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Everything posted by ORV

  1. Chicken is not cheap these days. It's all going up.
  2. Well, this could be interesting. I'm sure some here will be pretty disappointed. Others elated. They still need to update the section in the middle of the page.
  3. Just to be clear. If you're on an Oceania ship that has La Reserve the only port you'll be stopping at in Bermuda is the Royal Naval Dockyard.
  4. What's important is what those points, miles etc. will actually get you. On my Hilton Amex I get a bunch of points on all purchases, even more when I spend at a Hilton property. BUT, to get a room with their points is about 3 to 4 times as much as a Marriott room. Point is, there is more to look at than points earned per dollar spent.
  5. You can pretty much bet that there will be a shower in the space where the tub now is. Probably more counters or storage where the shower now is. I somehow doubt the cabin dimensions will change. More than likely soft goods, carpet, walls, drapes and furnishings. Nothing to get to excited about unless you are one that loved the tub. And there are definitely going to be a very vocal minority complaining about it once it happens. I personally would only do a tub if it was the only option. I welcome the larger shower.
  6. Maybe I should have used the smiley face, I wasn't seriously comparing the two situations.
  7. So I guess if you're Gwyneth Paltrow none of these rules would apply? Why they even pay her to promote her Lifestyle/Fashion line on Celebrity.
  8. It wasn't just us, there were a couple of other couples that were invited to both. I don't know if number of cruises a person has makes a difference or not. FWIW, there have been some we've only been invited to one, but some both.
  9. Nope, we sailed in May of this year.
  10. I've never found the rooms to be cold enough in hot areas. Amazing that it worked that well.
  11. Usually in the details. Probably because your category is not available. Understand your frustration though.
  12. I believe she's in the UK.
  13. I have no idea either way, and if I did it might disappear?????????????
  14. Yes, but, many TA's still use that designation, and you can bet they are still well connected with Oceania. Certainly don't disagree with the rest of what you said.
  15. Called in today, they had our info, but hadn't got around to calling us yet due to backlog. Got a 1A 3rd off the hump on deck 7. Wasn't able to get any of the March cruises, but the CSR seemed to infer they haven't been released yet. Was able to get the last week in Feb. My wife was on hold about an hour.
  16. I'm not going to tell you do a search, others have already said that. BUT, if you will spend some time just going through this forum, the past 3 or 4 weeks, and reading threads that catch your interest you will find the answers to all your questions and more. These are all common topics here. Fortunately, you don't have to wade through a lot of topics such as "What's your favorite drink?" or "Help me pick a cruise" like you might see on some of the other forums here. I agree with Lyn that coming from Celebrity you might like the O ships better, but you never know. Although I prefer the O ships, my first 2 cruises with Oceania were on the R ships and loved them. I actually cruised Oceania before Celebrity, and for the most part like Celebrity just fine. I just take them for what they are and don't expect one to be the other.
  17. We filled out form and requested a call Saturday. Here it is Tue, no call, no email. Anyone else in this situation? Maybe I'll call tomorrow.
  18. To Aloha, Thanks for doing this comparison. Very balanced.
  19. Probably more of not wanting to make it a thing, because the next thing you know everyone is doing it and ordering either menu in both restaurants. Kind of changes the vibe of the whole thing, probably not what Oceania F & B really want to happen.
  20. Without knowing who these great agency's are I have no response. BUT, I usually only have our TA book cruises, unless we are doing the flights through Oceania, then she's involved. Most flights, hotels, tours, etc., I take care of on my own. I do and have asked her advice for recommendations, which has always been spot on. Sorry it hasn't worked out for you.
  21. Yet the boards here on Cruise Critic are full of people that would argue this point with you all day(and night) long. I give up, it's the old lead a horse to water maxim.
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