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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Four


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Lois, that link doesn't work but I see that Emerald have a few Ireland trips. Is yours ''Discover Ireland'' or ''Enchanting Ireland''?


Good morning:).........it is Discover Ireland.........let me see what happened.........the link works for me.


Try this:)



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Sophia is a pretty private person who has an extraordinary life story of achievement and far too sadly dealing with and overcoming extreme suffering. She is a hero to me and wifey. And I'll say no more so as not to embarrass her! :)


Hi Jeff, thanks for the information.....:)...........Sophia, please don't be embarrassed......sounds like you are

a super person:D

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Lois, that link doesn't work but I see that Emerald have a few Ireland trips. Is yours ''Discover Ireland'' or ''Enchanting Ireland''?


I am waiting for your thoughts:) Did you see I posted the link on my other reply?

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As usual, I’m late to the party. Good morning all from the west coast of Canada, where the weather can’t decide between snow and rain. Raining right now, and about 2C.


I’ll add my two cents regarding “forgiveness”, or rather the opposite - holding onto anger or resentment. I like to remember that a corrosive liquid does far more harm to that which contains it than to any object over which it is poured. Forgiving someone else allows me to move on in life. Now, forgiving doesn’t mean I haven’t learnt something from the experience. Life is a series of learning experiences.


I’d like to ask Sophia’s advice regarding a circumstance in my own life. A few years ago my DH’s best friend was killed in a terrible automobile accident. They’d been friends since boyhood and often went off together - just the guys - camping for weekends. They got together 3 or 4 times a year. We didn’t spend much time together as couples. It wasn’t that we didn’t get along, it was just time and distance (we live about 6 hours away from each other). So in the 30 years or so, I’d spent maybe 3 evenings with the best friend and his wife. Of course when the best friend was killed we immediately dropped everything and went to offer as much support as we could. After the funeral, we made a few trips to the area, always contacting her. My DH would go by himself sometimes, but eventually he was told “it was too hard” for the widowed wife to see him. I even went by myself a couple of times, but was brushed off. Eventually my DH said “I guess it’s too painful for her to see me,” and we backed off. This took over a year. I did send a couple of emails, but never got a response (she had a shared email address with her husband, so may have just got a new email address). It’s been a few years now, and I’ve been encouraging my DH to just give her a call, if only to get her new email address. But he feels that she’s moved on in her life and he doesn’t want to bring up painful memories. I don’t want her to feel abandoned, although she probably feels that way already. Any advice?



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Good morning.........it is Discover Ireland.........let me see what happened.........the link works for me. Try this



Great link from Jeff and glad to hear that you have finalized for doing Ireland in March 2018. Good luck to Lois for doing this "adventure". We stayed at the Glenlo Abbey Hotel in March 2000. At that time, they had a couple of rail dining cars from the Orient Express train and we dined inside that unique setting. Below are some more visuals to help build up your excitement for this trip. Lots to see, love and do in Ireland. Looks like a very nice itinerary!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Panama Canal? Completed Feb. 28-Mar. 15, 2017, Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco adventure through the Panama Canal with our first stops in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, plus added time in the great Golden Gate City. Lots of fun, interesting pictures!! Those visuals start on the second page, post #26. See more at:



From my "Time Machine" photo file, here is a picture of the reception area at the Glenlo Abbey Hotel in Galway, Ireland, when we stayed here. That fireplace was burning coal and had a super warm heat. Very, very nice and super classy hotel and location.:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger!)



Here are some other of my visuals from our 2000 trip around Ireland. Even in March, things can work well for the great history and sights there. First is the view of O'Brien's Tower at the dramatic Cliffs of Moher. Second is a downtown street scene in Galway. Third is photo evidence that, YES, they do have some beer in Ireland. Fourth is an example of the nature scenes in the western part of this wonderful country.:








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Good morning:).........it is Discover Ireland.........let me see what happened.........the link works for me.


Try this:)



That link works.


That looks like an excellent tour for your first visit to the Emerald Isle.


Some of the commonly used Dublin hotels can be a real trek from the centre but the Brooks hotel is ideally placed with the interesting places such as St Stevens Green, O'Connell St, Temple Bar (a bit touristy but still fun) and Grafton Street- the posh shopping area - all within easy reach. The rest of the trip looks wonderful and includes plenty of must see spots. Can I come?

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Going back to the forgiveness topic, I agree that moving on is the antidote to any "corrosion". I've had my share of disillusionments with people I cared for and, over time, I find that I can still care for them in an emotional arms-length way. Time and life's journey make space for so many new and rewarding experiences.


MLeh, I am aware you asked for Sophia's advice regarding your particular experience. I'll just chime in with my take upon reading your facts, no advice. I'll speculate that the widow pains upon meeting your DH because she was resentful of the time the both of them spent together. Your DH may bring back unhappy memories. Just my take.

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As usual, I’m late to the party. Good morning all from the west coast of Canada, where the weather can’t decide between snow and rain. Raining right now, and about 2C.


I’ll add my two cents regarding “forgiveness”, or rather the opposite - holding onto anger or resentment. I like to remember that a corrosive liquid does far more harm to that which contains it than to any object over which it is poured. Forgiving someone else allows me to move on in life. Now, forgiving doesn’t mean I haven’t learnt something from the experience. Life is a series of learning experiences.


I’d like to ask Sophia’s advice regarding a circumstance in my own life. A few years ago my DH’s best friend was killed in a terrible automobile accident. They’d been friends since boyhood and often went off together - just the guys - camping for weekends. They got together 3 or 4 times a year. We didn’t spend much time together as couples. It wasn’t that we didn’t get along, it was just time and distance (we live about 6 hours away from each other). So in the 30 years or so, I’d spent maybe 3 evenings with the best friend and his wife. Of course when the best friend was killed we immediately dropped everything and went to offer as much support as we could. After the funeral, we made a few trips to the area, always contacting her. My DH would go by himself sometimes, but eventually he was told “it was too hard” for the widowed wife to see him. I even went by myself a couple of times, but was brushed off. Eventually my DH said “I guess it’s too painful for her to see me,” and we backed off. This took over a year. I did send a couple of emails, but never got a response (she had a shared email address with her husband, so may have just got a new email address). It’s been a few years now, and I’ve been encouraging my DH to just give her a call, if only to get her new email address. But he feels that she’s moved on in her life and he doesn’t want to bring up painful memories. I don’t want her to feel abandoned, although she probably feels that way already. Any advice?


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I think perhaps Mysty and my comments might have been misread. We were saying that (a) we forgive those that seek it but (b) when they do not and we have therefore not been given the opportunity to forgive, we shrug and move on. Where Mysty and I (without wishing to put words into her mouth ....) disgree with you is that we do not believe the absence of forgiveness need produce anger and resentment or that forgiving those that do not wish to be forgiven can provide any relief from anger or resentment if that were otherwise present. I don't really see how it can really. Forgiving someone that still wishes to hurt or harm doesn't change the problem. But still ..... we all have our own personal levers and mechanisms for coping with nasty people. :)


With respect to your question, it seems to me the core consideration is that you (a) do not know why the lady concerned feels how she does and (b) you do not wish to hurt her or make things worst. It therefore seems to me that if you feel that you wish to make contact again, then the best way is via a handwritten letter simply stating in a gentle way how you both feel ie that she was a part of the four of your lives, that you would love to maintain some contact, by whatever way she feels most comfortable ie telephone, visits, letter or email, but understand if she does not want to maintain contact for whatever reason but you simply wanted her to know that she was important to you both and that you care for her and have sympathy for her loss and your thoughts are always with her.


Telephone calls can often be a surpise and can be unintentionally confrontational and require the lady to reach an instant position which may or may not be the one that she would have if she thought for a longer while - and she therefore might regret what she would say during an unexpected call and think that perhaps her chosen route of contact is something she'd like. Let her have control over future contact or not as she wishes. A letter is more personal than an email and gives her a chance within the safety of non-confrontation of reaching a considered decision. If you hear again from her or not will therefore be the way it has to be and you will feel that you did all you could without causing any hurt. That is my suggestion. Let us know what you decide and how it rolls out. Good luck.


All the best,

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Yes, we got snow last night. That happened as our Ohio State college football team was beating USC in the Cotton Bowl played near Dallas. Major Michigan, Penn State, Wisconsin, etc., bowl games upcoming. Getting ready to depart to Charlottesville, Va., to celebrate the New Year and see our grandsons, etc.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Venice: Loving It & Why??!! Is one of your future desires or past favorites? See these many visual samples for its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 70,471 views.



Need proof for our about three inches of snow here in Central Ohio? See below. First one of our young deer viewed from our family room at the gate to our back patio. Second is the view from the window down to our wooded roadway with the metal/stone structures on either side of our uphill driveway. These ravine settings are always wonderful when it snows.:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger!)




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Thank you Jeff for those kind words...Lois also....l feel very touched.


MLeh.....I'm so sorry to hear of DH's friends tragic death, it must be so difficult for him to be seemingly pushed aside by the widow. I'm no expert to give advice but it seems that she wishes to blank that side of her late husbands life out and maybe move on to a new circle of friends with no history or memories.

Rather than call l would be inclined to write and send her a personal note telling her that you often think of her and are always there if she wishes to call you or visit. This way the ball is in her court and your DH won't suffer any hurt of being rejected but at the same time knowing that you've done you're best.



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Hello friends, I have been out running errands and that included a flu shot, picking up some meds and then going to the

grocery store.

As for my back, well, it is really not my back but shoulder area......I spoke with my Pharmacist, (she gave me the flu shot)

and helped me at no charge:D.....anyway, it doesn't hurt as much today but sort of an ache. She said it may be a slight

muscle pull and heat/and Ibruprophen would be good........she said sometimes it can take a week for it to heal......and unless it is excruciating pain, I am not going to the Dr right now. And I was able to sleep through the night ok..:D


So, I am closer to making the Ireland decision.....part of me really wants to go.......I just have to see if the part that wants

a cruise is willing to compromise;).......I know it is going to be much different and I have not taken a land vacation

in many years............but I have always wanted to see Ireland.............


Anyway, I have a couple of gift cards to 2 different restaurants and I am going out for a late lunch at one of them.


Check back later:)


Oh Terry, thanks for the pictures:) they are ALWAYS so enticing!

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Greetings Coolers! Here is a thought for the beginning of the New Year. The quote is from Sarah Ban Breathnach a best-selling American author, philanthropist and public speaker.


“New Year’s Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach


And now to dream......


Have a great day all!

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Good morning, I want to wish all of you a Happy AND HEALTHY 2018:), personally, I am VERY glad this year is about

to be over........for me, the one great thing was trying SS back in August and that cruise was FABULOUS:D but there

were a lot of other not so great things.....not going to name them all but suffice to say, I am glad we are going into 2018

and hoping for much better things for everyone.:)

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I decided to take the plunge and am going on the land trip to Ireland:D......I know the tour company is closed today and

tomorrow but I emailed them anyway. I will chat with them later this week. I have to book airfare and get all that stuff

together. I am guessing Ireland uses Euros......

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Hi TTS, thanks so much:)....I need to figure out the packing part LOL.....I am so used to going on a cruise.....get on board and unpack for the whole time..........this will be different for sure...........:eek:

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I decided to take the plunge and am going on the land trip to Ireland:D......I know the tour company is closed today and tomorrow but I emailed them anyway. I will chat with them later this week. I have to book airfare and get all that stuff together. I am guessing Ireland uses Euros......


Oh Terry, thanks for the picturesclear.png?emoji-smile-1742 they are ALWAYS so enticing!

Great, Lois, that you have made your decision and are moving full-speed ahead for Ireland. Yes, Tothesunset is 100% correct as to the use of Euro's there. And, no surprise, they speak English in Ireland. That helps and makes things a little easier compared to some other parts of Europe!! Appreciate your nice comment on my pictures. Might have a few more visuals and ideas to share for Ireland.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting, dramatic pictures can be seen from this live/blog at:


Now at 36,321 views for this visual sharing including Cape Town, along South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.

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I was looking at Weather.com.........looks like it is in the 40s in March over there......so layering would be the best.......

I think if I bring 2 pair of black slacks I can use them in the evenings (if I need to change at any of the places for dinner)

But touring during the day, I will bring jeans, socks, long sleeves and walking shoes:)

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I was looking at Weather.com.........looks like it is in the 40s in March over there......so layering would be the best.......

I think if I bring 2 pair of black slacks I can use them in the evenings (if I need to change at any of the places for dinner)

But touring during the day, I will bring jeans, socks, long sleeves and walking shoes:)

At that time of year (well, any time of year really) you'll need something waterproof and windproof as an outer layer that can then be scrunched up and put in your bag in the event that the sun comes out (it happened once in 1976 so you might be lucky!).


Yes, in Ireland they speak English - but not as we know it, Jim. Especially in the South West the accent can be fairly strong and sometimes impenetrable - even to other Irishmen - but as Ireland has produced some of the finest writers in the English language I think it fair to say that you won't be too dialectically challenged. Just don't expect to hear too many Irish accents in Dublin where the celtic brogue fights for space alongside E European, US, English and other accents besides.


Finally (for now, at least) if even one of my fellow countrymen should be anything other than wholeheartedly welcoming I shall take it as a personal insult and flog the bounder to within an inch of his life. We are very proud of our small but varied island and just love showing it off to visitors.

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Good Evening Coolers.....


May l wish you all a very Happy New Year which will hopefully bring health, wealth, love and much happiness....good times to enjoy and sad times to endure....each year brings back memories of the past and those we have loved and lost...and each year also brings a new beginning....

I raise my glass to old friends and new ones we've yet to meet...

Cheers 😊

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