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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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Hi everyone

Just caught up on all the posts.

it sounds like cruises were great , winter is on the way , new kitchens and lots of health check ups and sorry to read a few colds etc .

Im just having chemo so have time to catch up on things as forced to be in a seat all day .

My Mum and I finally got a verandah cabin next July and are doing a ten day cruise from  Barcelona to Rome and then meeting my husband and doing a road trip north which Im trying to plan .Its good to stay busy .

Anyway take care everyone 




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11 hours ago, MrToblerone said:

Hi everyone

Just caught up on all the posts.

it sounds like cruises were great , winter is on the way , new kitchens and lots of health check ups and sorry to read a few colds etc .

Im just having chemo so have time to catch up on things as forced to be in a seat all day .

My Mum and I finally got a verandah cabin next July and are doing a ten day cruise from  Barcelona to Rome and then meeting my husband and doing a road trip north which Im trying to plan .Its good to stay busy .

Anyway take care everyone 




Melissa, hope you are getting through this dose well.  Is there only 2 more left?    Your cruise next summer should be lovely, Barcelona is one of my favorite cities to visit. 

Lois, lots of crazy, hateful people in this country along with too many guns!



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Hard to believe Thanksgiving is just a few days away!  Since we have a complete kitchen😂, I am cooking a typical TG dinner for the first time in years.  Our oldest son, son in law, and grandson (Wildman) are flying down on Wednesday. They will spend Thursday with us, then the two adults are leaving Friday on a short weekend cruise.  We are babysitting which means hours of playing Uno and Trouble, beach soccer and pool time.  Fortunately, our pool is heated as temps have been in the high 60s, low 70s during the daytime.  Florida natives are wearing their puffy winter coats!  Monday, we will take them to the airport and probably, nap the rest of the day!😂


OOTD: Cleaning house, so old, faded denim capris and a gap tshirt, maybe long sleeves since I am going to the Publix  in a little bit. Will put a little make up on, too.😂



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2 minutes ago, sjb317 said:

Hard to believe Thanksgiving is just a few days away!  Since we have a complete kitchen😂, I am cooking a typical TG dinner for the first time in years.  Our oldest son, son in law, and grandson (Wildman) are flying down on Wednesday. They will spend Thursday with us, then the two adults are leaving Friday on a short weekend cruise.  We are babysitting which means hours of playing Uno and Trouble, beach soccer and pool time.  Fortunately, our pool is heated as temps have been in the high 60s, low 70s during the daytime.  Florida natives are wearing their puffy winter coats!  Monday, we will take them to the airport and probably, nap the rest of the day!😂


OOTD: Cleaning house, so old, faded denim capris and a gap tshirt, maybe long sleeves since I am going to the Publix  in a little bit. Will put a little make up on, too.😂



Fun having family for the holidays. 

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Thought I would post what hopefully will be some good news about Medicare and my VERY expensive Cancer Medication..........Right now I am on a co-pay plan with the drug company but once Medicare kicks in, that plan is no longer applicable.  I have been trying to find out information about this particular drug and the amount I would have to pay. It is in a VERY high Tier Category. Medicare calls it "Catastrophic" and I spoke with someone who was very helpful at AARP this morning.  

He suggested I call the Drug Company about other financial assistance they may offer. The guy was really helpful on the phone.   


Well, after calling the Drug company, they do offer Financial Aid for folks on Medicare, it is just not a "Co-pay card" like I am on now.  Which is fine with me.....as long as I can get help, I don't care what they call it!  I have to fill out a form and my Dr has to fill out one as well. I need to submit my financial paperwork and the gal at the drug company was so kind, helpful and courteous😃.  I guess I got lucky today with nice customer service people today!  The drug company has to approve my status but from what the young lady told me on the phone she thinks there should not be any issues. (I don't earn alot of $$) and this drug should be classified as a "HARDSHIP"......it is that much $$$$$.........I won't know for sure until after the new year (probably February)If I have been approved but is is more likely than not!

So I would not even have to have Medicare coverage on this specific medication........I would just get it directly from the Drug Company with no pharmacist in the middle. 


Hope what I posted makes sense😃

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4 hours ago, Lois R said:

Thought I would post what hopefully will be some good news about Medicare and my VERY expensive Cancer Medication..........Right now I am on a co-pay plan with the drug company but once Medicare kicks in, that plan is no longer applicable.  I have been trying to find out information about this particular drug and the amount I would have to pay. It is in a VERY high Tier Category. Medicare calls it "Catastrophic" and I spoke with someone who was very helpful at AARP this morning.  

He suggested I call the Drug Company about other financial assistance they may offer. The guy was really helpful on the phone.   


Well, after calling the Drug company, they do offer Financial Aid for folks on Medicare, it is just not a "Co-pay card" like I am on now.  Which is fine with me.....as long as I can get help, I don't care what they call it!  I have to fill out a form and my Dr has to fill out one as well. I need to submit my financial paperwork and the gal at the drug company was so kind, helpful and courteous😃.  I guess I got lucky today with nice customer service people today!  The drug company has to approve my status but from what the young lady told me on the phone she thinks there should not be any issues. (I don't earn alot of $$) and this drug should be classified as a "HARDSHIP"......it is that much $$$$$.........I won't know for sure until after the new year (probably February)If I have been approved but is is more likely than not!

So I would not even have to have Medicare coverage on this specific medication........I would just get it directly from the Drug Company with no pharmacist in the middle. 


Hope what I posted makes sense😃

That sounds like good news, Lois!  I hope this all works out for you!





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I have been busy the past week with end-of-year work stuff, so much so that I was just beat last weekend. I still haven't made it to Trader Joe's. But I did get to Ballard Designs (they originated here in ATL) and ordered a new coffee table and a mirror to go over my fireplace mantel. I had seen them online but wanted to see in person. Both were on a good "Black Friday" sale.  They should be delivered in a couple of weeks -- so that's something.


I am taking tomorrow off, as well as getting Thursday and Friday as holidays. I haven't seen a lot of great travel deals so far, but I am going to call Celebrity about a couple of BTB cruises in the far distant future (2025!).  They aren't a bad deal, but still expensive when paying the solo supplement.


Lois -- glad to hear your shingles reaction wasn't too bad. Sleepy I can deal with. I'm hoping to get mine done early next year. Also glad to hear you got a good response from the pharma company on your prescription. I know in the past many pharma companies do proactively help with these SUPER expensive new drugs. 


Sherry -- enjoy cooking in your new kitchen and seeing the Wildman et al for the holidays!


Kat -- hope you are feeling better now!  We want reports on your TJ's (and other) goodies...


Melissa -- you are getting there, bit by bit. I'm sure you're looking forward to your travels next year; have fun planning.



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Not sure what I have.  No stuffy or runny nose, so not a cold,  Had a low-grade fever for a few days.  But, I'm still coughing like mad - a little wet and wheezy.  My ribs hurt from the coughing.  When I cough, it isn't a short one, either,  I swear - last night in bed, I was coughing for a solid 5 minutes! Maybe I'll run to Urgent Care tomorrow if it doesn't slow down.  Ugh.


Hmm.  What I've eaten from TJs so far:  nothing new, the Harvest Apple bagged salad, some pecans, the butternut squash soup in the refrigerated section, some Multi-Grain Pita crackers and some of the instant oatmeal.  I did sautee up the small package of Argentinian Red Shrimp With Togarashi Butter to put in some salad greens (I always like those shrimp).  Not much of an appetite right now.  I am going to have some of the Pita crackers for lunch with the Cramberry Goat Cheese.   Oh - I did finish off the Olive Fougasse - so yummy.  I like a good dense bread.   I know most of you don't like the egg nog yogurt so I won't mention that it goes really well with the TJ's Pecan Granola 😉


Had a weird idea for a trip (what else is new???)  Take Icelandair to Milan, play for 2 weeks around Italy, fly home but use the free stopover with Icelandair to take a week playing around Iceland.  I'm going crazy...

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Hi Kat, sounds like you have some sort of infection or something viral.....that cough sounds bad.

Hope you feel better soon. Going to an Urgent Care Facility would probably be good.  Maybe they can help.


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2 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi Kat, sounds like you have some sort of infection or something viral.....that cough sounds bad.

Hope you feel better soon. Going to an Urgent Care Facility would probably be good.  Maybe they can help.


I just want some Hydrocodone to kill the cough,  But the urgent Care docs/NPs usually think I'm a drug seeker because I know what I want because it works for me.  My old NP would write me up for a big bottle, but the urgent care folks will only do the smallest bottle, only after me saying Tessalon Pearles do not work on me.


I forgot - I bought one of the panettone at World Market - the one with the cherries.  While good, the cherries were a little too sweet for me.  I'd rather have the classic. 

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5 hours ago, slidergirl said:

I know most of you don't like the egg nog yogurt so I won't mention that it goes really well with the TJ's Pecan Granola 


I DO like egg nog; I will have to keep an eye out for the egg nog yogurt!


Every year I make an egg nog holiday bread with pecans.  I also make one with fresh cranberries and orange zest with pecans. And pecan tartlets.  Hmmm, a theme is emerging....


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13 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


I DO like egg nog; I will have to keep an eye out for the egg nog yogurt!


Every year I make an egg nog holiday bread with pecans.  I also make one with fresh cranberries and orange zest with pecans. And pecan tartlets.  Hmmm, a theme is emerging....


I thought that last year  I heard a big NO to egg nog yogurt.  It's at TJ's, and I think 99 cents.  I will mix some granola in with my yogurts sometimes.  I have a bag of TJ's Pecan Praline that I'll mix.  It could be a good breakfast or snack thing for you!   The egg nog bread sounds absolutely yummy!!

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Hello Everyone, well once again I’m waaay behind so may not remember all the comments I’d like to include.  Here goes but not in any particular order.  
Sherri, I know you will really enjoy your beautiful, new kitchen.  I also noticed that you have a really pretty view from your balcony. I know you will have fun with your grandson even if you need a long nap after he leaves. 

Melody, it’s good that your foot surgery will happen after you return from your family cruise.  I think you will be leaving in a few weeks?

Lois, it must be a big relief that the drug company is going to work with you so your drug cost will be reasonable. You mentioned AARP, did you decide on one of their drug plans? Well, the shingles vaccinations are now behind you. Good that you didn’t have a really bad reaction and that you now feel better.


Kat, sounds like you could benefit from some good meds for that cough. Hope it isn’t anything serious. So much going around these days. DD came home from a short cruise followed by a 3 day work conference and is now sick. Tested negative for Covid but apparently others that she cruised with now have it. She said she will test again in a few days. Looks like we won’t be celebrating Thanksgiving with her. Take care and recover soon, Kat.  BTW, I must have missed the eggnog yogurt comments last year and I also have not noticed the yogurt at TJ’s but I’m going to look for it. I too like to mix granola with yogurt.

Cynthia, sounds like a few days off are just what you need. Eggnog bread sounds interesting. I may have to look into a recipe for that. Something different to serve or gift. Thanks for the link to Olio 2 Go. I liked that you can search for items by region. DS was in Boston today and explored the Italian neighborhood. His comment was that it is probably the most Italian neighborhood that he has been in outside of Italy. 

Melissa, your cruise and land trip is really something special to look forward to-a nice reward for completing your treatments. Enjoy the planning. 

There is a lot of trip planning going on with all of you. I hope everyone finds just what you are looking for. 

As for me, I’ve just been plowing thru all kids of things that I kept putting off and I’m making progress. Also trying to work on “Christmas” and can see some headway with that too. 

Wishing all a very happy Thanksgiving.






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Good morning girls,


Sharon, I decided to get an AARP membership as they are offering a Black Friday sale.....only 9.00 per year for 5 years. It is normally 16.00 per year.  Once I signed up I got in touch with United Health Care, which is affiliated with AARP.  I have not picked a plan yet (It is too early) but the guy who helped me was soooooo nice. He really gave me some good information but I can't sign up yet since I am 64. He told me the best thing to do would be to call back after the New Year.  He did explain some things about drug prices and stuff.......I didn't realize Medicare is 165.00 per month + another 200.00+ for part B.......+ whatever else I may need. Not sure why I thought going on Medicare was supposed to be cheap. But I guess since there are no deductibles on many plans that is a big savings.


I am also going to speak with my Florida Blue rep and get more information. I have a Florida Blue plan now and to be honest, other than a couple of glitches, overall, it has been fine. Florida Blue has Medicare plans too.   


So, no final decisions yet and I have to wait till Jan/Feb to get what I need. 


And every time you wake up, there is another shooting.......last night was at Walmart in Virginia..............OMG.......this crap really needs to STOP..

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Good morning to all!  Gray, cloudy day today on the beach, I am hoping this rainy weather clears out this afternoon, we need sunshine for Eli so he can swim! 

Sharon, I am enjoying cooking in the new kitchen, for the first time since we moved in.  I hated cooking in the old kitchen, for some reason, I could never feel like it was really clean, maybe because the previous owner left it in such a mess? I felt like I had to clean before I cooked something everytime.  Plus, I have more counter space for prepping, more cabinet space so stuff is not jammed in and falling out when the door is opened and everything organized.Love it!


Lois, we have my husband’s federal insurance for retirees as our secondary to Medicare.  It is part of the Anthem/Blue Cross company.  I’m guessing Florida Blue might also be part of this so might be worthwhile to look into it.  We have been very happy with Medicare plus our secondary, have not had to pay any deductables or extras for years.

Happy Thanksgiving!




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Sharon we leave in 2 weeks (can’t wait to be warm!


Im making pies & tapioca pudding with my 2 grandgirls today 


we also making cranberry honey butter

1 cup butter, softened

1/3 c finely chopped dried cranberries

1/4 cup honey

2 tsp grated honey zest

1/8 tsp kosher salt

in small bowl beat all ingredients until blended. Store in airtight container for up to 2 weeks


delicious on just about everything. Melody 

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8 hours ago, purduemom1 said:

As for me, I’ve just been plowing thru all kids of things that I kept putting off and I’m making progress. Also trying to work on “Christmas” and can see some headway with that too. 

Wishing all a very happy Thanksgiving.



And a very happy Thanksgiving to you also, Sharon!


In the spirit of keeping everyone updated on modern etiquette, just remember when setting your Thanksgiving table:



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1 hour ago, awhfy said:

Sharon we leave in 2 weeks (can’t wait to be warm!


Im making pies & tapioca pudding with my 2 grandgirls today 


we also making cranberry honey butter

1 cup butter, softened

1/3 c finely chopped dried cranberries

1/4 cup honey

2 tsp grated honey zest

1/8 tsp kosher salt

in small bowl beat all ingredients until blended. Store in airtight container for up to 2 weeks


delicious on just about everything. Melody 

Hi Melody, that cranberry honey butter sounds delicious!

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33 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


And a very happy Thanksgiving to you also, Sharon!


In the spirit of keeping everyone updated on modern etiquette, just remember when setting your Thanksgiving table:



Hi Cynthia, interesting illustration😃

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Well I've already done some "Black Friday" shopping damage. Eileen Fisher website is offering 50% of already reduced sale items. And I know it's a real sale because I priced a couple of those items just a few days ago and now they are half as much!


Got a pair of gray lightweight jersey joggers, a pair of their Ponte pants which are great for colder-weather city travel, and a pair of navy-blue wide leg silk pants with slits (I may hate them once I try them on, but trying to diversify my evening outfits a bit and I already have a lovely sequined navy top....)


I am looking at some cruises but so far have not pulled the trigger on anything -- one is a cruise around the Horn (with Antarctic cruising but no landings) that I've booked twice and canceled twice during COVID.....  Another one strings together 3 Celebrity cruises from Singapore to Australia to Hawaii in 2025 (!).

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4 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:


And a very happy Thanksgiving to you also, Sharon!


In the spirit of keeping everyone updated on modern etiquette, just remember when setting your Thanksgiving table:



After 30 years of teaching general officers the delights of Dining Like A Diplomat, the phones go in a basket in another room!!!  Lol. Melody

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4 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi Melody, that cranberry honey butter sounds delicious!

It is & ridiculously easy to make. My grandgirls & I just made 4 lbs of it & put it in mason jars for gifts tomorrow. 

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