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I Won?


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As many of you may recall, mid-last summer I posted that I was quite excited that I had won a Celebrity Cruise via an online drawing through Travelocity. Although the selections of sailings and itineraries were fairly limited, I was excited about the prospect of trying the Celebrity product and taking off on one of their 10-11 day cruises for just the cost of airfare, onboard expenses (which for me can be a hefty amount ;)) and of course taxes on my winnings. I was also excited about the prospect of possibly meeting up w/ Gail/Tuggers again and writing a HAL/Celebrity comparison review for CC.com


Well, after scrambling to find a travel partner who had the time and flexibility, getting paperwork notarized, faxed and FedEx-ed back, and making our selections, we excitedly made plans and researched our travel possibilities…

…then nothing.


Didn’t hear back, after dates for various cruise selections came and went – made a number of phone calls to Travelocity and tried to get things organized, but as time went on my friend and I parted ways, other cruises and travels occured, and other things going in my life prevented me from pursuing my winnings, so I just let it drop.



Then around the first of the year, I got an e-mail from my contact at Travelocity again…

…she was steamed that Celebrity hadn’t gotten their act together in that her contact for this prize had left the company and nobody had notified her – so she asked me to choose dates & itineraries and let her know so she would be able to pursue collecting my prize for me.


Once again, I choose a few itineraries, went through finding a travel partner (this time a former romantic interest, so no breakups necessary) and he gets his paperwork notarized, etc., and we tried to make plans for being gone within a certain time frame in April when all my selections are. Even other friends have decided to book whatever cruise I'm going to be on in order to travel with me.


But now after several weeks of e-mails and phone calls - some returned, some not – I’m pretty much done with the whole thing. I guess I’ll probably ask that Travelocity remove my name from their website that has a listing of folks who have won cruises…


…since I wasn’t able to collect anything despite making their deadlines and extensive follow-up. Although I’m frustrated and saddened by the whole thing, I can’t say that my Travelocity contact there could have done much more than she has with all of her other responsibilities – particularly when her business partner doesn’t bother to return e-mails or phone calls.




So there’s my review of my experience with Celebrity Cruises. It’s apparent to me that Celebrity truly is a part of RCCL where no commitments are kept beyond what is paid for by a credit card or made to attempt to keep RCCL out of trouble and out of the news. Although friends often come to me asking about cruises for them, I’ll never again suggest to anyone that any RCCL product might be right for their travel needs.


You’ve done a great job, Mr Fain. Keep up the good work.


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Wow, that is awfull! Planning, excited, then nothing.:( .I have to tell you, I would FIGHT for that cruise. I don't think I would let it go. Have you spoken to Celebrity yourself? I say be persistant and get that cruise! :o

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If the prize was offered by Travelocity, how is this a Celebrity issue? Can't they just book a cruise like they would for a customer? It sounds like maybe Travelocity doesn't want to pay up. You can always try the Better Business Bureau.

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Sorry for your grief. Who was the sponsor offering the free cruise - was it Travelocity or X/RCCI? Just from the link you note in your post, I'd bet it was Travelocity. Your beef is with the sponsor and that's the entity you should be going after. If you're inclined to pursue the matter (and why wouldn't you be?), contact the Attorney General in your state and/or the state in which the sponsor (Travelocity? X/RCCL?) is registered to do business. Contests of any kind are carefully monitored by the state, and when they are not handled in accordance with very specific state laws and regulations, the AG will often intercede. Perhaps just the threat of contacting the AG will light a fire under whomever owes you the cruise. Good luck!

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Wow! Seems like both Travelocity and Celebrity dropped the ball here. Since Travelocity was running the contest, and if I were their CEO, I would just have Travelocity purchase the cruise of your choice and deal with Celebrity through corporate channels.

BAD PR -- putting the customer in the middle of a collective "who's the most incompetent" at running a contest game.


Step up Travelocity!!! Do the right thing. Shame on you Celebrity.


We feel your frustration bepsf!



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As many of you may recall, mid-last summer I posted that I was quite excited that I had won a Celebrity Cruise via an online drawing through Travelocity. Although the selections of sailings and itineraries were fairly limited, I was excited about the prospect of trying the Celebrity product and taking off on one of their 10-11 day cruises for just the cost of airfare, onboard expenses (which for me can be a hefty amount ;)) and of course taxes on my winnings. I was also excited about the prospect of possibly meeting up w/ Gail/Tuggers again and writing a HAL/Celebrity comparison review for CC.com


Well, after scrambling to find a travel partner who had the time and flexibility, getting paperwork notarized, faxed and FedEx-ed back, and making our selections, we excitedly made plans and researched our travel possibilities…

…then nothing.


Didn’t hear back, after dates for various cruise selections came and went – made a number of phone calls to Travelocity and tried to get things organized, but as time went on my friend and I parted ways, other cruises and travels occured, and other things going in my life prevented me from pursuing my winnings, so I just let it drop.



Then around the first of the year, I got an e-mail from my contact at Travelocity again…

…she was steamed that Celebrity hadn’t gotten their act together in that her contact for this prize had left the company and nobody had notified her – so she asked me to choose dates & itineraries and let her know so she would be able to pursue collecting my prize for me.


Once again, I choose a few itineraries, went through finding a travel partner (this time a former romantic interest, so no breakups necessary) and he gets his paperwork notarized, etc., and we tried to make plans for being gone within a certain time frame in April when all my selections are. Even other friends have decided to book whatever cruise I'm going to be on in order to travel with me.


But now after several weeks of e-mails and phone calls - some returned, some not – I’m pretty much done with the whole thing. I guess I’ll probably ask that Travelocity remove my name from their website that has a listing of folks who have won cruises…


…since I wasn’t able to collect anything despite making their deadlines and extensive follow-up. Although I’m frustrated and saddened by the whole thing, I can’t say that my Travelocity contact there could have done much more than she has with all of her other responsibilities – particularly when her business partner doesn’t bother to return e-mails or phone calls.




So there’s my review of my experience with Celebrity Cruises. It’s apparent to me that Celebrity truly is a part of RCCL where no commitments are kept beyond what is paid for by a credit card or made to attempt to keep RCCL out of trouble and out of the news. Although friends often come to me asking about cruises for them, I’ll never again suggest to anyone that any RCCL product might be right for their travel needs.


You’ve done a great job, Mr Fain. Keep up the good work.



If travelocity got the cruise from Celeberity they should be dealing with Celebrity (same as if you purches a cruise through a travel agent)


Also if Celebrity did Travelocity wrong than Travelocity should not be even selling any thing from Celebrity (SOUNDS LIKE THIS COULD BE A SCAM TO HAPPEN TWICE)


After reading this I would think twice about ever using Travelocity


Next Cruise Celebirty Mercury January 29th, 2007



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A massive agency such as this has groups space and it does seem as though it could be comped through no huge loss on their part. As many of you know they get a free birth for every 15 beds sold (like any agency) in their group space. Whats the big deal?


Sadly I have had no good words for them since I waited and waited and had to call several times to get my "rebate" on a cruise I took in '02 with my three kids, bf and mom. What a nightmare. Finally, someone said "we have confirmed that you are eligible for the rebate". Duh, no kidding. I'd be out the promised $400 (for using Master Card)if they determenined otherwise. I'm sorry but no good comes of working with a company where it is often impossible to speak with the same person twice. Just my experience and one that led me into an industry I am learning to enjoy very much. Hmmm, maybe I should be thankful.

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It doesn't really matter who is at fault...both Celebrity and Travelocity have shown a decided lack of professionalism and class in not getting this done.


NO MATTER WHAT, one of these parties should have seen it done and sorted out the particulars behind closed doors...shame on both of them...and typical of RCI.

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It sounds more to me like a sales contest which the agency's key account manager put together with Travelocity. Reach XXXXX amount of sales in a given time, and you win a free cabin. Sometimes agency's use this as a sales contest for agents, and sometimes they use it as a sales promotion tool for the general public.


Having won one of the sales contests.. the 12 night Med sailing did not materialize due to no space. I sent in a list.. and I purposely picked slow selling cruises.. nothing materialized. Ultimately, the cabin did come about.. 7 night western caribbean. It took 8 months.


If this is the case, then your agency contact would need to put the heat on their key account manager via sales management at the agency.

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I'm sure it's easy to simply place blame on Celebrity. Of course there are two sides to every story. Exactly who was promoting this contest? Celebrity Cruises? Travelocity? Or co-sponsored? Did the contest appear on the Celebrity Cruises website or just Travelocity? My guess is just on Travelocity ... in which case I put the burden on Travelocity to ensure the winnings of their contest are indeed awarded (even if they ultimately have to pay for the cruise). Their dealings with Celebrity should not be your concern, it should be theirs. Travelocity is a HUGE account with Celebrity/RCI and surely they have a fair bit of clout. Maybe something fell through on their end and they didn't meet the requirements for the free cabin? Again their problem and they should just pay for one.


In any case, Celebrity and Royal Caribbean have sponsored many "official" contests of their own, and to my knowledge they have never defaulted on any of them. If they had, I'm certain we would have heard about it.


Too bad you will miss out on a Celebrity Cruises. My experience with Celebrity has been nothing but superb. They are an excellent cruise line and gay friendly as well. In fact they are probably my favorite cruise line after Silversea and Cunard. Maybe it's best you don't go, as you seem to have already formed an opinion of RCI/Celebrity that may be difficult to overcome.



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Brian - This is inexcusable. It's definitely worth bringing to the attention of one of the main travel magazines... Conde Nast's Ombudsman or National Geographic Traveler 'TripFix'. This is the link for N.G. Traveler's 'TripFix' http://www.nationalgeographic.com/traveler/resources/tripfix/0509.html - if you scroll down to the bottom of the article, there is contact info.



This is from Conde Nast Traveler Magazine's website:

Ombudsman offers a free service of advice and mediation. Because of the volume of letters we receive, we cannot act in all cases. Letters should be sent to Ombudsman, Condé Nast Traveler, 4 Times Square, New York, New York 10036, and should include documentation and any relevant photographs. Please note that we cannot respond to submissions sent via e-mail. Correspondence must be typed and must include a daytime telephone number. All submissions become the property of Condé Nast Traveler and will not be returned; submissions may be edited and may be published or otherwise used in any medium.

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I don't see how X is at fault. Travelocity held the contest and picked you as winner with the prize being a cruise. If you had won a contest from the local fire department of a Ford car and then the FD didn't give you the car, Ford is not responsible.


Keep pushing Travelocity.

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Take it from someone who "won" a free trip to Hawaii from a radio station, it's not free. I knew I would have to pay taxes, so inquired about that before accepting. AA sent me a 1099 with prize worth the rack rate of the air (the radio station had told me the price of the tickets was less than half what the 1099 stated), by the time I paid taxes I could have done the trip for the same price if not cheaper. All-in-all I had a great time with DH, but thought it was a rip-off.

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Thanks for your replies everyone -


I honestly don't recall the reasons I was told that we didn't get ticketing last year, but this year my Travelocity contact tells me that she's not been getting callbacks from her contact at Celebrity (I know she's been trying & I'm pretty sure she'd like to get this settled for me ;) ), so I have to assume that Travelocity are not paying for the cruise - that this contest was was run in conjunction/agreement with Celebrity and that Celebrity were supposed to sponsor the prize.


I sent my contact an e-mail voicing my feelings on this w/ a link to these forums - I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow...

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Thanks for your replies everyone -


I honestly don't recall the reasons I was told that we didn't get ticketing last year, but this year my Travelocity contact tells me that she's not been getting callbacks from her contact at Celebrity (I know she's been trying & I'm pretty sure she'd like to get this settled for me ;) ), so I have to assume that Travelocity are not paying for the cruise - that this contest was was run in conjunction/agreement with Celebrity and that Celebrity were supposed to sponsor the prize.


I sent my contact an e-mail voicing my feelings on this w/ a link to these forums - I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow...


Did you ask your Travelocity contact what position her contact at Celebrity is in? I will bet you, it's in the sales department!!


There is no sponsorship, it's on space available. It took me 8 months to get the cabin I won in a sales contest held by my cruiseline rep.


Now, if Travelocity was really concerned about your situation, they could remedy it in no time flat. VERY EASILY.

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I'm with ocngypz on this. I'd cut my losses and be done with it or start asking for supervisors. You are going NOWHERE fast. Once you get the email for the super send them the link to this thread. That'll get things moving and if not you've done your best.


The other advice someone gave about the ombudsman maight be aan alternative. Chris Elliot is great.

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I hope this doesn't color your opinion of Celebrity as far as cruise line service - obviously their corporate/sales department is bungling this whole thing, but I hope you would consider a Celebrity cruise in the future so you could try out their product.

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I should think this constitutes fraud. Don't know whose fault it is and wouldn't really care. I'd contact my state's attorney general, several major news stations and write letters to the VP's of both Celebrity and Travelocity.


In addition to the fact that I think there's fraud involved here, they're using you as advertising for having won a contest that they haven't even presented you the prize for? That may not be fraud, but it certainly is tacky!


Good luck,



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I think TC hid the fine print very well - it probably said based on availablity and since most cruises sail full these days I think you are going to wait forever unless you start threatening with legal action!!

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Sorry for your grief. Who was the sponsor offering the free cruise - was it Travelocity or X/RCCI? Just from the link you note in your post, I'd bet it was Travelocity. Your beef is with the sponsor and that's the entity you should be going after. If you're inclined to pursue the matter (and why wouldn't you be?), contact the Attorney General in your state and/or the state in which the sponsor (Travelocity? X/RCCL?) is registered to do business. Contests of any kind are carefully monitored by the state, and when they are not handled in accordance with very specific state laws and regulations, the AG will often intercede. Perhaps just the threat of contacting the AG will light a fire under whomever owes you the cruise. Good luck!
I bet it was a conbination: Celebrity offered the cruise for free publicity. that is almost always the way these things work. If this is the case I really don't think Travelocitiy is to blame except for the delay getting back to the OP. that part sucks. I think the advise you are giving is very good. At this stage it doesn't really matter who is at fault, it matters that the OP get her cruise. I am certain there was fine print; of course that would be the case. We had something similar happen many years ago: a car dealership in our area was giving away 3 and 4 days cruises on a number of ships. We needed a car anyway, DH went down that weekend, bought the car, of course had trouble with the salesperson collecting on the offer for a free cruise for two, but at last everything was in place. We decided I would go with my two daughters. this was in May, the cruise dates were fall so we choose a 4 dayer in off season. Even then, we had 8 choices and ended up with our 7th. We kept getting the run around from the Travel company handling the cruise. From the time we actually booked the cruise and got conformation til we sailed the contact company changed 3 times. Welcome to the world of FREE> NMnita ps btw, we had a great 4 day cruise.
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A massive agency such as this has groups space and it does seem as though it could be comped through no huge loss on their part. As many of you know they get a free birth for every 15 beds sold (like any agency) in their group space. Whats the big deal?


Sadly I have had no good words for them since I waited and waited and had to call several times to get my "rebate" on a cruise I took in '02 with my three kids, bf and mom. What a nightmare. Finally, someone said "we have confirmed that you are eligible for the rebate". Duh, no kidding. I'd be out the promised $400 (for using Master Card)if they determenined otherwise. I'm sorry but no good comes of working with a company where it is often impossible to speak with the same person twice. Just my experience and one that led me into an industry I am learning to enjoy very much. Hmmm, maybe I should be thankful.

you are right about the business of not talking to the same person twice: That is what I love about being a TA, I deal directly with my clients, they know they can always reach me and I will get back to them within 24 hours. I am not picking on travelocity, just, the massive companies overall. Isn't the saying "you get what you pay for" NMnita

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