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7-15-21 Thursday Weigh-In Step On The Scale And Tell The Tale


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A---Always worrying

L---Looking over and over

E--Eyes can't believe the number 


That's not US--We're always happy to get on the Scale--Aren't WE?

Our numbers are going down on the scale--Aren't They?

If they aren't we're not scared--WE just get back on track--Don't We?

WE keep at this every week no matter what to Lose Weight and to Be Healthy

Wishing Everyone a Good weigh-in this Week.

Edited by Belle
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  • Belle changed the title to 7-15-21 Thursday Weigh-In Step On The Scale And Tell The Tale

Belle thanks for a good start to the week. 

Mel-  I miss you-  I pray you are enjoying your pool and that you are traveling and having an awesome time.  That the scales are good to you.

Well I’ve stuck with my calories at 900 and walk min of a mile a day. Didn’t waver over vacation in fact my friend joined my diet and made sure I got my walk in everyday ( even walked 4 miles at the airport).

My wt is exactly the same as it was 2 weeks ago  139.6 -  I’m happy to still be in the 130,s.  I’m happy to have gotten this far -  My diet routine and activity are established habits.  I’m never hungry and don’t feel deprived.


I hope everyone has lost weight or stayed the same.

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Belle, thanks for starting this thread - really enjoyed the poem!  


I'm the same (again) this week, which is fine - although I would really like to lose 38 lbs - but will just keep plugging away and trying to be healthy.


It was asked on last week's thread if my trainer was new - I had to go back and check and realized that I have been working out with her since 2006 - doesn't seem possible it has been that long.  She does keep me on track and I know I am healthier for it.  There are so many days though it would be a lot easier to cancel!!!!


Hope everyone is having a good week.  Jan

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HI all!


Belle ~ I don't know about being happy to step on the scale! Sometimes it disappoints, like today when I'm up 0.6 lbs!


Izena ~ you are doing great!


Jan ~ at least you didn't gain. Neat having the same trainer for 15 years.


Have a nice day & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Hello all..Thank you Belle for starting the week.  I was down 1 pound today.  Izena I dream of the 140s.  The 130s are not even in my imagination.  

Jan I had a friend that went to the gym everyday for years but did not loose any weight.  Someone asked her why she continued to go.  She said "I go to the gym so that I can continue going to the gym".  Good answer.  Any movement is good for the body...and soul!

I walked 2 miles today but I waited too late to do it.  I got too hot.  Took me awhile to cool off.  Try to go earlier in the morning so as to do no harm.  Have a good week everyone....Susan


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Jo, I'd take 0.6 at this point. I'm up 1/2". (Measure not weighing)


Izena, was it hard to start counting calories? Do you even count raw veggies? Maybe I should learn


Jan, that's a really LOOONG term commitment!


Susan, 2 mile walk 🚶‍♂️ 😀


Oops. Maybe. The 7yr was here over the weekend (dtr's air conditioner broke and it was 113°) and apparently she did not close the freezer all the way. So I just tossed out all the food ex whipped yogurt. It wasn't that much, I am fortunate to not miss the 9 planned leftovers. It was all pasta dishes. So maybe she did me a favor?


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Looks like every one is holding steady.  No major gains and staying same is  great.  Susan congrats on your loss.


ombud -  I have an app on my iPad “MyNetDiary”  app is green with lt green apple wrapped with a measuring tape.  I just use the basic service which is free.  It helps keep me on track.  I document everything.   Since I live alone it is like an invisible eye - by entering everything it helps me stay on course. It also helps that I don’t have an appetite, don’t get hungry —— bad thing is I don’t get full,  could easily eat a quart of ice cream or bag of candy and not feel ill.   Counting calories for me is important.

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Belle thanks for a good start to the week. 

Mel-  I miss you-  I pray you are enjoying your pool and that you are traveling and having an awesome time.  That the scales are good to you.

Well I’ve stuck with my calories at 900 and walk min of a mile a day. Didn’t waver over vacation in fact my friend joined my diet and made sure I got my walk in everyday ( even walked 4 miles at the airport).

My wt is exactly the same as it was 2 weeks ago  139.6 -  I’m happy to still be in the 130,s.  I’m happy to have gotten this far -  My diet routine and activity are established habits.  I’m never hungry and don’t feel deprived.


I hope everyone has lost weight or stayed the same.

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Good Morning Everyone--Rise and Shine🌞


Izena---Your doing good, don't think you an go lower on your cals. 

Your walking, bet more will come off but slowly.


Jan---Staying the same better than a gain. Nice you don't give up and

enjoy your trainer and keep going.


Jo---You'll get that .06 off soon. Could be just water weight or an extra cookie.


Susan---Nice loss and good job walking in the heat. Your friend had a good answer!


Ombud---Oh so sorry you had to toss the food money wise and food wise.

The 1/2 inch could be water weight too or stress. I'd be upset to lose everything.

Whether it be good food or bad calorie wise.


Me--I'm up a pound. Things going on and I stress ate, wrong I now but I did it.

Tried to make it healthy food but you can over do that to.


Izena--Yes quiet in here to often. I like it when more people speak each day.

Idea was to weigh in on Thursday and to talk during the week to help us stay

on track. We've lost that along the way and losing people too.  We're so few now.

I'm losing the sprit to come in each day, no one talking much except on Thursday.

I know everyone has busy lives but I miss the talking we use to have.


Everyone have a Good Weekend and hope to see you talking during this time.

Give us tips on what you do to try to stay on track during the weekends. 

I try to have things made ahead of time in the fridge, so if hungry can just grab.

Works most times.

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Belle, I'm sorry that you stress ate ... I do hope that everything smooths out for you.  If you ever need to talk I would be glad to give you my email.  


I didn't do too bad since Thursday, but I did have an extra drink last night.  I need to start making a plan ... I have been going through all my clothes and I'm having a difficult time finding a lot that fit correctly.  I had been wearing a medium in tops and shorts .... unfortunately, I am looking better in a large .... I would like to get this extra off by October when we have a vacation with my siblings!!  I just need the motivation.  


My newest grandson came over yesterday to visit (his parents had to go to an appointment).  My DH came home and we had a few hours just rocking and feeding.  I have decided to tell my daughter that she should come over to visit and I will rock him.  He is so tiny (one forgets!) - he is now over 10# and it made my arms ache after awhile -- but he is so sweet.  


Hope everyone has a good weekend.  It is muggy here today (but not too hot mid 70's) I should get out and work in the garden.  We have put in some vegetables this year (raised bed gardening) - so far have picked summer squash and zucchini.  My understanding that this has been a big year for vegetable gardening this year --- There were no cucumber plants available in this part of Maine - have a friend that lives in the southern part of Maine that was able to find some.  Jan

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I was completely ready for a gain this week despite a lot of hard work which was going to be disheartening. After spending about fifteen hours in the gym this week cycling (47+ miles) and lifting weights I lost a whopping 1.4 pounds. I’m 19.4 pounds away from my goal, which is still a long way from a “healthy” weight but I honestly think I’d look unhealthy at that weight (another thirty pounds). 

In other news, we are canceling our October MSC cruise and rebooking for late 2022. I’ve been trying for more than a month to get our booking fixed after they screwed it up and am getting no where fast. With our final payment date coming up, MSC saying we owe them another $5,000 (we don’t, it’s their error), and my parents offering (out of the blue) to take us on a Princess cruise in January 2022 we decided to move on from our previous plans. 

Great work everyone, keep up the hard work!

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Hello Jan and Opti and others reading.


Jan---Thanks just things I have to deal with and some are not fun.

YES motivation is a big and hard word at times. We all need it  Sometimes

hard to find. Hope you can find it and wear the shorts you want.


Sounds like you had a great time with your grandson. Their so small but

heavy when holding for a long time.


Glad your getting vegetables out of your garden. Have you see the prices in the store?


Opti---Glad you lost weight this  week with all your hard work. Bet your losing more inches.

Just see where your at in 19lbs less and then decide.


Sorry you had to cancel your cruise. I would to if they can't fix a $5,000 mistake.

So you booked one for late 2022 and your parents taking you on one Jan, 2022. 

A win win.


Nothing new here--boring except stuff I'm dealing with.  Been cleaning out some 

cupboards, didn't know had so many dish things. Don't entertain like I use to

don't need all the things. See if "kids" want or will donate.


Daughter came by last night for a visit after work. Working long hours. So busy.

Son doing well, both "kids" coming over Thursday (days off) and  see what stuff I have

and help clean out a few. I've done most, a few harder to get to.


Trying to stop the stress eating, so far so good. Take care all--Virus's won't LEAVE!

Tell everyone to get their shots!


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I lost 3.2 pounds last week! I have my annual lab tests and exam with my PCP in about 45 days. I'm trying to get to the weight I was last year and even under it. I have 8 lbs to go to get there. I originally lost 30 during the Pandemic. My weight gain over the years was from eating out so the Pandemic naturally out me on a diet. Then, I had my annual labs and exam. Everything was perfect including my A1C so I didn't have to go on Diabetes meds. So, I decided to celebrate by going crazy with fast food and frozen sugar product. (I'm in a Food Addiction program in which we don't mention the actual food but rather a general term hence the term "frozen sugar product". 😆 My celebration lasted 10 months. 😕 I gained 15 pounds back. But, I'm back on the wagon and should be down the 15 pounds I gained plus about 4 more by the time I have my labs. Yay!!!


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I lost 3.2 pounds last week! I have my annual lab tests and exam with my PCP in about 45 days. I'm trying to get to the weight I was last year and even under it. I have 8 lbs to go to get there. I originally lost 30 during the Pandemic. My weight gain over the years was from eating out so the Pandemic naturally out me on a diet. Then, I had my annual labs and exam. Everything was perfect including my A1C so I didn't have to go on Diabetes meds. So, I decided to celebrate by going crazy with fast food and frozen sugar product. (I'm in a Food Addiction program in which we don't mention the actual food but rather a general term hence the term "frozen sugar product". 😆 My celebration lasted 10 months. 😕 I gained 15 pounds back. But, I'm back on the wagon and should be down the 15 pounds I gained plus about 4 more by the time I have my labs. Yay!!!


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If this isn't appropriate for this group, please let me know and I'll delete the text.

I found a program that is free and in which I have personally met over 100 members who have lost anywhere from 20 to 100+ pounds and have kept it off for years and in MANY cases DECADES! Most had weight losses of 75+ pounds. I've never seen anything like it. The weight loss isn't even the best part. For me, the best part of the program was eliminating my obsession with food. I spent so much time obsessing about the following...

• how much I just ate 

• what I was going to eat for the next meal 

• will there be enough food at the party I'm going to or should I eat before I leave 

• while at a party: how can I eat another cookie or serving of something without people realizing it is my 3rd cookie or serving 

• while dining out with friends: what are people going to think if I eat this entire plate of food 

• don't eat anymore - well maybe just one more bite then no more - ok no more - but it's so good - just one more bite, then I'm finishes - I wonder if people are noticing that I've almost eaten this huge bowl of pasta - how much have they eaten - omg, they've eaten so little of theirs, I've eaten three times as much...

Some of you are not familiar with this. Some of you are, and you know how exhausting it is to have these thoughts fill your mind. When out with friends, it interfered with my ability to be fully present 

If you want to eliminate your obsession with food and eat/crave healthier food than you've ever eaten or craved, check out this program. It's a 12 Step program called Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA). For those who have tried or heard of Overeaters Anonymous (OA), I found FA to be very different and so much more effective. I have nothing against OA. It just didn't help me. 

I've made 2 very close good friends that I talk to several times a week. I meditate every day. And I'm more at peace with myself than I've ever been. Here is the website...



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Acceptance.  Great you have strong support.   A great loss.  You know what you need to do to lose.  Maybe tweak your expectation.  Be thankful for everyday you stick to your plan.  Accept and move on when you over do.  Be proud of your efforts.  DONT get discouraged when the scale don’t  meet your expectation.  Your goal is 2.5 lbs a week —that’s a lot.  Eat the right foods don’t bring any of the high sugars carbs into your  house.   

We know how evil the scales can be.  I have been working hard this year and  stick to a lo carb diet, controlled calorie diet — there are weeks sometime a month when the scales don’t  show significant changes. With this groups support I’ve held the course.  I didn’t put the wt on fast  and can’t expect to lose it fast either.  Good luck

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Hello All


Chris--Good loss. Glad you found something that works for you and giving us the

information. This way people can look into it if they want. Bet you'll have a good

Dr. visit.


Izena---Your right the scale doesn't always tell the tale. But if everyone just keeps at it

the numbers will change just maybe as fast as we want.


The main thing for us all in here to remember, WE might make goals in here on much

we want to lose in a week, month---We might not make it--BUT BE HAPPY THAT YOU LOST!

Your weighing less then you did a week or month ago even if not as much as you wanted.


As YOU know this is something we have to do the rest of our lives if we want to ---

Lose or Maintain. Eat Healthy, portion control, water and exercise. WE know we

will WE have Ups and Downs but WE Keep At It!


Have a Good Week Everyone!😊

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Acceptance.  Great you have strong support.   A great loss.  You know what you need to do to lose.  Maybe tweak your expectation.  Be thankful for everyday you stick to your plan.  Accept and move on when you over do.  Be proud of your efforts.  DONT get discouraged when the scale don’t  meet your expectation.  Your goal is 2.5 lbs a week —that’s a lot.  Eat the right foods don’t bring any of the high sugars carbs into your  house.   

We know how evil the scales can be.  I have been working hard this year and  stick to a lo carb diet, controlled calorie diet — there are weeks sometime a month when the scales don’t  show significant changes. With this groups support I’ve held the course.  I didn’t put the wt on fast  and can’t expect to lose it fast either.  Good luck

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Good morning everyone. I’m getting excited!    Part of my wt loss plan has included replacing a breast implant. My second bout with breast cancer required a mastectomy with reconstruction 2011.   The implant is  large due to I wanted it to stick out further than my fat rolls (LOL).  Not sure if Medicare would pay for it —- well last night I felt a little bubble on the implant- yay it’s defective insurance will pay (because the original is defective and was a covered benefit)

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Update.  IMPOSSIBLE. To find any plastic surgeons in the area that take any kind of insurance.  Will have to pay cash for procedure then submit bill my self to Medicare.  Took a deep breath told myself to stop stressing.  Was expecting to pay out of pocket - just shocked at the reality.   

Still sticking with same eating and walking routine.


son picked up the Honda Accord.   My friends are laughing because I’m forced to drive my new  SUV.


son told me when he picked up the car that my granddaughter (26)  has covid.  Tested positive last Monday.( going to packed bars)   She’s fine low grade temp and a headache.  She doesn’t want  vaccine.   My son didn’t come in house and was wearing a mask for my safety — he’s vaccinated.    We have 2 cruises scheduled one nov and June 21.  If she doesn’t get vaccinated then she won’t cruise.  

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Hello on this late Monday evening but since sure no one is reading

Good Tuesday morning.


Izena--Sorry you had to go though cancer but glad your doing good.

Hope you get your implant done and it's paid for. Know that's what you want.

Sorry about your granddaughter, but she's being selfish to you and her parents.

You all can get sick even if have been vaccinated.

She might feel different about vaccine if she was really sick as others were.

(sorry my opinion only but it's how I feel)


Not a real busy day here, went food shopping, had lawn guy here to pull some weeds

that always grow even without water. Do some washing and a little cleaning tomorrow.

Such an exciting day.  Might make hamburgers and salad for dinner.


Everyone take care out there.

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Belle no offense I feel the same.  The good thing she is off work for 2 weeks.  She loves her employers so I’m sure she feels she is disappointing them.  My son has been a single dad since she was 4 - her mom is bi polar and came from a very dysfunctional home.  Mom is in and out of her life - Lauren has adapted and accepts her mom as she is and doesn’t get suckered in. My son is amazing.

I think I irritate my friends by holding steady with my wt loss journey.  One who had lost a lot of wt and kept it off until last year  seems to have put on the covid 30.   Another joined my journey  we both got to 200 lbs the same week but she  decided she like to eat and quit.  I know I’m eating healthy, protein, fruit and veggies and  very limited refined carbs and make sure I get adequate calories.  I’ve never been a foodie. 

I hope everyone is doing well.  Wish Mel would check in I hope she having a great summer with her pool and the kids.

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Izena--I'm glad, I was thinking I shouldn't of said anything. Yes your son is



Sorry about your friends, we love them but they can get jealous and sure

they wish they would of done as well as you are. Your doing this for you

and no one else and you did and are doing a GREAT JOB!


Yes hope Mel is doing well. Like when Diana left she told us. Mel didn't say

anything so we always wonder is everything alright.


We've had people leave that had been here a long time. Always wonder how they are.

Did they reach goal, give up, stay the same. To me staying here even if not losing

like you want, even just staying the same ---Your Not Gaining More Weight!


Hope everyone are having a good day. Wish you ALL would come in and talk more.

Miss seeing "your smiling words" or even the not so "smiling words".


Take Care

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This is an awesome sight.  It provides support, encouragement and friendship.  I am here for the long haul. 

Good news - always happy to hear karma bit someone. I had to call the constables on a verbally abusive man and his little dogs about 6 weeks ago.  I avoid him.  Well he had his dogs off leash at the park around one of the ponds.  park rangers instructed to leash his dogs drove off but circled back. Dogs still not leashed  HE was verbally abusive and threatening to the rangers — he is banned from the whole park. 

Everyone be safe keep fingers crossed covid cases don’t continue to rise.

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