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RevNeal's LIVE Eurodam Report


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Thanks Greg

Still curious about the Mariner Tiles.

I don't like the sound of all those children on your second cruise.


The Mariner Tiles are basic Mariner tiles ... I don't remember what they had on them from the first cruise. They were not anything different from what one would get on any other HAL ship (now that they've gone away from using tiles of prior ships of the same name).

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At Sea in the Baltic,


Ah, yes ... a nice, quiet, sunny, cool, comfortable, relaxing, enjoyable, calm day at sea in the Baltic. I woke up early and went to the main dining room for breakfast with Adele, Karl, and Mary Ellen. As always, the mealtime was enjoyable and the service was good. I ate the All American Breakfast -- for me, scrambled eggs, bacon, ham, hashbrown potatoes, toast, OJ, and coffee. I also had a small bowl of cereal, which was nice.


I then wandered the ship until it was time for our Cruise Critic get-together; sadly, the Junk ... ah, er, "art" ... Auction was being held in the Ocean Bar, where we had planned on meeting, so we shifted to the Explorer's Lounge. We had a good-sized group for the gathering ... not nearly as many as on the Maiden Voyage, but still a good group. Discussion ranged widely from what we licked to what we didn't like about the ship, what to do in ports on the Norwegian portion, and the tricks to getting around the Eurodam that differ from the Vistas or the S&R ships.


Afterwards I took care of some administrative details prior to my appointment for a double-shave and scalp massage. Oh, lordy ... Nick is fabulous! If you're aboard the Eurodam between now and Thanksgiving, make sure you get an appointment in the Spa with Nick for male grooming services or, ladies, for similar offerings. His hands are fantastic in giving a scalp massage, and he just engenders trust in people when giving a shave. And, he's such a pleasure to get to know. I highly recommend him.


I then had a late lunch and chatted with Ruth, Scotty, and Nathan (SakeDad) for a while prior to heading up to my cabin for a nap prior to getting ready for a nice formal evening aboard the ship.


A few more words about the change in the passenger base and the overall feel and character of this cruise as opposed to the prior one. Firstly, in my opinion it's both not quite as bad as I had feared yesterday, as well as it being worse than I feared. Yes ... it's both. The kids are not as rowdy or loud, but they are swarming in large numbers. There are about 250 children and youth aboard, and when they get together in groups and roam the corridors they can and do cause severe traffic jams, etc. And, as reported yesterday, they have a tendency to want to run through the corridors, in the shops, in the Lido restaurant, and (tonight) in the Main Dining Room. Today, while negotiating my way through the Lido, being careful to not jostle any of the less-physically capable seniors, I was literally clobbered -- run into -- by a sprinting 14 year old boy who came tearing in from the pool deck while looking back over his shoulder at his brother, who was chasing him. I'm a stout and stable guy ... I didn't go over. Indeed, it was the kid who bounced back and hit the wall to my right (his left). But, had I been Ruth or Karl or someone else with mobility issues, or brittle bones, etc., it would have not been pretty. I'm surprised we haven't had any incidents of broken bones on the part of seniors; and, if the kids don't stop this soon it could even be THEY who are injured. I watched one pre-teen come skipping through the Main Dining room tonight, just BARELY missing tripping on the leg of someone's walker. Had her foot caught on the walker she would have been sprawled flat on her face ... I'm sure to an accompaniment of whaling sobs and tears. Meanwhile, I'm sure a parent would be mad and yelling at the poor senior who just so happened to be in the way of the "little darling."


I'm serious, it's this bad and, perhaps, worse. These parents and grandparents of the kids are doing very little to reign in and control their kids. Ruth has made an effort to speak to those kids who have run past her in the Lido and the passenger hall ways. I'm not sure her points are getting across, although it's a certainty that the kids know to watch out for her because she will have the gall to tell them to behave. I blame the parents, and I also blame the kids who are doing this; both should know better. There are some children and youth aboard who are behaving themselves beautifully. They say "yes sir" and "no sir;" they don't raise their voices or shout across the Lido; they don't give a grunted surly response when spoken to by an adult; they dress according to the code, and not like an unkempt barbarian. This may be a sizable percentage, if not a majority, of the children and youth aboard ship. However, there are some -- and it always seems to be the same group of boys and the same group of girls -- who are rude, inconsiderate, loud, obnoxious, and in particular are running or skipping in the hall ways and the public lounges. In the Lido and main dining room, especially, youth and children running is simply not safe and utterly inappropriate and it must be stopped.


On the Maiden Voyage (the July 5th sailing) dress code observance appeared to be anywhere from 95-99%. Rare was the man or woman who was not dressed at least in accordance with the code, with perhaps as high at 70% of the men wearing Tuxedos during the Second seating (from reports, it sounds like about 50% at first seating). On this cruise (the July 15th sailing), however, those in Tuxedo appear to be somewhere in the mid-50% range. Some are in suits and ties, others in jacket, etc. However, the vast majority of people appear to be at least dressing according to the code. Still, the difference between the prior cruise and this one is evident.


Anyway ... tonight's formal night was good, then we went to the crows nest for drinks and conversation. Sakedad (Nathan) showed up and we all had a nice little impromptu party. :) The sun wet about 11 pm, and it was beautiful, but it didn't get dark until after 1 am.

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Photos, tonight, are a mixed bag collection from Formal Night and the "sights."


First up, Mary Ellen and Karl looking grand at the dinner table on formal night. YES, we have 8 pm dinner on the upper deck, just the other side of the partition from the entrance to the main dining room. It's taken a lot to get used to the idea that it's still light outside for dinner! I'm used to it being dark by this hour, but that's summer cruising in Northern Europe for you!



This ship is lovely, but on her second full cruise she's already showing damage. This is the service station nearest our table. In the photo you can see that four doors have come off their hinges. Three are propped up to cover what they contain, and one is missing with table cloths falling out of it. This is just one example of the many instances of shoddy workmanship when it came to the construction of this lovely ship. HAL is going to have a HUGE repair list for the warranty team to work on!



After dinner we enjoyed a nice evening in the Crows Nest, over drinks, chatting. Here we have Adele, Scotty, Sakedad (Nathan), and Ruth. It was a grand evening.



And, finally, I captured this shot of the sun setting at about 11:15 pm, just before going up to the Crows Nest. It was a glorious sight. No green flash, though? I've seen it several times in the Caribbean ... but not this time.


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Rev. Neal, I blame the parents for the actions of the children. We were on a Regent cruise last year and there was a family with a total of 7 kids under the age of 7, grandparents and parents. Unfortunately, the elders were on vacation, if you know what I mean. Yes, only 7 children, but with a small ship they were in your face all the time and very, very noisy. They were holed up for a couple of hours during the day with some poor staff member, but when the time was over, watch out!!!! I have 5 grandchildren, so I don't dislike all kids. Just some.;)

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Rev Neal,


Once again great photos. Ruth is getting younger each photo she appears in, the sea air is certainly agreeing with her.


I feel so sorry for all the passengers with those unruly children running everywhere. I cannot believe parents who let their children behave out of control. A ship is certainly not a playground and with so many "Seniors" on board, there is sure to be a nasty accident about to happen. I know I would be unable to keep quiet about their bad behaviour and I would have to say something either to the child or to the parent. I am a grandmother of four, but they do know how to behave and if they didn't their parents would be right on to them.



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Greg, thanks so much for posting all the pictures. Everyone looks great including Nathen, please tell him Hello from Lisa and tell him Monsoon season has hit home and we are getting the daily thunderstorms and much higher humidity, otherwise nothing new on the home front:)

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No excuse for bad behavior of children. On a much more pleasant topic, everyone looks LOVELY, especially Ruth with chocolates:D . And, I am forced to say that if Copper was not accompanied by his "child bride", well...Copper, you are very attractive:o :o As, of course, is my "child groom"!

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:) Perhaps the "little darlings" should be treated as though they had Norvo virus.... quarantined and only allowed to return to shipboard fun when they no longer pose a threat to other passengers' health!

Thankyou very much for the all time and effort you have given, your reports are a delight to read. We sail on the Eurodam in September, your insights have greatly added to our excitment.







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I was also a Big Fan of the Royal Viking line - Sun, Sea, Sky, and Star until they pulled up the gangway in the early 90s.


Imagine my delight when I learned that HAL's Prinsendam is ex-Royal Viking Sun. ____________________________________________________________


Thank you Saga Ruby for your nice reply concerning the ship "named after you"! I did know that the beautiful Prinsendam was the RV Sun reborn and it is a great little ship.

Your good reply will also relieve RevNeal from one question to reply to. He will be grateful to you for that too.

Have a wonderful cruise on the Prinsendam......

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As we left the main dining room we passed through the Atrium only to have our progress interrupted by a swarm of 9 children, all pre-teens, all unsupervised, winding their way around the Atrium and running down the glass stairs.


I suggest that you baptize and confirm them all. That should cause

them to immediately disappear until age 22 or so!:D

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Great photos - everyone from the CC boards seems to be having a wonderful time and they look good doing so!


You commented about how light it was for 8PM dinner - well up here in the "frozen tundra" we usually sit outside till about 9:30 or 9:45 still reading newspapers or books. Usually it's still light out, but the darn mosquitos drive us indoors rather than darkness. That's summer for us; winter's quite a different story!.


I hope you enjoy the balance of your cruise even with the young-uns running around. I find that putting a foot out while they're trying to run past certainly crimps their style. :D How are they with the elevators? Have they taken them over as their moving treehouses yet???


Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)

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I don't know about everyone else .. but I think Greg should take some pictures and take them to the pursers desk and say .. these are creating quite a bit of chatter on Cruise Critics .. So i thought you might like to see them too ..


I would be very unhappy with a situation like you are describing .. I do hope it doesn't take a passenger getting hurt for someone to step in and do something.

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Greg, from what you describe about these kids running together from day 1, I bet they knew each other before getting on the ship. This is an instance where the crew should also be doing and saying something to stop these kids from running wild. An accident is only waiting to happen.

It sounds much worse than the Noordam holiday cruise that was described here last year or maybe it was two years ago already. I'm not sure why, but I have observed many many parents who just go on holiday when they go on vacation and they ignore the goings on of their kids, either hoping for the best or ignorant of the fact that something could happen, not only to someone else but to one of the darlings. Hope you all stay out of harm's way.

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I'm so glad you posted several formal night photo.


Usually, my DH wears a black suit on formal nights, but for our Dec. 13 Oosterdam cruise, he is buying a Tux. I know he will look so dashing that he will take my breath away. Maybe by Dec. I will learn how to post pics and I can share them with everyone. RevNeal you have inspired me to try.


Thank you for taking the time to post such detailed reports.

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It was a JOY being able to sit in the Crows Nest with such great folks that I've "known" for so long. I have been working non-stop since being onboard and feel like I can finally breath a little and enjoy my friends and the sights. I know you'll all love the Eurodam (she just has a couple of "growing pains":rolleyes:) and I hope you all stop to see me when onboard...and we get cocktails together;) See you at the meet-and-greets!:D Pulling into Tallin at the moment.


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Greg Thanks for all the great posts. Sorry to hear about the "throngs" of "kids"! I doubt if I could be as patient as you!!!! Also, it seems that hot tea has always been a "drama". Hopefully, things will get better for the tea lovers! Enjoy the rest of your cruise & give our best wishes to all! .... L.B.

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You have indeed rendered a most valuable service to all of us HAL cruisers regarding the Eurodam. We thank you so much.


I must say that I am very disappointed in the loss of seating for those dining in the Lido and loss of use of the Lido pool area on the port side (caused by the cabanas) for the general public. The former will cause daily nuisances whereas the latter will not make its full negative impact known until the general public need to have access to the port side Lido area for scenic cruising in inclement weather. Things could get nasty in that circumstance.


It seems from your posting concerning your evening in Northern Lights that you enjoy dancing. I believe you also mentioned that there was good dance music in the Ocean Bar. Would you please tell us whether or not dancing is occurring on a nightly basis in the Queen's Lounge? Also, is there any dancing in the evenings in the Crow's Nest, or is it only a piano bar now?

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You have indeed rendered a most valuable service to all of us HAL cruisers regarding the Eurodam.


I must say that I am very disappointed in the loss of seating for those dining in the Lido and loss of use of the Lido pool area on the port side (caused by the cabanas) for the general public. The former will cause daily nuisances whereas the latter will not make its full negative impact known until the general public need to have access to the port side Lido area for scenic cruising in inclement weather. Things could get nasty in that circumstance.


LOL! And I'm reading the opposite from these members...




I just returned from prelude/inaugural cruise on eurodam. The ship is beautiful, at NO time did I have trouble finding a seat in the Lido for breakfast. Also the infamous "step" is really not a problem, that very small raised area is on other ships like the Odam if I remember correctly and I mostly see the staff eating there. IMHO the cabanas do NOT take away from the seating/viewing areas by the pool, if anything, I thought there was much more seating available on this ship, we ate many lunches out there and never had a problem finding a table, the same with the aft pool area which seemed to be much larger with more loungers and space.



I just arrived home from 13 wonderful days on the Eurodam. While it appears that some people do not like the Cabanas, they were not in my way and I never had a problem finding a table or chair. As a matter of fact there were more chairs and tables then ever. They had the Desert Extravaganza on the Lido by the pool and there was ample room for everyone to enjoy the beautiful deserts even with the cabanas there.



Although the Rev's obervations are appreciated and informative, we should remember this is just one person's opinion...not gospel (pun intented!).

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So glad we are getting a continueing saga of the adventure!:)

Last year my wife who is from Peru, accompanied our daughter,Son-inLaw and two boys (Hi school) to Peru. ALL of her friends and relatives remarked how "well mannered" the boys were and sometimes added for Americans.:) A fair comment for the family, but a condemnation of Americans in general.:eek:

Those kids running in the halls should be glad I'm not aboard; I know how to brace myself and stick out my cane at the right moment!:D If any parent complained, I'd tell them I needed $50 bucks because their kid broke my cane!

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This evening, as we departed Copenhagen, we spotted the lovely old Saga Ruby, departing the port. Wow, what a lovely old ship!





Is there any possibility that this photo of the Saga Ruby is one in the same as one of my favorite Royal Viking ships. I sure does look like it! How we loved them.


She is the Cunard's ex Vistafjord http://www.simplonpc.co.uk/





Here is a photo of her sister Saga Rose I took in Papeete.

Years ago they added an additional deck on top which has changed her appearance.



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Saga Ruby was the Vistafjord/Caronia, Saga Rose is the Sagafjord


Thanks, I realized I got them mixed and was able to edit and changed my post.


In my opinion they were two of the most beautiful ships ever built.....I hope they remain for a long time.

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JLC@SD- Thanks to you too for setting me straight about Greg's photo of the Saga Rose. It was an era of really beautiful ships, all worthy of continuing on with facelifts under new names.

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Greg: We made it home last night after a very long day (no surprise to you) and barely got to see Christopher for a variety of reasons, but at least we wished him well as we were leaving the luggage carousels at DFW.

We sure enjoyed our time with you and all the other great CCers both for the pre-cruise events and the two cruise legs, which went by all too quickly.

We hope you will enjoy the Baltic cruise and look forward to seeing more of your posts and pics!

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I'm serious, it's this bad and, perhaps, worse. These parents and grandparents of the kids are doing very little to reign in and control their kids.

Oh, man ... this is why I don't sail in the summertime. I don't care where the boat is sailing ... if it's summertime or a school vacation, and a seven to ten day cruise ... you're gonna get the kiddies ... and a lot of them. :(


It's amazing, though, that some of the parents are doing nothing to supervise them. I'm also surprised that HAL staff isn't saying something when they do unsafe things like run through the Lido. :(


Blue skies ...



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