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Project Runway?


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And so Jerell is aufed!


And if we are just basing it on these two dresses, then I don't agree.

This is more wedding, more fitting, and Jerell did with a similar color wedding dress what Korto needed to do.


It is far easier to tone down the top of Jerell's dress, than fix anything that Korto had going on there.

Jerell just needs to adjust the top. It's beautiful in the Jerell context.

The bridesmaid dress is pretty good as well.

And it looks like a bridesmaid (in a good way), whereas Korto's didn't at all.

Korto's doesn't even look like an Afro-Centric bridesmaid.


And trust me, I'm pretty much an expert in bridesmaids dresses now.


So while Jerell really just needed to rework the top, Korto's dress was really a "trash that idea" and start over from the beginning.


I know that's not how they voted, but if you are going to say that you are only basing votes on these two dresses from today - then do that.


If you are not, then just don't say it.

Wouldn't have just been more understandable and fine if they just said "We're deciding based on your past work, and what we can see your 'theoretical' collection could be"

Wink, wink on that one - because they've already done the collections, right?


So, there you go!

Comment away!


I know I owe a bunch of answers I'm not getting to people's questions, but I am really overworked and not having a lot of mental brainpower left over for philosophical fashion thoughts at the moment.



I'll get to them in the next few weeks.


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And I must add here, my absolute favorite part of the episode.


If you watch it again, listen to Tim. He's hysterical.

Riding a bicycle is obviously out of his element, yet the true gentleman that he is - he just embraces it and has fun.



That was my absolute favorite part as well...in a sport coat no less.:D

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I enjoyed watching the show this week but found it rather sad that out of the 4 designers Tim visited, Kenley was the only one who did not have any "people" in her life that she wanted to introduce him to.


LOVED Leanne's dresses and thought Korto's wedding dress even made the size 2 20 something model look frumpy. Expected better from her.


I also loved Jerell's bridesmaid dress and would totally wear it (minus the dogwood branch or whatever:confused: ) on a cruise.

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i didn't like what she did this week .. but I just know I would spend way more than my allowance to own this dress





I think Korto will be commercially successful.

I like Leanne's pleats ..and Kenley has some clever vintage updates ..

I just think all of them will do well after this show.

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Thanks Curt, for putting up such an awesome review, as always.....

Whatever would we do without you?:)


That being said, I absolutely LOVED both of Leanne's dresses!!! I just think they go so well with her theme, and the way her wedding dress moved was just amazing!! I would have died for a little pocket in my wedding dress - What a great idea......just think, a couple of breath mints...a kleenex for the tears......the "real" rings........perfect!!:)

Her bridesmaids dress was also really gorgeous - the sculptured top and the way the cloth in the skirt was draped. I would wear that in a heartbeat on a cruise.......or other dressy affairs - like a wedding....or better yet - a cruise wedding....:D


I actually liked all four bridesmaids dresses, even Jerrells (without the flower thing of course....)


The other wedding dresses......not so much....

Kenley's was a little "out there" for me, but really well made. I just think she knew she gets a little too much "inspiration" from others;)

I'm looking forward to CJW's comparisons and his take on all of this.


Jerell's and Korto's were my least favorite. This is the second dress of Jerells that I wanted to reach out and yank up the top!! And what is weird is that I did not feel that way about his bridesmaid dress! I can't remember which judge said the bottom of the wedding dress looked dirty, but I agree! I don't understand why he chose that shade of tulle.....it looked like she'd stopped to take pictures on the beach before she headed to the runway....

I do like the way the cloth draped over the tulle though, and also the way the back looked....so it wasn't all bad but I just couldn't get past the way the tulle looked dirty.


Korto's beadwork is stunning. I am glad she made it to the top three just because I want to see how she incorporates all the beadwork in the rest of her collection. (Thanks Kathy for the preview!!)

The rest of the dress just had too much "stuff" on the top, and I didn't like where the seam line was on the skirt. Like Curt said, the color is kind of blah, but I would like to know why she chose the color she did......maybe there is some good reason we haven't heard yet.


Overall, though, it was a really good show. Tim Gunn is a very good sport!! I wish Leanne had had a backup helmet though so they could have both been wearing helmets....:)

I'm looking forward to the Finale. My vote is for Leanne, but hubby's favorite is Kenley:( I think they will all do really well regardless of the outcome.....

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They've done that in past seasons.

Once, where women had lost a lot of weight, but many were still plus sizes; and another challenge where they designed for their mothers, many of whom were plus sized; then they had a challenge with young women new in their careers needing job hunting clothes and some of them were plus sized.


Yes, but it was not an equal playing field. Some designers had slim models while others had plus size in both challenges. What I was proposing was a challenge where they ALL had larger plus size models. That would truly be a challenge. Anyone can design for a model figure...it's truly a talent who can design for a very full figure. I think it would be interesting to see.

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I truly doubt that Kenley copied the dress. It is so her, from the small waist to the feathers (she has them in her hair a lot).


If the judges really thought it was a copy they would have tossed her on her ear. I bet the McQueen comment was more a "cover your a$$" thing in case the accusation came up later.


These things happen.


You took the words right out of mouth you little thief! :D

It's actually quite a classic shape, just the crinoline makes it so special looking. And the feathers are pure Kenley.


CJW, again, thanks so much for posting the pics.

I'm so disappointed w/ Korto's wedding dress. I thought her bridesmaid dress was pretty, it just wasn't bridal-like. Had this been a first challenge, she would have been auf'ed. And I was with you in the beginning that Leanne was almost auf'ed and I knew she was great designer.

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I enjoyed watching the show this week but found it rather sad that out of the 4 designers Tim visited, Kenley was the only one who did not have any "people" in her life that she wanted to introduce him to.



Interesting observation, and it didn't strike me that way. I think it's because it's just not so much of a NYC thing to invite people to your home. We're generally more private about that and usually socialize outside our homes. I'm not saying that people don't have friends over, and I've been to dinner in plenty of friends apts, but it's just as natural not to.


Kenley lives in a small apartment in Brooklyn. Good chance that her friends and family don't live close by.

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I think it's because it's just not so much of a NYC thing to invite people to your home. We're generally more private about that and usually socialize outside our homes. I'm not saying that people don't have friends over, and I've been to dinner in plenty of friends apts, but it's just as natural not to.




That confuses me. The opposite is so often portrayed in movies, television and in magazines. You so often see fabulous parties being thrown in people's homes. You learn something new everday. There goes that glamourous notion. :rolleyes:

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I definitely noticed that Kenley had no friends or family to meet Tim Gunn...I would think that if you were in the top 4 of a show like Project Runway and someone famous--at least in your field--was visiting you and filming your visit for an episode of the show, that you would at least have one friend or family member--even if they didn't live real close--show up for the visit


I thought Korto looked like an excellent hostess...she had her family there as well as friends...and I noticed she had a nice spread of food for him...it just appeared that, out of all 4 designers, she went to the most trouble to make Tim feel like a special guest...it might just be the southern hospitality thing--we southern women like to think of ourselves as model hostesses :cool:

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That confuses me. The opposite is so often portrayed in movies, television and in magazines. You so often see fabulous parties being thrown in people's homes. You learn something new everday. There goes that glamourous notion. :rolleyes:


I'm not suggesting that people don't throw parties in their home here in NYC. Of course we do. It's just that on a day-to-day basis, I don't think we invite people into our homes as much as in other places. We're more of a "meet you at the bar/cafe/restaurant" society.


I think Kenley's mother is dead, and her Dad could be away on a boat. She doesn't have a boyfriend, so who else would be there? Leanne only had her boyfriend meet Tim.

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I think Kenley's mother is dead, and her Dad could be away on a boat. She doesn't have a boyfriend, so who else would be there?



friends? surely even Kenley has friends :p


I understood what you meant about people in urban areas not routinely having people entertained in their homes....however, this was not just a routine, day-to-day thing (at least I don't think so)...this was part of a contest that could have life-changing implications...there is celebrity and national exposure involved, and it seems like a big deal to me


of course, I can respect Kenley's desire, if that is the case, to experience this solo--as an individual...I respect that choice, but I just find it unusual and not typical of other contestants from this season or past seasons

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Kenley is second.



I'll address the "copying" issue next week in another post.

This is the third time in this short competition, that she has somehow managed to come up with almost exact versions from other people's collections.


I'll do the research and cut and paste comparisons next week.

For someone who so adamantly claims to never watch or see anyone else's collections ever...

It's quite an amazing coincidence to somehow have done that three times in 12 episodes.


Is all I have to say about this one for now.


I will be anxious to hear what you have to say next week.

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friends? surely even Kenley has friends :p


I understood what you meant about people in urban areas not routinely having people entertained in their homes....however, this was not just a routine, day-to-day thing (at least I don't think so)...this was part of a contest that could have life-changing implications...there is celebrity and national exposure involved, and it seems like a big deal to me


of course, I can respect Kenley's desire, if that is the case, to experience this solo--as an individual...I respect that choice, but I just find it unusual and not typical of other contestants from this season or past seasons


I'm sure she has friends. LOL!!;)


If it were me as a finalist and Tim paying a visit to critique my work so far, it would never occur to me to have Tim meet anyone in my life, other than my husband who lives with me.


So, while many here were surprised that Kenly was alone for the visit, my reaction was totally the opposite. Kenley's visit seemed normal to me, I would never invite a bunch of people over if my mentor was coming to pay me a visit. With Korto, I was thinking, "what the heck are all those people doing there? This isn't a party."


No right or wrong here, just interesting to note our different perceptions.

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I definitely noticed that Kenley had no friends or family to meet Tim Gunn...I would think that if you were in the top 4 of a show like Project Runway and someone famous--at least in your field--was visiting you and filming your visit for an episode of the show, that you would at least have one friend or family member--even if they didn't live real close--show up for the visit


See my other post. But I have to say, that in my wildest dreams I'd never even consider for a second inviting anyone over to meet Tim, if I was a finalist in that position.


If he was coming to critique me and give me direction for the biggest challenge of my life, why would I want to concern myself with an invitee list and cooking? I'd want all the face time I could get with him and to get as much feedback as possible.


Please, don't think I'm making you wrong, I'm not. It's just a difference of style. But if Tim was coming to help me, and my friends asked to come over and meet him, I'd say, "no way!"


(unless of course, the producers of the show encouraged and suggested this party-like atmosphere for the visit)

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didn't much care for the dress, but what was up with all those necklaces?!? As if the pleating and all weren't enough. It looked like she couldn't make up her mind which necklace to use, so used a multiplicity of them. Ugh!



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All these designers are exceptionally talented....Jerrell included.


I've been in the fashion industry for 15 years, so I know well how it works.


Korto needs this win more than any of them.....


Kenley lives in NYC. Whether she wins Project Runway or not, she's set. She's either going to get offered a fantastic job by a major clothing company such as Ralph Lauren or Oscar de la Renta, or a small company who will give her her own label (like Liz Claiborne did for Dana Buchman), or as an in-house designer for a company that creates private label clothing for Bergdorf's, Saks, Neimans, etc. Or, she'll get a backer right away who will finance her in her own company......though this is not as likely right now in this economy. But that's probably in her future as she has a very strong design identity.

She also now has the visability to create designs for movies and Broadway shows.


Similar situation with Jerrell in LA. Also, Jerrell now has the opportunity to hook up with actresses looking for special evening looks for red carpet walks, or creating designs for Hollywood movies.


Leanne in Portland, Or is not as easily connected to a fashion hub, however, Portland is a pretty sophisticated city, and she's near enough to Seattle, San Francisco, and LA, so that even if she doesn't win, she can start a small business and get some clients/visability in the west coast, and as her business grows, retailers in other parts of the country will see her things. Additionally, she's single and could get a job in LA or NY if she wants.


Korto, on the other hand needs this win big time. She lives in Podunk, Nowhere, fashionwise. There are no companies she can work for in her home town, and she can't accept a job in NY or LA to follow her dream and uproot her family. She's got to somehow start her business in Arkansas and get national distrubution and she needs that $100,000. to make it happen.


That's my $.02 on the $100,000. prize. :D

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....Korto, on the other hand needs this win big time. She lives in Podunk, Nowhere, fashionwise. There are no companies she can work for in her home town, and she can't accept a job in NY or LA to follow her dream and uproot her family. She's got to somehow start her business in Arkansas and get national distrubution and she needs that $100,000. to make it happen.


That's my $.02 on the $100,000. prize. :D


While understand your position, if all these Talent shows were based on the story behind the person, no one would ever win that was the most Talented -- just the one with the saddest story. This is a fashion competition and the decision should be based on the talent and designs alone, IMHO.


While Korto is good, I don't think she's the Best, technically (sewing) or as a designer.


I also don't agree that she can't uproot her family if provided an opportunity elsewhere in the Country. People do that every day.


Now we've got at least 4 cents here... perhaps a nickel or more, with other contributions!



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Leanne in Portland, Or is not as easily connected to a fashion hub, however, Portland is a pretty sophisticated city, and she's near enough to Seattle, San Francisco, and LA, so that even if she doesn't win, she can start a small business and get some clients/visability in the west coast, and as her business grows, retailers in other parts of the country will see her things. Additionally, she's single and could get a job in LA or NY if she wants.


Color me stupid .. I thought those pleats looked familiar but I never put that together .. Leanne is Leanimal ...



She has been featured in Portland Magazine and on Ultra which is the local fashion scene publication. Sigh .. back to my cave I guess .. LOL

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While Korto is good, I don't think she's the Best, technically (sewing) or as a designer.




Actually, my impression from this season was that she was one of the strongest in terms of technical skills. The judges complemented her again and again on how well her items were finished, whereas a number of the other designers (Leann included) sent some things down the runway that were not exactly well executed. I just don't think Korto's wedding dress was her best moment....

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Yes, but it was not an equal playing field. Some designers had slim models while others had plus size in both challenges. What I was proposing was a challenge where they ALL had larger plus size models. That would truly be a challenge. Anyone can design for a model figure...it's truly a talent who can design for a very full figure. I think it would be interesting to see.


I would love to see them do an outfit for VERY pregnant women.


As to Kenley being alone... we only saw what was edited in, for all we know maybe there was a huge party but it just didn't add to the narrative.


The "story" is supposed to be that Kenley doesn't play well with others. Why would the producers show something that goes against that?

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While understand your position, if all these Talent shows were based on the story behind the person, no one would ever win that was the most Talented -- just the one with the saddest story. This is a fashion competition and the decision should be based on the talent and designs alone, IMHO.


I didn't say that it was the reason Korto SHOULD win, I said it was the reason I WANTED her to win. It's simply based on my personal feelings about a lovely woman. I never suggested that the judges make a decision based on the needs of the particpant. I totally agree that judges shouldn't make a decision based on needs, but on talent. This was purely a post about my own feelings on why I would like her to win, as well as why she needs it more than the others.


You think Korto's life is sad?



I also don't agree that she can't uproot her family if provided an opportunity elsewhere in the Country. People do that every day.


Not a chance of that happening. I know other people do it all the time. I don't see Korto doing that at all, (just my opinion, I didn't ask her :) ) where as I could see the others doing it in a heartbeat.

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