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Nervous mom wants to cancel late August Horizon cruise.


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My wife is getting nervous about getting on a cruise ship.  We have a family vacation booked on the Horizon on Aug 21.  We are a family of 5 all vaccinated.

we are in connected balcony rooms. Last night my wife told me she wants to cancel because thinks the ship will be sailing  at capacity by then. And no longer at reduced capacity and does not want to risk a breakthrough case with one of our kids.  Our kids are in their teens and healthy.   I dont know what to do. I told her everything has a risk associated with it. But she is spooked at the rise in cases with fully vaccinated people.  This is the first time in our marriage that im not sure what the right thing to do is.  Im a looking to you guys for some advice. Is she right about the capacity? Or will it still be about the 70-75% since the restart?  Any info would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.




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Phew. Tough deal. Sorry you're in that predicament. IMHO, the cruise ships are not going to be anywhere near full capacity. The reason being, under current guidelines and agreement with the CDC, the cruise lines(not just Carnival) must provide for empty rooms in the event of an outbreak aboard ship. I think of it as an 'isolation ward' for cruises. They haven't been at capacity so far. And I don't see anything that would indicate that cruise ships could start moving to a greater capacity %. Maybe in 2022, but not now.


Again, that's only my opinion.

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I don't think ships will be at capacity by end of August, but that doesn't mean the kids aren't at greater risk now than they were just a couple months ago.  Combined with the fact that the delta variant data is only starting to be released, and is quite scary regarding kids compared to pre-delta, I wouldn't want my kids to cruise right now.  I think the best thing to do is compile info like crazy over the next couple weeks and decide at the last possible minute, based on the current plus additional data/info.  Best of luck.

Edited by IntrepidFromDC
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We are on Sept 4 cruise and I understand how your wife feels.  I don't know what the capacity is for our sailing.  I am currently going to restaurants, movie theatres, gyms, church and grocery stores with my family (DDs are vaccinated, 19 & 21) and not wearing a mask.  I think if I can do that on land then I should be able to do that at sea.  If it gives her comfort, she and the kids could wear a mask when they feel it's too crowded.  I hope my thoughts on this issue helps!

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How is not going on the cruise going to keep them from being any more at risk of breakthrough cases then they are already?  Does she have them locked in their rooms? 

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1 minute ago, IntrepidFromDC said:

Combined with the fact that the delta variant data is only starting to be released, and is quite scary regarding kids compared to pre-delta, I wouldn't want my kids to cruise unvaccinated right now.

I didnt see any mention of them being unvaccinated?


17 minutes ago, Penguin11 said:

We are a family of 5 all vaccinated.


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Statistically, they have just as much of a chance catching it from anywhere they go in public as they do on the ship. The only way to not be exposed to the virus is to live in a bunker with sealed/sterilized ventilation. There are more cases of illness and side-effects associated with the vaccines in healthy teens than there are with the virus itself. 

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I certainly understand the dilemma each of you is facing.  Being vaccinated is not full proof but it’s leaps and bounds beyond the alternative.   The Delta variant is in every state.  There are only so many precautions one can take and still lead a normal life. 

I’m on the cruise just before you and your family.  I, too, have reservations.  But, I want to live my best life. One never knows what the future holds.  We could have a very enjoyable (and healthy) cruise and the day we get home be killed by a vicious skunk in our yard.  

I hope whatever conclusion you come to is what is best for all of you. 

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If it's one thing we all should have learned by now it's that LIFE IS SHORT.  Like you said, everything has a risk that comes with it.   Yes - there are some breakthrough cases in vaccinated people, but most have been in UNVACCINATED people.  If she's watching the media, turn it off - they just put their own spin on it.  She can't worry about what MIGHT happen.  You have to live for the moment and enjoy each day and not worry about the next.  If you are all fully vaccinated, you've done all you can do.  Don't stop living and enjoying life!  Besides, CCL is currently sailing with at least a 95% vaccination rate on board.  That's far higher than the rate on land right now - so IMHO, it's way safer to be on a ship!  And I 100% agree with Joe817 above re: capacity.  Your family needs to take this cruise and make new memories together!  Life is too short NOT to!!!  

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In this case, I do not think trying to argue the facts make any difference.  If she is going to be nervous on the cruise, neither she, nor any one else in your family are going to have fun.  Sometimes emotions can not always be controlled by facts and logic, they just are.  If I were in that situation, and I am not sure I am the one to take advice from since I am divorced, I would reschedule to a time when everyone could enjoy the trip.

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My wife has been skeptical all along....I had my concerns, but the ship will be at reduced occupancy....

Practice common sense - wash your a lot, use hand sanitizer - bring you own portable bottle, don a mask where you feel appropriate inside.....we took cruise ship excursions in Aruba, Curacao, and Amber cove.....we may cancel amber cove and may not get off the ship in La Romana   


Again we 90% excited and 10% concerned too....it was the Carnival Protocols and VAX requirement that made us make a move. ....we aid July 24th on a 8 day Horizon cruise....


Just the fact that we have been in lock down for a year and half - following self imposed mask wearing make sus stir crazy and a vacation will do us well - I expect that of your family as well.


The kids will stand a huge risk back in school compared to the cruise imo


We too are concerned with the uptick in the spread....


Best of luck with your decision.....if you don't go I bet you wont cruise until late 2022 at best....


If we like this cruise we are booking another for Sept/Oct if they still follow the protocols.

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Just now, DGNewton said:

My wife has been skeptical all along....I had my concerns, but the ship will be at reduced occupancy....

Practice common sense - wash your a lot, use hand sanitizer - bring you own portable bottle, don a mask where you feel appropriate inside.....we took cruise ship excursions in Aruba, Curacao, and Amber cove.....we may cancel amber cove and may not get off the ship in La Romana   


Again we 90% excited and 10% concerned too....it was the Carnival Protocols and VAX requirement that made us make a move. ....we aid July 24th on a 8 day Horizon cruise....


Just the fact that we have been in lock down for a year and half - following self imposed mask wearing make sus stir crazy and a vacation will do us well - I expect that of your family as well.


The kids will stand a huge risk back in school compared to the cruise imo


We too are concerned with the uptick in the spread....


Best of luck with your decision.....if you don't go I bet you wont cruise until late 2022 at best....


If we like this cruise we are booking another for Sept/Oct if they still follow the protocols.

PS Bring a huge can of lysol to do your own room wipe down too....we have 3 cans packed! 

Never thought I'd turn into a Howie Mandel - LMAO

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As someone just pointed out to me, the odds of being killed in a plane crash are very, very small, yet some people are terrified to fly.  Fear is not a logic driven emotion, and once you start thinking about something it is nearly impossible to change.  Don't think about cows.  See what I mean?  So which is worth more, cruising now instead of later, or having your entire family more at peace and all enjoying a cruise later?

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So, I feel your pain for sure.  You are worried about your family.  Only you and your wife can decide if you want to take the risk of being on a ship with a bunch of others.  Keep in mind, 95% of these people you are with ARE vaccinated.  Unless you are quarantining at home and not out living your life again you will come in FAR more contact with unvaccinated people on land.  You may very well be safer on the ship.


You can wear masks, make sure you wash your hands and carry around a small container of hand sanitizer and use it anytime you are going to eat or touch anything that will get close to your face.  You can opt to do things as a family unit and avoid the larger crowds.  Go play putt putt together, play games in the library, do independent excursions by going to the beach together, or something else outdoor.  STAY away from anyone on the ship that looks under 12 (they may likely NOT be vaccinated).  Sanitize your own room - I even did this PRE Covid when I traveled anywhere - gross germs in hotel rooms and cruise ship rooms


However, since Carnival did make this announcement about cruises into October and the vaccination requirement you should be able to cancel and get a refund.  I would give it another week before you try to call (due to SO many people trying right now and long wait times), but then find out and make sure you do not stand to loose any $.  I would not specifically tell them why you want to cancel, other than you decided that with their requirements you are going to hold off for now.


Also, keep in mind since you are ALL vaccinated, IF you did get it - the illness itself should be far less hard on any of you.  You might not even know you had it.


Best of Luck

Edited by wemjam
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3 minutes ago, MrMarc said:

In this case, I do not think trying to argue the facts make any difference.  If she is going to be nervous on the cruise, neither she, nor any one else in your family are going to have fun.  Sometimes emotions can not always be controlled by facts and logic, they just are.  If I were in that situation, and I am not sure I am the one to take advice from since I am divorced, I would reschedule to a time when everyone could enjoy the trip.

Good point.  My mom had a phobia about big ships (thought in another life she was on the Titanic, I know...) but I convinced her to join us for a cruise.  After the first day her fear went away and she loves cruising!  I know, not everyone can get past their fear of "what if" but it can be done.  I wish the family best of luck!

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23 minutes ago, kdr69 said:

How is not going on the cruise going to keep them from being any more at risk of breakthrough cases then they are already?  Does she have them locked in their rooms? 

Thats almost exactly what I said to my wife last night.   The kids play sports, and are back to a (more normal) active life.  However, oddly enough my oldest was grounded the other day, so he is pretty much locked in his room. 
My wife is not usually an alarmist. But in this situation it has more to do with 4k people in a relatively confined space.   And she is claustrophobic. Perhaps that plays a roll in this. 

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37 minutes ago, Penguin11 said:

Thats almost exactly what I said to my wife last night.   The kids play sports, and are back to a (more normal) active life.  However, oddly enough my oldest was grounded the other day, so he is pretty much locked in his room. 
My wife is not usually an alarmist. But in this situation it has more to do with 4k people in a relatively confined space.   And she is claustrophobic. Perhaps that plays a roll in this. 

Tough place to be when families are divided on the issue but i really dont think your going to get 4K people on the ship until maybe next year and theres been no indication that is likely to happen from Carnival.  Good Luck!!!

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1 hour ago, Penguin11 said:

Thats almost exactly what I said to my wife last night.   The kids play sports, and are back to a (more normal) active life.  However, oddly enough my oldest was grounded the other day, so he is pretty much locked in his room. 
My wife is not usually an alarmist. But in this situation it has more to do with 4k people in a relatively confined space.   And she is claustrophobic. Perhaps that plays a roll in this. 

Hopefully it is more like 2,900 people.....

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1 hour ago, MrMarc said:

In this case, I do not think trying to argue the facts make any difference.  If she is going to be nervous on the cruise, neither she, nor any one else in your family are going to have fun.  Sometimes emotions can not always be controlled by facts and logic, they just are.  If I were in that situation, and I am not sure I am the one to take advice from since I am divorced, I would reschedule to a time when everyone could enjoy the trip.

They have a jail onboard.  If she becomes a Debbie Downer… off to the brig.  😉😂

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5 minutes ago, psppcojeff said:

They have a jail onboard.  If she becomes a Debbie Downer… off to the brig.  😉😂

Yeah, I'm sure that would add to the fun, I mean, she'd have a great story to tell.  How many people have been in the brig on a cruise ship?  Bu seriously. as someone just pointed out to me, the odds of being killed in a plane crash are very, very small, yet some people are terrified to fly.  Fear is not a logic driven emotion, and once you start thinking about something it is nearly impossible to change.  Don't think about cows.  See what I mean?  So which is worth more, cruising now instead of later, or having your entire family more at peace and all enjoying a cruise later?

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14 minutes ago, MrMarc said:


Yeah, I'm sure that would add to the fun, I mean, she'd have a great story to tell.  How many people have been in the brig on a cruise ship?  Bu seriously. as someone just pointed out to me, the odds of being killed in a plane crash are very, very small, yet some people are terrified to fly.  Fear is not a logic driven emotion, and once you start thinking about something it is nearly impossible to change.  Don't think about cows.  See what I mean?  So which is worth more, cruising now instead of later, or having your entire family more at peace and all enjoying a cruise later?

Yeah, I was so nervous about my youngest DD getting her driver's license.  Teaching her how to drive was scary (for me, not her) and I finally had to accept that she would eventually learn.  She is a safer driver than me and now I worry about the other drivers out there, possibly running into my DD.  I think it's a mom's job to worry, but try to not get paralyzed. It's a balancing act. I wish her the best!

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If my kids were old enough to be vaccinated, I'd be willing to cruise.  But I would still get travel insurance with medical coverage that would cover medical evacuation because the medical facilities wherever you sail are probably going to be overwhelmed.  Please also note that my whole family got covid just before the vaccines were released.  We were all only sick with a symptoms no worse than a  mild cold, so hopefully since your family is vaccinated it would be a similar experience if it happened.  I hope my kids can get vaccinated soon so we can travel again.

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