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A Letter To the NCL Executive Team from We Loyal NCL Guests (NCL Please READ)


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June 23, 2021


Dear Corporate Leadership Team for NCL:


I am writing you this correspondence not only from myself.  It is from all the loyal NCL guests that showed you our commitment to your brand over the last 16 months.  All we want in return is for you to hear us and help us stay loyal in the future.


As the Covid-19 pandemic winds down, cruising will return safely.  During the last 16 months, when you offered your loyal clients the choice of a full cash refund or Future Cruise Credits (FCC); those most loyal to you took the FCC. You enticed us with a value of 125% as well as 10% off our next cruise. Please know we all appreciated that.  However, the much safer move for us would have been to take the full cash refund.  We also knew that NCL keeping our cash in your accounts would assist our favorite cruise brand’s ability to survive. That is the definition of Loyalty.


Since that first cancellation, many of us, myself included, have been cancelled three or four times.  Each time, we are more disappointed, rebook, handle our airfare, arrange for changes with our employer, wait for FCC to hit our accounts, and go through the process of selection all over again.  We do not blame NCL or any other cruise brand.  We fully understand the blame lays clearly on a global pandemic called Covid-19.  I as well as other, have written positive op-eds on our knowledge, experiences and enjoyment of cruising with NCL. That is the definition of Loyalty.


Today, June 23, 2021, you announced additional cancelations.  These were due to the difficulty of restarting NCL after so many months.  You have the ships, you now need to staff, education, train and Vaccinate prior to cruising.  No easy task.  We again understand however, now we need your support, assistance, and help. 

The elephant in the room. When and if our cruise today or in the future are cancelled, we simply cannot afford to rebook at the current market higher fares.  Yes, it is helpful to have the 125% FCC; the 10% off on a future sailing.  However, it does not cover our future booking or as in my case allow us to stay in the stateroom category we were booked.  That is simply not fair, and it does not reflect the loyalty we have shown you.  I have a reasonable and fair solution for all of us to consider. I broke them down to three (3) options. Each option was extremely well thought out to be fair to all parties.  They are:


From today’s cancellation forward:

1.      Provide us with 35% off our future booking while utilize our FCC, OR

2.      Allow us to move forward to the same itinerary, cabin class and perks OR

3.      Provide us with a full refund of what we have paid you.


Allow us this “one-time opportunity”, so as not to punished us financially for our loyalty and commitment during your time of need. 


The truth of the matter is we all just want to go on the cruises we are booked and been waiting so long to do.  The options above simply give us the ability to move forward knowing you understood we stayed with the NCL brand loyally.  Consider this proposal and thank you for hearing our voices.  Cruise well.





Your Loyal NCL Guests

Edited by Sthrngary
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2 minutes ago, DanMartin8602 said:

Nicely written Gary!




I hope so Dan.  I actually wrote it for those that just lost their cruise today.  However, selfishly, I am on the Joy at the end of November.  I know, I am in just as much jeopardy.  I hope they are listening and reading our posts. 

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Agreed! I had two cruises cancelled in one week and my PVP at NCL kept talking about the "30% off sale" That's not a sale and we all know it! My only incentive to book another NCL cruise is to use up my Future Cruise Credits (which are close to expiring despite trying to use them four times...). 



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3 minutes ago, IrishKathy said:

Very, very well said, Gary.  I seriously wonder if the NCL suits understand how frustrated we loyalists really are. We shall see.

Kathy, we will see.  If other brand have seen the merits with moving bookings forward, so can NCL.  I just wanted to give solutions rather then issues.  I know a part of NCL team reasons our posts.  I hope they see I was being completely sincere. Cruise well.

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1 minute ago, natefish95 said:

Agreed! I had two cruises cancelled in one week and my PVP at NCL kept talking about the "30% off sale" That's not a sale and we all know it! My only incentive to book another NCL cruise is to use up my Future Cruise Credits (which are close to expiring despite trying to use them four times...). 



Nate, the currently advertised 30% of is marketing as we all know.  I hope my correspondence was clear.  The options of 35% off was of advertised fares. So, the current 30% less 35% more. My thought is that can take that "one-time-offer" and make it a huge advertising benefit.  Win-Win.  

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Well said, Gary.

I wish NCL would do something like the Lift and Shift that Celebrity did. That would allow the loyal customers to book a similar stateroom and itinerary at the original price they paid, while letting NCL raise fares for new customers if the demand supported it. 

We took the refund for our cancelled cruise, because we expected they’d raise fares, and with kids in high school, our schedule is not that flexible. I feel badly for those of you who have had your money tied up innFCCs for so long. Hope you get a satisfactory resolution. 

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1 minute ago, CarolinaMamma said:

Well said, Gary.

I wish NCL would do something like the Lift and Shift that Celebrity did. That would allow the loyal customers to book a similar stateroom and itinerary at the original price they paid, while letting NCL raise fares for new customers if the demand supported it. 

We took the refund for our cancelled cruise, because we expected they’d raise fares, and with kids in high school, our schedule is not that flexible. I feel badly for those of you who have had your money tied up innFCCs for so long. Hope you get a satisfactory resolution. 

Thank you CM, by the way, I love where you live.  I used to live in Cary and worked in Durham.  Many, Many years ago.  I miss NC BBQ and that is from a guy that currently lives in Alabama.  I don't regret taking the FCC at all.  I just think doing so, should mean we don't get punished.  That just does not seem fair or good business. 

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1 hour ago, Sthrngary said:

It is from all the loyal NCL guests that showed you our commitment to your brand over the last 16 months.



Your Loyal NCL Guests

Gary  - that's a nice letter, but it may be a bit presumptuous to claim that you are speaking for "all" the loyal NCL guests.  I'm not sure how folks choose to define "loyal" in this context, but I have only sailed NCL and have multiple NCL bookings through spring 2024.  I have insisted on cash refunds for every single cancellation (now up to four) and kept a healthy set of future bookings to protect myself from rising prices and vanishing promos.  The fact that many put on the rose colored glasses and bought into NCL's calculated FCC risk doesn't mean that it's all NCL's fault.  I want them to survive as a financially sound company.  I don't want them to risk the business (further) because Covid and the CDC didn't follow the best scenario possible.  It's business and they (and the rest of the cruise lines) are simply struggling to survive.  Maybe I need to write my own letter to NCL encouraging them to do whatever it takes to survive and continue to provide me with enjoyable cruises in the future.  Just another man's (different) perspective.  None of the cancellations have cost me a dime and I actually saved 10% on a 2022 POA booking.  Also, due to Covid, they have offered the best promos I've seen to get my $250 refundable deposits on (many) future cruises.

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Do you realise that they have changed the situation again:-


The wording about the 10% certificate has changed with the latest cancellations.   The statement is now:-


Additionally, a 10% off coupon will be automatically added to the guest's account, if the guest has not already received one for a previously cancelled sailing or an account that currently has a 10% coupon.


That now means that no matter how many cruises they cancel you will only ever get ONE 10% off certificate.

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3 minutes ago, casofilia said:

Do you realise that they have changed the situation again:-


The wording about the 10% certificate has changed with the latest cancellations.   The statement is now:-


Additionally, a 10% off coupon will be automatically added to the guest's account, if the guest has not already received one for a previously cancelled sailing or an account that currently has a 10% coupon.


That now means that no matter how many cruises they cancel you will only ever get ONE 10% off certificate.

That's actually how they've done it up until now.  They just explained the policy better after months of confusion.

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22 minutes ago, ChiefMateJRK said:

Gary  - that's a nice letter, but it may be a bit presumptuous to claim that you are speaking for "all" the loyal NCL guests.  I'm not sure how folks choose to define "loyal" in this context, but I have only sailed NCL and have multiple NCL bookings through spring 2024.  I have insisted on cash refunds for every single cancellation (now up to four) and kept a healthy set of future bookings to protect myself from rising prices and vanishing promos.  The fact that many put on the rose colored glasses and bought into NCL's calculated FCC risk doesn't mean that it's all NCL's fault.  I want them to survive as a financially sound company.  I don't want them to risk the business (further) because Covid and the CDC didn't follow the best scenario possible.  It's business and they (and the rest of the cruise lines) are simply struggling to survive.  Maybe I need to write my own letter to NCL encouraging them to do whatever it takes to survive and continue to provide me with enjoyable cruises in the future.  Just another man's (different) perspective.  None of the cancellations have cost me a dime and I actually saved 10% on a 2022 POA booking.  Also, due to Covid, they have offered the best promos I've seen to get my $250 refundable deposits on (many) future cruises.

I hear you.  Do send that letter.  It is your right to do so.  I would endorse it completely.  The most important thing with the creation of Highly Engaged clients is to see things from their point of view.  You may not take any action, however you will know who they feel and what they feel is fair.  


Sometimes just hearing folks, is all they need.  Great response to my post.  I respect it. 

Edited by Sthrngary
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Im a bit confused by the well thought out and respectful posts here.   A pleasure to read, solid info and respectful….a wee bit of hope for the human race.  Well done folks

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We had an October 2020 Med Cruise on a brand new ship, Enchanted Princess cancelled twice. The first time they guaranteed my rate  and cabin and we did a lift and shift to October 2021. Then Princess cancelled all European sailings for the Enchanted for 2021 and made my cruise ( slightly different without Malta) for October 2022 on the Regal. Now I love the Regal ( sailed many times) but I wanted the experience of a brand new ship. This time I took the money. My refundable deposit and $1,000 in excursions was in my credit card account within two weeks. That's one reason I'm Elite on Princess. I know Gary loves the Haven ( I do too). I hope they can help you. You do so much to encourage people to cruise NCL.

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@Old & Retired


NCL is trying to survive financially.


The best way for NCL to "Survive Financially" is to make old passengers keep cruising as they did in the past.

The way they are treating those of us repeat passengers does not endear them to us.   Penny pinching is not the way to go.

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6 minutes ago, Old & Retired said:

NCL is trying to survive financially.  That does NOT involve giving anything to passengers, even their 'loyal' passengers.  This letter won't even garner a response from NCL.

In life, we can take action or not.  If we do, we increase our chances of success.  If we do nothing, then that is the results that are all you can expect. All cruise companies are having financial issues, all of them.  We are the client, we are what keep companies in business.  We have the right to explain our situation and those of others.  All we really want is understanding.  The key is we don't threaten, we are always professional and we are realistic.  If they help, great, if not at least we tried.  

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1 hour ago, Old & Retired said:

NCL is trying to survive financially.  That does NOT involve giving anything to passengers, even their 'loyal' passengers.  This letter won't even garner a response from NCL.

It's always a good idea to send views on behalf of passengers. As said, if everyone said nothing, nothing would happen. Fair play to Gary for writing this letter. ,@Gary , can you share details of where to send correspondence. Thanks.

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31 minutes ago, podgeandrodge said:

It's always a good idea to send views on behalf of passengers. As said, if everyone said nothing, nothing would happen. Fair play to Gary for writing this letter. ,@Gary , can you share details of where to send correspondence. Thanks.

My original intent was simply to share the letter on CruiseCritic.com and have a NCL executive see the heading and read the document.  They have members of their social media team that review all social media platforms all the time.  Then when I go mostly positive feedback, I actually printed it and I am sending it via FedEx tomorrow.  The best way to send mail to any company cruise or otherwise is to look up their corporate headquarters address by googling it.  In doing so, you will see the executives names.  


I usually send documents like this to two executives.  They rarely read them or respond.  Their assistance review all incoming mail and it gets sent to the guest relations department.  Sometimes, you might get a email of possible a phone call response back.  That is usually for a major issue.  In this case, I really don't think it will get to much traction.  Even still, I feel it is work both my time in  writing it and expense in sending it.  


Anyone reading this.  I want to make it clear.  I am NOT upset.  I am just being proactive.  Cruise well everyone.

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After having my Oct 19 Joy cruise cancelled today and supposedly receiving a 'generous' 10% discount to put toward another similar cruise that costs 200%+ more than the one cancelled, I am voting with my wallet.  I'm taking my business to Celebrity and not looking back.  And this is Haven dollars going bye-bye for Celebrity Retreat dollars.  I spent 17K for multiple cruises today on Celebrity and my friends spent 20K all in Retreat suites.  I am Platinum and my friend is Platinum Plus with NCL so we have been loyal.  But we've both had it with NCL. They are losing loyal customers with their pricing tactics and horrendous management practices.  I'm certain we are not the only ones who are leaving.  We are tired of their pricing games and don't want stupid go-karts and lasertag. I expect them to be out of business soon enough, (where I will also lose more money on CruiseNext certs).  Goodbye NCL.


You would be wise to vote with your wallet also instead of appealing for generosity from where there is none.

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