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Everything posted by barbeyg

  1. I agree wholeheartedly. Excellent list. We basically had the same list for our son when he was a teenager. He still talks about my busting him when he stopped by his cabin with a (male) friend to pick something up (directly across from our cabin), and he invited him inside. We gave him as much freedom as we could, believing it was a good "practice" for young adulthood, but the rules were not to be broken. I was not our son's friend. I was his mom, and willing to embarrass him if necessary. Heck, our existence was embarrassing at that time! 🀣 Parenting, true hands-on parenting, is not for the faint of heart. πŸ™‚
  2. I really wish we could, but….work. πŸ˜• Why we had to cancel. We are sailing HI next year though to make up for this year’s loss. 😁 Hope y’all have a great voyage to HI!
  3. There is a graduated loss of payment, based on how many days out. 60-31 days out, 75% of payment is forfeited. 74-61 days 50% is forfeited. I suggest they call their travel agent or if not booked with a TA, RCI quickly, if they believe they aren’t going to sail. For anyone considering not getting insurance, or not qualifying for it, you must decide if you can afford to lose the amount you spend on a cruise. That is why so many here recommended insurance. Cruise lines aren’t going to absorb this kind of loss out of compassion. They are a business, and all operate this way. I am really sorry about your friends. That is tough.
  4. And you guys seem to have raised one of those. πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸΌ
  5. I agree. Lots of great kids out there still. I know some of their parents. πŸ™‚ The best parents I know are present, take responsibility, and have raised some pretty great kids during a time when so many have abdicated parenting. Like every generation, all get lumped together and judged by the worst behaved. πŸ™‚
  6. I’m sorry this has happened. Try to maximize the benefits at the airport. When you check in, request wheelchair service. Shorter security lines, and a place for you to sit while there. I hope it feels better soon. I have a bum knee that acts up too, so can commiserate.
  7. Southern Cajuns know the difference. We have crab traps/pots ourselves. Many of us would call the pot y’all cook them in a gumbo pot no matter what is cooking. 😁 As in, β€œGrab the gumbo pot, Boudreaux! We have a mess of crabs to boil!”
  8. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. I agree with those who have said that we can all have a 'not so great' cruise. I've experienced those before. It hasn't kept me from cruising because I've had some bad land vacations as well, and love cruising. I also tend to see the glass half full most of the time, and shrug off the poor experiences I am able to, deal with the rest. We personally won't sail anything less than 7 nights because a shorter cruise has a completely different feel to it. And we just aren't ready to exit after a few nights. Also, that was a whopping amount you were willing to pay for the cruise. There are bargains out there, and this wasn't one. I suggest planning further out if you want better pricing. Hope your next vacation is a better experience, and you both feel better soon.
  9. No more than a week out when we have sailed. Usually 6-7 days out.
  10. Just think, your liver is well rested for the St Patrick's Day festivities ahead! You will be leading the pack tonight! 😁
  11. I don't like the gravy either, and I get mine every time without it. So, yes, you can order without. πŸ™‚ Great to see you here @firefly333. Hope you are doing well.
  12. I don't know why the ships have wifi systems if they aren't going to periodically reboot them. All wifi systems have issues, and yet RCI seems to only do a reboot (or reset as they call it πŸ™„) when they have to start refunding money. Sigh.
  13. Smart decision. 😁 Sounds similar to the Skylab Fallout drink I had at Pat O'Brien's back when I was in my 20s and out with friends. πŸ™‚ It had Blue Curacao, Everclear, Gin, 151 Rum, Tequila, Vodka and a spray of Pineapple juice. I drank three and let's just say that I didn't consume alcohol again until months later. Not sick, but closest thing to blackout drunk I've ever been. Anyone want the recipe to try, I have it. I save it for the 'memories'. 🀣
  14. We will email John after the cruise is over for the 'mutual friend' info. πŸ™‚ Hoping we all get to meet in 2025....hopefully we will run into some of you sooner on a cruise. We have several booked next year.
  15. That’s very possible. πŸ™‚ Some people aren’t very good with social cues, and this could be his first contract. Some lessons are learned over time. If the situation makes you feel uncomfortable and you don’t want to speak up, there is nothing wrong with moving to a different server.
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