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Fight breaks out: security almost nonexistent, any experiences?

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My mom just got back from the Empress of the Seas on its 3-day voyage from Puerto Rico. She was there because the company she works for was having a retreat.


She told me that on the last day before getting back to PR a lot of people from her job were at the disco and there was a brawl initiated by some foreigners. Apparently during the cruise these same individuals had damaged an ice cream machine and were behaving erratically everywhere they went. She also says that they were drinking nothing but water at the disco so she doesn't think they were drunk.


At the disco they were throwing chairs and breaking glasses and threatening other people with broken glass to their throats saying, "I'm going to kill you" and the like. One of my mom's coworkers was thrown in the floor and they were kicking him while on the floor. My mom was stuck in front of one of the individuals when they started throwing chairs and almost got hit. Also, apparently they were calling one of the girl’s rooms saying they were going to kill her.


Security was called and NOTHING was done to these individuals. They were allowed to go back to their rooms and, had it not been because my mom and her coworkers filed a report, they would've gone on their merry way. They sent 2 security guys who took a very long time to get there and could not control what was going on alone. The only peace of mind the group of coworkers got was that they assigned a security guard to their floor.


When she disembarked, she saw them in a room being questioned.


This was my mom’s first cruise and she is really sad and scared that cruise lines will do nothing for their passengers when they are being threatened and beaten.


My questions are:

1. Has anything like this happened to any of you?

2. Isn't the ship supposed to have some sort of facility to detain people who are a threat to other passengers?

3. How much security personnel does a cruise have?

4. Why do you think there were only 2 guards sent to resolve the situation?

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Many times they will put unruly passenger under "cabin arrest" where they are required to stay in their rooms until disembarkation, with a guard posted outside the door


As far as only sending 2 guards they probably didn't realize the severity of the incident when they were called. I suspect there was a lot more behind the scenes stuff that went on that your mom was not witness to.


I am sorry she had to experience this on her first cruise but you do have to realize the each ship is a floating city and unfortunately you get people who will behave badly.

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My question - where was the staff at the nightclub? Did anyone try to break it up?


I have never had anything like this happen. I am guessing the cruise ship was not used to it either, but should have some type of protocol for it.


I think Sue L was right and they probably didn't realize the extent of the issue. It is one thing for people to get rowdy, but if physical threats were involved the cruise line should have been a little more drastic in handling.

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Unfortunately on my last cruise we were a group of 63 and one young man, 19 at the time, was very intoxicated in the night club one night. They had asked him to leave and he got defensive. Well they ended up putting him in an actual cabin that they called the brig until his parents were notified and came to retrieve him. He and his parents were informed that if he got out of line again they would be put off at the next port. This was on a Princess ship and the drinking age was in fact 18 at the time.

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I agree that they didn't know the severity of the situation, in fact that would be my guess as to why they would only send two guards.


However if these passengers were being rowdy throughout the cruise then maybe they should've given them a warning or paid more attention. But at the same time I don't know to what extent the cruise line is responsible for monitoring the actions of the passengers because if no one had reported them prior to the fight then they wouldn't have known.


Is it responsibility of the cruise line to see that everyone is behaving?


I am guessing the cruise ship was not used to it either, but should have some type of protocol for it.


I think Sue L was right and they probably didn't realize the extent of the issue. It is one thing for people to get rowdy, but if physical threats were involved the cruise line should have been a little more drastic in handling.


The one girl was terrified because of the calls. And I wholeheartedly agree that they should have some sort of guidelines on what to do in a situation like this.


I also believe after seeing what was happening the two security guards should've called for backup.

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My mom just got back from the Empress of the Seas on its 3-day voyage from Puerto Rico. She was there because the company she works for was having a retreat.


She told me that on the last day before getting back to PR a lot of people from her job were at the disco and there was a brawl initiated by some foreigners. Apparently during the cruise these same individuals had damaged an ice cream machine and were behaving erratically everywhere they went.



Just out of interest, where does she think they were from?

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I just got off the phone with my mom and have more detailed information:


My mom didn't really pay attention to the bar staff, she guessed they were just trying not to get hit.


Even before the fight one of the guys that started the fight (lets call them Group A,and my mom's coworkers group B) stood on a table at the disco and broke it and they told the staff not to worry that he was going to pay for it.


The fight erupted at the nightclub and at that point the women from group B pulled the guys out of the nightclub. Then group B moved to the pool area and group A followed shortly thereafter getting on their faces, pushing them and saying they were going to kill them. My stepfather and others ran to some employees saying that someone was going to get killed that they needed some security.


One of the guys from group A grabbed one of the guys from group B and twisted their arm in such a way that my mom thinks he must've dislocated it (later the next day she saw the guy with his arm swollen and he was holding it with his other arm). Upon grabbing him he tried to throw him overboard when a woman from the group broke a bottle on the guy's head and he then let the other guy go.


Of the 2 guards that came 1 was a small woman. Group A also hit the male guard and the guards actually couldn't stop the fight. They guards were on their radios calling for backup but no one came!


The fight ended because people from group B ran to their rooms and locked their doors.

This is when one of the guys from group A pushed the girl they later called into her room and took her card that opens the room and left with it. Around 10 minutes later he called her saying she was the next one they were going to kill.


My stepdad dragged my mom to their room but my mom wanted to find out if their friends were okay, so she went back out and saw when the guys from group A were leaving the hall where the rest of the group was. Upon leaving the hall they encountered one of the ship's officials (dressed in white), the official's assistant and one more employee and they asked group A what was going on to which they responded "Oh, nothing, just going back to our rooms" and went on their way. My mom saw them leave and no further questions were asked.


One of the coordinators of the retreat went to the purser's desk and told them they needed some sort of security in front of their rooms because they were afraid for their lives. That is when they put they security guard in the hall.


When they disembarked RCI tried to say that what occured had been a brawl and that is why they couldn't control the situation. In reality it was only group A, consisting of 3 guys, and group B, consisting of 3 or 4, who were doing the fighting. There were other people in the middle, NONE of which were fighting (it was mostly the girls and other husbands that don't work for the company trying to get everyone to stop)



I personally believe there were many things RCI could've done better but would like to hear more opinions. Thank you.

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Just out of interest, where does she think they were from?


Guess I shouldnt have mentioned this because it makes no difference, I guess I was narrating just like my mom narrated to me.


So in lieu of trying not to offend anyone I'd rather not say because, as I stated, it really makes no difference.

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me wonders if we are being played ... has anyone else reported this incident from this cruise?


I personally think that Carnival would have handled it better, even though I am not sure what wasn't or was handled. :rolleyes: :D ;)



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Hmmmm, I wonder what they were putting in that water. :rolleyes:


Hahahaha, well actually my mom thinks they were under some sort of drug because of they way they were acting all full of adrenaline and because of drinking only water.


I guess they must've been drinking bottled water because otherwise she would've said they were drinking either Vodka or clear Rum.

But don't quote me on that one ;)

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me wonders if we are being played ... has anyone else reported this incident from this cruise?


I personally think that Carnival would have handled it better, even though I am not sure what wasn't or was handled.




I've been on these boards since July 06, haven't posted much cause I'm kinda shy and also English isn't my first language. I've began to post again because I got over the "end of the cruise" blues :o and you can see that none of my posts have been troll-like.


Basically the people involved were my mom's coworkers and these other guys because the fight was between them and it was like 3 in the morning, so I really have no idea if anyone else saw it. If anyone did I hope they come forward cause as i understand it there will be legal action (but don't quote me on that one either ;) )


I already posted on the roll call board to see if anyone knew anything.


Well, all in all, if you don't believe it you dont have to post I guess.

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On DESTINY I was speaking to one of the security guards. There had been a fracas the night before, so I was being nosey and trying to figure out what was going on. She was an attractive young lady, from Indonesia I think. Tall. Anyhow she said they had 10 guards on the ship. 2 guys were 55+, and four were women 20 to 35. (No offense just putting the figures out there) That left four younger males that would probably have the best chance of handling anything physical that got out of hand. BUT she said two of THOSE guys were martial arts experts! She always felt safe.

She said they never had any major problems, usually just your typical drunken nightclub brawls and the quick bar fights.

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The other possibility is that more security did show up but your Mom didn't notice them because they were plainsclothes policemen. All cruiselines have them, people in vacation wear walking around that are really security. And in the fracas she may not have notice their ID and badge. Just a thought.

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I find this hard to believe, for a few reasons:


1. With all the bad publicity that RCI has gotten of late, they respond pretty darn fast to any security call. I complained about a loud noise at 3:30am in my cabin on the Monach last Dec., a guy came in 3 minutes. I can't believe that they wouldn't respond to an all out brawl.


2. Once on Carnival (yuck) in Sept. 2002 a guy got butt nekkid at the pool (drunk) and streaked around the pool area-security came in 30 seconds and physically took him away by force, kicking and hollering, and he never even touched anyone (thank goodness, ick).


3. With times as they are, cruise lines are not taking any chances with security issues.


SO, I wasn't there, but it sounds a bit fishy to me...:confused:

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Hahahaha, well actually my mom thinks they were under some sort of drug because of they way they were acting all full of adrenaline and because of drinking only water.


I guess they must've been drinking bottled water because otherwise she would've said they were drinking either Vodka or clear Rum.

But don't quote me on that one ;)


I'm certainly no expert; at my age, martini's are more my style, but have seen enough TV to want to guess that they could have been taking extacy. It causes thirst and excitement. I have seen raves on tv (Six Feet Under?) where everyone had a bottle of water while dancing.


Hope I'm not stirring the pot, just a guess based on OP's moms description.

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wolfcathorse: True that, definitely a possibility. At the same time, if there was more security than my mom thought then I guess it still wasn't enough to stop the fight and my mom doesn't recall anyone trying to stop it except themselves and the 2 security guards.


Schplinky: I'm sorry, I know I did! However that was not my intention at all. So since you all already read it then I'd rather not further classify anything. If everyone had been from the same country I would've been equally outraged.


ElvisandTracey: I have only been on 1 cruise before but I've read of incidents here and have heard from friends. In every situation they have responded in a timely manner. This is why I was so outraged, I could not believe what my mom was saying on the phone. This went on (according to her) for about 30 minutes. However, I guess I can't force you (or anyone for that matter) to believe me, nor can I keep justifying myself. I guess unless someone else from these boards saw it you won't believe it.


It DOES sound unbelievable, like something from a movie. I guess you either believe it or you don't. I do have a life, and I used to run a forum that I paid for so I know how these posts look like sometimes.


If my mother gets more information I'll post it to see if anything makes sense, because it definitely doesn't to me either.

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I'm certainly no expert; at my age, martini's are more my style, but have seen enough TV to want to guess that they could have been taking extacy. It causes thirst and excitement. I have seen raves on tv (Six Feet Under?) where everyone had a bottle of water while dancing.


Hope I'm not stirring the pot, just a guess based on OP's moms description.


Yep, that's what my mom thinks and kept saying to me. However, since I don't know if there are any other drugs that cause you to keep drinking water in large amounts, I hadn't posted it.

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Different lines may handle it differently. Our last cruise 2 years ago was on Princess and I noticed there were at least 2 or 3 "master-at-arms" seagoing cops cruising around the pool area and deck at any point in time. They were polite, but they were obviously observant and I'm gathering there for a purpose.

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I'm certainly no expert; at my age, martini's are more my style, but have seen enough TV to want to guess that they could have been taking extacy. It causes thirst and excitement. I have seen raves on tv (Six Feet Under?) where everyone had a bottle of water while dancing.


Hope I'm not stirring the pot, just a guess based on OP's moms description.

That's what I was thinking too, X.


I find this story believable. I was on a Carnival cruise years ago when something similar happened to me. It wasn't as violent and nobody tried to throw people off the ship but it did get nasty. Just like your mom's story, the cruise line did nothing to the "evil doers":rolleyes: in fact, the staff tried to blame it all on me.


In reality, Group "A" probably ran into a couple punks whose parent gave them a free cruise and it's their pass to party and think they can take over the ship. If anyone gets in their way, it's threats and violence.


Ps. I like the bottle over the head thing, too bad she didn't knock he butt out.:cool: To bad, that's a bad way to experience any cruise, much less the first one.

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While I am no expert, I believe Escstasy does not make you violent, it makes you sort of spaced out. A friend who takes it says it makes you feel sensual and like you want to dance all night, not frantic.


Sadly, it also causes early-onset Parkinson so I have never taken it.

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a simliar situation happened to us on mariner of the seas last year. There was a group of four of us (2 couples mid to late twenties) sitting around eating in the promonade the last night at around 2am. A group of wild teenagers (very drunk) came up to us and one threw food in my face. We ignored them and kept talking and then one girl came and pulled my hair and threw our friends camera. They were upset because apparently they thought we were hitting on their boyfriends (our friends were married and on thier honeymoon and my boyfriend and i have been together a long time) we got up to leave and one girl punched my boyfriend and gave him a black eye, because we didn't want to fight we just walked away as the kids started throwing the chairs and plants around, the staff just sat and watched doing nothing.

I later asked about this and they said a lot of times the staff won't get involved because they rely on these jobs to support families in other countries and if it comes to a questionable situation they are the first ones that get blamed and fired so many times they won't get involved at all.


I hope your mom will cruise again, i've been on many cruises and this does not happen often.

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While I am no expert, I believe Escstasy does not make you violent, it makes you sort of spaced out. A friend who takes it says it makes you feel sensual and like you want to dance all night, not frantic.


Sadly, it also causes early-onset Parkinson so I have never taken it.

They easily could have been drinking water (if that's what it was) to save money and drink the booze in their shampoo bottles back in the cabin.;)


You're right though, Ecstasy doesn't normally make people violent but if you have a violent personality to begin with, it doesn't curb it. There are also studies in which sudden aggressiveness and paranoid psychosis can occur with people under the influence of it.


Edit: I'm no expert either.

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