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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hi All, I've been so busy between Xmas and the trip. We have faxed our forms to Turk and now just waiting to get the permit back. We had around 10" of snow over the weekend, which didn't help the xmas rush and all the crazy people! :eek: This was Wexys first snow storm with us so we took the dogs out back and let them run. I took some video of them and John posted it on Wexys webpage. There is some strange noise from my camera, so you might want to turn off the sound. I hope my camera isn't going to die soon. http://wexler2009.shutterfly.com/ scroll down to the bottom to see the video. I will probably be around tomorrow but if I am not, everyone have a great holiday!!! Peace, Love and Health to you all!!!




I watched every picture and I loved them......the video of him playing in the snow is hysterical.....he looks like a big/tall bunny. Was that Bailee trying to get out Wexy's way?

Well, that brought a huge smile to my face this Christmas Eve.

Be well, I wish you, John, Bailee and Wexy and wonderfully happy and healthy New Year filled with lots of cruising and fun!

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Nancy, I like the kong toys but the ball was just to hard. If I threw it and it hit her in the head, it could kill her.:eek: She likes to run ahead so it wasn't good for her. I used to get these toys at Petco called "latex buddys". Thats the only thing the tag said, didn't even say where they were made. Bailee could not destroy them. I have a shoe and a medieval mace and chain thingy. Made of rubber of course. When I went there for xmas, they didn't carry them anymore and I cannot find them online. I don't think they make them anymore.:mad: Those are the only toys she could not tear apart.


Roz, That was Bailee in the video. She has learned to stay away from him when he's being a nutcase. She will also run with him sometimes. But we make her stop before she kills herself trying to keep up with him. Glad you enjoyed it. It makes me smile too!!:D



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Roz, That was Bailee in the video. She has learned to stay away from him when he's being a nutcase. She will also run with him sometimes. But we make her stop before she kills herself trying to keep up with him. Glad you enjoyed it. It makes me smile too!!:D




I thought so.....so cute to watch them both! He is a "goofball" and so much fun to watch!

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Happy Holidays everyone. We are just off to the airport to head to Tampa to visit family. We are going to try out one of the new pet relief areas at the PHL airport, which is much better than our mad dash to the baggage claim area, out the side door to a spot of grass under the trees. We always joke that we know where there is a spot of grass within 100 yards of anywhere in America. Ha, ha. Have a great day!

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I finally watched the video. Thanks for posting the link. Also the shout-out to your puppy raisers and their pictures. I've been pulling my pictures of "Crackers" together today. Boy has he grown. He now has an "action-plan" from his trainer. It will really help me be consistent with him as we work thru some of his issues. I think he is just too darn smart and is playing me!! Hope everyone had a good Christmas. Good thing I kept Sandy home and quiet, the eye infection spread to the other eye. My vet warned me that might happen. Off to get my house in order.

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Sandy is doing much better, but whether it is due to the prednisone or the salmon oil, I am not sure. I gave the oil abt 4 weeks before we moved onto the oral meds. She'll stay on the prednisone for another month than taper off. I am going to continue the salmon oil after that. She sure likes the way it tastes.


My MIL could not get over the doodle. He is so tall and gentle, he just stood next to her and put his muzzle on her lap for a "visit". She kept saying "Oh My". It is such a good training opportunity to take the dogs over there as they get elevator rides. long apartment hallways, not to mention all the love from the residents.


My lunch partner had a feisty young dog for a training outing while I had my doodle. He was so good, lied under the table quiety, I even took a chance and ordered a sandwhich instead of something I could consume with a fork or spoon. Her girl kept popping up and she had to keep redirecting. Sometimes it is "just one of those lunches" as we say.


Then we went to the nursery to work with the 6 week old puppies. Sooooooo cute. Lot's of puppy snuggles to be had, and when I got home dog less, lot's of Sandy snuggles to be had.


Just to share, that doodle I was speaking of, graduated at the last camp! A fabulous dog. Sandy finally lost 5 of the 7 lbs she gained during the summer of steroids. Now that is winter, no more itchy skin. Also, my favorite flat coat also graduated. Now, Crackers and I need to work hard! I am taking a dog named "snow" out next week. I'll see how she does. Have a great holiday everyone! Karen

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Karen: I bet you are sorry to see your babies go, but elated and proud of their graduation! I just love the Labradoodles, too! We met a little one named Ebony when we were camping. She was also a sweet gentle little thing. She was a pup and was still small. Come on Cracker, get with it you little smarty pants! I think you are right, he is just giving you a run for his entertainment.

I bought Jezzy a new baby today. Couldn't help myself, it was Christmasy so 50% off! It has a long sausage body, just like her, has a Santa hat on and a soft little cotton tail that Jezzy has her paw on as I type! :eek: That will probably be the first thing that goes. She has already start picking the fuzz off her tennis ball, so it has been put away. She stole Leann Emily's new mouse and is very selfish..........


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Ok, rant on. I just talked to my sister. Her daughter, (my niece) went to her dad's for Christmas. Sister and dad are divorced. Dad has a 6 year old yellow lab, that they (current wife #3) have had since he was 6 weeks old. Current wife wants to get rid of him (Zeus) because he is too big. No chit! (sorry) she didn't know that before? Anyway, they have a male/female Schnauzer (sp) pair that they want to breed so Zeus has to go! My sister would take him, but remember she has 8 year old chocolate lab that already has issues. Anyway, Jezzy Lou may get an older brother, here shortly. I said no, but told hubby and he said, "If no other option, but take him to the pound, we will take him!" So I called sister back and told her. I guess he will get the crate bed and Jezzy will sleep with us. I don't care as long as the furbabies are happy. It isn't their fault they were "given" to ungrateful families. I could go on, but will spare you guys. Will keep you posted..........


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Sunshine, Our puppy raisers gave us a disk with over 400 pictures on it!! Awsome!! As you can see they dressed him up all the time, he loves to put things on. We have a monthly meeting with puppy raisers in our area. The dedication of these people is incredible. We see their ups and downs as their puppy grows. In our organization the puppy raisers have the puppies from 8 weeks to 15 months. They do everything, from vet and food bills to all the training they need to go to advanced training. I see the joy on their faces when one of their pups graduate, to the sorrow when one flunks. They put everything they got into these dogs. And if one of their dogs doesn't make it, they get first choice to take the dog or not. I think 90 something percent take them back as their pet. I have the utmost respect for all the puppy raisers.


Nancy, I guess wife #3 is alittle slow at noticing that a 70lb lab is big. :confused: How can someone just get rid of a dog they have cared for 6yrs like it's nothing. I don't have much respect for that person. Please keep us posted on this situation.


I just noticed 6 days til our trip! Yikes!!! We still don't have our permit to Grand Turk. John has been calling there but can't seem to reach the guy there. With the Holidays it's been hard. Hopefully this week we will get the permit. I have so much to do but I can't really pack til Thursday. We don't have room for me to pull out the big suitcases and start packing. This is an incredibly stressful time for me. Besides all the packing, I now have all the dog stuff to remember. I think that his stuff will have to be in it's own carryon bag. Now thats an extra bag!! Also I HATE to fly!!!!! Of course we have to have a terrorist thing happen right before we go, which really helps. I get really crabby and hard to be with til we land and we are on the ship. Plus I hate to leave Bailee!! My son is going to stay at my moms to be with her. Now that she is older I want him to be around just incase something would happen that mom couldn't handle. I know she will be fine.



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Mornin' all:

Cindy: Don't worry I am the same way. I always feel like whatever goes wrong is my fault! We don't have to fly, thank goodness, but I do not settle down until we are on the ship, luggage received and unpacked. Then its awww. I can't pack until the night before or I will forget something. I don't mind that though. It has gotten easier.

Everyone have a great Sunday.


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I just noticed 6 days til our trip! Yikes!!! We still don't have our permit to Grand Turk. John has been calling there but can't seem to reach the guy there. With the Holidays it's been hard. Hopefully this week we will get the permit. I have so much to do but I can't really pack til Thursday. We don't have room for me to pull out the big suitcases and start packing. This is an incredibly stressful time for me. Besides all the packing, I now have all the dog stuff to remember. I think that his stuff will have to be in it's own carryon bag. Now thats an extra bag!! Also I HATE to fly!!!!! Of course we have to have a terrorist thing happen right before we go, which really helps. I get really crabby and hard to be with til we land and we are on the ship. Plus I hate to leave Bailee!! My son is going to stay at my moms to be with her. Now that she is older I want him to be around just incase something would happen that mom couldn't handle. I know she will be fine.




How long ago did you fax for the permit? Did you get the USDA to endorse the health certificate before you faxed it? I'm sure Christmas and Boxing Day are also culprits.


The dog's bag, if a carry-on, does not count towards your carry-on limit, as it is medical. If it is a checked bag, reason with the airline that it counts as medical; I do every time and never pay for it being another/an extra checked bag.


The skies will be safer now to fly than before since they will be cracking down more on security stuff. Remember that he boarded the plane in another country, too.


If I don't get on here again before you leave, since I'm away, I hope you have a great cruise! :-)

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Quam, I think John faxed it right before xmas. He will try to contact them today. And no we did not get the USDA stamp. It's over an hour away and with the holidays, we just didn't get there. Also, no one even mentioned it to us, not even the vet. We are hoping what we did is enough. We are not to worried about it. If we can't get off there it's no big deal. We got the Bahamas permit and thats HALS private island. We have rented a cabana there so thats the place we really want to go. Hope you have a great trip where ever you are going.



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Cindy: Bon Voyage! Please come back and tell us all about it. We leave on January 10th.

Yes, the terriorsts have made our lives so much more complicated, when it comes to flying. Being at the airport 4 hours earlier is ridiculous. Especially when having to locate a potty area. Make sure to scope that out before you enter. And, then you will have to get special permission to leave and re-enter!

Don't forget to pack some extra tennis balls. We always lose at least 2 on each cruise. Once, Brenny had a ball in her mouth as we were walking on deck, she walked over to the side, put her face through the rail and dropped the ball right into the water. I have learned not to scream when she does this.....draws much less attention, that way!

I pack Brenny's kibble in individual baggies, for each meal. I put her Glucosamine and Benadryl inside each kibble serving. It just makes it so much easier. I bring lots of CET Chews; her favorite squeaky toy; bandanas and neckware!

I can never believe people who can raise a dog in their home and then lose interest in it because it becomes too big or they're tired of it. Hopefully, Nancy will take the Lab and give it a lovely home, like he deserves.

Puppyraisers are my most favorite people in the whole world. We didn't get too lucky with ours [although, they did give us Brenny], they didn't take many pictures of her, as she was growing-up and they're not very friendly [CCI had to write to them asking them to find any pictures they could of Brenny, as a puppy and while she was living with them]. I don't have many but I cherish the one's I have. We write to them and send them pictures of her and let them know that she's doing well and is very loved. She's the only dog they had any success with and are no longer in the program.

You got very, very lucky with your Puppyraiser's and the fact that they documented so much of Wexy's life. I love that!!!!!


Please come back and tell us all about your cruise!

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Happy Holidays everyone. We are just off to the airport to head to Tampa to visit family. We are going to try out one of the new pet relief areas at the PHL airport, which is much better than our mad dash to the baggage claim area, out the side door to a spot of grass under the trees. We always joke that we know where there is a spot of grass within 100 yards of anywhere in America. Ha, ha. Have a great day!


Aint this the truth......I stop before we enter the airport area.....I locate grass....I let Brenny sniff away and have some relaxing "dog" time..I never know how long it may be before she'll have the opportunity to "graze" again!

I feel the same way you do.......I swear I could locate a "potty area" from 30,000 feet in the air.

Have a wonderful New Year and a great time in Florida!

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Quam, I think John faxed it right before xmas. He will try to contact them today. And no we did not get the USDA stamp. It's over an hour away and with the holidays, we just didn't get there. Also, no one even mentioned it to us, not even the vet. We are hoping what we did is enough. We are not to worried about it. If we can't get off there it's no big deal. We got the Bahamas permit and thats HALS private island. We have rented a cabana there so thats the place we really want to go. Hope you have a great trip where ever you are going.




If you don't get through today, try tomorrow 'cause they may also be closed today for Boxing Day Observed.


The lack of a USDA stamp may also be holding it up, as you should have mailed your papers to get it. (Send them next day with a paid return for next day.) I guess you'll find out soon enough! :)


Don't expect your vet to know everything about each country's requirements, as they likely don't do int'l certificates much. As my vet joked the other day to me, "Well, you do this more than I do!" ;)


My trip has been fairly good so far, thanks. I didn't bring my laptop, so am just using my smartphone (via WiFi, not crazy int'l prices, don't worry!) for all my online activity. At home I usually use it mainly for e-mail, Facebook, and some Web searching (as well as other functions it has), but not for message boards. So, I'm trying not to come on here all that much, though it is hard to stay away, especially with my cruise coming up. :)

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Cindy, I just don't get the 70lb dog is too big??? Some people just don't get it. OK 100 lbs would be big, but still, the dog is not something you throw away. Anyway, preaching to the choir.


Cindy, John and Wexler! Bon voyage and have a great trip. Bailee, get spoiled by the family. My Sandy LOVES to go to "Uncle Terry's" when we go on trips. She really likes it when all the family is home. Even deserted our room one night in favor of my daughters.


Off to the farm for a dog outing and some visit and work with Crackers. Hopefuly I'll bring him home for a few days. I see him weekly, but would like him back in the house for some more home visit time.


New puppies at the nursery. I'll try to get some pictures. 7 golden/lab mixes and 3 doodles. No names yet.

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Cindy, I just don't get the 70lb dog is too big??? Some people just don't get it. OK 100 lbs would be big, but still, the dog is not something you throw away. Anyway, preaching to the choir.


Cindy, John and Wexler! Bon voyage and have a great trip. Bailee, get spoiled by the family. My Sandy LOVES to go to "Uncle Terry's" when we go on trips. She really likes it when all the family is home. Even deserted our room one night in favor of my daughters.


Off to the farm for a dog outing and some visit and work with Crackers. Hopefuly I'll bring him home for a few days. I see him weekly, but would like him back in the house for some more home visit time.


New puppies at the nursery. I'll try to get some pictures. 7 golden/lab mixes and 3 doodles. No names yet.


Have fun with the pups! Give them a kiss from me! :)

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WoooooooooHooooooooooo got our Turk permit today!!!!!!! Just to let anyone going there know (quam) we did not have the USDA stamp. No one even mentioned it. And the 50.00 fee is NOT waived for service dogs, we will have to pay it to the customs guy at the dock. Otherwise things are coming together. Tomorrow I am going home to CT to bring Bailee home :( I will be back on Thursday. Leaving her just kills me. Of course Friday we are expecting a storm :mad: I am not happy about that. I just hope that it ends up being all rain and no snow. I'll talk to you all when I get back.


Thanks for all your well wishes!!


Roz, Are you cruising on the 10th???? Have a great trip wherever you are going.


Sunshine, Can't wait to see some pics of puppies!!!!



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WoooooooooHooooooooooo got our Turk permit today!!!!!!! Just to let anyone going there know (quam) we did not have the USDA stamp. No one even mentioned it. And the 50.00 fee is NOT waived for service dogs, we will have to pay it to the customs guy at the dock. Otherwise things are coming together. Tomorrow I am going home to CT to bring Bailee home :( I will be back on Thursday. Leaving her just kills me. Of course Friday we are expecting a storm :mad: I am not happy about that. I just hope that it ends up being all rain and no snow. I'll talk to you all when I get back.


Thanks for all your well wishes!!


Roz, Are you cruising on the 10th???? Have a great trip wherever you are going.


Sunshine, Can't wait to see some pics of puppies!!!!




Cindy: I don't know if you'll see this before you leave < Bon Voyage >......Please enjoy and know that Bailee is taking a break and thinking....."Awwww, finally, I thought they'd never leave! I hate trying to keep up with that whipper-snapper, now I can get some real rest!"

When you get back tell us all about it! And, yes we leave on January 10th to the Mexican Riviera onboard the Carnival Splendor for a week. It's going to be fun, Carnival knows how to kick-it-up a notch. We're more used to Princess and it's suptle hues and low-key fun! I'm looking forward to a change of pace!

We'll do two more cruises in 2010; one in November, onboard the Sapphire Princess and another one in June [i haven't picked that one yet!]

I've heard so many postives about the the Splendor, I wanted to see this gigantic ship for myself!

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So excited for Cindy, John and Wexie, off to the high seas. I agree, Bailee is probably saying, yes, I can act like a respectable dog again! Nancy, sorry, I messed up the names, no more posting before coffee. Crackers is coming along and doing very well. I am bringing him home on Thursday, I haven't had him home for a long visit for two months! Which is a looooong time for a puppy. I won't take the Christmas Tree down until I get a picture of him and his stocking. I had a fun outing with "Snow" a one year golden lab mix. Her trainer said she could be a bit scared and timid, but once I got her off property, she was a joy. She never pottied for me, so I was constantly taking her outside, watching her like a hawk inside, and did not want to take her into any stores that had carpet, just in case. No potty accidents, but wonder when she finally did potty????? Some dogs have trouble going in public when they are on leash. Just another day in doggy training. Sandy's eyes are much better and the onsite vet said it was no problem for Crackers to come home. He also said it probably would have been OK for him to come home last week, but he appreciated the caution just in case. After doing eye drops three times a day for the past week, I can only imagine having to take care of 130 dogs with eye infections.......... Off to cook dinner.

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So excited for Cindy, John and Wexie, off to the high seas. I agree, Bailee is probably saying, yes, I can act like a respectable dog again! Nancy, sorry, I messed up the names, no more posting before coffee. Crackers is coming along and doing very well. I am bringing him home on Thursday, I haven't had him home for a long visit for two months! Which is a looooong time for a puppy. I won't take the Christmas Tree down until I get a picture of him and his stocking. I had a fun outing with "Snow" a one year golden lab mix. Her trainer said she could be a bit scared and timid, but once I got her off property, she was a joy. She never pottied for me, so I was constantly taking her outside, watching her like a hawk inside, and did not want to take her into any stores that had carpet, just in case. No potty accidents, but wonder when she finally did potty????? Some dogs have trouble going in public when they are on leash. Just another day in doggy training. Sandy's eyes are much better and the onsite vet said it was no problem for Crackers to come home. He also said it probably would have been OK for him to come home last week, but he appreciated the caution just in case. After doing eye drops three times a day for the past week, I can only imagine having to take care of 130 dogs with eye infections.......... Off to cook dinner.


They do have their own unique personalities.....I've learned so much about dog behavior and how much they take from us as their handlers and trainers.

You get to see so many different variations of all sorts of personality "quirks"....I remember at CCI [during Team Training] there were dogs who didn't like to go potty around other dogs.....they'd wait until the other dogs were gone and then they'd go. I saw that no matter what the trainers did to get them to "give-it-up" in front of other dogs, some dogs were very stubborn about this......Brenny will look around her, [like she's expecting a pack of wolves to attack], until she's comfortable than she'll go. This can really be a nuisance in the cold and rainy weather! :o

I enjoy dog behavior and training, it's so interesting and so rewarding although it can be very frustrating, at times! Although, no more so than training kids! And, dogs don't give "dirty looks!" :rolleyes:

I'd love to see a picture of "Crackers" next to the tree.


Back to work..................

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Evenin' all:

Cindy, John and Wexy, have the time of your lives! Bailee will be content just laying around and not worrying about that big black galut stepping on her! She will have plenty of hugs and kisses for you when you guys get back!

And, dogs don't give "dirty looks!" :rolleyes:


Roz: I know you are funnin' about them not giving dirty looks! Renie had some really nasty looks, like "I can't believe you just did, said or wanted him to do something he didn't like." Jezzy has more of a sit and stare at you like she wants something and you get to guess what it is!

Sunshine: Great news that Cracker gets to come home. He will be all over it!

Everyone have a splendid evening.


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Evenin' all:



Roz: I know you are funnin' about them not giving dirty looks! Renie had some really nasty looks, like "I can't believe you just did, said or wanted him to do something he didn't like." Jezzy has more of a sit and stare at you like she wants something and you get to guess what it is!





Yes, you're right, there's a look that Brenny can give me; where she raises her eyebrows and just stares at me......if I don't respond fast enough then she'll make a noise [kind of a grunting sound] and, if I still don't respond then she'll bark at me. [i gave her back her voice a little over a year ago] and, she's found that when she uses it.....IT WORKS! I love it!

CCI doesn't encourage their dogs to bark and basically trains it out of them; for the services that they perform the bark serves no purpose. She uses her muzzle, legs, paws, and her body in opening doors, turning lights off and on, closing drawers, picking-up things off the floor and on and on.

Because a lot of what I do, on my job, requires that I be out and about in the evening; going in and out of my car in parking garages, hotels, unfamiliar environments, etc., etc. I like asking Brenny to bark when I see someone approaching and I want them to know that I have a "big dog" with me. I really don't know what she'd do if I was attacked [she wasn't trained to be an attack dog] but, as CCI says; you never know what these dogs would do if they or their handlers were in a bad situation.

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