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CLIA calls on CDC to lift US Cruise Ban


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6 minutes ago, BlerkOne said:

Cruise lines aren't limited to only purchasing from 2 or 3 companies.

Actually, I wonder what the requirements will be for "proving you are vaccinated".


If a cruise line vaccinated their crew with "Dr. Snakeoil's COVID Vaccine and lip balm" could a country (US, European country, Caribbean foreign port, whatever) deny them the ability to dock because it isn't considered a proven vaccine?

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The U.S. expects a surplus by May and are weighing their options. Yes, they want to accommodate Canada and Mexico quickly. However, they are also considering the scenario of booster shots being needed sooner than expected. All vaccine makers are ramping up production to supply the world. There is too much money to be made.

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On 3/26/2021 at 1:20 PM, mredandchis said:

I have been noticing that appointment times are available longer than just 4 to 6 weeks ago here in NC.  Usually it was more like 30 mins and poof they were gone.  Now it is more like 24 to 36 hours.  To me this means that demand is down.  

I am concerned that we will have vaccines and no one willing to schedule appointments.  That time is coming and I hope you are correct that for the first 30 days of the 'everyone else' group that we match arms and shots.  We are inching closer to herd immunity.  

Unfortunately that isn't the case here in FL.  This morning Publix opened up the appts for Wed-Fri, and already they are almost all gone - just a few counties up in the panhandle seem to have some slots left at a few stores.  It probably filled up for most locations by 9am, within two hours of opening up. I assume that is the case of other vaccination appt booking engines.  Of course, some/all FEMA sites are walk-up.


This is the week it opened up to 40 and over - next week is 18 and over.  Gonna be a long haul getting everyone (who wants one) a vaccination.  But we'll get there, hopefully by mid-May.

Edited by ProgRockCruiser
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3 hours ago, ProgRockCruiser said:

Unfortunately that isn't the case here in FL.  This morning Publix opened up the appts for Wed-Fri, and already they are almost all gone - just a few counties up in the panhandle seem to have some slots left at a few stores.  It probably filled up for most locations by 9am, within two hours of opening up. I assume that is the case of other vaccination appt booking engines.  Of course, some/all FEMA sites are walk-up.


This is the week it opened up to 40 and over - next week is 18 and over.  Gonna be a long haul getting everyone (who wants one) a vaccination.  But we'll get there, hopefully by mid-May.

I have been analyzing Florida numbers, because my oldest boy lives there, and you will start to see the effects of the vaccine near the end of April as far and new cases will start to nose dive.  There is no exact line , but after that the 7 days averaging charts for new confirmed cases will decline like a plane on final.   About Jun 5 it will settle down and basic herd immunity should have a good hold. Then there will be those under 18 that will be making the media stories after that.  Of course that is saying that demand for vaccines hold steady and the virus doesn't come up with a vicious variant .

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12 minutes ago, mredandchis said:

I have been analyzing Florida numbers, because my oldest boy lives there, and you will start to see the effects of the vaccine near the end of April as far and new cases will start to nose dive.  There is no exact line , but after that the 7 days averaging charts for new confirmed cases will decline like a plane on final.   About Jun 5 it will settle down and basic herd immunity should have a good hold. Then there will be those under 18 that will be making the media stories after that.  Of course that is saying that demand for vaccines hold steady and the virus doesn't come up with a vicious variant .

I hope you are correct in your assessment!  

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8 hours ago, BlerkOne said:

Until the world reaches herd immunity, the virus will continue to spread and mutate. Supply becomes irrelevant if people aren't willing to take the shot(s). As with toilet paper, some greedy country(ies) have bought more than they can currently use. Some vaccine is spoiling and going to waste. Let whoever is willing to step up have it. Those who miss their chance, oh well. They can get back in line.


Cruise lines aren't limited to only purchasing from 2 or 3 companies. More than a dozen covid vaccines are available with many more under development.



President Trump had preordered vaccines from several manufacturers before thet trials had completed with the idea that they would be approved and the manufacturers could ramp up production early.  He did over order IMHO hedging his bet so we could roll out stronger.  Since then President Biden ordered an addition 100 million doses of J and J to vaccinate every American.  Even though there are polls saying 40 percent of America isn't willing to take the shot.  I don't trust polls but that was reported.   We do have 6 million plus doses of Astrazeneca's vaccine that has not yet been approved, (not sure they have asked yet for approval).  Biden has given 1.5 million doses to Canada who have already scheduled distribution and another 2.5 million to Mexico.  The first time I liked what Biden has done.   Herd immunity for the entire planet is currently impossible to predict as a number of countries are not reporting what they are planning as far as vaccines. 

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37 minutes ago, mredandchis said:

Biden has given 1.5 million doses to Canada who have already scheduled distribution

Will let you know if and when they ever arrive.  Our Govt just put Astra Zeneca vaccinations on hold due to the number of concerns raised by (insert your own description here) people due to a few individuals developing blood clots after receiving this vaccine.  In the NWT there were 6 reactions to COVID Vaccines and its major news. 6? Another case of Bad news is good news for the news stations and papers. The number of people shouting Lock it down are on par with the number of people shouting Open it up. 

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8 minutes ago, kdr69 said:

Will let you know if and when they ever arrive.  Our Govt just put Astra Zeneca vaccinations on hold due to the number of concerns raised by (insert your own description here) people due to a few individuals developing blood clots after receiving this vaccine.  In the NWT there were 6 reactions to COVID Vaccines and its major news. 6? Another case of Bad news is good news for the news stations and papers. The number of people shouting Lock it down are on par with the number of people shouting Open it up.  BlerkOne this is a world wide problem and we all need to win.  

They were scheduled for use 29 mar - 4 Apr according to canada.ca website, but I have read about the concerns for people under 55 and blood clots.   I think it is wise to do a risk assessment.  

Right now Canada and all the northern tier states seem to be having an upswing in cases.  Not sure what to make of that.  It appears to be regional in nature and the southern part of the US and Mexico are having a down swing of new cases.  Could be people in the north are more inside right now?  


A person from Toronto on cruise critic felt Canada may be in good shape by July 1 and I ran the numbers and he is spot on if all goes well.  It would answer a question Is one does enough to curb it until second doses are administered.  


I am routing for yall.  As was mentioned by BlerkOne this is a world wide problem and we all need to win together.  

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4 hours ago, mredandchis said:

  Could be people in the north are more inside right now?  



It could indeed with the waves of cold and unusual weather that have occurred this year.

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10 hours ago, BlerkOne said:

It could indeed with the waves of cold and unusual weather that have occurred this year.

it actually depends on which part of the country your in just like the US.  In Alberta we have had very mild spring temps for the last month and a half with only a few cold days.  Lots of people are outside now but the warnings are still the same indoors or out maintain distance and wear a mask to protect yourself and others. 644 new cases yesterday which has been a steady increase over the last week due to the COVID Variants. 

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14 hours ago, mredandchis said:

They were scheduled for use 29 mar - 4 Apr according to canada.ca website, but I have read about the concerns for people under 55 and blood clots.   I think it is wise to do a risk assessment.

The risk assessments have been done, and re-done, and re-done.  The rate of blood clots was lower than what would have been expected in that same cohort of people if they hadn't been vaccinated.


"Pausing distribution to study this further" is just the local health officials throwing their weight around because they are insisting that local studies be done, refusing to acknowledge the wealth of data from all the other studies done internationally.

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1 hour ago, ProgRockCruiser said:

Pausing distribution to study this further" is just the local health officials throwing their weight around because they are insisting that local studies be done, refusing to acknowledge the wealth of data from all the other studies done internationally.

I Think its more to do with caving in to all the people who cant read data and amateur conspiracy theorists out there that scream it isnt safe it isnt safe because a couple people out of thousands have an adverse reaction.  We dont even have the same version of the Astra Zenica vaccine that caused the inital concerns and it didnt matter to the screamers

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27 minutes ago, kdr69 said:

I Think its more to do with caving in to all the people who cant read data and amateur conspiracy theorists out there that scream it isnt safe it isnt safe because a couple people out of thousands have an adverse reaction.  We dont even have the same version of the Astra Zenica vaccine that caused the inital concerns and it didnt matter to the screamers

Yeah, that too.

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3 hours ago, kdr69 said:

I Think its more to do with caving in to all the people who cant read data and amateur conspiracy theorists out there that scream it isnt safe it isnt safe because a couple people out of thousands have an adverse reaction.  We dont even have the same version of the Astra Zenica vaccine that caused the inital concerns and it didnt matter to the screamers

They read newspaper headlines, but not the story itself.

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1 hour ago, ontheweb said:

They read newspaper headlines, but not the story itself.

MSM which includes newsprint goes for shock and awe everytime.  They actually cause fear in people.  So many times they look over a study and take away what they want to print and although it may be A truth, it isn't always THE truth.    I read a story in some "news" paper about a person that is a nurse and had gotten both shots but has tested positive for covid19.  They even tested more than once to be sure.  I had questions in mind as I read it.  How long after the shots?  Was the person critically ill? Did they even have symptoms? And after 20 paragraphs of blah blah they never got close to answering any of what I felt was important.  The writer just wanted to convey that the vaccine failed.  

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50 minutes ago, mredandchis said:

MSM which includes newsprint goes for shock and awe everytime.  They actually cause fear in people.  So many times they look over a study and take away what they want to print and although it may be A truth, it isn't always THE truth.    I read a story in some "news" paper about a person that is a nurse and had gotten both shots but has tested positive for covid19.  They even tested more than once to be sure.  I had questions in mind as I read it.  How long after the shots?  Was the person critically ill? Did they even have symptoms? And after 20 paragraphs of blah blah they never got close to answering any of what I felt was important.  The writer just wanted to convey that the vaccine failed.  

Indeed....now we have the word..."Variant" introduced, I can see a scenario where..." Yes, we have the Covid under control , but now a new variant has appeared, so we'll be extending the No Sail Order for an additional 12 months. South African Variant, Brazil variant...yadda yadda.

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1 hour ago, topaz123 said:

Indeed....now we have the word..."Variant" introduced, I can see a scenario where..." Yes, we have the Covid under control , but now a new variant has appeared, so we'll be extending the No Sail Order for an additional 12 months. South African Variant, Brazil variant...yadda yadda.

The faster people get vaccinated, the less opportunity for mutations.

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5 minutes ago, BlerkOne said:

The faster people get vaccinated, the less opportunity for mutations.

You need to take that up with your Gov. our Gov in Texas has rolled out the opportunity for vaccinations to everyone over 60. So, Texas is doing the right thing, according to you. 

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On 3/29/2021 at 11:04 AM, ProgRockCruiser said:

Unfortunately that isn't the case here in FL.  This morning Publix opened up the appts for Wed-Fri, and already they are almost all gone - just a few counties up in the panhandle seem to have some slots left at a few stores.  It probably filled up for most locations by 9am, within two hours of opening up. I assume that is the case of other vaccination appt booking engines.  Of course, some/all FEMA sites are walk-up.


This is the week it opened up to 40 and over - next week is 18 and over.  Gonna be a long haul getting everyone (who wants one) a vaccination.  But we'll get there, hopefully by mid-May.


We gave up on the Publix site after trying it three or four times - it was frustrating.  However, we were able pre-register for the Orange County Convention Center (drive through) in advance, then when appointments opened up the next morning, both my husband and I had our appointments scheduled within two minutes for three days later.  We did the same for my FIL - it was well worth the 45 minute drive over.  They're super organized there.  We go back next Monday for our second shot.

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3 hours ago, Radiioman46 said:

You need to take that up with your Gov. our Gov in Texas has rolled out the opportunity for vaccinations to everyone over 60. So, Texas is doing the right thing, according to you. 


I'm in Texas, and the vaccines are available to any adult now of any age, as of yesterday. Unfortunately, that's not because the governor's doing some bang-up job -- It's because so many tinfoil-hat-wearing Texans don't want the vaccine. Our great state is near the bottom of the pile in vaccinations, at only 13% with at least one dose and only 6.5% fully vaccinated. Supply is going to exceed demand in the very near future.



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1 hour ago, crazy4themouse said:


I'm in Texas, and the vaccines are available to any adult now of any age, as of yesterday. Unfortunately, that's not because the governor's doing some bang-up job -- It's because so many tinfoil-hat-wearing Texans don't want the vaccine. Our great state is near the bottom of the pile in vaccinations, at only 13% with at least one dose and only 6.5% fully vaccinated. Supply is going to exceed demand in the very near future.



I know a few who refuse to get the vaccinations, but for the most part almost all of my friends are either getting them, or already have. I've already had my two shots. 

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5 hours ago, Radiioman46 said:

You need to take that up with your Gov. our Gov in Texas has rolled out the opportunity for vaccinations to everyone over 60. So, Texas is doing the right thing, according to you. 

Opportunity for vaccines protects no one. Shots in arms (aka getting vaccinated) are what counts and is what I stated.

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1 hour ago, crazy4themouse said:


I'm in Texas, and the vaccines are available to any adult now of any age, as of yesterday. Unfortunately, that's not because the governor's doing some bang-up job -- It's because so many tinfoil-hat-wearing Texans don't want the vaccine. Our great state is near the bottom of the pile in vaccinations, at only 13% with at least one dose and only 6.5% fully vaccinated. Supply is going to exceed demand in the very near future.



The numbers don't lie.

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On 3/29/2021 at 9:28 AM, ProgRockCruiser said:

Actually, I wonder what the requirements will be for "proving you are vaccinated".


If a cruise line vaccinated their crew with "Dr. Snakeoil's COVID Vaccine and lip balm" could a country (US, European country, Caribbean foreign port, whatever) deny them the ability to dock because it isn't considered a proven vaccine?


I don't think for a second that Carnival would risk employee or passenger lives. A number of vaccines have been through trials and are in use in other countries. The efficacy is on par with what is available in the US.

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3 hours ago, BlerkOne said:


I don't think for a second that Carnival would risk employee or passenger lives. 

You should see the video of a meeting yesterday of the major cruise industry leaders with the governor of Florida discussing how to get the CDC to back down. The attendees are sitting at a hollow square shape conference table with Christine Duffy having just 18 inches of distance between herself and the attendees on either side of her. The kicker is that no one seated at the conference table is wearing a mask. 


If Carnival wants the CDC to cooperate perhaps Christine Duffy and all in attendance should have shown they were willing to work with basic CDC guidelines for distancing and the wearing of masks. 

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