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Strange Table-fellows.....


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On my first cruise many years ago, we were seated at a table for 4. The other couple were Lucy and Ricky, so, being an "I Love Lucy: fan, I thought they would be alot of fun. WRONG! They were so stiff and boring. So we just didn't show up again and were put at a table for 10 that we loved, such a diverse group of people.

Is this bad manners? I avoided them the rest of the cruise out of guilt. Do others have strange table-mate stories.:confused:

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Only once. We were seated with two other couples. One man "wouldn't" let his wife talk,and he was a big boorish type of person, and the other couple didn't speak English well enough to converse with us. Needless to say, we changed tables.


In all our cruises, we've really had delightful tablemates. The past few years they've been with our friends, and we've had a ball.

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On my first cruise many years ago, we were seated at a table for 4. The other couple were Lucy and Ricky, so, being an "I Love Lucy: fan, I thought they would be alot of fun. WRONG! They were so stiff and boring. So we just didn't show up again and were put at a table for 10 that we loved, such a diverse group of people.

Is this bad manners? I avoided them the rest of the cruise out of guilt. Do others have strange table-mate stories.:confused:


I don't think so. On our cruise on the Splendour of the Seas, we had requested a small table for the three of us (wife, son and myself). The first night we found ourselves at a large table, although occupied by only one other person (an older woman). We asked for, and received, a transfer to another table as our original request. The new table was on the upper floor of the dining room. We looked down each night and always say this same woman sitting by herself at that large table. We felt a little guilt at her "being alone" but also knew we didn't perhaps know the entire story (maybe she preferred it that way). In any event, we greatly enjoyed the smaller table, and would believe you should always try to change an unpleasant dining situation.

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We only had odd tablemates once; He wore a hideous black toupee with a curl that fell in the middle of his forehead - (It was hard to look at anything else)- And all he could talk about were the model trains in his basement. The wife was all decked out in loud floral polyester every night and was rather brusque. Since there were four of us and two of them it wasn't bad enough to switch tables. LOL, we still talk about them!

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We were once (while on HAL) seated at a table of 6 which included an older gentleman who ate with his mouth open, often letting food escape. On a formal night, prime rib was served and this "gentleman" picked up his dripping beef with his hands and proceed to chew away as if this was normal. His wife said absolutely nothing about it and we switched to another table the next day.

On one Celebrity sailing, we were seated at a table of 10 which was devoted entirely, except for us, to a group from LA. One person spoke broken English; the rest spoke nothing but Russian!

On a Century sailing we had one of the wonderful tables of 6 right next to the Captain's table by the rear window. We were sailing with friends who are also addicted to sailing frequently and one other couple. The guy was an absolute expert on every subject including cruising frequently which seemed strange to me because he was wearing an HAL blue lapel pin (25 days cruising) He never asked us how often we cruised so we let him ramble away. His wife was silent the entire evening. The next day was formal night and we, as top cruisers on board, together with our friends, the second highest, were at the captain's table. The guy saw us sit down and got up and left leaving his wife eating by herself. They never returned to our table after that evening.

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We, too, have been incredibly lucky with tablemates! They're usually such fun, that we would hate to miss a night in the dining room, and really look forward to dinner every evening!

We LOVE the larger tables!

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We've generally had good tablemates but have had a couple of doozies lately. Like Xcellent - we've been seated with know-it-alls a couple of times.


If our tablemates are offensive or it is painful to sit with them (as it was on our last 3-nighter where they were both low-talkers and generally just extremely bizarre), then I see nothing wrong with asking to move to another table. After all, a vacation is supposed to be enjoyable, your meals shouldn't be ruined by the company.


Now on our next cruise on Summit in January we have already arranged to sit with folks from the Roll Call. I know we'll have fantastic company on that sailing!! :D:D

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On my last cruise, we were seated with two other couples. They had been on the previous cruise (as had I), seated two tables behind us, with the same waiter. As soon as I sat down, I knew this was going to be a problem. They complained about everything! We changed tables the next night...


Ending up at a large table, with three couples and a singled gentleman. Two of the couples were refugees from another ackward table. This table was a lot of fun.

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We've always had great tablemates except one cruise on the Emerald Princess... there was this woman "Nina" who was the most racist person I ever met... she would sit and point other people in the dining room and call them "racial" slurs.... we would just cringe..


the final straw was when she bragged about her hubby's KKK tshirt... I kid ya not.... we just stood up mid meal and got moved.....




We laughed till it hurt when Obama was elected as thought of "Nina"... and yes we're just a plain white couple ...but have no tolerance for hatred

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I sail solo and have been pretty lucky with tablemates over the years.

Yes, there have been a couple of times that I asked to be changed

and the Maitr'd's are always more than happy to help:)


I was on Century most recently in April for a short 4 night cruise.

It was the first time in all my sailings I never ate in the main dining

room. (Well I was invited to the Captain's Table;)) but the other

3 nights were different than anything I had ever done before.

Night 1) Murano's

Night 2) Capt's Table

Night 3) They had a Mexican Fiesta at the pool and I went with

friends from the Roll Call

Night 4) 7 of us from the roll call ate upstairs at Casual Dining.


The cruise was great:D and if it had been a full week I would have

done my usual and gone to the dining room, but for 4 nights I wanted

to try something different. Turned out wonderfully:)

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The trouble with our stores about strange tablemates is people start thinking these are the norm and start worrying about sharing tables, but I just can’t keep from joining in. We love meeting new people and having dinner with them the entire cruise works great because you get to know people beyond the ‘what cruises have you been on’ type discussions.


Our story:


On our TA, we had a table for 8. Us, our college daughter, another nice couple and an older couple with their grandson. The Grandmother was in a wheelchair – not that old but in very bad shape. I couldn’t believe they were going on a TA – medical support is limited and on a TA, there is no options mid-Atlantic. The husband was a jerk. Told stories about how his wife wrecked his car and tried to dominate the discussions.


The third night, we had dinner at the specialty restaurant and the other couple who became good friends thought we’d changed tables. I told them if it continued, we would but we’d take them with us.


Well, the sick Grandmother deteriorated, ended up in the medical facility and died when we were mid-Atlantic. The husband didn’t eat with us for a while, but just before we pulled into Lisbon (his last port), he joined us. He ordered lobster, saying since he wouldn’t be there for the last formal dinner and he wanted lobster that night. He ate two lobsters – it suddenly hit me that he was eating his dead wife’s portion! Unbelievable.


My wife, daugher and our friend swore he took her on a TA with limited medical support for serious conditions just to knock her off. Colorful.



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We always sit at a table for two, it is the only request that my DH makes. He is a very private and quiet person and just is not real social he says he does not eat with strangers under any other circumstances why would he on vacation. So he pampers me to pieces - small request - fine with me.

BUT I do watch what goes on around us to see what I am 'not' missing. A few cruises ago there was a table for 4 next to us, the first couple arrived, very average looking couple, dressed nicely, first night, approx. mid-thirties. The second couple arrives: Female, very short, late 20's dressed in a man's basketball jersey and shorts, nylon style with the holes in it and a large number on it. She was short so the "shorts" came down past her knees. Her partner was a tall and very large black women, dressed to the nines. I have nothing against Lesbian's or Gay's but this was a very odd looking couple. The other couple at the table looked like they just ate glass. The next night, formal night, the short lady came dressed in a tux the large lady came dressed in a BIG yellow ball gown and the other couple was never seen again. I would not quite have known how to make conversation with this couple. My husband, who has been in the Psychiatric Medical business for the past 28 years would have had no problems making conversation.

You see, that is what DH says "I can and have made conversation with anyone and everyone, from some of the MOST certifiable mental patients in this country to some of the biggest fakes in this country. To very high ranking politicians to those that "thought" they were high ranking politicians. BUT when I am on my vacation I "only" want to talk to YOU."

Seems reasonable to me.

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We have met many fascinating people at assigned tables on numerous cruise lines. We still correspond at Christmas with a few of them. Of course some we have enjoyed more than others, but have found most of them all to be fun and interesting. One of our favorite groups was the folks we were assigned to sit with for dinners on a 64 day cruise.

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On a Panama Canal cruise we were seated with two couples who did not speak English.they protested loudly the first night at being seated with us which made us very uncomfortable but could not change tables due to wanting early seating.it was one of our first cruises so we were uncomfortable asking for a table change.We stuck with them and probably wouldn't do it again.They were brother in laws with spouses from the Netherlands.They asked for food not on the menu every night and the night they all asked for tomato soup their soup spoons dropped in unison as they all yelled ees cold!We laugh about it now.

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We got back yesterday from our first cruise. We had requested a table for two, but fortunately Celebrity put us on a table for 11. We met wonderful people and looked forward each night to our dinner so we could meet everyone. We were all a tad sad on the last night. We exchanged e-mail addresses etc and hope to join on future cruises.


We had two ladies and a couple, both of whom spoke English (fellow Americans), we had a German couple (they did not speak much English, but we still had fun with them) and an Asian couple from Canada but their teenage son spoke good English and he would translate.


I decided to never ask for a table for two because it is fun to meet people who you may never meet otherwise.

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Over the years my wife and I have enjoyed dining at tables of 6 or 8 and getting to know our table mates. We even enjoy dining in the main dining room for breakfast and lunch as time permits to meet more new friends. I've been lucky enough to never feel the need to change tables.


But I wonder, how many of my past dinner companions have I converted to requesting a table for two?

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Over the years my wife and I have enjoyed dining at tables of 6 or 8 and getting to know our table mates. We even enjoy dining in the main dining room for breakfast and lunch as time permits to meet more new friends. I've been lucky enough to never feel the need to change tables.


But I wonder, how many of my past dinner companions have I converted to requesting a table for two?


I bet people like you as much as you like them:)....a good vibe

from folks seems to return that same feeling in kind:)


My first cruise on Celebrity was in May 2003. I was quite lucky

on that first sailing to meet a couple from Arizona on the roll call.

We sat together for dinner and on the first evening we were put

with 2 other couples which normally would have been AOK. But in

this case, one couple barely spoke a word the entire dinner, while

the other couple..well, he knew EVERYTHING:rolleyes:...and this was

my first sailing. (And I will always remember it).

I had read so much about things on here I told my 2 friends I was

not going to sit with these folks for the next 6 nights. We spoke with

the Maitr'd and he found us another table...it was upstairs, by

the window with 2 other couples and that turned out to be the best

move I have made so far:D. One couple was celebrating their 25th

Anniversary and they were from Cincinnati...we shared a bottle of

bubbly and it turned out to be a wonderful 6 more nights!:)

And...my waiter at that 2nd table? I have seen him many times on other

sailings since then...some of you might know him..Diego, from Columbia!

Made our whole evening awesome too:)

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Our last cruise we travelled with another couple. We had asked for a table of 4 as we hadnt travelled with them before and wanted to spend the time with them. A couple of days before the cruise, our friend asked her TA if she could find out whether a table near the window would be possible. Well not only did we get a window table but we were seated at a table of 8. We knew as soon as we sat down (no one else had arrived yet) that we were going to ask for a change because it was more important for us to have a table of 4 then a table of 8 near a window. The 2 other couples (siblings and their spouses) arrived and my husband chatted and made small talk with Couple A while my friend's husband chatted and made small talk Couple B completely defeating the purpose of our travelling together. So....the next morning my husband spoke to the maitre d and we were moved to the floor above at a table of 4 and we were happy happy. Our waiter and assistant were terrific.


Now we never mentioned to the other tablemates we were moving. Didnt think we needed to. Had nothing to do with them. But unbelievably in a ship of almost 200O, didnt you know we bumped into them every single day and were snubbed every single day. I dont mean just bumped into. Couple A ate at the specialty dining room the same night we did at the table next to us. Couple A sat a couple of people away from us in the theatre. Couple B were the only other couple who rode up the funicular with our friends in one of the ports. Couple A sat a few seats away from us in the same lounge we were to disembark. And the biggest one was we spent a couple of extra nights in Vancouver. One day we were sitting outside at a restaurant and having a drink and who shows up Couple A?


Since we didnt know we were going to be successful in moving tables, should we have said something to them the first time we bumped into them? It was so awkward. But then after the third or fourth time, it was beyond akward. But if looks could kill, we got them often. We even tried to say hi, etc. a few times Forget it.

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On a two week cruise with another couple, the four of us were seated with 5 others who were travleing together. One person was recently divorced and VERY bitter. The husband of one other couple had health issues that he talked about alot and in great detail. The worst, however, was a woman who had a food allergy. She had called ahead, but they served her something the first night that she couldn't eat - I think it was a crouton on her salad. She literally screamed at the wait staff and then had to speak with the head waiter and eventually the poor chef! It was a huge scene while we were trying to eat.


The next day we asked to be moved and we were seated with a lovely couple. However, we literally could still hear the complaining of this woman at our old table even though we were half way across the room!

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On my first cruise many years ago, we were seated at a table for 4. The other couple were Lucy and Ricky, so, being an "I Love Lucy: fan, I thought they would be alot of fun. WRONG! They were so stiff and boring. So we just didn't show up again and were put at a table for 10 that we loved, such a diverse group of people.

Is this bad manners? I avoided them the rest of the cruise out of guilt. Do others have strange table-mate stories.:confused:


We only have one real NASTY story, which still upsets us.


We had a table for 10 in the MDR.

We were cruising with cruise friends, so, there were 4 of

us for early dining.


On the day of the cruise, it was decided that rather than go to

dinner the first night out, we would talk and, catch up with our friends and, watch our departure and, sunset from the Concierge Lounge

(RCCL) over drinks.

So, we did NOT go to dinner the FIRST night.


The next night, one of the other table mates...a guy who

looked like "KOJAK", had "taken over our table".

They had friends at late seating..so, they took it upon themselves,

to "invite" their friends to sit at our table with them. ( In our seats.)


The next night when we went to "our table" we had NO seats...

The guy told us, that HIS FRIENDS were going to be sitting there

and, that "we should see the Mait're 'D." I can STILL hear

that guy saying: "You're NOT sitting here.." (Despite clearly being assigned that table.)


We all were very "steamed" to say the least.

The Mait're 'D has NO other 4 seats for us together

(at early seating.) The Mait're 'D was caught between a rock and, a hard place. The 4 people that took our seats were late seating guests

that demanded to be kept at KOJAKS table. We would not have

wanted to stay there at KOJAKS table no matter after he did this

stunt to us.....


The Mair're' D did the ONLY thing availible he could do in a situation

like this. He moved us to "SAVED" table..all the way in the back, next

to the galley (kitchen) for 4. He

gave us a bottle of red wine from RCCL.,

and, said he was so sorry....


This "saved" table I found out was "saved" for couples who have

spats and, don't want to sit with each other for the rest of the cruise,

which I was informed happens on cruises. This table was

reserved for such a situation, but, we got it...It is in a terrible

location, but, we ended up that the four of us could still be seated

together....Now, on cruise day, we ALWAYS make first dinner

in the MDR so, as to avoid another KOJAK situation. That guy

avoided us the rest of the cruise....we could never miss

him, but he got alot of glares from us. He knew we did not

like him a little bit... :mad:

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On our last cruise, the Solstice TA, we arrived in the MDR to find, much to our dismay, that instead of a table for 8 as we had requested, we were at a 4-top, side-by-side with another 4-top. When we arrived on the first night, there was a couple (probably in their 80s) already sitting at the 4-top next to ours. They did not even look up or acknowledge us when we sat down. A few minutes later, another, younger, couple joined the first, and they too did not acknowledge us. (We learned later that the older gentleman was the father of the younger man, and he was with his new wife, who was not the younger man's mother-a real soap opera ;)).


Twenty minutes into service (late seating), we did not have any table mates at our 4-top, and given the anti-social nature of the other 2 couples at the other 4-top, DW and I began talking about changing tables for the next night. At twenty-five minutes into service, a couple (two gentlemen) sat down at our table, and there was an immediate connection between the four of us. We hit it off so well that we literally closed the dining room. The other two couples said nothing to any of us the entire first evening.


After the two guys joined our table, we decided that we would not change tables after all, as we had such a good time talking with then. The second and third nights were basically a repeat of the first, with the four at our table closing the dining room, and the other two couples barely acknowledging our presence. On the fourth night, DW and I went to one of the specialty restaurants, and did not eat in the MDR (we missed the company of our 2 table mates very much that night).


We were back in the MDR for the 5th night, and to our surprise, the 4-top next to us was empty. A few minutes after we were seated, 2 couples that we had not met before sat down at the 4-top next to us. It seems that the first 2 couples moved to main seating, the the new couples were unhappy with their original table, and were moved next to us. The 2 new couples were also traveling together, but were the complete opposites of the first 2 couples and were extremely outgoing and fun. When the two guys joined our table, the 8 of us got along famously, and the remaining 10 dinners of the cruise we some of the most enjoyable time spent on the ship. We went from wanting to change our table, to sharing our two 4-tops with six of the nicest people imaginable.

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I love this thread! But I keep reading to see if we are the awful couple.

On a Mex. cruise with our adult children and grandkids, we had a woman at our table who complained the whole night. My DH made a comment before she was quite out of earshot and she never returned. I quess we were the awful people:o

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