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TigerB (not at all) live from Iona (G404 - Portugal, Spain, and Canaries)


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Day 14 - Friday 1st April - at sea (Part 1 - morning and early afternoon)


Our last day onboard; tomorrow we will be back to the good old British weather, and we will be reunited with our kitty, so that was something to look forward to.


It had been a bit of a rocky night but it didn't affect our sleeping much; I forgot to take my Stugeron before I went to sleep and I didn't feel any the worse for it. We were supposed to be heading for slightly calmer waters so I decided not to bother taking them any more.


This is what the water outside looked like as we made our way to breakfast...


It was just the two of us for breakfast as the kids wanted a lie in.  We ate again in Coral, this time at table number 733, a two-seater next to a post and near to the entrance and the waiters' station. @Dermotsgirl, I can't provide you with the measurements from the nearest table, we would have had to catch a bus to it, or, as we say around these parts, it was a bus ride out. Bliss!

Our waiting team were as the previous day, Alex D'sa and Raymund.


I received a knowing look from our lass when I said I was going to order boiled eggs. "You'll regret it". Yes, I had two lots that were inedible on this cruise, but that follows more than a dozen or so on different cruises that were perfect. Sod it, I'll chance it!  Of course, I ordered them soft boiled. 

If I have boiled eggs I like to have a bowl of Frosties after my fruit and yogurt; our lass went straight to her cooked breakfast after her fruit, so my eggs were delivered to the waiters' station at the same time. I rushed my Frosties as the anticipation was almost unbearable. As soon as the last mouthful went in I gave Alex the thumbs up.  I already had my platoon of soldiers on the side plate, laying at ease but ready to stand to attention when ordered so.

As soon as Alex put the plate in front of me I got to work, bashing and slicing. They were perfect! I did pop a soldier in and took a photo for you lovely folk, but somehow I deleted it!  It was a right sexy picture too!😉  Alex caught me and said, "Ooh, soldiers".  I told him that it is a law in England that you have to have soldiers with boiled eggs; he chuckled.


After that very satisfying breakfast we went to the photo section to check on last night's session. There were a couple of good ones but, after a bit of back and forth, our lass chose the more informal one from two night's before. We had to wait a few minutes for them to open as we couldn't apply the voucher.  We showed the lass the one we wanted and she showed the size it would come out at - 6" x 4½"; it looked tiny within the border, and that would have cost £25 if we were to pay for it.  Our voucher was for a 8" x 6" print, so I asked what she could do with the photo; she said it wouldn't look right when cropped.  I told her our voucher was for a 8" x 6" print, and was about to say that we wouldn't accept anything less. I didn't need to though as, without any hesitation, she ordered the next size up, 10½" x 6", and applied the voucher to it.


On our way back to the cabin we popped up to deck 8 to fill our water bottles; while we were on that deck I popped outside to see what the weather was like. It wasn't raining but, by 'ell, it was bitter. I only had a shirt on and they were like chapel hat pegs!🫢


Back at the cabin I finished packing the large suitcase from yesterday, and started on the other one.  Our lass was looking at the Horizon; there was a comedian/mind reader on in Headliners that evening. I knew it wouldn't have been her cup of tea, nor mine, but I asked her if she fancied going for a laugh.  Her response: "Well, if he's any good at the mind reading then he'll already know that we aren't bloody well going".

We did both fancy the guest speaker who was on at Headliners at 11:30; a fella called Dave Wright talking about Lawrence of Arabia.


Anticipating that we would have problems with the lifts, we set out at 11:00; it was only two decks down and at our end of the ship, so under normal circumstances it would have only taken five minutes or less. Twenty minutes later I had lost count of how many lifts, both going down and up, opened to reveal folk who really needed them and folk who perhaps could have managed the stairs, some of the latter looking down to the floor or up to the ceiling, anywhere but in the direction of the lady in the wheelchair.  And just to rub it in, every one of the lifts going down stopped at decks 8 and 7.  I was now well and truly losing it. The next lift coming down opened and I put my hand across the doors to stop them closing. Very calmly and politely, I asked if any of the occupants heading to the theatre felt fit enough to use the stairs for the last couple of decks so a lady in a wheelchair could get on. Three alighted and, with a bit of a squeeze, me and our lass got in. To be fair, most of the occupants bar two looked infirm and, even though two of them (the infirm ones) offered to get out, I told them they were fine and to stay put. One of them said about how some people could use the stairs but choose not to; that prompted our lass to say that she and others in wheelchairs or on scooters had no choice, and relied on people to do the right thing and not be selfish. I made a point of saying that we didn't mean them, addressing the obviously infirm group. The other two just stared at their feet.  And what do you know; when we got to deck 7 the two feet watchers practically hopped and skipped towards the theatre.😲


@Selbourne, knowing the problems you had onboard Aurora with some folk apparently abusing the accessible seating, and there not being sufficient signage, I made a point of checking the signage at the wheelchair area at the back of the theatre.  I had previously thought that there was signage to indicate that the seats next to the wheelchair spaces were for companions of wheelchair users. Not so! The area on our side of the theatre could probably accommodate up to five wheelchairs. There were also five moveable chairs. The only signage I could see were three spaced out plaques on the back of the seats in front to indicate the spaces were for wheelchairs.  There was nothing on the companion seats.  I sat on such a seat and there was a lady next to me, with no wheelchair next to her.  She looked at our lass then asked if the seats were for disabled people. I confirmed the seats were supposed to be kept free for companions of wheelchair users, with the wheelchair user occupying the space next to the seat. She apologised and moved elsewhere.  A fella, who walked well enough, then replaced her.  So, although our lass was only one of two wheelchair users in that section, all the companion seats were taken. I was so hoping for another wheelchair user to come in and position themselves next to my neighbour, so I could ask him to shift.

So Selbourne, even though there was some signage, it wasn't much better than you experienced on Aurora.  P&O need to do better!


Don't you just hate it when you're at the cinema and the doors are left open, and you can hear the film in the next auditorium?  The same goes for Headliners.  Why do they not close the doors when a performance starts. The speaker was really interesting but, for us at the back anyway, he was drowned out by the cacophony of whatever quiz was going on in Brodie's.  Folk around us were tutting but I was the only one that could be bothered to get up and close the doors.

We both very much enjoyed the talk; it was really interesting and the speaker was passionate about the subject.


Afterwards, we went and had lunch in Coral; I think the kids were going to grab something in the Quays. We were shown to table number 612, a two-seater about 60 cm from the next one, in a row of four. Our waiting team were Reynaldo and Christine.


Today's menu...




Our lass started with...


She said they were lovely and polished them both off; I only got a corner.


I had...



I asked for roast potatoes and roast vegetables as a side, but they didn't turn up. Fearing that I would waste away, my generous missus gave me her taties and veg. As I tucked in, my veg arrived. 


For afters our lass had...



I had...


Sorry, I forgot to take a photo! 

And of course, the ice-cream chaser; Belgian chocolate and vanilla...



Back to the cabin to complete the packing, and have five minutes 😴😴



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Day 14 - Friday 1st April - at sea (Part 2 - late afternoon and evening)


Our final dinner was to be in Beach House. We've often found that meals in the MDR on the last night of a cruise can be a bit naff, so we booked this before boarding.  We asked the kids to join us, so a few days before I added them to our reservation.


The kids joined us in Tiger's Bar to finish off the dregs of the booze and the few cans we had left. We then made our way up to deck 16; the lifts were okay this evening and all were working, and we ended up being fifteen minutes early for our 19:30 reservation.


Upon arrival, the host, Cathy, didn't have us down for four but said it was no problem at all; I asked if we could be seated in Maria's section. We were shown to a four-seater near to the window and about 80cm from a two-seater.

Maria came to greet us, and she remembered the two of us from earlier in the cruise. She started to take our drinks order and I asked her where her runner was. She called over Christian. "A pint of Punk IPA from the Laguna bar please, young man". He took my card and off he went. What a good lad.👍

When Maria returned to take our food order, she told me that my special request was waiting to be prepared. What a great lass; the epitome of how a cruise waiter should be. She even took the time to cut up the food of a nearby disabled guest's food, even cooking pieces of his steak on the lava stone for him.


So, the food...




Our lad...



Our daughter-in-law...



Our lass...








Our lad...


This was the first time they had eaten in Beach House on this cruise, so he was looking forward to having this. He absolutely loved it.


Our daughter-in-law...



Our lass...


She's had that before, but this time she said it wasn't so good. Of course, me and the lad were the beneficiaries of the leftovers.




As the description states, I had none of the listed add-ons. I do not eat meat and I am really not that fussed with halloumi; I just don't get the attraction. 

When we were dining in here the other night I was thinking about the old days back home; when we had a Chiquito's in Hull; I really liked the salmon and king prawn fajitas in there.  So, on that night I asked Maria if she could ask the chef if I could have prawns with my fajita sizzlers on our next visit; of course, I would expect to pay a supplement like you do with the flat iron steak. She didn't receive an answer before we left, but told me to come back and see her the next day; I did so, and she gave me the thumbs up. I would have to pre-order it though; I did that immediately at the podium.

Tonight, Maria left the delivery of my meal until last, and put this in front of me...




I felt like all my Christmases had come at once. And the best thing; no supplement!


Of course, two tortillas and a single portion of sour cream and guacamole is not enough to sustain a growing lad like me; the wonderful Maria brought me two more tortillas and three each of the sour cream and guacamole. I did (reluctantly) share the dips with the table.




Our lad...


When he ordered it I did warn him that the banana was chopped up, and wasn't like what he would class as a traditional banana split.  Do any of you remember the banana splits you would get in the 70s, in a Wimpy Bar? Of course, our lad is too young to know about such things.


Our daughter-in-law...



Our lass...





I've never ordered the apple pie before as I always thought it was served cold; cold apple pie can sometimes be a bit claggy.  But I thought, what the hell.  It arrived warm, and was absolutely delicious.  I would order it again, but next time I will ask for two scoops of ice-cream.


We were all suitably stuffed after that.  For me, that was the best meal I had ever had in Beach House; not just because of the prawn fajita sizzler, but also due to the excellent service.


Afterwards, we bid the kids goodnight and went back to the cabin.  We showered off the day and I packed the last small suitcase with our day clothes, and put that outside with the vanity case. We settled down to watch a film before falling asleep.




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Very informative and entertaining! 'Chapel hat pegs ......' 😂😂 - a long time since I've heard that expression, but I'm sure it described a part of your anatomy perfectly 😁.


I do hope that P&O can be nudged in the direction of making 'Companion seats' in the theatre obvious with some sort of label, or at least a request in the daily bulletin, because I confess, it was a few cruises in (many years ago) that I cottoned on. I just hadn't given it a thought, as I am sure is the case for many of the 'offenders'.


The lift etiquette is another matter however, because you just never know how many people actually need them just by looking (although yes, it is often possible to make an educated guess!), but well done for taking the initiative and making a request for space for your 'lass' and yourself.


I hope Coco has now truly forgiven you 😉

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@TigerB I’m sorry to hear that you and your lass have experienced exactly the same issues with the lifts that we had when we were on Iona. I had told my wife that it was probably because we went in peak school holidays and that it would be less of an issue off peak, however your feedback leads me to think that it’s a permanent challenge.

The lifts on Iona (and presumably Arvia as well) are just too small, and with the number of floors serviced by them resulting in almost everyone using them, trying to get a lift that is no more than half full (which you need in order to get a wheelchair in) can take a while, as you have found. We had the added issue of a lack of lift etiquette and people pushing in ahead of us.


Whilst the lifts on Aurora were often like a sauna and the display screens and floor announcements were wrong most of the time, they are so much bigger than on Iona and Arvia and obviously serve less floors. Also, in spite of the high average age of passengers on our cruise, we were amazed to see so many people using the stairs. As a result of all of this, we didn’t have any issues whatsoever getting lifts over the entire 65 days, including disembarkation. However, on the flip side, the accessible cabin on Aurora wasn’t a patch on the one that we had on Iona. 

We don’t have any future P&O cruises booked at present, but I think that our experiences on 4 different P&O ships over the past year is going to result in Britannia and Ventura becoming our first choices now. 

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10 hours ago, TigerB said:

Day 14 - Friday 1st April - at sea (Part 1 - morning and early afternoon)

1st March, maybe? (Ditto for Part 2.) Or maybe all your reports have been an elaborate - if early - April Fool, and you've actually been at home the whole time. 🙂


I'm glad you had such a memorable meal to finish with. I can't help wondering how much weight you've put on during the cruise - not that it's any of my business.

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3 hours ago, jh1809 said:

1st March, maybe? (Ditto for Part 2.) Or maybe all your reports have been an elaborate - if early - April Fool, and you've actually been at home the whole time. 🙂


I'm glad you had such a memorable meal to finish with. I can't help wondering how much weight you've put on during the cruise - not that it's any of my business.


Yes, we were in the shed all that time!😂


My notes were half written up as we went along and, for the days I hadn't posted before we got home I've added to them, proof read them, proof read them again, and formatted the photos, before posting. Thanks for spotting the error; I really should have proof read it not once, not twice, but thrice.🤔


As for weight gain...

I can't recall the last time I was on a set of scales. In my head, if you don't weigh yourself then you don't stress about weight gain. Mind you, it's been a while since I last saw little Tiger!🤭

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8 hours ago, mrsgoggins said:

The lift etiquette is another matter however, because you just never know how many people actually need them just by looking (although yes, it is often possible to make an educated guess!), but well done for taking the initiative and making a request for space for your 'lass' and yourself.


I wouldn't normally let it go as long as twenty minutes, but I had strict orders from the boss to wind my neck in!🤭

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8 hours ago, Selbourne said:

@TigerB I’m sorry to hear that you and your lass have experienced exactly the same issues with the lifts that we had when we were on Iona. I had told my wife that it was probably because we went in peak school holidays and that it would be less of an issue off peak, however your feedback leads me to think that it’s a permanent challenge.

The lifts on Iona (and presumably Arvia as well) are just too small, and with the number of floors serviced by them resulting in almost everyone using them, trying to get a lift that is no more than half full (which you need in order to get a wheelchair in) can take a while, as you have found. We had the added issue of a lack of lift etiquette and people pushing in ahead of us.


Whilst the lifts on Aurora were often like a sauna and the display screens and floor announcements were wrong most of the time, they are so much bigger than on Iona and Arvia and obviously serve less floors. Also, in spite of the high average age of passengers on our cruise, we were amazed to see so many people using the stairs. As a result of all of this, we didn’t have any issues whatsoever getting lifts over the entire 65 days, including disembarkation. However, on the flip side, the accessible cabin on Aurora wasn’t a patch on the one that we had on Iona. 

We don’t have any future P&O cruises booked at present, but I think that our experiences on 4 different P&O ships over the past year is going to result in Britannia and Ventura becoming our first choices now. 


To be fair, over the two weeks it wasn't as bad as you experienced last year; it was only on the last two days, when four out of the eights forward lifts were out of action, that it was really bad.  As you say, the lifts on Iona and Arvia are too small, so that makes the situation even worse. Our lass's chair isn't very wide but, if another chair is in the lift she almost always has no chance of getting in. It's only when someone is in there with a rollater, or a small scooter that is manoeuvrable enough to sit at the side, does she have a chance of getting in.

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We are joining Arvia on Saturday so we will see how the lift etiquette plays out. Hubby usually steps forward, puts his arm out to give me chance to get to the lift in my scooter before everyone jumps in before me



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As do I Michelle, and woe betide anyone who tries to breach the cordon.  Also, as I step in I will ask anyone at the back to step to the sides, so she can pull all the way in and not hinder anyone wanting to get on or off behind her.  As I do that I usually use my arms, as if to part the ways; that often leads to funny looks or comments....until the lady in the wheelchair comes into view.


Hopefully, you won't have any problems.  Isn't the Easter schools holidays early this year, and fall part way through your cruise? I hope that doesn't impact you; in our experience though a lot of youngsters have better manners than those that should know better.


Have a safe flight and a great cruise. 😎

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Great reports and photos Tiger! I did chuckle at your laundrette stories 😁


And yes I have happy memories of a Wimpy banana split, although it was the 80’s for me 😉

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Love your reports TigerB, thanks for the fun writing style, in fact your positivity and excellent photos and detail has encouraged me back to P and O. We’ve been away on Celebrity for the past 8 years but are dipping our toes back on to Iona for a week in August.

P and O should be paying you commission😀. So glad that you’ve had such a fun holiday and that your family’s surprise turn ups have made it even better.


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@Rustyman, you've been away on Celebrity for 8 years? That's a blooming long cruise!😯  No wonder you're yearning a cheaper cruise with P&O😂


A week is is just about right to test one of the larger ships for the first time, and the Fjords is a nice cruise to do it on.  If you haven't read it, I did a blog on the same cruise last June; the link is in the first post of this thread. 

Make sure you book your specialty restaurants as soon as you can, particularly the Norwegian tasting menu in Epicurean.


As for commission, if I got just 1% of what Paul Ludlow is on, I'd be happy.😉

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Posted (edited)

Day 15 - Saturday 2nd March - kicked off the ship😥


The alarm clock was due to go off at 06:45, but we were both awake a good ten minutes before.  

I put the TV on for the bow camera view of whatever exotic port we were in today. Oh, that looks like Southampton. Yaaaaay!🙄


As soon as we were able to, I had booked the earliest slot we could get to disembark - 08:15 to 08:25.  We wanted to be sat down for breakfast by 07:15, if we could.


Time for quick ablutions, and to pack our overnight things, and toothbrushes etc in one of the carry-off bags, already attached to the back of the hand cart (aka wheelchair). Once the driver was on it, and I had put the precious cargo, the duty-free booze, on her lap, we were off.

Sugar was cleaning next door; we thanked her and bid her farewell, and our lass told her there was an envelope on the desk for her. Well, she was in our cabin like a whippet, obviously keen to see how much we valued her.


Our assembly point was Anderson's and the gangway was on deck 6, so the breakfast venue was obviously going to be Pearl.  We thought we would have a battle with the lifts, but no; we got in the first one going down.


We got seated at table number 459, a four-seater not that far into the restaurant. 

What was the distance from the nearest table, you ask? (I'm looking at you, @Dermotsgirl😉)  Who cares! It was our last meal.  To be fair, we did have a bit of space around us. The most important thing was that we were sat down at 07:14, so the timings were looking good. The kids joined us a couple of minutes later. 

Our last waiting team of this cruise were Godwin and John Robert. The former got in a bit of a tizz because I asked for a jug of oat milk for our daughter-in-law, and nobody had informed him of any allergies.  Panic not young man!  She just prefers it to cow's milk. He was relieved.

The disembarkation breakfast is usually not that enjoyable; it always feels rushed and the food can be a bit hit and miss. Surprisingly, this one wasn't too bad at all. For a change, the grapefruit wasn't watered down like it usually is, and nor was the yoghurt.  What I really wanted were a couple of soft boiled eggs, but I reckon I had reached my nirvana with the ones I had the day before, so I didn't want to jinx it😉  I had fried eggs on fried bread instead. Just what your stomach needs ahead of a five-hour drive!🤭


We were done by 08:00 and our lass and I made our way to the atrium, and left the kids to make an appearance at Anderson's.  They opened the gangways early though, at 08:05, and we were walking/booling down ours by ten-past.


In the luggage hall there were no trolleys to be had; we had to wait for some to be delivered. The first three cases were easy to spot, but the small suitcase and vanity case, put out at midnight, were 'hidden' in a different location.


As we left I counted five Customs officers searching luggage, and another four or five eyeballing passengers and their luggage.  I've not seen so many at the Ocean terminal before, but I had heard somewhere, maybe on here, that they target Canaries cruises more than others.


The kids went their own way, they were parked in the Triangle carpark, and we made our way to the CPS car park.  Despite our car being parked in a disabled row, it was a little annoying that I still had to reverse it so our lass could get to the passenger side in her wheelchair. 

Once loaded, we were away by 08:40.


We didn't hit any traffic at all, and apart from an initial diversion to a Tesco for fuel, and a later stop at Watford Gap services for a travel wee, our next stop was an Asda in Hull.


Of course, when we walked through the front door, the house had been pimped out by our daughters for the birthday girl.


Time for a quick brew then I went to pick up CoCo.  Yes, she made us have it for a while, as is her prerogative, but she was later on the bed all night.🥰






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14 hours ago, TigerB said:

As do I Michelle, and woe betide anyone who tries to breach the cordon.  Also, as I step in I will ask anyone at the back to step to the sides, so she can pull all the way in and not hinder anyone wanting to get on or off behind her.  As I do that I usually use my arms, as if to part the ways; that often leads to funny looks or comments....until the lady in the wheelchair comes into view.


Hopefully, you won't have any problems.  Isn't the Easter schools holidays early this year, and fall part way through your cruise? I hope that doesn't impact you; in our experience though a lot of youngsters have better manners than those that should know better.


Have a safe flight and a great cruise. 😎

You are right the school hols start on 22/3, some parents may take their children out of school a week early to join the TA but I can’t imagine it will be as busy with children as during July/August. 

We have not flown with TUI for years so quite looking forward to a flight with them. We are both looking forward to a holiday at the end of a very wet Winter



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6 hours ago, TigerB said:

For a change, the grapefruit wasn't watered down like it usually is, and nor was the yoghurt.

They had obviously realised by this point that they weren't going to run out of grapefruit or yoghurt by the end of the cruise, and so didn't need to water it down to make it go further!


I'm glad everything went so smoothly on your last day.

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2 hours ago, Peanut006 said:

You are right the school hols start on 22/3, some parents may take their children out of school a week early to join the TA but I can’t imagine it will be as busy with children as during July/August. 

We have not flown with TUI for years so quite looking forward to a flight with them. We are both looking forward to a holiday at the end of a very wet Winter



Michelle - I hope you have a good journey on Saturday and a fabulous cruise.  Could you post a copy of the Glasshouse menu sometime as I believe it is very different from those on the smaller ships?  When you return would be fine. 

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@Ilovemygarden, the sample one that is online, a download is below, is the current one, and the one we had on Arvia last year. As you can see, it is different from the smaller ships, in that you only get a choice of trios for the main course. I prefer the choices on the smaller ships.

I've previously written that I am hoping for a menu refresh of all speciality restaurants at the next price increase, so it may, or may not change if you are planning a trip after June.


MY-HOLIDAY-Menu-The-Glasshouse-Food-Pages-(AV-IO) (1).pdf

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Further to my last post, I've realised there may be a problem for some in downloading the menu, so I have done screenshots ....




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12 hours ago, TigerB said:

@Rustyman, you've been away on Celebrity for 8 years? That's a blooming long cruise!😯  No wonder you're yearning a cheaper cruise with P&O😂


A week is is just about right to test one of the larger ships for the first time, and the Fjords is a nice cruise to do it on.  If you haven't read it, I did a blog on the same cruise last June; the link is in the first post of this thread. 

Make sure you book your specialty restaurants as soon as you can, particularly the Norwegian tasting menu in Epicurean.


As for commission, if I got just 1% of what Paul Ludlow is on, I'd be happy.😉

Just read your June 23 thread which is perfect info for us thanks. Apologies if my writing is a bit shaky but still excited from your pole dancing😉
Glad you got home safe to your southern town, 5 hour drive, luxury, ours is a 10 hour journey with stops!

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Thedonkeycentrehalf said:

Interesting to see that the Glass House menu on Iona is very different to the one we had on Britannia.  I had assumed they would be standard across the fleet.

Very different to the menu on Aurora as well. My two favourite meals were the 6oz fillet steak surf and turf with garlic prawns and the sea bass in banana leaf with curried prawn broth. Neither appears on the Iona menu although Keel & Cow will presumably provide dishes similar to these?

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16 minutes ago, Thedonkeycentrehalf said:

Interesting to see that the Glass House menu on Iona is very different to the one we had on Britannia.  I had assumed they would be standard across the fleet.


That's right, and in addition to the location of the restaurant right in the atrium, it is the reason we don't care for it on Iona or Arvia.  The trios as starters or desserts are fine, as we like to share those, but we both like the choice of a larger single main dish.  I like the sea bass wrapped in banana leaves, just as Selbourne does, but will have to go back on Britannia at least to get that.  I know that @Eddie99 was also recently disappointed to find it wasn't available on Iona in January.


If you are a fan of Sindhu you may also be disappointed to know that there is only a single menu for both Iona and Arvia, and it is different again from the menus on the other ships.

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