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Everything posted by ORV

  1. Just don't expect too much from the internet. If you go the non-streaming route then don't expect to use FB, load/upload any pictures, videos etc. Large files on emails probably won't work. As Lyn said, basic email, basic websites and CC. Keep in mind if you purchase the higher package for internet it isn't any faster, it just unblocks streaming sites. Interestingly enough if you are on Celebrity and don't purchase the streaming internet then Cruise Critic doesn't work.
  2. Not sure what you are saying here but your post #15 comes off as rather mean and judgmental.
  3. Here you go, this is from a cruise on Riviera in Nov of 21. Thanks to Mike for his detailed info. Riviera Menus (thepreismans.com) There are a few beers there I could drink, but for the most part would prefer not to.
  4. The problem is that the beer offerings are very basic. With the plethora of craft beers in the world today most people are looking for more interesting beers than what they offer. I personally only like one or two they carry. So someone might want to bring their own favorites on.
  5. No, this is something that started much before Covid, companies have been cutting back on CSR's for many years. Started with all the Press # menus, just to increase wait time and stall you, plus making it hard to actually have a prompt to speak with a real person. It's past policies coming home to roost. To quote a famous Missourian, "The Buck Stops Here". Ultimately the CEO is responsible for what happens with the company they're running. Being an apologist for these policies only emboldens the behavior. Customer service by major companies is a lost art. It didn't use to be this way. Just where is that free money coming from these days? I'm pretty sure most of that has been cut. I don't see how people can exist ongoing without an income. Maybe these companies need to pay more for these jobs. I will agree that the Covid situation is not something that anyone could foresee, especially what it did to the cruise companies. Having to lay off many of their employees certainly has put them behind the 8-ball now. No easy answers.
  6. I think their point is that if the website worked right and had correct information then there would be no need to be calling in.
  7. Yes, I just went through this on my last cruise, there were 8 of us and I took care of the dining reservations. I had complete control over all aspects of their bookings. Fortunately they could trust me, but this is something that people should be aware of if you happen to make plans with someone from a Roll Call etc. This really is something that Celebrity should address, but when has their IT department ever done anything that makes sense from a customer's point of view?
  8. Yes, I always do my best to remember that it's not the fault of the people answering the phones that I had to wait so long, it's the CEO's fault.
  9. Can't speak to United but with Marriott it might be when and where you are trying to stay. I had no issue recently using free annual nights in San Diego & Vancouver and was able to use my Suite rewards upgrade for both visits. I just got notice this morning that our Suite upgrade went through for the Westin in St Louis next week (on another free room). I also rarely have an issue finding availability with points. I have read on the Marriott FB where people never seem to get the Suite awards upgrade (different than just being upgraded when you get there) and can't seem to use the annual free night. They do have a wonky website.
  10. O.............k........ Hey, thanks for that info.
  11. That is not what is on the Oceania website, perhaps it's all a moving target, perhaps each line has different guidelines, but right now what is on the Oceania website says this; also see this link as to what is currently on the Oceania website, notice the date; (of course that "SUBJECT TO UPDATES" is the key to all of it) sail-safe-program.pdf (oceaniacruises.com) FOR SAILINGS EMBARKING ON OR AFTER AUGUST 1, 2022, Oceania Cruises will no longer require guests to produce a negative covid test to embark their cruise, subject to local regulations. Please Note: Voyages embarking from Canada and Greece as well as those sailing to Bermuda, will still require a negative covid test at embarkation, until further notice
  12. I haven't looked at the Regent website, but if they're like Oceania you better check again. Here is what is on the Oceania website. FOR SAILINGS EMBARKING ON OR AFTER AUGUST 1, 2022, Oceania Cruises will no longer require guests to produce a negative covid test to embark their cruise, subject to local regulations. Please Note: Voyages embarking from Canada and Greece as well as those sailing to Bermuda, will still require a negative covid test at embarkation, until further notice.
  13. You might be seeing the old statement. You want the one updated on July 5th. As of Aug 1st no more testing for cruises leaving the US.
  14. FWIW, Oceania has announced that for cruises Aug 1st forward no Covid testing required for boarding, unless for Canada, Greece or cruises going to Bermuda. I checked the NCL and Regent forums, but no word on those yet.
  15. No, but he could arrange to have it pressed for you, for a fee.
  16. I think we had this discussion before, and the Guideline still doesn't exist. How is it right to get a Guideline Reminder(GR) for a guideline that's not posted? If I'm missing it please post the link to it. The only reference I can find about being on the cruise is if you are selling merchandise related to that cruise.
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