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4-15-21 Thursday Weigh-In---Are You Really Trying Your Best


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Are you really trying your best

Or does everyday seem like a test


Are you getting an A

Or just passing with a C


Losing weight is hard as you know

If being good means you have to say no


Or if just trying not to gain

Can say yes sometimes without pain


A normal year it's hard to lose without stress

This year with the virus and everything it's a mess


All we can do is keep going day by day

Then coming in on Thursdays to weigh


Think our group is doing very good

Know some days we have trouble with food


But we all seem to get back on track when we don't eat right

We don't let wanting to lose weight get out of our sight


So on the scale we go this morning or afternoon🌞



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Belle great motivation.


I’ve finally consistently gotten off 158.  It has been very frustrating seeing it drop then go back up like a magnet.  Since the first of the month I’m down 1.8 .  

My 3rd reschedule for PUGET sound cruise would have stated Tuesday.  My dream goal was to get to 150 lbs for the cruise.  I’m proud of myself for even getting into the 150s.    

I’m not sure I could have gotten this far alone.  So thanks to everyone  for just being yourself.


my son is coming  over today he has a list

1.    get the 2005 hybrid accord battery running  (it was a  typical gift from his dad —- unasked for problems). The car is at my house because son and GD already have vehicles and very limited parking where they live.

Don’t mind my TN family can use it when they visit.


2.   Replace   fluorescent bulbs 

3.   Install the garage door keypad. 

weather is gloomy.  Missed most of the rain.  


I hope everyone has a great weigh in and continued good health.

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Hello all.  Nice poem Belle.  Izena you are close to what my driver's license says!😁  Not there now.  I finally got my Nutrisystem order and have had my first week.  I am down 4.5 lbs for the first week.  I guess I have to pay money to make myself loose weight.  We were supposed to board Apex on Saturday.  I'm not sure what I would have worn!  Now I have more time to get back in clothes.  It being good weather will help (although it is raining today).  Mel I have enjoyed hearing the progress on your backyard.  The house we are moving from has a pool. Unfortunately this summer we will not have a pool in south Alabama.  We are about an hour from the coast so may be headed that way occasionally.  Everyone have a good week!  Later...Susan

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Thanks for the poem Belle. We couldn't say no last night... had a cheese plate and glass of wine after dinner; then I threw some cookie dough in the oven. We always have some in the freezer, and it doesn't really tempt me. I just put leftover scoops from orders in the freezer for when the kids want some. Last night we both just wanted something. 


Izena - I'm glad you've broken through the plateau. I've been on mine for a few weeks now. Let us know what you think of the garage keypad - it's been on our list for some time, but we just never seem to get to it. Maybe hearing how much you love it will motivate me to get it done.


Susan - nice loss! I had a pool growing up, so I'm excited for the kids (and for me too!) I'll post a picture or two when it's done.


I'm up .4 this week. I was down quite a bit yesterday, but those darn snacks last night got me!


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Belle thanks for the poem!  Everyone has done ok this week (Mel - you really didn't have much of a gain!!)


I did not weigh myself today - I will try to tomorrow - I am not expecting a good reading.  DH and I have been having some wine and snacks when he gets home from work - It is wonderful to just talk about our day and about the "kids", etc.  


I have been doing some spring cleaning upstairs and have come across a bag of chocolates/candy, etc. that someone gave to my DH for Christmas perhaps two years ago --- It ended up going into the trash - DH won't remember the gift and I don't need the calories (think they were out of date anyway).


Will check in with all tomorrow - Jan


PS Mel - I really would love to see pictures of your patio/pool, etc.  It sounds lovely.

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Susan con grads on the great loss.  I did Jenny Craig before.   Sometimes it’s just nice not to plan and cook.  

Mel  gain is negligible.  

Jan I understand you putting off weighing.  

Son did chores.

  Keypad was easy for him to code and install.  Works great.

  Fluorescent bulbs not working yuck

      Plus he said the ceiling felt damp.  Had a prior leak from AC pan a few years ago (didn’t get ceiling fixed at that time). Pan was replaced and last year got new ac.  Will have ac guy check for leaks.


Son mentioned he was taking a cruise in Nov with his daughter and another family that I know.  I invited myself  and booked  a balcony room.

cruise is on Carnival out of Galveston.  We will all eat together.  

everyone stay safe

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Hello All


Izena---Sorry your missing your cruise but nice have one booked with your son

now. Nice he did some work around your house for you.


Susan---Nice weight loss. Sorry your missing a cruise too. I would be getting ready

for a cruise to Alaska. Your moving from one house in Alabama to other in Alabama?


Mel---Was nice you have a good evening with your husband with the wine and snacks.

Glad only had a small gain, maybe come off fast since you were down before.



Jan---Nice you have quiet time with your husband too. Maybe won't be as bad a gain

as you think. Isn't cleaning fun, what we find. I haven't found candy but have found a

few blouses I can wear that I had put away.


Me---I lost a 1/2 pound. That's a a whole pound in two weeks. Wish I could lose faster.

Least it's not gaining which I could of done.


Everyone have a nice relaxing or busy Friday, which ever you want.

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Belle - congratulations on losing this week and last week also!!!   


I weighed myself this morning and I stayed the same - I'm really surprised - I will take it.  Just wish I could lose some weight not happy with not fitting into clothes, etc.  I know that the problem is that I'm really not trying.  Motivation is lacking right now - I will get there!  Jan

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Thanks Jan, just wish wasn't so slow.  I can gain fast but lose slow. Why?😄


Glad you didn't have a gain. You did better than you thought.🌝


Hope everyone is having a good day and it continues through the weekend.🌞


From Belle😊

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Jan and Belle your conversation about slow loss is why I’m here.  Every week I think will I at least lose a lb.   the scale jumps around and taunts me.    

I’m going to watch the funeral for prince Philip.  I’m amazed at the longevity of the couple.   I just saw a quick shot of Kate and I don’t want to get that thin.

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Hi all!


Belle ~ to answer your question, no I'm not trying my best but still managed to lose 0.4 lbs


Looks like everybody's done okay this week.


Izena ~ I'm taping the funeral so haven't seen Kate yet. I dislike seeing people who I consider too thin just as much as seeing people morbidly obese (600 lbs).


Sort of depressing up here in Ontario where we're in a tougher lockdown where police can stop you to ask where you're going & if it's not permitted fine you! This'll go on 'til at least May 22!


I sure hope cruising starts up again in the fall. I want to go somewhere but for now am reading about Saint Greg's visit to an All Inclusive on the Cancun port board. At least someone's having fun!!


Take care & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Jan, here's the top down rendering of the pool - the project started with just the idea of extending  our patio and installing a firepit. It grew to the pool, spa, and outdoor kitchen in addition to the firepit.384713124_Topdown.thumb.jpg.45eab16aeb21bffb7cd3a9c696307e4d.jpg


And here's where we are now. The firepit needs to be fixed - it should be a circle instead of a "U", and there is a center water feature on the back wall that has been on back order. Both of those and the deck "should" happen next week. Then the kitchen appliances can be installed. We're still a few weeks away from being finished though - the project manager said the plaster company is running a couple weeks behind because of all the rain we've had recently, and they can't actually schedule the crews until we need them. I am hoping there we have water in the pool by May 7 which is our last day of school, but I think it may be another week or so after that.






Izena, sorry about the ceiling. Nice you could invite yourself on your son's cruise.


Belle, 2 weeks in a row! The little losses make the lasting difference I think - I always gain back when I lose a lot at once.


Jo, a .4 loss is in the right direction! Sorry about the lockdown. I don't like confrontation, so I'm not sure I would venture out. 


I'm in the middle of a busy work weekend, but I see the light of Monday! I dropped off a set of samples and a rehearsal dinner dessert table last night. I have a wedding today and another set of samples to drop off tomorrow. My kitchen is a mess, and I'm putting off cleaning it right now. I love making all the little dessert table items, but they are so time consuming! I almost didn't take the rehearsal dinner on, but it was at the country club DH and I got married at. I knew they had remodeled, and I think I really just wanted to see the changes. I think it was prettier before the remodel. 



Edited by melmar02
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Jo - I didn’t realize how tight your restrictions are.  That’s awful.  We’ve  had so much freedom in comparison.   It is a miracle you haven’t gained a ton of weight.  

Mel what a project for your backyard.  It will be worth it in the summer.  

I watched  Prince Philips funeral.  So sad - I liked him.  The queen looked so sad made me tear up as if she were my mom.  I liked that they did it his way.  It was intimate — not a circus.    (I think the mask wearing was to everyone’s benefit — able to conceal the grief)

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Mel the plans are awesome!  Just be glad you will have it before June.  Jo..we just watched the Alabama spring practice game on ESPN.  There was 1/2 capacity so 50,000 people in the stands.  Few masks and no distancing  to speak of. Then I read your post about your lockdown.  Some things in life just don't make sense.  It made me appreciate our vaccinations.    Just got back from a mile walk.  Got it in between rain showers.  Everyone have a good week!

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Umm .... umm. Coming back. I have to readjust my mind set. Leaving the cruising part out because I'm just so tired of the cancelations which cause me to self medicate with high fat foods and dining out (which tends to be high caloric foods).


My littlest sister got a call that her father-in-law wouldn't make it through the week so I've got her dogs. The black mouth cur puppy is alot of work. Alteady have a hole in my family room carpet. So that leads to more cookies and less hiking (3 dogs). 


Mel, your backyard will be beautiful 

Izena, was it obvious that Will & Harry were separate?

Jo, that's one heck of a lockdown. Hope we do send doses out to our Canadian and Mexican neighbors soon

Susan, why the move?

Belle, thank you for letting me back in

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Sorry VENTING..(sorry Ombud) about CDC---How stupid are they? Why against cruise ships?


As you know a volcano in the Caribbean, cruise ships said they will take people to other islands

for safety since the island covered in ash not safe drinking water (cruise ships giving them water)

the CDC posted don't get on the cruise ships because you can get covid. What? Ships haven't

cruise in a year, small crew that's been tested. The people can't breathe, some lost houses and

the CDC says this! CDC only thinking of last March 2020 when know one knew what was going on.

Airlines which bring people back and forth since day one, have NO RULES!  GIVE US A BREAK!

Tell us straight out you don't like Cruise Lines and they won't sail till HEWL FREEZES OVER!


OK rant over.

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Afternoon or evening everyone.


Izena I know the scale is terrible especially to women, the scale goes up and down

everyday, sometimes it sticks. Our blessed hormones!

Yes I feel sorry for the Queen not as the Queen but as a wife married to her husband

for 73 years.


Jo I heard you got an even tougher lockdown but just certain areas, not all of Canada.

Sorry it's so strict for you. Understandable it's hard to stay on track under those conditions,

You lost some which was nice.


Mel Your pool and yard is going to look so nice when done. Would be nice if done by last

day of school so you all could jump in and celebrate.  Hope they get everything fixed right

that they they didn't do right. Yes your having a busy weekend.

Just think, spending money!


Susan I know each state, county has their own rules. Some none at all and then others

don't follow the ones they have in their state.  How are we ever going to get rid of the virus

if people don't do the right thing? Vaccines won't do it all.


Ombud to me you never left. I know not cruising is getting to me. Book and then never know

if they will cruise or they change them so much you don't want to do that cruise anymore.

Sorry about your sisters fil, nice to watch her dogs but not good a lot of work and a hole in

your carpet.


I've been so tired and lazy the last few days. Everything getting me down. Our world is

just not doing right.  All these shooting and killings, so sad.  Know some things better

than before but seems other things so much worse. As they say--Soon it shall pass.

Sure hope so.




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Good Morning This Sunday.


Wishing you a peaceful and calm day if that's what you want.




A busy day of anything you want to do.


Up to you and maybe a little exercise and less food thrown in the mix!:classic_smile:

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Ombud glad your back.  Sorry about your sisters fit.  3 extra dogs in your house must be handful.   I  frequently help out and watch  friends dogs.  Usually  one or two and they are all over 10, so more relaxed


So glad I found this site have always felt welcome.  .  Since I joined during covid it seems  more of a quarantine site.   Nice to have a place to  meet with new  friends do some venting and fantasizing.  

Belle I hadn’t seen the squabble over humanitarian  volcano cruise line relief.   Yes the cruise lines make lots of money.  BUT they also provide help during disasters.  They helped  Puerto Rico after that horrible hurricane.   CDC  needs to get over itself.  The ships can be sanitized after the relief effort.  I personally wouldn’t hesitate to sail on one of those ships in fact it would be an honor.  

Weather is cool scattered showers. Able to walk this morning.  

this slow wt loss is Messing with my brain.   Liposuction would be faster. — nah  there is the pain associated with that (had it done when getting breast reconstruction— only good for 10 lbs).   

been more bored lately.  Fall cruise on carnival breeze. Does anyone know how far one lap around promenade deck is.   -  not interested in pool or other crowded activities ( I’m fair skinned lots of little freckles - sun is not my friend). 


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Hi Izena..It was nice you finding us. You have done well and helped us all.

This has always been a weight loss site but has got more a place that

we can talk about everything beside weight. Really so with what was then

going on at the White House or lack of it and the terrible virus, the lockdowns.

I think talking about everything helps us even the weight loss. During the year we all

have maybe not lost much but we haven't had any big gains.


Yes the cruise ships have come around many times and many ways to help

people. That's what so bad about the CDC telling those people not to get on the cruise ship when they need help. Least the cruise able to give them water. I would go on a cruise ship, there

sailing in Europe, no problems. Have everything worked out if someone gets sick.


zena nice you walk everyday.  On a ship a mile is more than once around and depends how

big the ship is.  


Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday.

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Hi all!


Our Premier here in Ontario has backed down on his police state like order as there was an outcry from civil liberties groups & police forces didn't want to enforce the rules.


Izena ~ nice, going on Carnival Breeze! I liked it enough to sail on it twice but never walk laps so don't have an answer.


Our weather is still quite cool, 40'ish with the possibility of flurries on Wednesday! It looks like Spring though with the green grass & some flowers blooming.


Have a great week & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊



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Jo glad to hear you may have more freedoms.  

I found one place that stated it was 2 laps to a mile on Carnival Breeze.

I go to another cruise critic site for American Cruise Lines.  It is great that cruise critic monitors the sites and  can and will remove questionable posts. 

suppose to get final three shelves for closet system today.  Whole process took 5 months.  

Getting brave ordered a swimsuit  and swim shorts (to hide sagging skin)


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Jo - it's nice they've eased up on restrictions a little. Hopefully this will all be behind us soon.


Izena - 5 months is a long time for your closet. I'm sure it looks great! I need to order a swim suit too. I usually order from Land's End because they last for years, but I don't like any of their prints this year.


Belle - I hope you're feeling better. I went through a round of 'blah' a couple weeks ago - about the time the car died, we traveled, the pool issues. It seemed to all happen at once. 


We have 3 weeks left of school and have started finishing up some subjects. Today was the kids last day of vocabulary, DD's last day of writing is Wednesday, they both finish up spelling on Friday. I'm so  ready!


This weekend I only have one wedding... but I don't know where it is! I know the town, but it's at a ranch that belongs to one of the bride's relatives. When she booked with me, the bride was going to get me the address later. Well, it can't get much later than this! I'm waiting on a call back from the groom now; I'm sure I'll know where I'm going soon. 

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