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Everything posted by dockman

  1. Contrary to what the ebook fans claim most adults still prefer a paper book including a lot of cruise passengers. The share of adults who have read print books in the past 12 months still outpaces the share using other forms, but 30% now say they have read an e-book in that time frame.
  2. If you left the package with them then i would assume it was simply a return so I would file a dispute with your credit card company that you did not receive the item as you returned it. I suspect it should be simple reversal on credit card charge unless for some reason the shop/receipt clearly stated no returns.
  3. In a fraction of the time and effort to find and read all the conflicting info she could have already gotten the shot with less hassle and also provide her and others with protection as covid is still out there.
  4. a decade or so ago on a cruise syd to yvr the ship i was on also had huge lines for Lahaina tender...the big problem on that one was that for some reason the security screen x ray thing was done on the landside of the pier and everyone was having to go through security empty pockets and people of course had lots of bags of beach towels and shopping etc all of which was screened...to top it off they were even using the wand on most of the passengers....we thought it was overkill as we were all a bunch of old people who had already been on the ship for 10 days or so and not exactly the profile of a bunch of terrorists....not sure if security ashore by non cruise employees is still going on but back then it was a big mess that irritated a lot of people
  5. Lots of salmon , many dead, in the streams...quite a sight.
  6. That can certainly be true as a lot of savvy cruisers will cherry pick the best cabins leaving the unpicked for guarantees...however it is also possible that you "might" get lucky with an upgrade. If you do go with a guarantee cabin just don't whine and moan about it if you get a not so great room. It's a roll of the dice...sometimes you win, usually you don't. I am more interested in my rooms location than a lot of other factors and chose accordingly and then have it marked do not upgrade.
  7. IMO a pretty bad port. Wish I had stayed on the ship.
  8. For anyone who ever watches sports like March Madness you will soon learn that the word "experts" does not necessarily mean they have a clue as to winners/losers. Take a look at some of the experts brackets and these are people who watch hundreds of games, know the coaches, and maybe even played themselves. I don't see stock picking experts as being all that different. Educated guess seems a better description.
  9. As said basic strategy has nothing to say regarding bet size so as far as basic strategy goes bet size is irrelevant. But yes of course you make a decision what to bet just as you make a decision whether to play at all, when to quit, etc.
  10. Basic strategy doesn't care how much you bet. It does care if you know when to split, when to double, when to hit and when to stay. That is what basic strategy is all about.
  11. Casinos love people who play their "hunches"....basic strategy is the best chance the average player has of actually winning. Casinos call it "gaming" as they love for people to think of it as a fun game rather than gambling where they are sure to lose if they play long enough and especially if they don't understand how basic strategy works and play 6/5 blackjack. The problem for some is that basic strategy takes all of the hunches and "fun" out of the game as you absolutely must follow the basic strategy guidelines every time which means you make zero decisions. So decide if you want to have a decent chance of actually winning or if you are content to have some "fun" and almost guaranteed to lose unless you are incredibly lucky playing feelings and hunches.
  12. Ever read bringing down the house or the movie version 24? Doesn't look so easy but i guess with enough practice, a high math IQ, and the right team it can be done...good luck.
  13. According to every BJ expert I have read 6/5 blackjack is a horrible deal for players but the casino knows that most people think it is no big "deal" . Of course if you play long enough you will ultimately get a black jack or several....and of course if you play long enough you will lose no matter what unless you can beat math or are an expert level card counter which is very rare. The odds are that u will be dealt a blackjack in about one of every 21 hands or almost 5% of the time.
  14. 6/5 Blackjack offers you a slightly lower payout. This may seem like a small difference, but it significantly affects your winnings. Here’s why it’s a huge difference: in 6/5 Blackjack, the house edge increases by 400%!
  15. beware the 6/5 pay blackjack tables unless u like donating even more $$ to the house...3/2 pay tables are usually only for higher min bets...
  16. It means if you have a complaint you should #...pound sand.
  17. just wear earbuds/earphones if u want to listen to YOUR music in or around any public space...just because you think the volume is low if it is loud enough to hear it can be an irritant for someone trying to enjoy some peace and quiet or read a book etc. ..problem solved. I wish they would have all tvs fixed for bluetooth and promote bring your earbuds or buy some cheap ones on board... some people sure like to blast the tv way too loud...lot of hard of hearing folks around...me included who have a hard time telling how loud it may be....if you have a connecting room it can be particularly irritating...a lot of people like to go to sleep early while others may like to sleep in late.... and having to listen to some night owl's/early risers tv next door is not a good thing......be polite and remember there are a few thousand people around you that also would like to enjoy their vacation..
  18. NO....believe it or not most people do not likely want to hear anything from their neighbors/fellow passengers...loud tv, music on the balcony, loud talking, speakers by the pool, talking on their phones, or "wind chimes"... And many people do not want to have any confrontations with any other guests by asking them to turn that crap off.
  19. alaska is a great cruise even for those who want to mostly stay on the ship...the inside passage generally keeps you close to land BUT don't think you will see much in the way of land based wildlife like bears moose etc....it is fun to try and imagine what is 10 or 100 or 1000 miles on the other side of the mountains along the inside passage and how many bears etc live there and what a true wilderness it is .....you may well see some whales sea lions bald eagles etc depending on time of year.....i have spend untold hours sitting on deck watching the ocean on the inside passage....once on crystal there was a pod of whales that came up right beside the ship and followed along for 15 mins or so up close...but since it was near dinnertime it was me and maybe a handful of others who actually saw it as everybody else was inside eating drinking or doing their thing....my thing has always been to spend a lot of time on deck looking at beautiful alaska and less time in a cruise dining room or showroom....other than glaciers some people seem to rarely if ever even walk out onto the deck for more than 5 mins....up to them, their cruise... as said most of the ports can provide an easy comfortable short walk around town or if able you can go on a variety of hikes....in Juneau u can easily ride a city bus for a couple of $$ and see a good bit of how the locals there live (google it as bus stop close to ship and simple).. .one good ride is out to auk bay a good spot to get off and walk around the fishing boats etc few if any tourists around that area...easy to figure out bus back to ship when ready....a pleasant way to spend a few hours for a few dollars..goes through some residential areas that are also kind of interesting... ....there is also a city bus that goes near mendenhall glacier but some walking involved to get close to glacier...cost a couple of bucks compared to way way more for ship excursion... best tip : read James Michener ALASKA before your cruise..it is a long book but it sure makes it more interesting when you know a bit more of the history involved in the 49th state ....avail in most any library or used paperback for a few dollars...i have read it several times and learn / remember something new every trip...best to read it before your cruise....
  20. Good advice. Never say never, never say always, never talk in absolutes like "everyone likes xxx, eveyone hates xx, they are all the same, etc with a few exceptions like...everyone will die....i generally find that that people who talk in absolutes are often wrong....especially when talking about subjective things like cruise ships, entertainment, food, itineraries and so on...
  21. i have given up...i will deal with it via phone when i get back to usa ...not so easy sometimes with time zones and getting put on hold etc....not end of world.. my point was why even say send email if nobody answers after six tries on a really simple little detail....i gave them all info they could need...res number cabin number ship sail dates etc...should take somebody about 1 minute to find in their system i would suspect...i think nobody even checks that email box or if they do they are totally overwhelmed or incompetent.....little details do matter to some.
  22. I have sent 6 messages re missing transatlantic cruise april of 2022....no reply at all. Am out of usa and calling can be a hassle but guess i will try and call them when i get back to get it fixed...not sure why they even say if missing a cruise email us at captains circle if nobody there checks or responds...i gave them ship date cabin number res number etc so it should be a simple fix....strangely i did the next cruise same ship as back to back and that got credited right away as usual...
  23. Yes that would be nice. But i won't hold my breath. I doubt they would even have any exec avail to read the top 100 suggestions...after all that is what they get paid to come up with and what could an actual customer tell them that they don't already know (sarcasm).
  24. So once waiting for a washer i sat patiently for 20 mins as one of the machines was full of clothes but finished...all machines busy but i am next in line.....finally take them out then some jerk comes in five minutes later and creates a big fuss and calling me names over me daring to remove his clothes.....i guess he was special and was too busy to come back in timely manner...takes all kinds and yes some are truly jerks...i wish they would put signs in laundry saying any stopped machine can be emptied and used by next guess after 10 minutes.....so please if u use laundry watch your time and come back and get your stuff taken care of as there are lots of other people waiting to use machines....
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