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I found the post from that fine upstanding young man :rolleyes: who video'd the event. I hope I am not doing something that is not allowed but I thought instead of everyone saying this and that you could read it from the horse's mouth.



Originally Posted by paulhinrichsen

I'm not gonna lie, i was on the same sailing on August 16th, 2006...and unless you went to bed early everynight, and had no relations with the teens or knew any teens or kids on board...ill let you know what Princess is like....


1st, we had a man overboard situation which was a false claim made by a mentally retarded teenager who was suppose to be in some sort of watch by either a crew member or a family member.


Next security on the ship mainly the youth securty killed a lot of the fun for all the teenagers and even got in some adults way. The staff was not very friendly at all to any of me and my friends, who were not rude, although we were all 16 and 17. My grandparents who have cruised now 36 times, also agreed that they match no where near the personal on Royal Caribbean.


Finally the Adult Club was basiically ruined by security because they were so strick about underage people entering, when the adults actually wanted us in there, because there werent enough people to start dancing and really have a good time. We used the backdoor technique and spent a few nights in the there dancing away, but then they started to Card and photo Id anyone who wasnt clearly 30 years old and actually shut down the club on the last night two hours early so people would go to sleep.


FINALLY, because of the this, everyone from about 18-25 went down to the international cafe, and started dancing to someone who started playing the grand piano rather well. Now i had happened to be there for the occasion and everyone started dancing and partying but except for being loud, caused no real problem. Then security came and forced the guy to stop playing the piano, which was out of line because no damage was being done, and he was indeed a piano player although not part of hte crew. So, everyone started punching and banging on the piano and yelling stuff at the one security guard who happened to be youth securty, what a laugh. Then, the brownies came, and about 200 brownies entered the room from the buffet apparently, and everyone grabbed brownies and through them all over the promenade and started chanting and causing an enormous scene. After throwing a few, i decided to catch the whole ordeal on camera (my camera takes videos) so i video taped the 200 plus people and myself "rioting" on the last night of the cruise, and eventually we moved hte party up to deck 15, and two tables were broken, but everyone stayed in line more then i expected. It truley was a riot, and after a miserable cruise, it became known onboard as the "F***Crown Princess Brownie Riot" as many people aged under 28 dissaproved of how the cruise went, and how stingy and ignorant the staff was. the Riot was indeed one of the funnest times of my life. It lasted about an hour and a half and all the security on the ship was present but lacked pwoer to do anything.

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I think you are incorrect. Although the kid that took the video was 17, and there were several others that were under 21, it would appear to me that the vast majority were over 21. Many were walking around with drinks in their hands and several mention being asked their age. The one fellow states that he's 24. Most of them came from the disco that was closed at 3:00am where you had to be 21 to enter. If you stand outside of the incident and look at it from Princess's point of view, you could see the following facts. A.) They were out of control in the Disco, so Princess closed it early. B.) They took it to the Atrium, and Security followed them there. C.) They took it to the pool deck, and Security followed them there. Other than grabbing one by the neck and locking him up, which would or could have caused a real incident, Princess did what was necessary to contain the problem, after it occured. Twenty Five minutes from start to finish. No one injured, no law suits. I would have to give Princess a passing grade for this episode. Could they do better? Certainly, and I would venture to say that it has been discussed at all levels of management. Hopefully it will never happen again, however if it does, I would venture to say that Princess will be better prepared for it.


The 17 year old that made the video said, they were underage and were bored so they kept sneaking in the disco and kept getting kicked out, because of this, the disco was closed earily not becasue the disco was out of control but because the 17 year olds were out of control.

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I think you are incorrect. Although the kid that took the video was 17, and there were several others that were under 21, it would appear to me that the vast majority were over 21.


I try not to state facts without first researching so i will not be incorrect, before i posted i went to myspace.com, paul (the kid who made the video) wrote all about his "brownie riot" he said he and his friends were 16 & 17 some of the people from the disco were 18 to 25 and then paul discovered Cruise Critic and has butt into some conversations here also about his "Brownie wars" here is a direct quote from paul:


1st, we had a man overboard situation which was a false claim made by a mentally retarded teenager who was suppose to be in some sort of watch by either a crew member or a family member.


Next security on the ship mainly the youth securty killed a lot of the fun for all the teenagers and even got in some adults way. The staff was not very friendly at all to any of me and my friends, who were not rude, although we were all 16 and 17. My grandparents who have cruised now 36 times, also agreed that they match no where near the personal on Royal Caribbean.


Finally the Adult Club was basiically ruined by security because they were so strick about underage people entering, when the adults actually wanted us in there, because there werent enough people to start dancing and really have a good time. We used the backdoor technique and spent a few nights in the there dancing away, but then they started to Card and photo Id anyone who wasnt clearly 30 years old and actually shut down the club on the last night two hours early so people would go to sleep.


FINALLY, because of the this, everyone from about 18-25 went down to the international cafe, and started dancing to someone who started playing the grand piano rather well. Now i had happened to be there for the occasion and everyone started dancing and partying but except for being loud, caused no real problem. Then security came and forced the guy to stop playing the piano, which was out of line because no damage was being done, and he was indeed a piano player although not part of hte crew. So, everyone started punching and banging on the piano and yelling stuff at the one security guard who happened to be youth securty, what a laugh. Then, the brownies came, and about 200 brownies entered the room from the buffet apparently, and everyone grabbed brownies and through them all over the promenade and started chanting and causing an enormous scene. After throwing a few, i decided to catch the whole ordeal on camera (my camera takes videos) so i video taped the 200 plus people and myself "rioting" on the last night of the cruise, and eventually we moved hte party up to deck 15, and two tables were broken, but everyone stayed in line more then i expected. It truley was a riot, and after a miserable cruise, it became known onboard as the "F***Crown Princess Brownie Riot" as many people aged under 28 dissaproved of how the cruise went, and how stingy and ignorant the staff was. the Riot was indeed one of the funnest times of my life. It lasted about an hour and a half and all the security on the ship was present but lacked pwoer to do anything.


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The 17 year old that made the video said, they were underage and were bored so they kept sneaking in the disco and kept getting kicked out, because of this, the disco was closed earily not becasue the disco was out of control but because the 17 year olds were out of control.



You should watch the video again, it's plain to see that "most" of those involved were over the age of 21. What this 17 year old has to say isn't relative, but if you want to quote him, he points out that most of those involved were not minors, but young adults. I still think that Princess did the correct thing by closing the Disco. Had they not, it would have certainly been worse. I also think that, from the point of making that decision, they took the best course of action for all concerned. Namely, put Security on them to let them know they couldn't go to far without repercussions. The next step would have to have been physical and personally I don't see any advantage to that, although I'm sure that it was an option they had at their command and had considered.


If you watch for it, you will see in the video that one of the youth security people confront a young man (looks to be 25ish) in a sport coat who is holding a drink. This is about midway in the Atrium portion. This young man then moves out of the center of things and quiets down, although you will also see him near the end of the video. Near the end he says something to the effect of "they are going to arrest us". My guess, and it is a guess, is that Security put him on notice. Thats how it appears to me. I also noted several others being singled out and talked to. Futher, after they moved to the pool area, a Male Officer in his Whites steps into view and says something to a Female Officer and then retreats out of the disturbance. Again, perhaps I am wrong, but it appears to me that Security was there, in more numbers than you can see in the video, but were hanging back to accomplish two things. First, to let everyone that was "misbehaving" know that there would be repercussions should it escalate and continue, and to try to "gently" enforce them to disband without resorting to violence.


So, in conclusion to this long drawn out retort:) I think that the situation was handled well by Princess. Thats not to say that some future changes in their drinking policy would not help prevent it from happening again. Or other changes in policy relating for travelers under the age of 21. But then we would be punishing the mass for the sake of a few knot heads.

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It was twenty-five minutes from the time they started taping until they ran out of tape, not twenty-five minutes from start to finish of the incident. But, even that was much too long for people to be damaging the ships' furnishings and leaving a horrid mess behind for the crew to be hauled out of bed to clean. They should have sent these people to their cabins when they were caught sneaking into the disco and being belligerent about its closing --before they were allowed to trash the atrium.


Actually it was not a video tape,rather a "video" on a cell phone...Not that it matters...As he admitts that he started recording about the time the brownies were brought in,and wow....my phone only records about 2 min :o

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I hope they identify the people in the video and charge them clean-up and repair fees.


I hope so, too! If you trash a hotel, you can expect to get a bill. Same here. After all, a paid housekeeping crew had to be rooted out of bed to get this cleaned up before the Stair Hogs got up and saw the mess -- somebody needs to pay for it, and it shouldn't be you and I.

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Same post as I put on the other similar thread!


Being the tolerant person I am, I would say there is no need to go any further than to reintroduce keelhauling in order to address the situation effectively!:D


However, I daresay that there may be a few voices of dissent raised against my solution.

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Same post as I put on the other similar thread!


Being the tolerant person I am, I would say there is no need to go any further than to reintroduce keelhauling in order to address the situation effectively!:D


However, I daresay that there may be a few voices of dissent raised against my solution.


I like it !!

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It is laughable that this 17 year old youth felt that Princess ruined their fun by not allowing the underage into the disco, even though the adults wanted them to be allowed in. What adults? So they were "forced" to move the party elsewhere and make their own scene. Herd mentality took over quickly and by his own admission not that much was damaged. Had the underage been allowed in the Disco and were served or if the grand piano had fallen over and injured someone or if one of them had slipped on the brownies that were tossed about and injured themselves it would be a safe bet that the story and subsequent law suit would have been on 48 HOURS. It may still make an interesting documentary...."TEENS PREVENTED FROM HAVING FUN, THEY HOLD PRINCESS RESPONSIBLE AND WILL SUE FOR COMPENSATION":rolleyes:

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Well, so much for our educational system. His parents should ask for a tax refund, and with the proceeds, ship him off to a Military School. I've seen more mature reasoning from pets I've had.



Maybe the parents should give back the Federal/State tax they already were refunded for his deduction. :eek:

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A few thoughts have occurred to me while reading pages 5, 6, 7, and 8 of this post:


-A post was made about ways Princess could/should enforce the "no underage drinking" rules. This is of course, a much larger topic than can be addressed here, but I don't think that ensuring everyone who is consuming an alcoholic beverage has reached their 21st birthday will entirely quell events of this sort. Some people may even argue that providing more accessibility to alcohol reduces the allure of it and leads to less excessive/binge drinking. Not saying I agree or disagree, just food for thought.


-The post someone copied from the person who filmed this video; wow.


-I agree with the comment that Princess should come up with a dance club type area for teenagers- I thought this was already in place but apparently not?


-The 18-20 year old crowd is going to be a tough demographic. I'd hate to see them banned from cruising w/o parents- it's the whole idea of punishing all for the actions of a few. I liked Royal Caribbean's former policy of beer/wine for 18-20, liquor for 21+. Sure, you can still get drunk on beer and wine, but it seems like a moderate policy.

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Same post as I put on the other similar thread!


Being the tolerant person I am, I would say there is no need to go any further than to reintroduce keelhauling in order to address the situation effectively!:D


However, I daresay that there may be a few voices of dissent raised against my solution.



No dissent here.

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Uh, that's a lot of credit you are giving parents! Unfortunately, your statement is far from being true as a general statement. Look how many families cruise together in separate cabins - do you really think when Mom & Dad go to bed that the 17 and 18 year olds across the hall are going to bed too? Uh, nope - and guess what? Mom and dad aren't there waiting for them either.


I have a 16-year old and let me tell you -- you have got to be on your toes 24/7 -- and my kid isn't a terrible kid. She can get in to trouble, but I stay a step ahead 99% of the time.


Also, whether teens are "allowed" to drink or not doesn't typically keep them from doing it.


Sorry, but you really need to be a bit more alert and less naive when making these statements.

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After watching the video and reading all of the posts I begin to wonder what can princess learn form this incident.


- Do they need a late night venue for the late night younger crowd where no alcohol is served?


- Should they have opened one of the closed venues and asked the late night crowd to take there gathering into a contained space?


- Princess should be more proactive in limiting the alcohol purchasing of people who are underage or providing alcohol to minors while cruising from U.S. ports.


YES! Your suggestions are all positive.


The cruise lines should all have late night venues for the just older than teenagers. It is not a surprise that they will have a number of 17-20 year olds well in advance, why don't they plan ahead? If they know these situations could occur, why don't they give these young people something enjoyable and safe to do? Their own nightclub with dancing perhaps? A pool party late just for them? (The problem may be that those young adults may not want to attend.)


When I cruised at that age we were allowed in the "disco" and many I met did drink, no one got out of hand like this. The rules back then were (of course unspoken, and kind of a joke) you had to be 18 to drink, or have $2.50. We never got out of control, and the adults that were there did not have any complaints about our being there. We were on good behavior of course, and had our parents' watchful eyes over us. The cruise lines have now raised the drinking age to 21, and it sounds like they are attempting to enforce this. It is a shame that these young people think they must drink to have a good time. if they could just be together with "cool" stuff to do perhaps the cruise lines could avoid these situations.

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Where does the brownie fight video live on the internet?


NM, found it with google search for crown princess brownie riot...the video explains everything...


you can watch it over in the Ask A cruise quetion section of this board-look for the thread titled- worst thing you have seen happen on a cruiseship.


By the way-that thread is something else-this was caught on video-but there were MANY other horror stories in that thread.

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So bad parenting validates Princesses inability to control the situation???

I don't think so. Lets get real here, they owe it to passengers to control situations like this...


all I can say as far as "bad parenting" if MY daughter had been envolved in anything like this-she would not go on another cruise that I PAID for. She would be staying home with Grandma.


Now she is 22 years old but she has cruised since she was 15 and this never happened with her.

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A few thoughts have occurred to me while reading pages 5


-The 18-20 year old crowd is going to be a tough demographic. I'd hate to see them banned from cruising w/o parents- it's the whole idea of punishing all for the actions of a few. I liked Royal Caribbean's former policy of beer/wine for 18-20, liquor for 21+. Sure, you can still get drunk on beer and wine, but it seems like a moderate policy.


I agree with the_dylaness!


I would like to think this might be acceptable in the 18-20 yr. old area only, and be somewhat monitored by the staff. I do think the young adults may then enjoy their trip, meet people of similar ages, and not spend time in the over 21 areas, or more importantly in the 17 and under areas.


Let's hope the cruiselines read these threads, and like to know what their customers think.

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  • 3 months later...

Many of you are making opinions based on the video posted. I was on this cruise and saw half of this "brownie riot" taking place, which happened to be the scence on the pool deck. I will inform you guys of what i know and my expirence on this. i would NOT recomend a princess cruise for those with teenagers, this being absolutly nothing to do after the hour of 11, the only thing open all night would be the international cafe where the brownie riot took place. One of the opening nights on the cruise i was down by the international cafe in the elevator to see a couple of COLLEGE KIDS run into an elivator with a tray of cookies with me and my brother, being that i was 16 on this cruise i could care less that they stole the tray of cookies that everyone went into the international cafe for in the first place. The last night for a special event brownies were put out. NOTE: cookies from the international cafe were the only free food available from 11pm-opening breakfeast. To get to the point there was absolutly nothing to do after 11pm the pools were closed along with every hot tub. no outdoor movie would play, no shows or events took place. i believe the only place open was the skywalkers nightclub which was for 18 years old+, and it closed way to early for a nightclub full of drunken college kids on the last night of a cruise. i believe they kicked everyone out at 12 at night and on the average night the ship was dead by 1am. i want to comment on how well youth security did on all the other nights taking away beers from underage kids, i would say that had everything under control up the the last night where they closed down the nightclub early, did anyone want to stop partying on the last night of their' vacation; no. i want to make note on the majority of the kids were not in highschool, i would say 90% were college aged. many are over reacting over a small "riot" that took place. the lady in the white security vest did threaten the coast guard were on there way but what were they gonna do knowing we were 2 hours from brooklyn port, which we all knew was a scare to get us in the cabins. i dont see the big deal of some brownines being smushed around on the floor, with the management on that boat it was probably cleaned up easily by morning. and from what i remember no cruise passenger was offended by what actions took place that night and none were harmed or woken by the so called riot.

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