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5-21-20 Thursday Weigh-In.... Memorial Day Weekend


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Day after Day after day after day

And again it's Thursday


What ever you call it..scale day..weigh-in day 

It's here because it's Thursday


Memorial Day is on a Monday

Extra special food day to be eaten before next Thursday


It's always a special holiday to honor on any day

But this year is different.. will it seem like a holiday


Always home..where can we go these days

Usually some people go away for the weekend or a day


BBQ's, picnic's  still can be have in our backyards on the three day

Will it help us staying home on the weekend and Monday


Helping us I mean will we eat less on those days

Or more food because it's a holiday


Or will you try to be good because it's a holiday

And you have to weigh on next Thursday


Sorry if you had planned something for the holiday

But being safe is so important these days


States and cities slowly opening they want to open for the holiday

But most positive cases in the world in one day... Was Today  


So enjoy our yourself at home in your backyard, patio or balcony for the holiday

Stay safe, eat a little, exercise a little and laugh and love a lot on your three day

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Belle, great poem. 


I'm up 1lb. Oops. Monday is hubby's bday. Just us. Grill steak and a couple of our zucchini in our yard should be ready to eat. Tuesday, going out to dinner (not Monday/holiday and early to avoid people), wear mask except to eat. 


Supposed to be high nineties this weekend.


Stay Healthy everyone.  





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Hi all!


Belle ~ thanks for your thoughts. Our holiday weekend was last week & all I saw was one firework display.


I am the same as last week. DH asked me how much I weigh (almost as much as him) then gave me a lecture about how it would be better for my health if I weighed less & was not obese by BMI. He's right but I do love to eat & always am looking forward to my next meal/snack.  I am at my highest weight ever.😢


Anyhow hope the rest of you are doing okay & keeping safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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1 hour ago, retiring soon said:


I am the same as last week. DH asked me how much I weigh (almost as much as him) then gave me a lecture about how it would be better for my health if I weighed less & was not obese by BMI.



Jo, did you give him the finger?!  You get told to weigh less from society, social media, doctors, ***** friends....the last thing you need is your husband to say anything to you!  I'm sorry that happend.  That sucks.  


Great poem, Belle!  Love reading them; its always a "chipper" way to start the day. 


I'm (thankfully) down 2 lbs this week but I have to say, its not fun!  I am so bored with my chicken breasts and salad, my yogurt, sugar free creamer, and all that stuff.  It really does suck being good.  I know that I just have to keep going until I get to my goal, but I miss real food.  I miss the drive through, I miss an ice cream cone, I miss nachos, I miss cocktails!!!  I've gotten to the point to where I don't really "want" them because it has been so long since I have had a cheat meal (Mother's Day was the last one), and I know myself that if I let myself have a "treat", it'll all be downhill from there.  Oh well, enough with my rant; I just know you all understand.


Have a great week everyone!


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Good Evening..Small group today.


Diana...Small gain you'll get it off. Happy Birthday to your husband. So your going out to eat.

Will you eat inside or out?  Surprise there open.  When ours are open don't know when I'll go but will eat outside.

Have a good weekend and dinner out with husband.


Jo...Hope you had a good weekend on your Holiday. No fireworks here, won't have them on the 4th of July either.

Nice you stayed the same this week. It's so hard at this time or anytime to lose.

One question..Did you slap your husband? Know he loves you and wants you healthy but don't say that to

your wife or husband. 


Mai Tai..(is your name Liz?)   Congrats on the loss. Your being the good one in here sticking to your diet even

being hard at this time.  Food seems to be our comfort at this time.  Your being strong at this time. 

Good for you.


Me..I stayed the same. Happy no gain. Food is my comfort but trying hard to eat less. This time in the world

is to much. Of course the virus is the worst but what makes it even worse....ALL the different information your getting.

It's going up, it's going down, some states are opening some not. This will happen this won't. NO ONE really knows.


It's up to each person to decide what they want to do or not when their town open different things at different times.

And hoping that "They" will know more information and a vaccine will be made this year.


Gee I'm a downer just when I'm going to wish you a Happy Memorial three day Holiday!

(sorry just feeling that way today..you know I will bounce back)  Thanks again for liking my poems.:classic_smile:


Hello to all that will be coming in to weigh today, tomorrow....YOU will come in..Right?


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Hi Belle,


Tuesday it will be 100 degrees here so will eat inside. I figure Tuesday won't be too busy and we'll get there like 4:30pm. Won't be many people. Leave our masks on until food comes, then right back on after we finish eating. Our county has very few virus cases and only 8 deaths. Only 1 new death in a month.


Eating out will be a once in a while thing. 


Wonder where Jan, Rose, Pacruise, Mel are?


Hopefully all healthy. 


Belle and everyone, have a nice holiday weekend. 



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Diana I understand and know you'll take precaution and will be safe. Not open here yet.

Maybe I worry more because I was on the ship and Travis and my daughter works at

a market.  She did take the test and was negative for now. But everyday she works it's possible

she can get it.  I'm not scared to do anything but just taking caution right now.


Don't know where others are, maybe started the holiday early.  Maybe just busy today.

Hope to see them tomorrow.


Take care all...Stay safe!

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Hi all! I'm here. Yesterday was my baking day, and then my phone died just in time for me to sit down and relax. I'm down 1.3# this week. 


Diana - Happy birthday to your hubby. Enjoy your dinner out! I keep waiting for our first tomatoes to start to blush. No zucchini, okra, peppers, or cucumbers yet. Herbs are doing well, but I think our lavender has been over watered with all the rain and humidity this week. She's looking a little sad.


Jo - hopefully he was talking from a place of love and concern. Let us know if we can support you in a different way - recipes, movement/exercise reporting, or something else.


INeedAMaiTai - Yes! I was just starting at the fridge yesterday at lunch thinking, "do I want leftovers again or another salad?". Our favorite Mexican restaurant has only been offering a limited to-go menu, and it won't work for our kids, so we've been foregoing it. But I may be first in line when they finally open! 🌯🌮😁


Belle - today Texas opened up even more. Bars and bowling alleys can now open at 25% and restaurants can increase from 25% up to 50%; some aren't opening though since it's not profitable at that limit. Wedding venues can open at 50% too. I have one June couple that didn't reschedule, and their venue can hold about 300, so it looks like that will be my next big event. To be honest, it's been nice having a clean kitchen these last couple months. We can certainly cook more without cake pans and icing everywhere!


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Good Morning - having computer problems ... Been getting very strange emails ... and I have tried to do everything without using my house internet (it has been off) and using my phone.  Then I couldn't figure out my password, etc.  


I have a problem with my back (always) I have vertebrae that go out ... and this time it decided to pinch my sciatica ... I can't stand up straight or walk well.  Called my chiropractor and he moved his office about 150 miles away and is not working at this time .... I'm trying heat .... this is not fun.


Jo - husbands can have an interesting way of telling one that they care ... My DH does the same thing and when I try to explain that it isn't helpful and he should know that by now ... he will say that someday I will do everything his way .... he is not a funny man!


I am up the 0.2# that I was down last week.  Oh well.     


Good luck to all ... this is the end of week 10 for me self-quarantining.  It is getting old, but for the best.  Jan

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Hi all!


Thanks for all your support & no I didn't give him the finger, slap or tell him to shush. I know what he says is right & I do feel sluggish at this weight so will try a little harder. I am 70 lbs heavier than when we met 55 years ago!! It's the darned snacking that gets me so I should just stop buying the junk but I really like it!!😢


Jan ~ I know! When he tells me things like that it makes me want to eat more!!

My DH is not a funny guy either, he's German!!


 Have a nice long weekend.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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3 hours ago, melmar02 said:


INeedAMaiTai - Yes! I was just starting at the fridge yesterday at lunch thinking, "do I want leftovers again or another salad?". Our favorite Mexican restaurant has only been offering a limited to-go menu, and it won't work for our kids, so we've been foregoing it. But I may be first in line when they finally open! 🌯🌮😁


I CANNOT WAIT for endless chips and salsa.  Being in southern california, NOTHING is open and it doesn't look promising that they will be any time soon.  My kids have been living on bags of frozen veggies, chicken nuggets, and mac and cheese....I guess that's because I've been living on chicken breasts and salad.


If you are sheltering in place (I am "essential" so I'm still going to work everyday), what are you doing to keep yourselves busy?  Pick up any new hobbies?  


Keep up the great work.  Stay safe and wash your hands.  HAH!

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The Weekend Begins...


Diana..Is your husband loving his Birthday Weekend?  Can't wait to see how your dinner went, the steak and the dinner out.


Mel..Congrats on the loss. Glad you got some orders.  So confusing..what's open in some states and not in others.


Jan...So sorry your having trouble with your back and in pain. Hope it feels better soon. Yes long way for your Doc.


Jo..Glad your OK with your husband. Snacking is my downfall to.


Mai Tai...I love Mexican food been thinking of cheese enchilada's.  How is the working at this time.


MamatoJack...Saw you last week please come in this week too.  Yes hope we will all be on cruises next year.


I have nothing planned this weekend.  Just staying in, more cases here but just think more people testing.

Sure they weren't sick but could of passed to people. Don't know how much they were going out.

Now they have to stay in for 2 weeks  My opinion only.  Think going to wait till June and then decide what I will do or not.  Will be opening more things in June I think.


Enjoy your weekend.   You still can come here and talk though the weekend too.:classic_smile:



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Mel, good loss this week. hope more business is on the horizon.


Jan, that's a really small gain, no gain really.


Liz, to keep busy (hubby and I are retired), we are doing forgotten (or ignored....) projects around the house. There is always yard work.


Belle, hubby loving his bday weekend? He's bored. Oh well, just have to get through it. Next week Mon.-Thurs. is going to be tough as the weather will be 100+ all 4 days. Too hot to be outside.


Going out to dinner Tues. will be miserable with the heat but I want hubby to have some kind of bday celebration. Especially since we were supposed to be on a cruise at this time.


Have a good day.





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Hi, all.   Sorry I'm late checking in.  My DH works from home now so he's on my computer all day.


I am up 2lbs.  That makes me 2.4 lbs away from my final goal weight.  Being home all day is making it harder to not eat snacks.  


I have not left my house in two months.   I even get my groceries delivered or my daughter picks them up for me.


Belle, I can understand your worry for your daughter.  I am in the same place with my son.


To all of you who are essential workers, thank you for going out to work each day and putting yourselves out there so we can stay home safely.   Take care of yourselves and be safe.



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Happy Sunday All


Rose better late than never.  How rude of your husband.:classic_smile:  You'll get your gain off..your at your goal and

will go up and down pounds forever. Your at goal!  


Thank your son for the job he is doing.  Is NY getting better on everything?  Yes I guess we will never

stop worrying about our kids. Now it just more serious worrying. But they will be fine.


Diana you were suppose to be on a cruise and I was was suppose to get off my Alaska cruise today.

It would of been nice if we all could of kept our cruises.  There's next year. Wish I had someone to push 

me into doing projects.  Good for you getting things done.


Hope everyone is doing today.  Take care.



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Nyer - good to hear from you.


DH's industry is considered essential, but he has been able to work from home for the most part. He's only gone into the office 4 times in the last 9 weeks. He thinks they'll start phasing in a little bit more, and he anticipates having to go in once or twice a week in the near future so I ordered some more masks.


Liz - I'm sheltering in place for the most part since weddings have all been cancelled for now, but I haven't really picked up a new hobby other than starting a container garden. Aside from client meetings and deliveries, I work from home though anyway. I've been able to reorganize most of my kitchen and pantry. I still need to go through all my cake equipment, supplies, and ingredients and organize those too since they are also in my kitchen. My closet and bathrooms are going to be organized next week. We did start Spanish as a family. I've always homeschooled our kids (they just finished 2nd and 5th grades), and on a typical day if we're running behind or have an appointment art, Spanish, and cursive always seem to get dropped. We're taking the time to catch up on some science labs and the kids are starting typing practice now too. The kids haven't left the house since early March, and we're starting our third week of summer so it's been weird not going places. We usually hit a museum or fun place every day those first couple weeks of our summer break because school is still in session for everyone else and we have the place all to ourselves. I purposely run our school year from early July to early May so we still get to have summer fun, but we also aren't out in the 100+ Texas heat in late July and August. I don't schedule school for the last week of July and August, so if things are open and better then, we can hopefully squeeze in a little more summer fun then. The sprinkler in the backyard is going to get real boring, real fast. 

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Mel you've kept busy.  Even without being able to go out with the kids has it helped with them use

to being home schooled not getting bored as other children?


Think we're all waiting for things to open up but then have to decide if we willing to go.  I'm still staying in.

We've had more cases because we've had more people tested. Might not of been sick but did they pass

it on to others?  Then will be more cases. Goes on and on.   Our world today is not what we ever expected.

But we will make the best of it.  Do whatever we have to do. It's our nature.


On that note hope everyone enjoys their Monday especially those that are working and have the day off.

Good weather, good food and maybe a drink or two if you haven't been doing it already!..Then you can continue :classic_smile:



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Rose, doing well on your way to goal.


Mel, I hope you get to take your kids somewhere at least a couple of times. 


Today hubby's sister called to wish him a happy bday. She is the proverbial social butterfly. What has she been doing lately? Having friends over, throwing dinner parties......Wow, seriously? She lives in FL which has rising cases/deaths. What can we say, we told her she should not be having gatherings.


She is in her late 70's so in a vulnerable age group. She had a lung affliction as a child and gets bronchitis often, sometimes ending up in the emergency room. Can't understand people. Plus, having friends over means shopping often, close contact with guests.


I told my husband wow she is being really stupid. No gathering. Period. Well, hopefully she doesn't get the virus......


Today we went to a store to get fresh corn to BBQ with our steaks for dinner and also bought 3 kinds of fresh berries: blackberries, blueberries, strawberries. I love summer berries. 


Have a nice evening everyone. Diana



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Did everyone have a good Monday?  Must have been busy or relaxing..no one talked except Diana.


Diana I can't understand it either all the people out and about on the TV.  Beaches and parks crowded.

No masks or staying 6 ft away. Especially today when they said.............,.,

March 5th the USA had 11 deaths...NOW...over 98 thousands deaths in the USA.  And people protesting

they want everything open now, no masks, no staying apart beside just nothing to protect. They want it the .

same as it was before.   Guess what it's never going to be the same...might have to wear masks forever, Who Knows?


Diana my daughter bought me strawberries today to. They were on sale and I wanted some plus a few other things.

Still worry about her at the market especially after a holiday weekend. She's being careful what else can she do.


Now we have two days before weigh-in..how does the week go fast for weigh-in but so slow living/staying each

day at home?  It's one of those mystery's.:classic_smile:

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On 5/24/2020 at 8:37 PM, Belle said:

Mel you've kept busy.  Even without being able to go out with the kids has it helped with them use

to being home schooled not getting bored as other children?

Absolutely! I think we (longtime homeschooling families) have definitely had it easier than those who were thrown into public school at home - not just because we have a good set of curriculums in place as opposed to what the poor school teachers have had to cobble together due to the immediate need of every child suddenly no longer being in person in the classroom. I really feel for the teachers - it takes time to change teaching styles and they didn't get any notice. One of the reasons homeschoolers are usually finished with their daily subject load much quicker than the public school kids is because we can focus on the learning styles of just our kids and not have to teach to the needs of 20-30 kids at once. My kids are used to having a good chunk of the day where they have to entertain themselves once school is done - play with each other, art projects on their own, any chores, extra reading time, etc.  Public schoolers now have that extra time too, and I'm sure that has been a hard transition for those families not already in a home all day type routine and who are saying "school's done... now what". We just continued our regular routine without our usual field trips, volunteer activities, etc.


Diana - Hope hubby's birthday was good and dinner out tonight is great! I'm sure we'll get out sometime. My sister is the same as your SIL. She took her three kids to Florida the week before the country shut down when there were talks about closing. Her reasoning was " we get a second spring break and everything is about to close, so we need to get out and have fun now while we can". Her youngest two are the same ages as my two kids, and we won't let them come over and visit / play. They've been out and about the whole time. 




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Mel, we know it's really a roll of the dice every time someone is with people. It's too risky.


Belle, I wonder too about people, crowding this weekend. 


We had our steak dinner last night. It was over 100 degrees at dinner time but hubby grilled the steak along with corn. I made mashed potatoes with homemade gravy. Cake and ice cream for dessert.


Now out to dinner tonight. I hope the scale doesn't break on Thursday 😁





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On 5/22/2020 at 11:38 AM, retiring soon said:


Thanks for all your support & no I didn't give him the finger, slap or tell him to shush. I know what he says is right & I do feel sluggish at this weight so will try a little harder. I am 70 lbs heavier than when we met 55 years ago!! It's the darned snacking that gets me so I should just stop buying the junk but I really like it!!😢


~ Jo ~ 😊


Jo, I am going to assume your husband is a good man that loves you and is concerned for his bride ❤️ In some ways the weight sounds like a lot (I don't know what you weighed when you were married), but it's also just over a pound a year - super easy to happen.


I would encourage you to focus on one or two pounds at a time and what you can do and sustain for that initial loss.  Even a 5-10 pound loss would take time but should help joints and feeling better.  Maybe find healthy foods you enjoy as snacks and save the "silly" treats for a once a week or once a month.  I find when I eat whole foods I don't enjoy the "junk" as much, but we do seem wired to think the junk is easier. 


I'm getting better (progress, not perfection), but realize I am the culprit most of the time since I do all the shopping and should be able to keep unhealthy foods out of the house.  I give in to my DH too much and need to realize I'm not helping any of us if giving in to either of our "bad" cravings.  He did ask me to help hold him accountable for weight loss and I told him I will try, but it will mean saying "no" a lot 🙂 

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I maintained this week.  It doesn't surprise me as I wasn't as intentional with nutrition as I should have been.


DH took the last few days off work as a "mini" vacation - even though we stayed home - and we tried to recreate some of our cruise experiences (drinks, huevos rancheros, no social media).  It was nice but I'm ready to be back to "normal."  


We are slowly opening up with small groups in our area. DS has a discipleship group that met in person last week at the leader's house and my niece got married (very small wedding, less than 25 people).  Her area especially had very few cases so I'm glad they were able to have their wedding.  My 78 yo father just started Zoom and enjoyed visiting with his grandchildren.  Our church is still only doing on-line for main service and will delay reopening children's ministry even when in-person resumes.

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