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Online Reservation Annoyance. Just me???


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I'm a stickler for details and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced something like this. I booked a cruise a few months ago for three passengers in one cabin. I did it myself online at NCL's own website. I'm passenger #1. "Bill" was passenger #2 and "Jane" was passenger #3. I chose as our two "freebies" the Specialty Dining Package (it automatically assigned that to passengers #1 & #2) and Free 3rd & 4th Passengers. A couple days ago I did the final payment. Right after doing the final payment I went back to prepay the service charges for everyone and to buy a 3 dinner Specialty Dining Package for "Jane" who was still listed as passenger #3. Myself and "Bill" had the promo Specialty Dining Package already. That went okay too. That was a couple days ago. Last night I decided to go back and look at our online reservations to make sure everything was indeed correct and it was not. For some reason the system had swapped passengers #2 and #3. "Jane" had become #2 and "Bill" is now #3. But "Jane" had a promo 3 dinner Specialty Dining Package PLUS a bought 3 dinner Specialty Dining Package. "Bill" had nothing to eat. Why would that happen?


I called NCL's customer service line to fix this. When I explained what happened it *seemed* the agent I was speaking to didn't really understand what I was talking about. He also was laughing at something other people where he was located were saying and it sounded like a party in the background... I'm already a little frustrated and his lack of attention didn't help. He put me on a "short" hold that lasted about 10 minutes. When he came back he said that he had everything fixed and would email me a new confirmation. I received two emails that had been sent at the same time-stamp time. The first confirmation showed me as passenger #1 with a promo dining package, "Jane" as #2 with a promo dining package *AND* a purchased dining package with "Bill" as #3 and nothing to eat. The second confirmation has me as #1, "Jane" as #2 and "Bill" as #3. "Jane" and I had the promo Specialty Dining Package but "Bill" had nothing. When I logged onto my NCL account "Bill" has the purchased dining package and the promo packages are on myself and Jane. That's all okay in the end but I'm losing confidence in NCL's reservation system. Why all of the contradictory and jumbled information?


I like things to go smooth and easy - I've bought hundreds (if not thousands) of things online, made many reservations online and never had anything happen like this except at NCL. Two years ago I did a cruise with NCL and had something odd happen that I had to call to correct but I can't remember what it was. Surely with all the many thousands of passengers they have each year their reservation system is more sophisticated than this. What the heck is the problem? Is it just my luck or what? I'm only curious but it's truly weird to me. Our previous cruise was very enjoyable and drama free or else we wouldn't be going with NCL again.

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Sorry for your troubles.


Be paitient and keep on them until it is correct.


Remember the guy you are talking to is a minimum wage call center agent earning less than the Walmart greeter. When he calls for help (brief hold) you are totally dependent on him articulating your issue to someone who who knows what they are doing.


Avoid complex sentences and long stories about the history of the problem. It only will confuse minimum wage guy. Just state, clearly, what the end state you desire and ask to speak with a supervisor if minimum wage guy seems confused.

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I always find the cruise I want on the NCL system, go through and see about what the price will be, then call my PCC at NCL to do the actual booking for me. I've had the same one for about four years now, and haven't had a problem. Just a thought....


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I am beyond disappointed with NCL and that takes a lot with me. Ever time I call to discuss my issues I get a different answer. The NCL Rep I booked with last year is no longer with NCL and according to NCL we are on our own. So much for customer service. We’ve done 23 cruises, only 2 with NCL, so I am not new to this. I’ll make the best of it.

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I put a cruise on hold yesterday at 3pm. On the hold, it said it would be held until 3:59pm. ???? It is usually a 24hr hold. I usually hold cruises to get airfare and insurance in place and in this case book a B2B. This was a cruise in Asia, so the airfare is a big thing.


I called the NCL number to ask why they only gave me 59 minutes. She said, "ummmm, I don't know". I asked if she could change to 24 hrs, "ummm, I don't think so". Can I talk to a supervisor? "ummm, they can't do anything either" So, I said, is it worth losing a booking for 32 days not to fix this problem?........"ummmm, I don't know" And so it goes.


Booking a similar cruise with another cruise line.............

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Thanks for the replies and opinions. Evidently it's not just me. I suppose I do need to just watch everything carefully. My previous cruise with NCL was also my first cruise ever. More than 30 years ago (when I was in my early 20s) I worked for Intercontinental Hotels (before they merged with Holiday Inn) at the 800 reservation center. So I completely "get" what it's like to be on the other end of the phone line - we were actually paid a decent salary (not hourly), insurance and etc. I suppose that's partly why I like taking care of things myself. It also made me much more travel savvy and aware of places in this world I didn't know about before.


The other NCL cruise I booked online myself and within a day or two I started getting persistent phone calls and emails from the person who had evidently been assigned to me as a PCC. At the time of booking that cruise I paid 100% plus the service charges. I didn't want or need anything else. But the PCC kept up the calls and emails. I kept telling him I was okay and if I needed anything I would absolutely contact him. After a few more contacts by this fellow I finally told him [in an email] if he didn't leave me alone that I would cancel everything, get a 100% refund and choose a cruise with some other cruise line. I never heard from him again. Just what I wanted


I understand many people like this help but, personally, I don't need it. I've only used travel agents a couple times back before the internet came along. I've been all over the world. I'm fully capable.

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Thanks for the replies and opinions. Evidently it's not just me. I suppose I do need to just watch everything carefully. My previous cruise with NCL was also my first cruise ever. More than 30 years ago (when I was in my early 20s) I worked for Intercontinental Hotels (before they merged with Holiday Inn) at the 800 reservation center. So I completely "get" what it's like to be on the other end of the phone line - we were actually paid a decent salary (not hourly), insurance and etc. I suppose that's partly why I like taking care of things myself. It also made me much more travel savvy and aware of places in this world I didn't know about before.


The other NCL cruise I booked online myself and within a day or two I started getting persistent phone calls and emails from the person who had evidently been assigned to me as a PCC. At the time of booking that cruise I paid 100% plus the service charges. I didn't want or need anything else. But the PCC kept up the calls and emails. I kept telling him I was okay and if I needed anything I would absolutely contact him. After a few more contacts by this fellow I finally told him [in an email] if he didn't leave me alone that I would cancel everything, get a 100% refund and choose a cruise with some other cruise line. I never heard from him again. Just what I wanted


I understand many people like this help but, personally, I don't need it. I've only used travel agents a couple times back before the internet came along. I've been all over the world. I'm fully capable.


" I'm fully capable. " Don't take this the wrong way, but you are not. (nor are any of the rest of us).


To provide just one example . . . NCL offers discounts for a number of different programs. When you book yourself, you can qualify for ONE discount...just one and only one. There are times, however, when more than one discount can be applied to a reservation. Travel Agents and PCCs have the ability to combine discounts when allowed...the traveler booking on their own does not. IOW, by booking yourself, you may be missing out on the opportunity to combine discounts. Given that PCCs and Travel Agents cost nothing to use, and given that they have the ability to do combine discounts (among other things)...I don't understand why anyone would not want to use them.


A person may be capable of booking on their own, but they will never be able to get themselves a better deal then the free-to-use PCC or TA can.

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" I'm fully capable. " Don't take this the wrong way, but you are not. (nor are any of the rest of us).


To provide just one example . . . NCL offers discounts for a number of different programs. When you book yourself, you can qualify for ONE discount...just one and only one. There are times, however, when more than one discount can be applied to a reservation. Travel Agents and PCCs have the ability to combine discounts when allowed...the traveler booking on their own does not. IOW, by booking yourself, you may be missing out on the opportunity to combine discounts. Given that PCCs and Travel Agents cost nothing to use, and given that they have the ability to do combine discounts (among other things)...I don't understand why anyone would not want to use them.


A person may be capable of booking on their own, but they will never be able to get themselves a better deal then the free-to-use PCC or TA can.


Don't take this the wrong way either. Yes, I'm fully capable of making my own arrangements the way I want them done. The budget and saving every penny possible is not a top priority for me. Your way and my way are obviously quite different. A garage sale is a good example: I go to them from time to time and if I see something I'm interested in and the price is something I'm willing to pay, I buy it. Otherwise I just move on. I'm not interested in haggling. Other people want to negotiate a nickle off of a dime item...more power to them. I'm not saying your way is wrong by any stretch. You need to go with what works for you. I'll go with what works for me.

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Don't take this the wrong way either. Yes, I'm fully capable of making my own arrangements the way I want them done. The budget and saving every penny possible is not a top priority for me. Your way and my way are obviously quite different. A garage sale is a good example: I go to them from time to time and if I see something I'm interested in and the price is something I'm willing to pay, I buy it. Otherwise I just move on. I'm not interested in haggling. Other people want to negotiate a nickle off of a dime item...more power to them. I'm not saying your way is wrong by any stretch. You need to go with what works for you. I'll go with what works for me.


No, I'm pretty sure you missed the point. Yes, you are capable of making choices and living with the consequences that result. No doubt. But the fact of the matter is that there are things that you simply can not do on your own...and I only provided ONE example.


While you can, as I said, make a reservation under self-imposed consequences, you do NOT have 100% control over the booking process...no self-booker does. So you are not, as I pointed out, "fully capable". The idea that you can live with the limitations, does not mean that the limitations don't exist.

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Don't take this the wrong way either. Yes, I'm fully capable of making my own arrangements the way I want them done. The budget and saving every penny possible is not a top priority for me. Your way and my way are obviously quite different. A garage sale is a good example: I go to them from time to time and if I see something I'm interested in and the price is something I'm willing to pay, I buy it. Otherwise I just move on. I'm not interested in haggling. Other people want to negotiate a nickle off of a dime item...more power to them. I'm not saying your way is wrong by any stretch. You need to go with what works for you. I'll go with what works for me.


When booking online, you are capable of selecting only about 15 different cabins out of the entire cabin category. The best possible cabin location must not be a priority for *you* either.

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One more reason to use an independent TA for all this.

(As if the OBC isn't enough reason...)




Yeah because then the minimum wage guy at your TAs office can call and be put on hold by the minimum wage guy at NCL!



Sent from my iPhone using Forums

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I made my own arrangements for years too, but.... now I use a travel agent, a lovely girl that used to babysit my kids. She just plain gets better deals than those available to me online. Every time. Cruise, AI, you name it. She gets me the insurance, which I have now had to use twice. She gets me even the overnight hotel 50% cheaper than I can get it. She just has access to more stuff. Plus, if I have a problem, I just call her, or FB her, 24/7. It's way less headache. She can spend time on the phone with NCL. I have, like a job and a family and stuff. My vacation now starts when I decide to leave all the planning to her, lol.


It's not a question whether I CAN make my own arrangements, of course I can. Nor is it totally about the savings. It's about my time which I consider to be worth $50 an hour, cuz that's what I make at work (sort of) to mess around with NCL. I just say no.

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I'm a stickler for details and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced something like this. I booked a cruise a few months ago for three passengers in one cabin. I did it myself online at NCL's own website. I'm passenger #1. "Bill" was passenger #2 and "Jane" was passenger #3. I chose as our two "freebies" the Specialty Dining Package (it automatically assigned that to passengers #1 & #2) and Free 3rd & 4th Passengers. A couple days ago I did the final payment. Right after doing the final payment I went back to prepay the service charges for everyone and to buy a 3 dinner Specialty Dining Package for "Jane" who was still listed as passenger #3. Myself and "Bill" had the promo Specialty Dining Package already. That went okay too. That was a couple days ago. Last night I decided to go back and look at our online reservations to make sure everything was indeed correct and it was not. For some reason the system had swapped passengers #2 and #3. "Jane" had become #2 and "Bill" is now #3. But "Jane" had a promo 3 dinner Specialty Dining Package PLUS a bought 3 dinner Specialty Dining Package. "Bill" had nothing to eat. Why would that happen?


I called NCL's customer service line to fix this. When I explained what happened it *seemed* the agent I was speaking to didn't really understand what I was talking about. He also was laughing at something other people where he was located were saying and it sounded like a party in the background... I'm already a little frustrated and his lack of attention didn't help. He put me on a "short" hold that lasted about 10 minutes. When he came back he said that he had everything fixed and would email me a new confirmation. I received two emails that had been sent at the same time-stamp time. The first confirmation showed me as passenger #1 with a promo dining package, "Jane" as #2 with a promo dining package *AND* a purchased dining package with "Bill" as #3 and nothing to eat. The second confirmation has me as #1, "Jane" as #2 and "Bill" as #3. "Jane" and I had the promo Specialty Dining Package but "Bill" had nothing. When I logged onto my NCL account "Bill" has the purchased dining package and the promo packages are on myself and Jane. That's all okay in the end but I'm losing confidence in NCL's reservation system. Why all of the contradictory and jumbled information?


I like things to go smooth and easy - I've bought hundreds (if not thousands) of things online, made many reservations online and never had anything happen like this except at NCL. Two years ago I did a cruise with NCL and had something odd happen that I had to call to correct but I can't remember what it was. Surely with all the many thousands of passengers they have each year their reservation system is more sophisticated than this. What the heck is the problem? Is it just my luck or what? I'm only curious but it's truly weird to me. Our previous cruise was very enjoyable and drama free or else we wouldn't be going with NCL again.

Sorry for your frustrasion but to say, because of this if you hadn't enjoyed your last cruie you wouldn't be using NCL again is a bit over the top wouldn't you say? Sometimes doing things on line isn't the best solution. If everytime I got frustrated about something that didn't go right on line, I would have to run away and hide. :confused:

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One more reason to use an independent TA for all this.

(As if the OBC isn't enough reason...)

so very true!!!!!:cool::cool:


And Jana60, you have not a clue about how going thru a TA works? First of all they use special phone numbers that get them to special agents at any cruise line, if they even call. Normally they have a system for booking that is different than the basic system. They are not paid min wage and work on commission for the most part, plus most agents have gone through training.

Edited by newmexicoNita
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Sorry for your troubles.


Be paitient and keep on them until it is correct.


Remember the guy you are talking to is a minimum wage call center agent earning less than the Walmart greeter. When he calls for help (brief hold) you are totally dependent on him articulating your issue to someone who who knows what they are doing.


Avoid complex sentences and long stories about the history of the problem. It only will confuse minimum wage guy. Just state, clearly, what the end state you desire and ask to speak with a supervisor if minimum wage guy seems confused.


This is some of the best advice I have ever seen on Cruise Critic.(y)

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NCL's online booking/reservation system isn't great, and I'm hopeful that they will work out the kinks over time. There were all sorts of "glitches" with the bookings for our last cruise, beginning with mixed up names (so confirmation emails came in my kids' names - not a huge deal), followed by a massive spam of emails about the itinerary change, and ending with reimbursements for a cancelled show, x5 even though I paid for 4 (turned out I ended up with one of my mom's reimbursements, and then had to work out sending her a payment + exchange rate, once we were home.) Just bizarre stuff. Nothing earth shattering, just inconvenient. I also prefer to use my smart phone, and found that I would get different rates coming up on my phone, versus doing it on my laptop. Same room, same details, different amounts. Odd.


I, too, have had better luck with simply using a PCC. My strategy for my next two cruises was to go through the online booking system, price it all out, then call the PCC and explain what I wanted. If they quoted a higher price, I just read through the online booking in front of me and told them I wanted that price. Everything (so far) has gone smoothly. I've learned not to trust their online system, though that shouldn't be the case. Hopefully as time goes on, and with changing demographics, there will be a bigger push for them to fine tune their online system so that it works flawlessly.

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