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The table from Hell!


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After 2 nights we asked the mater'd to move us to another table at another time. He wasn't friendly, cooperative or even empathetic. He sent a note to the cabin saying our request was denied.


So much for customer service.


Curiously, if you don't mind - which ship?


You seem to be a "glass half empty" type of guy from many of your posts, so I am wondering... :)


Look on the bright side - at least you got a note sent to the cabin, lol! (this is a joke... )

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the cruise was either the odam or the galaxy -- if i remember correctly it was one of the cruises i did with randy

there was a round table of 8 or 10 near us and one nite one of the ladies at that table took a seat other then the one she had occupied for the last few nites and when the lady showed up that normally sat there she had a hissy fit -- started hollering that it was her chair and refused to sit at any other seat at the table -- think it ended when the woman moved back to her normal seat and by the end of the meal all was lovey dovey


in the past we have sailed with other couples and changing seats at dinner is just an opportunity to be able to meet and converse with other people ----its never a reason to raise the roof

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This is a very interesting thread and brought back lots of memories. We normally travel just as a couple and request a large table. Best table ever was on HAL Zaandam '01, table for eight, two couples in deluxe suites, two in inside cabins. All well traveled and great conversations every night.


Bad tables: 1. ROTS, table for 10, mostly nice people, one really obnoxious couple (they came to the table late, arguing and improperly dressed on more than one occasion). It was our bad luck to be seated by them the first night but we remedied that by arriving first subsequent nights so others had the opportunity to enjoy their company.


2. Carnival Celebration, first assignment was to a booth. DH is a big guy and only thing he said prior to boarding was "I don't want to eat in a booth again". We went to the maitre 'd and he assigned us to the Captain's table (Cap'n wasn't using it as ship was so full), a round for 14. He said "If you don't like it, come back and see me". I said "No problem, we can get along with anyone". WRONG! He had put us at the singles table, all women except DH. Not only women but rude ones. Right after dinner, we found the M'd and he changed us again to a table for 8 with 6 members of an extended family. Nice family and we even had a friend back home in common.


3. Celebrity Galaxy, table for 8, only three couples showed up. First night out, husband #2 got into a heated argument with wife #3. (They weren't acquainted prior to dinner). I told DH I wouldn't eat in dining room anymore if I had to eat with them every night. He convinced me to try it one more time and husband #2 behaved much better. I do believe his DW jerked a knot in his chain.


4. Oosterdam, January '06, table for ten. Tablemates insisted on talking politics (they were from a different colored state than ours). Luckily DH was stuck next to the really obnoxious broad. He said I would have probably killed her had I been seated where he was! Went to the concierge and asked to be moved. She said she would take care of it and then asked why? I said, "Because we hate our tablemates!" She got us a table for two.


Just booked the next cruise, Zuiderdam, 1/13/07 and again requested a large table but this time we're taking reinforcements with us!

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in the past we have sailed with other couples and changing seats at dinner is just an opportunity to be able to meet and converse with other people ----its never a reason to raise the roof


In 2002 I sat at a big table and it was if we had to have assigned seats ... one "lady" was utterly uncomfortable with sitting in any spot other than the one she started at. She threw a fit the night that Christopher tried to sit in "her" seat. Christopher was up and into the chair where he had been sitting on prior night before she got too loud, but at first neither he nor I realized that she was serious. She was very serious, and the look in her face was hysterical and furious at the idea that Christopher would sit in "her" chair.

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Tablemates insisted on talking politics (they were from a different colored state than ours).
On my last cruise, it was obvious that everybody else was a different polarity than I -- on the left/right scale. While I remained quiet when politics came up the first night, someone said, "I guess you don't agree with us." I replied, "I left my politics at the dock." They sort of repeated it, all very nicely, and I nicely said, "I left my politics at the dock." We sort of silently agreed that a cruise was not the place for that sort of thing. No bad feelings at all.
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I replied, "I left my politics at the dock."

Love that! So much more effective than getting into a row when you're trying to relax and enjoy your vacation. I never understand why people want to argue politics or religion on vacation anyway. Blech!

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Curiously, if you don't mind - which ship?


You seem to be a "glass half empty" type of guy from many of your posts, so I am wondering... :)


Look on the bright side - at least you got a note sent to the cabin, lol! (this is a joke... )


Westerdam. We loved the ship but felt the matre'd was typical of the service we received, indifferent, and not in the professiona aloof manner. More like sorry, but we can;t be bothered manner. Same thing from the steward and wait staff. Especially from the wait staff after they found out we don't drink alcohol at dinner.

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We've always had great luck with dinner but on our very first cruise, we had young honeymooners that I'm sure by the time the cruise was over, were heading to divorce court! They argued constantly and fought bitterly. We were about the same age and so in the beginning, I befriended the woman and offered her my shoulder (outside the dining room of course). I quickly realized that we had made a big mistake by trying to be their friends when one particular evening, they were fighting so much that the woman actually suggested sleeping in our cabin! She even threatened to throw her ring in the ocean until I urged her to reconsider. Wow - that was quite the cruise. Never heard from those people again thankfully.

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John & I always request a round 8 - we like the large group figuring we'll like someone (& they'll like us ;) ). We've been very fortunate:

1. The first cruise he was awarded from work - 4 heating & A/C guys, 3 wives & 1 uncle (1 of the guys wasn't seeing anyone so brought uncle Al, a real hoot). At least the 4 guys all had work in common, ALL week. Any wives out there ever attend the DH's work parties? You get the pic. It was fine.

2. We had 2 couples originally from NYC retired to FLA travelling together & another couple our age. We had a blast. Those 2 older ladies were hilarious they way they kept the maitre'd & the dining captain running around with special requests - but always so nice about it (did they ever tip those guys well at the end of the week!)

3. Let's just say interesting. Older couple complained about the room too cold, soup too hot, dinner too late. Changed after first night. Another couple a little older also changed, said dinner was too late. The art couple ate with us a couple nights - nice but odd. We also had 2 single women, just friends who were vacationing together, I'm still in touch with 1 via e-mail. Then it seemed like everyone who was fleeing another table wound up with us since we had a round 8 & there were only 4 of us.

4. The BEST - Brian organized 3 tables overlooking the wake for 18-20 of us. We rotated tables each night so that we all got a chance to eat with each other & get to spend time together. FABULOUS. Thank you B :) .


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Request to be moved. We did it on the Volendam - the table next to us had the loudest, most "uninformed" cruisers we've encountered in a long while.


After the third or fourth comment on how "the food has improved since Celebrity took over", and how "Celebrity has really turned things around on HAL", I found I just couldn't take it anymore...:eek:


LOL ! That is too funny. :D


A frequent cruiser told me once that table assignments should be done by IQ, and nothing else....:)

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On the majority of my cruises, I go solo. The tables I sat at on my trips had varied from good to down right ugly.

On my first cruise, I went with a small group of friends (four). We were seated at a large table with two newly married couples. We all got along great and enjoy telling everyone about what they did during the day. On the last night of the cruise, we had another couple join us. They were assigned to our table but never bother to show up. They were very negitive about the trip. What started as a wonderful table, ended in a sour note because of this couple.

On my first solo cruise (Alaskan) I sat at a small table with a married couple. It was o.k. We talked about the ports and other small talk items,

On my trip on the Oosterdam, I had bad luck!! The first night I was the only person to show up. I don't mind eating solo, but I was looking forward to meeting other solo travelers. On the third night someone was at the table when I arrive. Glad to see that I had someone to enjoy dinner with, I sat down with a smile. However, my tablemate wasn't to happy to see me sitting down with him. I could feel that he didn't like the fact that I was a young black female sitting at his table. I was really upset when he questioned how did I afford to take a cruise. Needless to say, I ate in the Lido after that. When I mentioned this to someone else that I met on the cruise, she asked why didn't I request a table change. I figured that since the cruise was almost over that I just eat in the Lido.

I glad to say that on my last cruise on the Westerdam, I had the best table!! There was two solo cruisers and two sets of friends. We had a blast!! I looked forward to dinner every night because of my tablemates. The table had everyone from the first time cruisers to a true blue HAL cruisers that took back to back HAL trips.

I'm leaving on a 7 day cruise at the end of April. I'm keeping my fingers cross for my tablemates.



Fascination 9/14/2001

Columbia (Alaskan State Ferry b2b inside passage) 6/1/2003 & 6/7/2003

Oosterdam 10/31/2004

Westerdam 11/06/2005

Miracle 4/30/2006

Holiday 10/28/2006

Maasdam 1/14/2007

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On the majority of my cruises, I go solo. The tables I sat at on my trips had varied from good to down right ugly.

On my first cruise, I went with a small group of friends (four). We were seated at a large table with two newly married couples. We all got along great and enjoy telling everyone about what they did during the day. On the last night of the cruise, we had another couple join us. They were assigned to our table but never bother to show up. They were very negitive about the trip. What started as a wonderful table, ended in a sour note because of this couple.

On my first solo cruise (Alaskan) I sat at a small table with a married couple. It was o.k. We talked about the ports and other small talk items,

On my trip on the Oosterdam, I had bad luck!! The first night I was the only person to show up. I don't mind eating solo, but I was looking forward to meeting other solo travelers. On the third night someone was at the table when I arrive. Glad to see that I had someone to enjoy dinner with, I sat down with a smile. However, my tablemate wasn't to happy to see me sitting down with him. I could feel that he didn't like the fact that I was a young black female sitting at his table. I was really upset when he questioned how did I afford to take a cruise. Needless to say, I ate in the Lido after that. When I mentioned this to someone else that I met on the cruise, she asked why didn't I request a table change. I figured that since the cruise was almost over that I just eat in the Lido.

I glad to say that on my last cruise on the Westerdam, I had the best table!! There was two solo cruisers and two sets of friends. We had a blast!! I looked forward to dinner every night because of my tablemates. The table had everyone from the first time cruisers to a true blue HAL cruisers that took back to back HAL trips.

I'm leaving on a 7 day cruise at the end of April. I'm keeping my fingers cross for my tablemates.


Another thoughtless no brain idiot! Keeping my fingers crossed for you also, Airlink Diva:)

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I was a young black female sitting at his table. I was really upset when he questioned how did I afford to take a cruise.
Oh, how I wish I were you at the table. I am more than capable of handling myself in situations like that. Ask anybody here who has seen my humor pieces on cruises I've taken.



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Later, after dinner I gleaned from one of the other table members that the "boyfriend" was apparently angry with her over a comment, and his anger was directed toward me instead. She also added that the girlfriend had lost several friends over the behavior of her "boyfriend."

I am so sorry you had such a terrible experience. While I never had an experience as horrid as yours, I have been subject to the "evil eye" on occasion by what I can only categorize as jealous boyfriends/husbands, etc. I don't understand it, but it seems that some guys don't want their wives or girlfriends having the companionship of other "girls" while on the ship. I guess they want their lady all to themselves and perhaps find other single women a threat to their "ownership" rights?


I know it sounds crazy, but I encountered that on the Zuiderdam back in 2004. I got friendly with these two women who used to always go to the smoking section of the Explorer's Lounge after dinner. I was on the second half of a b2b cruise, and my friends who joined me on the first half had already disembarked ... so I was on my own for this second week. I had met these ladies during the first week, but had not spent a lot of time with them. However, this second week we became more friendly. Both of these ladies had husbands, but the husbands did not smoke. I found that if they were together, and I joined them, the older woman's husband didn't care. But if I happened to bump into this woman when she was by herself ... and sat down and started talking to her ... instantly husband was by her side. He clearly did not want her socializing with me, though I couldn't understand why.


The only thing I could figure was that he felt safe if these two women were together and I happened to join them. But maybe he didn't want his wife getting too "chummy" with girlfriends ... and thus taking her attention away from him.


Strange ... but I've experienced exactly what you encountered. The "boyfriend" probably didn't like the idea that his lady was taking a shine to a new friend and he wanted to break up the relationship before it could go too far. These types of people will actually go out of their way to be rude ... because they WANT you to get mad and leave their significant other alone.


Sad, huh?


Blue skies ...



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Fortunately, we've been burned at a table from Hell only once. However, with our lives so busy, we enjoy a table for 2. We have no problem hooking up with new people on a cruise, but dinner is special for us, as we like to dress up for each other... that's what makes a cruise special for us. We "re-bond."

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I think people from Hell appear anywhere there is a gathering so its only natural we run into one or two on a cruise ship over time. Fortunately, I have been very lucky on the two cruises I've been on to date. I have often wondered whether I would be stuck at a table with "wackos" and its something I think about up until the first night of the sailing. Not to the point I worry about it incessently mind you but it does cross my mind now and then.


On my first cruise we were at a table with what can be described as "The Golden Girls". A mature bunch of related women out for a good time on Mother's Day and it was a great table. The second cruise had us with a family out for a family reunion. It was odd we were two of the non-family people at this one table. However, as more subdued as they were compared to the Golden Girls, they were pleasant enough and we had good conversations. So I count my blessings.


I am truly looking forward to the December cruise I have on the QM2 so hope that it goes pleasantly too.


How would I deal with a person from hell? Most likely, ask the maitre 'd for a new table! I don't need excitement and I'll put up with those who are not conversationalists but I won't stand for rude. Thankfully that is one one in every hundred or so.

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I've spent the past 30 yrs working w/ inmates, so when the occasion calls for it, I can be as rude and outrageous as the best of them. Faced with some of these folks I would simply have "steam-rollered" them and chuckled the rest of the nite over having done so.


Fortunately we have had relatively good luck on our 6 cruises thus far, but part of that is we travel w/ another couple so always have them as an outlet. Only odd tablemates so far have been the couple 2 cruises ago who just "happened" to have pics of their house to share. She was working on her Hyacinth Bucket impression.


But whenever this topic comes up I'm reminded of the post a yr or so ago that told of an adult male coming to the table every nite dressed as a baby and drinking from a baby bottle. Makes these others seem kinda tame.. even the folks who bring teddy bears and talk to them as though they are their children.


But hey, you want strange, take a ride on a Greyhound bus sometime.. *S*

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If you do change tables becuase of the tablemates....do you tell them you've changed tables so they don't wait for you the next day, or do you just not show up and if you do tell them...what type of reason do you politely offer?

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Chillen, the first time I switched I told the table steward. At first he was very concerned that it was his service that caused the switch; he was pleased to be reassured that it wasn't.

Last year my cabinmate was also assigned to my table. I told her that I was moving to join friends I had met onboard. That was even a little bit true! There was a lovely couple that I met at the CC party who just happened to be seated there. I didn't know it until I arrived, but still....

If you make a switch you don't have to worry about giving any reason to anybody; no one will be waiting for your arrival as your table steward will have been informed. He will let everyone know there's no need to wait.

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