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Live: July 20-27 Norwegian Fjords Apex

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Guess I’m old fashioned but I like the MDR atmosphere. For me the buffets just don’t cut it. We’ve started to go the other way sometimes by eating breakfast in the MDR and even lunch sometimes. At breakfast it means not fighting for a seat usually. Buffets just don’t seem special to me. I like getting dressed up a bit, depending on the night. We travel as a couple and just sit at a table for two so it’s like going to a nice restaurant at home. Is the food always amazing..no but usually the service is. I guess to each their own.

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On 7/25/2024 at 7:20 AM, Scottishclover said:

There were kippers on the Apex on the last sailing. They were in the Oceanview Cafe in the British section next to the black pudding. So you could have another try of them to bring back some childhood memories.

I checked a few times we never had them. Unless they moved them from the British section but they only had like bacon, sausages and black pudding. Next counter over was the salmon and herring

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On 7/25/2024 at 2:17 PM, Naeva said:

Not going to lie, I thought the same thing for a long time! I'm still new to the boards and have been gobbling up live reports, thank you all for doing them. I especially love the pictures! They really help me get in the mood to cruise!


Question though, to those of you who have sailed Celebrity many times, (I have only done Disney) is it reasonable to just hit the buffet every night instead of the main dining room? I have no desire to dress up unless I tried specialty, nor do I want to be in that massive two story room or to be sitting with other people. I'd rather grab something quick and then do something fun, not waiting for meals!

honestly I did main dining twice and specialty twice the rest buffet. 
I was too tired to make an effort plus the buffet was actually less people on my cruise

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On 7/26/2024 at 4:25 AM, buzz031 said:

Have you opened the IV “window” much on this cruise? Has the Captain locked them? 

I opened it quite a bit but then im at a stage where I am hot and cold 😆 

once the windows was shut for cleaning. It didn’t rain a lot on this trip but was windy and chilly. I thought it was chilly anyway there were people out in the pool and on loungers while I was wearing leggings and a sweatshirt 

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Day 5 Geiranger


I was up early again to watch us come into Geiranger. Once the buffet opened for breakfast attacked that before it became too busy as normally 6:30 isn’t a popular time but on this cruise even that time is. A lot of people are getting up early to watch the sail in.






Unfortunately we were told a time for seeing the seven sisters waterfall and it ended up being way earlier than the captain said so you had to have been out 45 mins before he said to be out. 


Excursion I had booked took us to two look out points. The tour guide was German and had us leaving before the time said then said to the driver at the end we had too much time left. I can’t imagine why 😐
When I talk about leaving early first stop she gave us 20 mins and was trying to leave at 15 mins because she presumed everyone was on the bus. Well I got stuck behind some Spanish tourists thankfully a lady from Kansas made her wait for me because she would have left. Second stop had 30 mins so I went t back to the bus at 20 mins because I didn’t trust her and again she never counted to see if everyone else was there. So if no one said anything you were on your own 🫡







After we were dropped off in the town I went to the ship to drop off items I didn’t need before taking a walk up to one of the waterfalls 😅 
I should have changed the leggings I had on were great at the beginning of the day but not lunchtime. By the time I got to the second point on the staircase I was sweating as I was so hot.  🥵




Time I came back down I had option of buffet lunch (American day) or find something in town. So town it was and went to Fiskekaka Geiranger for a sandwich. Then took my time looking around the stores. I wanted to go to the chocolate shop but there were way too many people. There was us and Viking in that day. 








After I picked up a Christmas ornament with Norway on it before heading back to the ship. 

As you saw I managed to get a few hours in the sun before sail away. We ended up leaving close to an hour late because some ship excursions were late but I heard there was one couple who were just strolling along the peer and they were told by staff to hurry up. But nope didn’t move faster in fact stopped for selfies 🙄
I would have left their 🍑It’s one thing the excursion is late it’s another being inconsiderate like that. 


Once we started moving half the ship was warm and sunny and the other half cold and windy. 


For dinner I went to rooftop grill the food was really good but was more than I could eat. But the food was really good. I’ll definitely do it again in a warmer climate 😅

I had the six seating and by 7 it began getting cold and windy. Time I left around 8 we were about to go into the North Sea and the wind really picked up that things were getting blown around I had to wait for the servers to come by and take things from the table because it was only me holding everything down. Also items the kitchen area were getting blown as I heard a large crash from the wind knocking items over in the kitchen. As I left people were being wrapped up in blankets. 









I didn’t do any shows, way too tired for that so just the game show and trivia before bed 

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Day 5 Bergen

We docked this morning at 7 and by 7:30 we were allowed off. Shortly after I was out on foot exploring. We were told we were docked at one terminal and it was a 10 min walk. Nope other terminal on the other side of the harbour and 20 min walk 😝 





A few of us got off the ship at the same time so walked together (some separated but a few stuck with me because I knew where I was going). By about 8am I had made it to the funicular which opened at 7:30.

I had a ticket so just went ahead and scanned at the barrier. If you don’t have ticket if you can buy them there but I recommend going early. 

Once at the top took my time walking about and visiting the goats. Soon after it started getting busy as there was our ship (excursions hadn’t even made it there yet), princess ship and a Viking ship. 





I headed out and when I was at the bottom you could see the line to go up forming (someone I met who was in the line said by the time she got down it went out the door). 
After visiting Fløyen I headed to Bryggen which was a pretty cool site and had history on buildings of it being a old trading port






After walking through and looking at the buildings and stores I headed over to the fish market and grabbed a salmon sandwich (someone mentioned they had a whale burger and got to try the brown cheese which I must have missed). 
















After I headed back to the ship as we were only there until 1:30. Once I got back to the ship it started raining a bit so good timing. I mean it wasn’t bad but wasn’t the sunny weather from the morning. But also I saw in the forecast heavy rain was coming. 


Once back I grabbed a coffee and called Mike. As we were in port I just used my esim. Not sure who more happy to see me because on the video call I saw dogs bouncing in the background and Watson ran off to find me a gift from his toys. 






then went to the music trivia. I won’t say how I did, it wasn’t good ☠️ 




At 5:15 there was the senior officers event which I attended. It was also formal night by the time I went to the MDR I took one look at how busy it was and decided to go to the buffet instead. I found out from someone in the buffet they weren’t impressed with the lobster as we all know it’s small. Also note the buffet at dinner is quieter also all the stations were open. Majority of people I saw in there were crew eating. But also sit at the back away from people. 






I had planned on the Eden show but not going to lie I am tired from all the early mornings and walking. Plus I’m on Apex again later this year where it’s not as intensive so will do the shows then. 

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Day 7 sea day


I started the day with having full English breakfast before going to cafe al bacio for a pistachio latte. So I chilled out in the grand plaza for quite a while. At 10 they opened the stores for shopping there was some jewelry I liked but there was a particular colour I wanted they didn’t have. 

I did get a ship model though as I have one from the last cruise. 

I then went to trivia but barely made it so didn’t take part just watched. I also watched one family Google some of the answers then got upset when others beat them 😆 


I then went to the martini bar to chill before jukebox hero. I ended up meeting up with some people from earlier in the cruise so we teamed up for the game. Worked out well, she knew some older music, her husband knew rock and I knew the 90s music ( we all knew the 80s). But we ended up getting 36/40 questions. I was expecting a pop socket but we won a bag 💼 


I then headed to buffet for lunch. This was a zoo because of it was a sea day and they had  seafood there I ended up grabbing food and eating in my room. 🍤










After lunch I joined the couple for musical bingo. Back to not winning but that’s ok because we won earlier. I then hung out with another couple for a bit and attempted the casino 🎰 yeah the machines weren’t nice for us so took our losses and left after a bit, 

I went back to pack 😭 

Then out my bag out before going to the martini bar to see the flair show before going to the buffet for dinner again. I’m glad I did the menu on the main dining didn’t include all the seafood they picked up in Bergen. There was lots of smoked salmon, smoked cod, eel, whale meat. 















I grabbed some wine while in the buffet and took it to the club which wasn’t open yet as they were setting up. Once they opened I grabbed a seat for the caravan production. The shows from the Eden cast are amazing 

Then it was time to turn in as it is a long day Saturday getting into London 

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10 hours ago, Lena11033 said:

Unfortunately we were told a time for seeing the seven sisters waterfall and it ended up being way earlier than the captain said so you had to have been out 45 mins before he said to be out. 


On Geiranger day, does the ship go into the fjord in the morning, then back out the same way in the afternoon - giving another chance to view the seven sisters? Or are arrival and departure via different routes. I guess I'm asking if getting up very early is 100% necessary if I don't want to "miss" the scenery. I know I'm on the trip for scenery, so I'd plan to view it twice, but just in case I don't make it in time...

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2 hours ago, ccqueenanne said:


On Geiranger day, does the ship go into the fjord in the morning, then back out the same way in the afternoon - giving another chance to view the seven sisters? Or are arrival and departure via different routes. I guess I'm asking if getting up very early is 100% necessary if I don't want to "miss" the scenery. I know I'm on the trip for scenery, so I'd plan to view it twice, but just in case I don't make it in time...

it does go back the same way but I’d say you’d have to be on the right side of the ship. Previously they span the ship around so everyone could see but we left late so if you didn’t have the right spot you were out of luck (which was my case). I did set up my go pro from my room so going to check the footage when I get home to see if anything was captured 

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1 minute ago, Lena11033 said:

it does go back the same way but I’d say you’d have to be on the right side of the ship. Previously they span the ship around so everyone could see but we left late so if you didn’t have the right spot you were out of luck (which was my case). I did set up my go pro from my room so going to check the footage when I get home to see if anything was captured 


Thanks for the info How unlucky for you!!

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12 hours ago, Lena11033 said:

Once we started moving half the ship was warm and sunny and the other half cold and windy. 

Would you recommend booking a room on port or starboard side for this trip?

Loving your review!!

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10 hours ago, buzz031 said:

Would you recommend booking a room on port or starboard side for this trip?

Loving your review!!

Not sure it makes a difference. In my case the ports where in the fjords so it’s not like on a coast you have to go in and then come back out 

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A couple of days into the cruise I had used the app to select what time to debark. As I repurchased my train ticket I had to be there or buy a new one ( I had bought it for $20 I think at the station is way more as last time I was billed $55). 




I went to the elite lounge after breakfast (fyi they had lobster rolls for breakfast there) to wait until called once I was it was really quick from getting off, getting my bag and getting a taxi. When we boarded we were at Horizon terminal but debarked in city terminal but the taxi rank was just to the left. Took five mins to get to the station. 




I basically spent yesterday in London picking up a few things to bring back. So I stayed at the St Pancreas renaissance hotel in Kings Cross as it was near everything I wanted 






You can get to Heathrow same day BUT it is a gamble because any accident or traffic jam and you are in trouble.
I was speaking to one guy who was getting off at 9 and needed to be at Heathrow for 11. As I said it should take about an hour and 40 but if anything happens you could be in trouble. It did take people a long time to get to Southampton due to traffic issues (talking extra hour or two). To me that’s not worth the stress I just came into London got a cab to the hotel. This morning a cab to Paddington and Heathrow express in. 

Heathrow this morning was really busy for security so was glad I had business class to get fast track. There was someone in front of me not happy because she had to go through regular checks like me even though she has TSA precheck. Yep not valid here sorry you have to do the same as everyone else. 


I have some more to write up but will do it once home and settled. I’m currently in the lounge waiting for boarding and my husband has already informed me the fridge is completely empty other than his beer so I get to look forward to shopping. Honestly is it too much to ask to have some basics like bread, eggs etc?
I have informed him as I’m not getting home until late he needs to figure and have dinner there 😝 

Currently my second flight lands at 8pm so expecting to be home around 8:30-9pm EST so 1:30-2am UK time 

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Lena11033 said:

went to the elite lounge after breakfast (fyi they had lobster rolls for breakfast there) to wait until called once I was it was really quick from getting off, getting my bag and getting a taxi.

How weird!  I would have considered packing up a few of those lobster rolls to go.😂

@Ellesor826 , we will have to watch out for this on debarkation day on Beyond.




Edited by Stem to Stern
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@Lena11033  Great review.  Thank you very much for sharing your journey with us.  

We've talked about doing a Norweigan fjords cruise but we are not big fans of the E-Class of ships.   We still have it on the bucket list though. 


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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, DaKahuna said:

@Lena11033  Great review.  Thank you very much for sharing your journey with us.  

We've talked about doing a Norweigan fjords cruise but we are not big fans of the E-Class of ships.   We still have it on the bucket list though. 


Worth bearing in mind that in all probability none of the current Celebrity fleet will be able to visit the fjords after 2025  Click on the video in the following link  https://www.dw.com/en/norway-bans-polluting-cruise-ships/video-67882149#:~:text=Starting in 2026%2C only cruise,tourism from damaging the ecosystem.

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57 minutes ago, BigAl94 said:

Worth bearing in mind that in all probability none of the current Celebrity fleet will be able to visit the fjords after 2025  Click on the video in the following link  https://www.dw.com/en/norway-bans-polluting-cruise-ships/video-67882149#:~:text=Starting in 2026%2C only cruise,tourism from damaging the ecosystem.


It's still possible, the new Excel ship is tri fuel. See the answer in Q & A. 

So she will meet the requirements;)  


And the other ships will still be aloud to all other port, just not the fjords. So they can sail, but they are not allowed into Geiranger etc.

Already for many years, the ships sailing in Norway needs too meet requirement for cleaner oil. 

So the fuel price for a Norwegian cruise is much higer than the Caribbean sailings who dont have requirements for fuel type/cleaned level of oil. 

That's one of the reasons fuel prices for Norwegian sailings is higer. 

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21 hours ago, Stem to Stern said:

How weird!  I would have considered packing up a few of those lobster rolls to go.😂

@Ellesor826 , we will have to watch out for this on debarkation day on Beyond.





I'm lactose intolerant so I am picky on what risks for food I'm willing to do, having a creamy roll the day I am leaving the ship is not the day lol


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