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Cancel Majestic Alaska due to covid fears?

Kitty Ellas Mom

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OK,  how would anyone know if you came down with Covid?  For example, if I'm on the cruise and I start not feeling well (like not like I"m dying or anything but sore throat, cough, etc) how will anyone know?  That's the part that scares me.  Do you have to report in and get screened or anything?  

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Thank you for the question, and the reasonable responses.  I have a cruise booked for next month, and I have watched the ships move from green to orange on the CDC website, and my anxiety level is increasing daily.  I truly appreciate the comments people have made, and the civil tone expressed by all.  This is why I have enjoyed cruising....there are a lot of wonderful people in the world. 

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Hmm.  Have been on seven cruises with three lines since August and two more cruises starting tomorrow.  Going to be weird for you being around people.  Especially now that you don't have to wear a mask on planes and in terminals.  But you can do this!  Alaska cruises don't really spend much time near other people - you are usually looking at scenery.


Wear a mask if it helps you feel comfortable.  I expect crew will all still be wearing masks then so you will have lots of company.  Don't totally isolate yourself in your cabin - enjoy being with your group.  It really helped us sailing on ships that were 1/3 full this year but cruise ships are big places.  It is very easy to avoid crowds (except for elevators....grr).


Worst part is that long flight to Alaska.

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Our return to cruising will be overseas this July and involves a 10-hour flight to London. First flights since late 2019, first cruise since early 2019 for me, since fall 2019 for my parents. We've done short road trips since then, to outdoorsy locations (we are lucky to be in California! lots of state/national parks here!) Your fears come from a reasonable place, and don't let any others tell you otherwise.


I agree with the advice to "start small." Our family has avoided indoor dining for the most part as well, but we are more comfortable eating in an outdoor patio now, and very comfortable picking up take-out. Even when we were in Las Vegas, we opted for restaurants with outdoor dining patios, and once, brought food back to our hotel room. Is that something you'd be able to ease yourself into for the next couple of months?


Get all your recommended shots, and mask up whenever you feel like you need to (especially on the plane!), and ignore the critics, here and onboard, who will tell you you're "stupid and scared" for continuing to wear a mask. We've all seen the posts about the rude people who don't mind their own business, but If I saw you on board, both of us masked, I'd be much more comfortable sharing an elevator with you than with them. You're doing these things for your own health, and if other people don't appreciate that, then that's on them.


There's not much to say about quarantining, other than "hope for the best, prepare for the worst." Buy travel insurance and make sure you have a policy that will cover pandemic/covid reimbursements for quarantining. Make sure you have everything you need for an extra week away from home, especially medications! Clothes can be washed in the hotel bathroom, but getting prescriptions will be difficult. My aunt and uncle were onboard the Diamond Princess when it was stuck in Japan in February 2020. They got out of there covid-free, but really struggled with getting my uncle's heart medications for those two weeks (and the additional stateside quarantine when they were able to come back). They've returned to cruising now, but are more prepared for potential quarantine situations.


And Covid can be very unpredictable, even in situations where you're absolutely sure you'll catch it. I attended a concert two weekends ago, and a friend I saw there and chatted with ended up testing positive the next day, with moderate symptoms. Our mutual friend, who ate dinner with her and carpooled with her, tested negative four times in a row, with PCR tests. A bit of luck goes into it as well, and you can't really predict which way the coin will fall. That thought has helped me a lot when I get wrapped up in covid anxiety. I do what I can, but ultimately, some of the factors are just truly out of my control.

Edited by thehowlingroad
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I've been planning to bring these things in case of quarantine:  2 weeks (past the end date of the trip) worth of prescription meds,  any OTC meds I might need if sick with covid (and others I just typically use a lot), at home tests, snacks for my room like granola bars, tiny thing of laundry detergent.  I'm a writer so I'll have lots to do in case of being stuck in a room, beyond the TV.  Although the main reason I'm taking the trip when I am is to have some alone time as an escape from being a busy mom / wife.  Just having someone bring me food and not having to do dishes etc. would be a vacation to me, and my last long alone trip was 2017. 


Also, I planned 2 full days in Anchorage at the start and 1 full day in Vancouver.  This is partly to explore these places I've never been and partly as a buffer in case of transportation problems.  My only experience with customs is going through Heathrow to get to London, pre covid.  My Anchorage plan is a free day with possibly going to the Conservation Center and / or Alyeska tram on my own (I'm staying at Alyeska).  The 2nd day I might book a tour for a helicopter dogsledding tour, I haven't decided.  I am booked on the same thing at Juneau but I know these often don't happen due to weather.  I figured if the first one happened I could cancel the Juneau and then just do Juneau stuff on my own, like getting to Mendenhall and / or the tram there.  If I don't do that I might do a tour of Anchorage such as the one offered by Salmon Berry Tours.  Since I've never been to any of these places everything will be new to me.

Edited by Kitty Ellas Mom
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I am a fairly cautious person   Since covid my husband and i have not gone to many restaurants and no indoor concerts  we r vaxxed and boostered we are in our early 70s   We gave been on two cruises since last august and enjoyed them tremendously   We remain cautious but will not let ifear of getting sick stop us cruising   It us too enjoyable and just having meals prepared, stateroom cleaned, and being on the open sea is so much fun   Neither of us has had covid but will cope if we get it   My primary concern is quarantine  but we have worked out a plan so that the one quarantined will be assisted by the one not quarantined to make sure food, drinks, medical care etc are taken care  We decided to take cruises 10 days or less to avoid quarantine     I say go for it   Enjoy yourself and have fun with your group   All the best to you 

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Our first not takeout restaurant experience was in the parking lot of a Denney's in Bakersfield in the summer. (long story, but damn....breakfast for dinner was MOST EXCELLENT that night)  We worked our way to on the porch outside,  to on the porch in a more or less enclosed tent, to quick meals inside, to longer meals inside. It IS a process.

Know that being vaxxed is going to be HUGE in not getting it and if you do, not being very sick. And I think the quarantine time is five days now. Or until you test negative? I can't remember. Both my husband and my daughter got Covid after being vaxxed. Their biggest symptom was being BORED. So you might want to pack an emergency book or something. 😉

But do start venturing out. I understand the fear. If I didn't need to care for my parents (and thus have to go out and about), I would have been inside, happily at that, for a solid year.

Good luck!

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On 4/21/2022 at 10:00 AM, Cruiser933 said:

Ultimately, the cost for what could be a less than ideal cruise experience and potential quarantine just made it not worth it.


Fair enough, but the cruise experience under Covid can cut both ways. You're absolutely correct that it could ruin the whole thing. But on our cruise about a month ago on another cruise line had only 55% capacity. Not due to capacity limits, but because many people are still reluctant to cruise.


I have to say 55% capacity made for a rather ideal cruise experience in our case.


However, I'd guess for the OP's June Alaska cruise they will see much closer to full capacity than my experience last month.

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On 4/21/2022 at 5:29 PM, MudderBear said:

OK,  how would anyone know if you came down with Covid?  For example, if I'm on the cruise and I start not feeling well (like not like I"m dying or anything but sore throat, cough, etc) how will anyone know?  That's the part that scares me.  Do you have to report in and get screened or anything?  


Are you asking if a person would get away with not reporting cold or Covid symptoms, and therefore not getting tested for Covid on the ship? Yeah, they probably would get away with it.  And it probably happens fairly regularly on cruises.


Of course, such actions could greatly increase the risk of a significant Covid outbreak on the ship.

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My husband and I had a long talk about my trip (it's a solo trip for me, planned that way in mid 2019) and he's very supportive of my going.  We both understand the potential risks, and I have adequate insurance to cover us financially.  Since he's ok with taking the risk, since he's the one who would be stuck alone with the kids longer etc. if I get quarantined, and have to deal with illness at home, I'm ok with going.  I guess on some level I feel some guilt that I could bring covid back home with me, but anyone in our household could.  So now I need to finally buy my flights, and purchase stuff like a good rain coat with a hood for Alaska.  Thank you all for your responses, which really helped a lot.  🙂

Edited by Kitty Ellas Mom
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I hope you have a fantastic trip that relaxes and renews you for all that comes ahead.  Glad to hear you’re inclined to go, and how nice to have such a supportive husband.  Mine would have my vital organs sold and delivered within minutes of me proposing a solo cruise.  Unless it was for him. 

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A couple of more things to consider for good & bad:


1.  An Alaska cruise doesn't have a lot of sea days and should the worst happen and should you became seriously ill (almost unlikely, but should consider) you are fairly close to a port where you could be removed from the ship and taken to hospital.   Nothing like an Hawaii cruise where you have 4 sea days in a row.


2.  Are you immune compromised or have a serious illness that would make catching covid more life threatening?    This is probably the biggest concern I would have.    


3.  Does being quarantined scare/bother you?   For me, it would be a huge inconvenience but not a deal breaker.   


4.  Do what makes you feel comfortable.   If you see an elevator door open and it's full and people are unmasked, don't get on.   When you go to the theater (or another crowded venue) and you see someone unmasked or coughing.....move.     Sit in the back and not smack dab in the middle of a crowd.    If you get on a tender, sit near an open window.


5.   Definitely bring 2-3x the amount of prescription medications with you.    I do this always even pre-covid.


Lastly, just an observation from my perspective.   Back in 2020-21 prior to vaccinations I know 10 people that passed away from covid.   Since the vaccinations and the new covid variants, I know of ZERO people that that died even though a slew of them have gotten covid.   No one I know has even been hospitalized.    Everything in life has a risk......everything.   It's just a matter of weighing the odds, and doing what's right for you.    I believe this in my heart as well:   Anxiety over covid has taken its toll on many people and that has become unhealthy in itself.   I wish you well on you decision because taking the 1st step is always the hardest.

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We've  been on 2 post covid cruises, with 4 more booked, and given the very low percentage of covid  cases on board or even after debarkation, I think our chances of not getting covd are very good. We're both vaxxed and boosted. The final choice, of course is yours,and i hope you're happy with it. I just thought i'd give our experience with it.

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I’m currently on the Ruby Princess. It is our fourth cruise since Covid and it is the least safe feeling of the 4. 
Our prior cruises were Uniworld, Crystal, and Azamara. 
This is the only cruise at almost full capacity, voluntary mask use, self service buffet and only half the buffet locations are open despite being a full ship. This creates huge lines particularly at lunchtime with no way to socially distance.  
I’m still going to cruise but not on Princess at this time. 
Good luck with your decision. Physical health vs. emotional well being has been a big trade off over the last few years. 

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  • 1 month later...

I wanted to update everyone who responded to this thread. Unfortunately I won't be taking the cruise but it's not because of fear of covid. I just lost a close family member and couldn't be away from my family at this time. Until a few days ago I was still going on the cruise.  She was ill but expecting to recover. I was scared of my trip but determined to have a good time while also taking precautions and planning ahead in case of quarantine. Given the current state of covid I will be postponing any future cruising for at least a year. But I definitely want to cruise to Alaska at some point. I just shopped for many layers of coats and jackets when it was in the 90s here so I have to use them sometime. 🙃  I'm so glad I bought travel insurance because I didn't have to worry about the money while making decisions about what to do in this bad situation. It remains to be seen if I'll actually get my money back but from the fine print it appears likely. I will admit to being pretty sad about canceling for what is the 3rd time for this cruise (2020, 21, 22). I just canceled the same excursions again. I received my Princess medallion the day we had to rush to the hospital a day's drive away.

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2 hours ago, Kitty Ellas Mom said:

 Unfortunately I won't be taking the cruise but it's not because of fear of covid. I just lost a close family member and couldn't be away from my family at this time.


Sorry for your loss.

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You have to answer the question, how long are you willing to put your normal life on hold? I personally decided the pandemic was over for me on a Majestic cruise in February, because the social/emotional impact of isolation and masking outweighed any realistic Covid risk, especially I practice extreme social distancing on cruises, even asking to be moved if I'm seated close to another table in the dining room, and not doing risky things that people still do, like Princess Live, hanging out in crowded bars and trivia events, and going on excursions on buses. I hated a coastal cruise on HAL because they reinstated mask wear because people coming from the Panama Canal cruise got infected. I chose Carnival over Princess for a cruise last week because I was fairly confident Carnival wouldn't try to impose mask wear, as Princess just did for all N/S Alaska cruises, 'out of an abundance of caution'. I was on the Covid quarantine floor on both previous cruises, but I did all I could not to end up there, and had several home tests with me to give myself comfort when I had a sore throat or sniffles. People who don't change any of your cruise behavior (crowded venues, socializing with strangers, going to early crowded shows and peak dining times, going on packed buses), then people are judging them more important than the increased risk of Covid quarantine--I personally want to cruise without the isolating, uncomfortable, stifling, panic-inducing masks, but I still want to enjoy the beauty of Alaska and Mexico and the sea, so I'll continue to only go on cruises and patronize businesses where masks aren't required (I make sure to always have platinum Princess insurance, to cancel for any reason). BTW, youtube Don got Covid on a masked HAL cruise in Europe and is stuck in a hotel in Rotterdam and will miss a group cruise in Alaska he's planned for several years, so feeling safe because you're masked in an elevator or hallway means nothing when you're sitting in a packed bar or restaurant for hours without a mask on, especially when chatty Cathy at the table next to you starts the 'where are you folks from?' routine. 

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My bottom line is that I felt uncomfortable with 1) the quarantine rules onboard and 2) with having to test to get back on a plane to the US. I wasn't sure if DH would be ok with the kids if I were quarantined and gone10 extra days. Until those 2 things change I will choose another type of vacation since I've already missed the group I was supposed to be with.

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