don’t think we even have a solo coordinator this time, and I haven’t been getting the time change cards and never got my latitudes envelope (or whatever). Which is sad because the studio prices keep going up.)


They passed out a flyer in the first day asking people please to be chill and not run and scream through the halls, which I thought was funny given the recent threads about kids running through the halls. I can upload a picture of the flyer if anyone cares. But to be specific: yes, NCL asks you not to let your kids run and scream through the halls.

(Kids haven’t really been bothering me much, to be clear. A few near collisions, but I’m still pretty fast on my feet. Oh, and kids are totally in the adult pool, but it’s spring break, so …)


PAX seem nice enough. Only a few drunken shirtless bros and people acting like the buffet is about to run out of (insert food here), no big deal, nothing outside of the ordinary. People on the elevators have been friendly, and I don’t get a sense of unpleasantness (haven’t seen the obligatory family fighting with each other yet). Lots of people were dressy on dressy night. I haven’t seen anyone scream at the guest services desk yet.


Oh, another good thing—the library is being kept spotless. (I love that room.) It was my favorite place in 2015, a bit worse for wear in 2016 (someone had written on the velour sofas in ink—kids I guess), and looking nice and rehabbed in 2017.


I don’t really know where I’m going for my solo cruises after this. Even with increases you can’t beat the prices, but the cutbacks are just too clear to me and the problems with getting a properly cleaned, functional studio room is a baseline problem I no longer want to deal with. I’ll likely end up trying RC next if I can find one of their mythical singles cabins, although their lack of equivalent to the thermal suite will make me sad. Otherwise, I’ll probably look for deals on insides on Princess. The atmosphere is much quieter there, but not quite as dead as Celebrity was, and their casino isn’t nearly as tight.


I also do yearly suite cruises with my significant other, and we’ve done Disney Concierge and Suite level on Princess so far. Sometimes I think about doing Haven for the year’s ‘fancy’ cruise, but the stories of people using the courtyard as unmonitored daycare kind of puts me off. We’ll see.


If anyone has any questions I’d be happy to answer, but I probably won’t be uploading menus or dailies (just to get that out of the way). I’m pretty sure there’s only one more w. carrib left before the GA heads to Europe for the summer, so any info might not still be legit in a few weeks.


Edited by perditax
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Many of the issues seem to be "studio specific" including the "stateroom specific" issues with the closet.



Which stateroom number is it?


Can't disagree with your assessment, mostly just telling the story of my experience. I don't normally have this kind of bad luck with the rooms, although to be fair the GA was brand new when I first sailed her, and she's showing wear. It's also possible that the crew problem is temporary and they will pick up more before the Europe runs start.


Given that I travel alone and occaisionally get into snarkfests here, I'd rather not give my room # till the trip is over. At which point I will, because the scratched up floor and mold are unlikely to go away any time soon. Closet door seems to have been fixed correctly, but is still shedding sawdust. Decent location otherwise, close to lounge and not much noise except the occasional ice machine hitting the jackpot somewhere nearby (doesn't bother me).

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I like your first sentence.


I can relate to some of your points related to reduced crew, interesting use of leftovers (I understand you don't want to waste food but they sure are creative), and room conditions.


I think part of the problem for those of us that are "into" cruising is that we pick up on things much easier than others.


In any case, try to enjoy the rest of your trip.

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Uh oh, they just canceled the Harvest Caye stop, something about a thunderstorm last night and "damage to the pier". (I hear this isn't uncommon, although this has been the smoothest sailing I've been on, seas like glass.) I was looking forward to a nice quiet ship today, but it sounds like my future will include lots of restless kids and annoyed parents. Oh well, spa pass and headphones. I was surprised by how much the ship emptied out for Roatan, so I think this is an excursion-heavy group. Wouldn't want to be working guest services desk today.

Edited by perditax
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I like your first sentence.


I can relate to some of your points related to reduced crew, interesting use of leftovers (I understand you don't want to waste food but they sure are creative), and room conditions.


I think part of the problem for those of us that are "into" cruising is that we pick up on things much easier than others.


In any case, try to enjoy the rest of your trip.


Thanks. And yeah, when I'm "into" something I absorb a lot of info. It's funny because when a coworker tells me they're going on a cruise I ask them what ship, and not only can they not tell me what ship, they usually don't even know off the top of their head which cruise line they're going on, which blows my mind.


I'm also just very detail oriented / observant. I don't mean picky, I just notice things and have a good memory. Like when I mentioned it's always the same Katy Perry song when I'm in the buffet, it's not a complaint, just something I noticed.


I knew going into this it was a Spring Break cruise and had lots of strategies planned (as a solo introvert kid-free cruiser), so I'll be fine, and the food issues and lack of Flamingo Grill means this might be my first cruise on GA where I don't gain weight. =D

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I do think most of your concerns are related to solo cruising that is very different from what many experience when cruising and I think you are being fair though I might not agree with everything you have to say. One thing I find interesting, you mention the ship is showing wear: it is only a few years old, either 3 or 4, I have a problem understanding that statement, but as you say, you are very detail oriented.

I can honestly say, over 20 NCL cruises and we have yet to have any real issues with cabin cleanliness. We have had a few times had minor issues, once a serage smell, but only the first thing in the morning. It was on the Sun I believe.

Good luck, hope you find a cruise line or a ship you enjoy more than you are enjoying this cruise.

Oh, one more thing, we found the internet very speedy on the BA a couple of weeks ago. I have been on ohter lines where the service really stunk.

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...I'd rather not give my room # till the trip is over. At which point I will, because the scratched up floor and mold are unlikely to go away any time soon.

That makes sense, I understand not giving the stateroom number. Reading reviews, I sometimes forget that the person might still be "there" as opposed to being at home.

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Surprised O'Sheehans closes at 1130pm, that's new. Definitely has been 24 hours. Can you confirm that?


I was just on GA a couple of weeks ago...On the back of the Freestyle they list specific breakfast, lunch and dinner hours for O'Sheehans but at the bottom on the back left it says "Always Open 24/7: O'Sheehans". And indeed it was open 24 hours a few weeks ago.



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Surprised O'Sheehans closes at 1130pm, that's new. Definitely has been 24 hours. Can you confirm that?


I believe I misunderstood a listing in one of the dailies, but I don't have it in front of me right now. I think they were listing it as being open till 11:30p under the heading of "Dinner venues", essentially, but elsewhere it's listed as 24 hours, yes. I think the 11:30p thing is when they switch to the late-night menu. Sorry if I panicked anyone.

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Thanks Perditax for you comments/review. I remember your first one and how you loved it.

There are only a few RC ships with solo rooms, I think Harmony and Anthem but they're a weird set-up because they are attached to another room so if someone books that for 5 people it takes the "solo" cabin. I know Anthem's version of the thermal room isn't near as nice as the Getaway/Breakaway.


Good luck in finding something and enjoy the rest of the trip.

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I do think most of your concerns are related to solo cruising that is very different from what many experience when cruising and I think you are being fair though I might not agree with everything you have to say. One thing I find interesting, you mention the ship is showing wear: it is only a few years old, either 3 or 4, I have a problem understanding that statement, but as you say, you are very detail oriented.


Out of four solo cruises, it's the first time I've been in a studio cabin that is this beat to hell, pardon my language. I can post a picture of the heavily damaged floor and burned desktop later. (I realize this is passenger-inflicted damage (although I swear I have NO idea how they managed to screw up the flooring so badly, this stuff is made to take lots of abuse ... maybe it's something that's happened during prior attempts to repair the closet; they were working on the disassembled door right there on the floor both times they came), but it's still wear and tear that hasn't been dealt with). I've also never had a room on any NCL ship that smelled like mold.


So if these things are happening, I really doubt I'm in the ONLY stateroom on the whole ship with issues. :)


I also don't know when the ship last had a dry dock. As I mentioned earlier, they did manage to get the ink/writing off the library sofa (or possibly replaced it).


(I understand why some people want to reject the whole solo studio thing as not being representative of the typical experience, but we do pay our fare like everyone else. In 2015 I had stellar service in the same area on the same deck. Now I'm wandering around hoping to spot a housekeeping cart because they only gave me one towel during the last cleaning and I need to wash my hair. That kind of thing.)

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Out of four solo cruises, it's the first time I've been in a studio cabin that is this beat to hell, pardon my language. I can post a picture of the heavily damaged floor and burned desktop later. (I realize this is passenger-inflicted damage (although I swear I have NO idea how they managed to screw up the flooring so badly, this stuff is made to take lots of abuse ... maybe it's something that's happened during prior attempts to repair the closet; they were working on the disassembled door right there on the floor both times they came), but it's still wear and tear that hasn't been dealt with). I've also never had a room on any NCL ship that smelled like mold.


So if these things are happening, I really doubt I'm in the ONLY stateroom on the whole ship with issues. :)


I also don't know when the ship last had a dry dock. As I mentioned earlier, they did manage to get the ink/writing off the library sofa (or possibly replaced it).


(I understand why some people want to reject the whole solo studio thing as not being representative of the typical experience, but we do pay our fare like everyone else. In 2015 I had stellar service in the same area on the same deck. Now I'm wandering around hoping to spot a housekeeping cart because they only gave me one towel during the last cleaning and I need to wash my hair. That kind of thing.)


The GA hasn't had a drydock yet. BA is going for her first next year and GA will be sometime after that.

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I believe I misunderstood a listing in one of the dailies, but I don't have it in front of me right now. I think they were listing it as being open till 11:30p under the heading of "Dinner venues", essentially, but elsewhere it's listed as 24 hours, yes. I think the 11:30p thing is when they switch to the late-night menu. Sorry if I panicked anyone.


We were on the Escape last week, and it was definitively closed at a point between 11-12noon. My wife and daughter went to get a late breakfast/early lunch and the place was not serving or seating anyone, saying the kitchen closes then. So while they say 24 hours, it's not 24-hours.

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I do think most of your concerns are related to solo cruising that is very different from what many experience when cruising and I think you are being fair though I might not agree with everything you have to say. One thing I find interesting, you mention the ship is showing wear: it is only a few years old, either 3 or 4, I have a problem understanding that statement, but as you say, you are very detail oriented.

I can honestly say, over 20 NCL cruises and we have yet to have any real issues with cabin cleanliness. We have had a few times had minor issues, once a serage smell, but only the first thing in the morning. It was on the Sun I believe.

Good luck, hope you find a cruise line or a ship you enjoy more than you are enjoying this cruise.

Oh, one more thing, we found the internet very speedy on the BA a couple of weeks ago. I have been on ohter lines where the service really stunk.


Ships dry dock every 5 years, usually for about 2 weeks, to do maintenance. This includes changing out much of the linens, reupholster, change worn carpeting, paint, etc. So at 4 years it's not surprising if some areas are showing some wear on a cruise ship if it's been well worn or used.

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Thank you for the information Perditax. So sorry that you won the "bad cabin lottery." Lack of staff and cabin issues can definitely impact a cruise.


I used to think that we didn't really like buffets until we experienced the quality and variety on the Royal and Regal, and then we were converts, so I can see how it would be difficult to compare to other ships.


I wish you the best on the remainder of your vacation.


NewmexicoNita: you've been very fortunate. We've had a full range, from fabulous stewards to missing stewards (literally, we had to call housekeeping when he hadn't come to our cabin for days) and everything in between, but overall more good than bad:).

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Sounds like a really unfortunate experience; and I hope you're still able to derive some pleasure from the rest of the cruise. I'm on the Getaway in less than a month and in a studio, so really keen to hear the cabin number once you are back from the trip.

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I’m flattered that some folks remember my original GA trip report. :) (I did end up getting that novel published …)

I wanted to come back and update with some positives. I think I mentioned in the last post that I was going to try to get the bedding changed out, because it had that ‘needs to be washed’ feeling. (You’re either a person who knows what I mean or you’re not, but trust me it’s a thing. I’m not super picky about it, but I’d also never noticed it before on a NCL cruise, and by the second day it was starting to squick me out.) I left a note asking for clean linens and for them to remove the bedspread/throw pillows (studio people will know what I mean). And I left $10. It may be a coincidence, but ever since then room/steward service has returned to ‘normal’. My requests were fulfilled, I now get pool towels, I now get the normal number of regular towels, they change out the towels even if I have them hung up, I’m getting the time change cards, I’m getting towel animals (which to be fair I don’t want/need, just reporting because I know they can be vitally important to people for some reason). The room feels like it’s being cleaned more thoroughly (the sawdust from the broken door has finally been vacuumed up). And a person who I think may be my actual steward started greeting me in the halls.


I’m not making any sort of tipping commentary here … on day 1 the deck 10 manager mentioned they had new Chinese crew, so maybe they’ve been training? I don’t know. Just reporting the facts as they have happened. To be clear, I always tip for a request like that (new sheets, I know it’s not something they usually do on a 7 day … I think).

Food updates: yeah, the daily lists O’Sheehan’s dinner hours until various times (last night it was 9:30p). So if you’re only looking at the Dinner heading, you may think they stop serving food at 9:30p. Sorry for the confusion. Buffet still hit or miss, but yesterday at lunch I found roast jerk chicken, red beans and rice, and … fried plantains! So I was able to nearly re-create the Flamingo Grill experience, and I was happy. Dinner is still a little weird, but I look at that as a reason to have more ice cream. Also, I mentioned earlier that the croissants were the ‘bread roll’ type on day 2, but today they’re back to the ‘crisp layers’ type. They’re still gone from the studio lounge morning offerings though, which means I have to brave the full buffet to get them. I keep thinking about trying the MDR, but the menus just look strange (and I’m a reasonably adventurous eater). Stuff like ‘escargot cassoulet’ and, tonight, ‘veal zurich’. Oh, still no strip steaks like they used to have on the buffet grill, and I’ve noticed the MDR menus usually only have sirloin.

Studio lounge update: haven’t seen the family with the kids again. They still play Jimmy Buffet in there 24/7, which I probably wouldn’t have noticed much if it hadn’t coincided with the installation of M’ville. I’ve had to spend more time in there than usual this trip, including when I was camped out with all my luggage on day one because the repair crew was in my room, and the thing about ship’s officers hitting up the espresso machine is absolutely true. Have seen many come in and use it. This is likely a good thing for studio guests—the machine is always clean/full/operational. Cookies are gone, though, even in the afternoon.

PAX update: yesterday we missed Harvest Caye, as I mentioned, and I expected the ship to be very squirrelly as a result, but it was fine. The thermal spa was packed early, but cleared out at lunchtime. I’ve also found a nice writing spot by the coffee shop in the atrium; somehow I never realized these tables were back here by the windows, probably because I usually go into the library. It’s much easier writing at a table like this, although a nice older gentleman just offered to buy me coffee. (A certain type of person will see me sitting with earbuds in and typing and decide that I must be lonely or something, I’m not sure.) Costa Maya today, and wow, I’ve never been on a spring break cruise but it really feels like the ship empties out a LOT more, for any port, than on my other cruises. I think I saw two people on loungers on the pool deck at around 10:45a. I guess even if they’re not doing excursions, people take their kids off into the port to burn off steam? The crew must really feel it when they miss a day like HC, since they lose so much downtime they could use to catch up.

I spent a little time on the Waterfront outside Moderno last night, and it was very nice, furniture is just a bit more beat up than the Escape stuff. No one was there.


Internet is still stable and far more functional than in the past, albeit at very low speeds. (Low but functional.)

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They probably are training the new crew for the Joy. Is that a good thing or bad?


I guess this could be true. I don't normally track this kind of thing much, but yeah, I thought it was somewhat 'typical' for stateroom crew to be Filipino. I only mentioned the Chinese part because it's what the stateroom manager said; I didn't put it together with the new ship. I also recall a review of the GA from a couple of weeks ago in which someone said they'd heard a whole lot of crew would be cycling off for their breaks soon. Maybe this is a fresh group of new hires, and maybe they're going to pick up more in Europe.


Either way, things seemed to click much better as of yesterday, which I guess was day four of this particular cruise.

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Can't disagree with your assessment, mostly just telling the story of my experience. I don't normally have this kind of bad luck with the rooms, although to be fair the GA was brand new when I first sailed her, and she's showing wear. It's also possible that the crew problem is temporary and they will pick up more before the Europe runs start.


Given that I travel alone and occaisionally get into snarkfests here, I'd rather not give my room # till the trip is over. At which point I will, because the scratched up floor and mold are unlikely to go away any time soon. Closet door seems to have been fixed correctly, but is still shedding sawdust. Decent location otherwise, close to lounge and not much noise except the occasional ice machine hitting the jackpot somewhere nearby (doesn't bother me).


Now that your cruise is over, can you share the studio number? I am on Getaway next month in a deck 10 studio so am just curious. Thanks!

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