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Everything posted by mo&fran

  1. The latest prediction on Ian has it tracking farther to the west, which has been the trend. Here in south Florida, we are now out of the cone of uncertainty. PC is still on the edge, but if it continues the trend, it could become clear also. It looks like any western cruise routes may be affected.
  2. I have never seen the barges being used in Port Everglades. I have seen them in St Martin, and they were there for most of the port call, certainly more than 4 hours. I do see tanker trucks connected in PEV, but I wonder if they are loading fuel. or unloading waste that cannot be discharged ay sea.
  3. Port Everglades seems like it is the major port is south Florida for fuel. Tons of storage tanks.
  4. I se Harmony of the Seas docked in FLL this morning. Looks like she may have a fuel barge next to her. Original schedule had her in St Martin this week, but she went west. Most of the ships that I have been on refuel in St Martin.
  5. The dock workers have blanks that they will print the room number and put them on the bags.
  6. Both of our cars have heated seats. It shuts off when you turn the car off. If you want heat, you need to turn it on. Same for rear window and rear view mirrors.
  7. I believe the company that has rentals for a cruise ship can provide scooters that will fit inside a standard cabin. It can be a problem with where to put it while inside and still be able to move around.
  8. Thanks for the pier pictures. Looking at PTZTV , you don't think a lot is happening. Things are a lot different from my pictures from a year ago. I saw a least two cargo ships docked there that brought all of the containers and other supplies.
  9. I'm sitting at 90 again. Our weather guys say we have broken the record for consecutive 90 degree or higher days in a row. Humidity at 74%.
  10. I've never developed a taste for coffee. Listening to you guys makes me happy I didn't. My FIL used to visit , and he started a pot every morning, and it did smell good. Not enough to try it. I did develop a taste for liquor.
  11. This is a photo I took last October from Odyssey. And this I tried to zoom in, but I don't how to save it.
  12. Thanks. JR has been my goto for breakfast on Oasis class since they stopped serving breakfast in the Concierge lounge.
  13. According to @chengkp75 In shallow water (like the harbor) as the ship goes faster, it sits lower in the water, increasing the clearance under the bridge. Oasis always does this in NY.
  14. IN my opinion, the whole subject on pizza, as far as I am concerned, is the sauce. You can add all of the toppings you want, but it is the sauce that makes it. My favorite sauce I have ever has, was for Jim Staffa's County LIne Pizza, in Jupiter fl. I am sure he made his own, and I really loved it. And , in winter, the snowbirds would show up, and announce they had just driven thousands of miles to eat there. Of course, that was BS, it was a small place off of US1, and if I recall, he sold the property in the 1980's, and I don't know where he went. But that gives me a funny cruise story. On our Odyssey cruise last October, my wife struck up a conversation with a fellow who was from Boston area, which is where she grew up. At one point, he mentioned he was a cop from Tequesta fl. Tequesta is a town on the county line next to Jupiter, and he had moved there in 1977. I said I had moved into the area in 1976, and one of my favorite thing was to go to that pizza place to eat. Joe, the cop, started to smi;e when I sad that my waitress's husband was a Tequesta policeman. Joe smiled and said that was his boss when he moved there. He also had a neighbor who was a nurse at Jupiter Medical Center, which was where DW worked at the time. Yup, the are facebook friends, I get home, stop at a local Publix liquor store, where Fred , a retired Publix store manager works part time (when not cruising), and tell him the story , and he laughs. The store he managed was in Tequesta. Of course, all of the cops stopped there.
  15. Boy , they didn't do that when we sailed Explorer out of Bayonne. This was before the new terminal, so we all had to go down, get on a bus over to the Quonset hut, go by the agent, get back on the bus and drive back to the ship. PIA In winter, In the cold.
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