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Everything posted by debenson0723

  1. Just call or use the chat feature. You can make these changes as long as you aren't 3 days from departure.
  2. No, it does not include specialty coffee. If you don't think you will drink 2-3 alcoholic drinks per day (basically the same cost as the $22 a day gratuity), you might be better off just paying as you go and getting your coffee on the side. And the ship only has the atrium cafe, where they serve Starbucks products, but not a dedicated Starbucks (so no SB app or gift cards).
  3. The tax charge is on embarkation day at the US port. I have been charged in Miami, Los Angeles and Seattle. Don't remember about Port Canaveral. There is typically a sign on the bar stating the tax will be charged. It's less than a dollar per drink and I don't even really notice it.
  4. You should look again...I seriously doubt it was filled up already. Or try the chat feature on the website. Last option if it doesn't allow you online is to use the kiosk or box office once you board.
  5. Any ship larger than the Jewel class typically has reservations for their main shows. There was talk that they may do first come, first serve on the larger ships but I have not seen that in normal practice yet.
  6. I agree completely with @UKstages. I am Sapphire status on NCL and have had extra treatment given to me, when I allow it. As an example, I was in line at the Local for lunch on a sea day. It was very busy and quite a number of people were waiting. The group in front of me was 5 people, I am a solo. They were asked to step aside and told the wait would be about 15-20 minutes. I placed my card on the scanner and was immediately taken to a table...for 6! I looked at the hostess and told her I did not need to be sitting at that huge table by myself and to please let me go stand in line and seat the party of 5 that was in front of me. She looked a little taken aback but I walked back to the podium and she took the party of 5 to 'my' table. I then told her I wanted nothing larger than a 2 top and I would be happy to wait. I have also had a hostess apologize (multiple times) if there were no window seats available in the MDR when I was being seated. I always tell them it is not necessary that I have a window...I just want to eat. These are only 2 examples off the top of my head and yes, service should be exceptional for every guest onboard but sometimes it is a touch more exceptional for Haven and elite status members (without waving our cards around).
  7. If you miss the ship you will get back the port fees, taxes and FAS gratuities (basically the things you didn't use because you weren't on board). So I don't see much of a need for the insurance but you already paid for it. Good luck and I hope you make the ship.
  8. The package itself is free...you pay the gratuities, which are about $21 p/p per day. So if you drink anywhere between 2-3 drinks a day, it pays for itself. And you must not have been on an RCL cruise...for their drink package on my cruise, it was $89.99 p/p per day PLUS 18% gratuities. Needless to say, I skipped buying that one.
  9. Unlike airports, I have never arrived in a US port that uses Global Entry...and I have disembarked in NYC, Miami and LA in the past 18 months. And like @Liljo22mentioned, they all used facial recognition scanners for immigration. Scan off the ship and just walk thru without showing your passport.
  10. Not sure what you are saying here. When I go to Europe (cruise or not), I have an international plan from my provider so I can use my cell phone just as I can at home. It is $10 a day. When on a ship, I put my phone in airplane mode and can take as many photos as I want. If I needed to make a call, I would use What'sApp but mostly I wait until on shore to make calls.
  11. On a Pacific Coastal cruise, we arrived on Wednesday with an overnight and the official disembarkation day was Thursday. There were many passengers who lived in Vancouver and got off the ship permanently on Wednesday, never to return. There were others who flew out of Vancouver on Wednesday. So I would guess you can leave the ship the day you arrive but you might want to call or ask as soon as you get on board to make sure.
  12. We very rarely have potato chips in our home (or cookies). No soda either. Just a lifestyle choice. Now Reese's Peanut Butter Cups...different story.
  13. This is the Starbucks in Indulge Food Hall. Back in the early days of Prima, it was mostly open same hours as the Food Hall. It wasn't included on the Viva (and neither was Coco's) to make room for more seating in Indulge.
  14. You didn't mention what ship but there should be a roll call started over in the Roll Call forum. Post over there for better responses.
  15. You can ask for it in the MDR at breakfast. Don't know about the buffet as I typically don't eat there but you might be able to get it at the bar.
  16. What port? Typically for most NCL ships, check in begins at 9:30am and priority boarding starts around 11:15am. When I boarded the Viva in Miami, the prior sailing was a non-rev and we were on the ship by 10:30 but that is unusual.
  17. Not retired and have 6 weeks PTO. Travel companion owns his own tech business and works remotely on the ship a few hours a day. Typically go to Europe or elsewhere for 3 weeks at a time...if I am going to take a 10-16 hour flight, I am going to stay for awhile. I have worked hard to get to this point and am grateful that I now have the time/funds to travel like I do.
  18. ICONS is a show that features singers from the cast of Beetlejuice. IIRC there were 6 of them. Sequins and tuxedos. They performs songs from the 60s to now, mixed genres. The seats in the the theatre are pushed back some, allowing for tables and chairs to be placed on the floor, with drink service. Runs about 50 minutes and we enjoyed it. Just enough to break up the evening before moving on to something else. And just for the record, Price is Right and Press Your Luck are both free, with the chance for the audience to win prizes. My travel companion was in the Showcase Showdown on PIR and won a TV but took the cash instead. Wheel of Fortune is free to watch and you have the option to play along using your phone for a fee but that is your choice.
  19. My friend was having an issue earlier this evening but I have been fine all day/night. He decided to just try again in the morning but I am still logged in and looking at options.
  20. If all you want is an app and wine (and dessert), then just pay a la carte. No need to use a coupon...save that for an evening when you want a complete meal.
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