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Everything posted by labrasett

  1. Thank you so much Lirio, animals are very much my "thing" but age and resultant decrepitude are somewhat a limitating factor in my ability to get right into the places to see them!
  2. This description of a Kimberley cruise plus the photos are so enthusing me. I want to go down there in 2026. Not looking forward to the flights from UK but possibly not quite as bad as from parts of US, brutal nevertheless and BC is the only way to go so saving up the pennies. Keep posting please and keep enjoying yourselves.
  3. This was a very unfortunate situation. As a former lawyer in the insurance industry I would suggest (1) never buy your insurance from your travel company unless you are absolutely certain what the terms and conditions are and that they are both reasonable in their own terms and cover all the risks you wish to have covered (think hard about it) and the cost is comparable with similar freestanding cover (2) always always read the policy terms and conditions very carefully and consider what are the risks you wish to cover and are they included in the policy (3) consider the type of payments you are making, is your deposit refundable or mostly refundable if you change your mind if so you might put off buying your insurance until you make your final payment (4) would an annual policy offer you a better overall deal, quite often single trip cover costs nearly as much as annual cover and if you are travelling regularly it is a no brainer. In UK quite usually single trip policies can only be purchased within a relatively short period before the trip ie possible only 30 or up to 90 days before the date of departure. Always always ensure you declare every medical condition you have and complete any medical history questions accurately so as to ensure that in the event of an unexpected medical issue you are not denied cover due to avoidance of the policy because of the failure to disclose full medical history from outset. Shop around prices vary hugely. Never ever decide to "wing it" and travel without cover well, that is unless you are mega rich and could afford to pay for a private medevac from some far distant part of the world and/or some monumentally expensive hospitalised in somewhere like, say, US of A. Happy sailing everyone.
  4. He's certainly long though not as fat/round as I would expect but sadly I have little chance of getting down to the Amazon although I am very glad for the recommendations should there become an unexpected opportunity to do so.
  5. Thank you so much Woodrowst that is really good information as the Amazon has long fascinated me (I think it is tales of Anacondas and big cats, neither of which I actually want to meet close up) which captured my imagination. My bucket list still has a few places on it and ano dominii is fast catching up plus my husband really doesnt like hot and steamy places so the Amazon may get missed but it certainly looks and [now] sounds like somewhere I could have enjoyed but maybe no on the Wind!!
  6. I too have wondered about the Amazon but rejected it as too hot and steamy and too many insects, then to follow with a trans Atlantic which is pretty devoid of life once you are a good few hundred miles clear of land and finally to end up in West Africa would in total for me be a kind of hell. Many years ago I worked as cabin crew for an airline with serviced west africa. I am afraid there is very little there which would attract me back and certainly I wouldnt want to go on an SSC cruise there. It was interesting to read of the discussion between Fletcher and the young man who was asking why there were so few tourists going to Sierra Leone. In the late 70s there were a couple of hotels there which did have occasional tourists but there are issues with malarial mosquitoes in Sierra Leone, food which is not entirely to the taste of most tourists and there was general poverty. Since then there has been a pretty bloody civil war and there is very little positive news which comes out of the area which might encourage even the most curious mind to visit. Both the Amazon and most of west africa experience similarly high humidity, excessive heat at times and torrential rain, I wouldnt suggest that no one should ever consider travelling to these places but I would advise doing so only after having done very significant research so anyone actually travelling would not be too taken by surprise.
  7. I found that leaving the empty box on the counter top beside the sink always produced replacements during the day.
  8. Face the fact - cruise ships are floating petri dishes, you either cruise and run the risk of picking something up or you dont. SSC do their level best to sanitise and clean the ships fully on turn arounds and in daily and constant cleaning but stuff happens. Passengers are significantly inconsiderate of others and hand washing/sanitising is another subject all of its own! Norovirus runs through ships so very easily but also just easily through resorts and hotels or in fact anywhere there are a lot of people in a relatively confined space. You either run the risks associated with travel or you stay at home. I know what I choose.
  9. Over the years I have given four parkas (2 womens and two mens sizes) to a charity providing clothing to refugees in Calais (I live in UK) one very cold winter, I have given away two to friends who love them for walking on the UK beaches in winter and I have one I wear nearly every day to walk my dogs plus I still have one which is rarely worn but kept clean for "best" ie for non dog walking but outdoor trips in inclement weather. I am looking forward to adding another one to my wardrobe as I am thinking my dog walking one is coming due for retirement. They are wonderful garments worn in the various possible combinations.
  10. I suspect you would have got better help from Head Housekeeper or CD than from your butler.
  11. Why did she go? Perhaps she had an offer she couldnt refuse. Heading up Kempinski Hotels is a huge and very prestigious role, she now has the challenge of fulfilling the expectations placed upon her. Will she do it? I suspect she will, one very competent lady with a hugely relevant academic career behind her backed by in depth travel/hospitality industry experience and apparently a real feel for what luxury is all about.
  12. No reason to believe you were "lied to", it may have been a mistake. Your neighbours may have had hearing issues. Your problem was solved by your move so why are you complaining quite so vociferously. Sorry but there has to be some give and take and your problem was resolved.
  13. The dress code is casual but no jeans or flip flops after 6.00. Just a bit smarter than during the day but no ties and no need for cocktail dresses although some ladies do enjoy dressing up a bit. Just relax and enjoy your trip.
  14. So who has been made redundant in SSC? From the internet it looks like it has been mainly the people who co-ordinated business with "trade" customers rather than the person to person SSC agent in the various offices around the world. Does anyone actually know?
  15. Well not really actually, first of all the penalties are not really that great and second the businesses find ways around the regulations even though that shouldnt be possible. Think back to the Covid excuses. British Airways changed terms and conditions for all their staff, dismissed and re-engaged and changed operating processes and practices to substantiate changes in roles. In reality they succeeded in dispensing with the services of most of their senior (well paid and highly experienced) cabin (and I believe ground) staff and replaced them with new staff. Virgin Atlantic did the same and they are facing a group tribunal claim this week that the covid related reorganisation was just and excuse to get rid of the older (better paid) staff in favour of younger and new employees on lower salaries.
  16. But wasnt that just one night, unfortunate I will give you but only one night.
  17. Wonderful narratives from TLCOhio, thank you. So wonderful to see how you embraced India and the issues prior to boarding. Have a wonderful trip and please keep posting.
  18. I am sorry to hear that I also have friends (two lots) on the Whisper and they are having a wonderful time.
  19. Yes it did blow my skirt up a bit, sorry I failed to read between the lines. But, of course, we all knew that the future itineraries would be foreshortened, there was really no point in asking. World cruising is in such turmoil, I have sympathy with the people who are doing the forward planning, no sooner does one area of the world settle (a bit) then another blows up. Its all a bit of a lottery at the moment.
  20. I have to say I get particularly cross about complaints about missed ports. The reasons are almost always pretty obvious at the time and are way outside the control of Silversea. Changes to itineraries are generally brought about because of changes in berthing and on shore arrangements which again are things that Silversea cant control. It is disappointing but the crew on SSC seem to do their utmost to make the best of what they have got. We were on Whisper the cruise before Host Jazzbeau and I would tend to agree with his comments although we didnt go to trivia or bingo! I did enjoy Dover Sole and two styles of lobster in the MDR but mostly I dont enjoy the style of cooking at dinner on SSC generally but I am perfectly happy to pick and choose and eat only those items from the menu which I fancy. I thoroughly enjoy the lunch buffets and always find something delicious and breakfast is perfect for me as I only wish for fresh fruit and yoghourt. I am very fortunate to come home only slightly heavier than I go away due to being so picky but I fear the weight I do gain is more related to wines and champagne than food. Onwards and upwards, it will be the Endeavour for us next.
  21. I absolutely cannot reconcile "the Captain looked at me like a cow looking at a passing train". The current captain on the Whisper is the epitome of a gentleman and he is charming. I am glad you have noted that the crew will suffer much more than passengers. There is so much "me" amongst disappointed passengers at the moment. Stuff happens and SSC are having to make the best of a bad job.
  22. I absolutely hate comments which compare like for like in the same place at much the same time. Who can whether Ponant have a better expedition team it is in the perception of the passengers at the time with no like for like comparison (who wouldnt be possible). Just get on with your cruise and enjoy what YOU. This is very personal what is great for one person is less so for another.
  23. Sorry Jaco2 but if you didnt ask to cancel and have a refund then you have a cruise coming up for which you have paid and which, apparently Silversea is going to provide. This isnt a game or maybe you have been playing it as a game, who knows?
  24. Nonsense no problem I dont have a LBD but I do have a couple of very pretty floaty tops which constitute "formal" wear worn over black trousers, little opportunity to wear this type of clothing elsewhere but just occasionally it is lovely to "dress up" so even if it usually only cruises then I will continue to do so.
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