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Norwegian's Promotion on Free Airfare 2nd Guest - Not Worth it for Groups


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I'm writing this review even though our 9-Day Mediterranean sailing with VIVA is scheduled on 1 Oct 2023. Just want to share my sad experience booking this Viva cruise with Norwegian. The original cruise aboard Jade for May 2020 was cancelled due to Covid-19. We waited awhile and when we're ready we booked GETAWAY for Nov 2022 using our FCC. However, NCL cancelled this cruise in July 2022 when everything was ready and shore excursions booked with NCL's Shore Excursions Group. To replace the cancelled cruise, we booked the Holiday Mediterranean Cruise for Dec2023/ Jan2024 aboard EPIC. Well, lo and behold, this was cancelled again in May 2023. How upsetting for getting cancellations, not ONCE but TWICE in a row. Some of my friends are working in a medical setting and have to request at least 6 months to 1 year prior. Yes they were so upset but can't do anything. I myself had to put in my vacation request in Feb 2023 ahead of my co-workers, only to cancel it and fought to have it re-scheduled in October. This didn't stop, as we're not travelling as a group. NCL arranged our flights with different ETAs in Lisbon on Sept 30. 4 couples will arrive at 6:00 am and will have to wait for 5 agonizing hours as our own (my hubby's and mine) flights and 4 other couples are arriving at 11:00 am. The promo of "one guest flies free" wasn't worth with the stress/anxiety I experienced while waiting for the flight information to be available between 30-60 days of the cruise. I'm an organized person and as a Group Leader, I'd like to have a well-planned trip. I took the risk of booking and paying our tours in Lisbon for Sept 30. NCL is heartless! Getting a refund is also a challenge! My group loves cruising! We've been doing this since 2008 and this is our 14th cruise. However, I will NEVER book any Norwegian cruise anymore NOR will I recommend the cruise line to anyone.

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2 hours ago, arafol said:

NCL arranged our flights with different ETAs in Lisbon on Sept 30. 4 couples will arrive at 6:00 am and will have to wait for 5 agonizing hours as our own (my hubby's and mine) flights and 4 other couples are arriving at 11:00 am. The promo of "one guest flies free" wasn't worth with the stress/anxiety I experienced while waiting for the flight information to be available between 30-60 days of the cruise. I'm an organized person and as a Group Leader, I'd like to have a well-planned trip. I took the risk of booking and paying our tours in Lisbon for Sept 30. NCL is heartless!

So... NCL is "heartless" for doing EXACTLY what you are warned could happen if you look at the T&C's of the promo.  Here, let me help you - 

  • All guests booked within a singular reservation will be booked on the same flight.


Each cabin is one reservation.  The ONLY guarantee is that the passengers in each cabin are booked on the same flight.  NCL used to offer the "travel with guarantee" where you could link reservations for the purposes of being on the same flight (it first was free, then it evolved to being a charged service before it was cancelled last year when the airlines had difficulty servicing their routes.


I agree with @RocketMan275 book your own air if flight selection and a group being together are important to you, booking promotional airfare is not a path to success in that regard.


Next time, as someone that claims to be so organized, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the terms of the promo and ASK QUESTIONS about it to be educated about what you'd get.

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2 hours ago, arafol said:

I'm writing this review even though our 9-Day Mediterranean sailing with VIVA is scheduled on 1 Oct 2023. Just want to share my sad experience booking this Viva cruise with Norwegian. The original cruise aboard Jade for May 2020 was cancelled due to Covid-19. We waited awhile and when we're ready we booked GETAWAY for Nov 2022 using our FCC. However, NCL cancelled this cruise in July 2022 when everything was ready and shore excursions booked with NCL's Shore Excursions Group. To replace the cancelled cruise, we booked the Holiday Mediterranean Cruise for Dec2023/ Jan2024 aboard EPIC. Well, lo and behold, this was cancelled again in May 2023. How upsetting for getting cancellations, not ONCE but TWICE in a row. Some of my friends are working in a medical setting and have to request at least 6 months to 1 year prior. Yes they were so upset but can't do anything. I myself had to put in my vacation request in Feb 2023 ahead of my co-workers, only to cancel it and fought to have it re-scheduled in October. This didn't stop, as we're not travelling as a group. NCL arranged our flights with different ETAs in Lisbon on Sept 30. 4 couples will arrive at 6:00 am and will have to wait for 5 agonizing hours as our own (my hubby's and mine) flights and 4 other couples are arriving at 11:00 am. The promo of "one guest flies free" wasn't worth with the stress/anxiety I experienced while waiting for the flight information to be available between 30-60 days of the cruise. I'm an organized person and as a Group Leader, I'd like to have a well-planned trip. I took the risk of booking and paying our tours in Lisbon for Sept 30. NCL is heartless! Getting a refund is also a challenge! My group loves cruising! We've been doing this since 2008 and this is our 14th cruise. However, I will NEVER book any Norwegian cruise anymore NOR will I recommend the cruise line to anyone.

I'm sorry this has been such a negative experience so far.  I know how disappointing and frustrating having cruises cancelled can be.  Thank you for sharing your experience and hopefully it can help someone who is considering booking air travel through a cruise line.  When it works, it works well and can be a substantial cost savings.  I have read way too many stories like yours so I just book my own air travel.   I am also a planner and just like having more control if things go wrong.  I hope you and your friends have a wonderful cruise.  Hopefully, once you are on the ship all of this will be forgotten and will be replaced with happy memories.


I currently have Covid and I'm very happy that I'm not on a cruise at the moment!

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3 hours ago, arafol said:

I'm writing this review even though our 9-Day Mediterranean sailing with VIVA is scheduled on 1 Oct 2023. Just want to share my sad experience booking this Viva cruise with Norwegian. The original cruise aboard Jade for May 2020 was cancelled due to Covid-19. We waited awhile and when we're ready we booked GETAWAY for Nov 2022 using our FCC. However, NCL cancelled this cruise in July 2022 when everything was ready and shore excursions booked with NCL's Shore Excursions Group. To replace the cancelled cruise, we booked the Holiday Mediterranean Cruise for Dec2023/ Jan2024 aboard EPIC. Well, lo and behold, this was cancelled again in May 2023. How upsetting for getting cancellations, not ONCE but TWICE in a row. Some of my friends are working in a medical setting and have to request at least 6 months to 1 year prior. Yes they were so upset but can't do anything. I myself had to put in my vacation request in Feb 2023 ahead of my co-workers, only to cancel it and fought to have it re-scheduled in October. This didn't stop, as we're not travelling as a group. NCL arranged our flights with different ETAs in Lisbon on Sept 30. 4 couples will arrive at 6:00 am and will have to wait for 5 agonizing hours as our own (my hubby's and mine) flights and 4 other couples are arriving at 11:00 am. The promo of "one guest flies free" wasn't worth with the stress/anxiety I experienced while waiting for the flight information to be available between 30-60 days of the cruise. I'm an organized person and as a Group Leader, I'd like to have a well-planned trip. I took the risk of booking and paying our tours in Lisbon for Sept 30. NCL is heartless! Getting a refund is also a challenge! My group loves cruising! We've been doing this since 2008 and this is our 14th cruise. However, I will NEVER book any Norwegian cruise anymore NOR will I recommend the cruise line to anyone.


This post seemed to just fall completely off of the rails. Let me explain where you lost me.


The title of the thread indicates that the content will explain why the air promo has no value for a group. It wasn't until the second half of the paragraph that airfare was even mentioned. By that time, I'd lost interest. It helps to get to the point.


Second point is the contradictions in the post. Title says "group". Content says "we're not traveling as a group", but also says "group leader" and "my group". Pick a lane.


"NCL is heartless". Ok, but why? 


4 couples (8 people) arrive 5 hours before other 5 couples (10 people). Certainly the 8 people can spend time with each other, go to breakfast together, take a local tour, etc. Why would the temporary absence of the other 10 people be "agonizing"? And, fwiw, "agonizing"? Seriously? Do yourself a favor and dial down the drama. In my experience, when someone is being dramatic it is either because they are trying to compensate for not having the facts on their side, or because they are simply seeking attention.

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4 minutes ago, Agent999 said:


Second point is the contradictions in the post. Title says "group". Content says "we're not traveling as a group", but also says "group leader" and "my group". Pick a lane.


4 couples (8 people) arrive 5 hours before other 5 couples (10 people). Certainly the 8 people can spend time with each other, go to breakfast together, take a local tour, etc. Why would the temporary absence of the other 10 people be "agonizing"? And, fwiw, "agonizing"? Seriously? Do yourself a favor and dial down the drama. In my experience, when someone is being dramatic it is either because they are trying to compensate for not having the facts on their side, or because they are simply seeking attention.

Pretty sure OP meant that his 'group' wasn't 'grouped' together for their flights.  OPs complaint is that the nine couples aren't on the same flight.  I suspect OP also would want them to be seated on the flight as a 'group' too. 

I also suspect that OP believes NCL  to be 'heartless' because NCL didn't book them together on the same flight.

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23 minutes ago, RocketMan275 said:

Pretty sure OP meant that his 'group' wasn't 'grouped' together for their flights.  OPs complaint is that the nine couples aren't on the same flight.  I suspect OP also would want them to be seated on the flight as a 'group' too. 

I also suspect that OP believes NCL  to be 'heartless' because NCL didn't book them together on the same flight.


For the sake of argument, let's assume that your guess is correct. Who is really at fault here, the "organized planner" who put all this together, or NCL (who did exactly what they advertised they would do)?


While we're here, let's take it a step further. If they (all 18 people) aren't put into the same cab for transport from the airport to the hotel and/or cruise ship, will that separation also be viewed as a heartless act? 

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4 minutes ago, Agent999 said:

While we're here, let's take it a step further. If they (all 18 people) aren't put into the same cab for transport from the airport to the hotel and/or cruise ship, will that separation also be viewed as a heartless act? 


I was wondering what kind of apocalypse will happen when they can't all be seated at the same table in the dinning room? Oh the horror!  

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4 hours ago, arafol said:

NCL arranged our flights with different ETAs in Lisbon on Sept 30. 4 couples will arrive at 6:00 am and will have to wait for 5 agonizing hours as our own (my hubby's and mine) flights and 4 other couples are arriving at 11:00 am.

While I do sympathize with you hassle with the cancellations and stuff, this part I really don't get. What is so horrible about waiting for 5 hours for the others to arrive? Agonizing??? Really... At least they have company for support in their "agony". 

(And as much as I symphathize with the cancellation hassles, the last years have been extremely trying for pretty much everybody. Individuals and companies.)

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NCL states that folks in the same cabin are booked on the same flights, not everyone traveling together. NCL will book all of the flights, but does not claim to keep people together. You get what you pay for when you want a bargain.

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4 hours ago, arafol said:

I'm writing this review even though our 9-Day Mediterranean sailing with VIVA is scheduled on 1 Oct 2023. Just want to share my sad experience booking this Viva cruise with Norwegian.  *** I will NEVER book any Norwegian cruise anymore NOR will I recommend the cruise line to anyone.

Because you don't like the way complimentary air was arranged you are dumping a cruise line. Nice first post.

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1 hour ago, Agent999 said:


For the sake of argument, let's assume that your guess is correct. Who is really at fault here, the "organized planner" who put all this together, or NCL (who did exactly what they advertised they would do)?


While we're here, let's take it a step further. If they (all 18 people) aren't put into the same cab for transport from the airport to the hotel and/or cruise ship, will that separation also be viewed as a heartless act? 

I believe they must all be booked in one inside cabin too.

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Sorry folks if my point didn't come across. We wanted to book our pre-cruise tours in Lisbon & Fatima, Portugal in early June but the flight details aren't available until last week. So we took the risk of paying our deposit for a full-day tour for September 30 and October 1 prior to receiving our air confirmation.  Since we have different ETA's, we will not be able to have a full day tour on our arrival in Lisbon. It's our first time to take Norwegian's promotion of free airfare for second guest and it was too late to opt-out. Lessons learned for me and my group - no more free airfare.   

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7 hours ago, arafol said:

So we took the risk of paying our deposit for a full-day tour for September 30 and October 1 prior to receiving our air confirmation.

Yes, if you want control of your arrival time you should book your own flights.

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10 hours ago, arafol said:

Sorry folks if my point didn't come across. We wanted to book our pre-cruise tours in Lisbon & Fatima, Portugal in early June but the flight details aren't available until last week. So we took the risk of paying our deposit for a full-day tour for September 30 and October 1 prior to receiving our air confirmation.  Since we have different ETA's, we will not be able to have a full day tour on our arrival in Lisbon. It's our first time to take Norwegian's promotion of free airfare for second guest and it was too late to opt-out. Lessons learned for me and my group - no more free airfare.   


Sorry, but this information just makes the whole situation worse for you, IMHO.


First, you have to remember that a deviation (1 or 2 days) doesn't mean that they will get you there first thing. You could arrive at 6am, 11pm, or anytime in between. Just because you choose to arrive a day early, it does not mean you will have a full day available to you. Scheduling a "full day tour" on your day of arrival is, again IMHO, foolish at best.


Best case scenario would have your whole group arriving together at 6am on the 30th...giving you the whole day for your tour. However, 6am is the time in Lisbon. Your party will still be on 1am time in Canada. Not only that, but you'd be getting off of a 6+ hour flight. Given the length of the flight, plus the time zone difference, do you really think everyone will be up to the immediate launching of a full day tour?


You could have paid for your own airfare, been in complete control of the reservations, and you would still not have solved these issues.

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10 hours ago, arafol said:

Sorry folks if my point didn't come across. We wanted to book our pre-cruise tours in Lisbon & Fatima, Portugal in early June but the flight details aren't available until last week. So we took the risk of paying our deposit for a full-day tour for September 30 and October 1 prior to receiving our air confirmation.  Since we have different ETA's, we will not be able to have a full day tour on our arrival in Lisbon. It's our first time to take Norwegian's promotion of free airfare for second guest and it was too late to opt-out. Lessons learned for me and my group - no more free airfare.   

I join those saying I'm sorry things worked out this way, and being someone who still works full-time, I'm particularly sensitive to the need to ask off from work to take vacation. But that said, I think you went a little overboard by suggesting that you're going to recommend people avoid NCL altogether simply because you learned an important lesson about how NCL's BOGO airfare works. You're giving the entire cruise line the heave-ho and telling others to do the same because of one aspect? Sometimes the histrionics on social media are a bit too much to bear. Better to say "lesson learned," and give the cruise line a chance to make you a happy customer rather than chucking them altogether.

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43 minutes ago, Agent999 said:


Sorry, but this information just makes the whole situation worse for you, IMHO.


First, you have to remember that a deviation (1 or 2 days) doesn't mean that they will get you there first thing. You could arrive at 6am, 11pm, or anytime in between. Just because you choose to arrive a day early, it does not mean you will have a full day available to you. Scheduling a "full day tour" on your day of arrival is, again IMHO, foolish at best.


Best case scenario would have your whole group arriving together at 6am on the 30th...giving you the whole day for your tour. However, 6am is the time in Lisbon. Your party will still be on 1am time in Canada. Not only that, but you'd be getting off of a 6+ hour flight. Given the length of the flight, plus the time zone difference, do you really think everyone will be up to the immediate launching of a full day tour?


You could have paid for your own airfare, been in complete control of the reservations, and you would still not have solved these issues.

We've been doing pre-cruise and post-cruise trips for years and had control of our flights as we 're the ones booking them as group.  We typically go right on the city tour that we pre-booked upon arrival at the airport.  Me and my friends are always excited to see new places so we have the energy after a long flight.  Seriously, most of us are now between 60 and 75 years old but started travelling together in our 50s by doing land tours first.  Then started cruising in 2008 and we got hooked on it.  Happy cruising everyone!

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4 minutes ago, arafol said:

We've been doing pre-cruise and post-cruise trips for years and had control of our flights as we 're the ones booking them as group.  We typically go right on the city tour that we pre-booked upon arrival at the airport.  Me and my friends are always excited to see new places so we have the energy after a long flight.  Seriously, most of us are now between 60 and 75 years old but started travelling together in our 50s by doing land tours first.  Then started cruising in 2008 and we got hooked on it.  Happy cruising everyone!


Your age, past history, and such has nothing to do with it and just further confirms that even if this had gone your way 100%, the underlying issues would still be there.


Even if everyone would arrive together at 6am Lisbon time, when you factor in the flight time and the time difference, that means that you would have to get on a plane in the early evening the day prior. Your internal clocks would still be on 1am Canada time. Doesn't seem like a very good idea for a bunch of seasoned citizens in that situation to plan on an all day tour.


You came here using emotionally charged words (heartless, agonizing) to create the NCL is a monster and we're innocent victim picture. In all honesty, had you had 100% control of your airfare, what time would you have all arrived? What time would you have had to leave Canada in order to do that? What would you have done better?

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Have been on over 4 BOGO NCL airfare cruises. On each of them, leaving from atlanta with 4 couples have always been lucky to get all the parties on the same flight. Seattle(direct with 2 day deviation), Seattle(Direct), Hawaii(Stop in Seattle both ways and Santiago, Chili(Direct). My upcoming is August 21 to Rome, all on the same flight (Direct with 2 day deviation.  Will let people know about our Asia trip in January 2024 and New Zealand b2b South Pacific March 2024. So far NCL has been good for us.

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I'm sorry to hear that your expectations of travelling as a large group were not met. I am very happy with the result of my BOGO airfare from Canada to Europe. 


This was a deal that convinced me to allow my only child to bring a friend with her, as the airfare was cheaper.  Our flight times to get to Stockholm are right in-line with what I would have booked myself.  And the same can be said for the return trip.  We asked for a couple of days extra at each end, and that was accommodated and went smoothly.


But I'm really happy for the included baggage.  I know that it's not always included, but on all of our flights this time we are allowed 1 free checked bag each.  As we are in Europe for 2 weeks, that is awesome!  And it's an additional saving for me.


Sometimes you take a chance on a deal, and it works out better than you hoped.  Sometimes it causes issues.  I hope you have better luck next time.

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A group is only a group once they arrive at the destination.  I have done "group" cruises traveling with family, and we are spread out all over, so we never fly together.  Once we get on the ship and meet up, then our group is complete.  Many of those family cruises were on NCL (Hawaii, Europe, Caribbean), because it is great cruise line for all ages, and casual, and economical.


Once I took a different  group cruise and we all (45) rode on the bus together, and then boarded the ship together. Yes, I was the group leader, and it is not easy trying to keep everybody happy, so perhaps you are trying to shift blame to NCL so people do not hold you responsible for uncomfortable experiences.  


In the scheme of life, five hour layovers are nothing.  I had Viking free air in March, and I would have rather had a five hour layover and two connections versus the three country/three connections schedule I ended up with!


Nobody here is going to stop cruising NCL because of one bad airfare experience, and I am not sure why you are so adamant.  Of course, you also live in Canada, and your flights are not as frequent or numerous as ours are here in the USA.  Nobody believes NCL is heartless--you are just bringing too much emotion and drama to the adventure and challenge of travel in today's world.


BTW, I've been cruising for fifty years, and I remember when everything was much more complicated, so if you really want everything to be perfect, go online, review everything carefully, and then book your own air (still no guarantees)!

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On 8/9/2023 at 6:17 AM, arafol said:

Sorry folks if my point didn't come across. We wanted to book our pre-cruise tours in Lisbon & Fatima, Portugal in early June but the flight details aren't available until last week. So we took the risk of paying our deposit for a full-day tour for September 30 and October 1 prior to receiving our air confirmation.  Since we have different ETA's, we will not be able to have a full day tour on our arrival in Lisbon. It's our first time to take Norwegian's promotion of free airfare for second guest and it was too late to opt-out. Lessons learned for me and my group - no more free airfare.   

No, that point didn't come through because that really wasn't made clear until now. 

Honestly, what on earth made you expect an early morning arrival time without making your own arrangements?  I'm sure 11 am sounds like a great arrival time for most (good likelihood to be able to check in at the hotel right away for example). If all of you would have had the 11 am arrival time, would you have been happy then? No "agonizing" wait for anyone. Oh wait, no, you wouldn't be happy because you foolishly had booked an all day excursion. Well, that is entirely on you as I'm sure you realise (but want to vent to maybe shift blame). 

And if you're the organiser you claim to be I'm sure you'd never be stupid enough to book excursions without a good cancel/refund policy. Plenty of time to find a nice 4-6 our excursion to replace the full day one.

Edited by Asawi
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On 8/6/2023 at 3:19 PM, arafol said:

I'm an organized person and as a Group Leader, I'd like to have a well-planned trip. I took the risk of booking and paying our tours in Lisbon for Sept 30. NCL is heartless! Getting a refund is also a challenge! 

If you booked with a reputable company I'm convinced this won't be any challenge at all. Quit the drama!

(If you didn't book with a reputable company and didn't check their cancellation policy it's all on you, nobody else)

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11 hours ago, KDebreuil said:

I'm sorry to hear that your expectations of travelling as a large group were not met. I am very happy with the result of my BOGO airfare from Canada to Europe. 


This was a deal that convinced me to allow my only child to bring a friend with her, as the airfare was cheaper.  Our flight times to get to Stockholm are right in-line with what I would have booked myself.  And the same can be said for the return trip.  We asked for a couple of days extra at each end, and that was accommodated and went smoothly.


But I'm really happy for the included baggage.  I know that it's not always included, but on all of our flights this time we are allowed 1 free checked bag each.  As we are in Europe for 2 weeks, that is awesome!  And it's an additional saving for me.


Sometimes you take a chance on a deal, and it works out better than you hoped.  Sometimes it causes issues.  I hope you have better luck next time.

I know you're Canadian, so it's kind of a given, but I just wanted to stop by and say you're a kind person. 


And, I'm hoping for that free checked bag when I receive my flights to Spain from one of the three NYC airports! 

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