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Everything posted by barbeyg

  1. @TravelGirlinDallas, love the pics! And so glad all is okay. I understand the wish to fast forward a few months. For me, it is November I wish to fast forward to! Two software upgrades, one other complete software change and a month of duplicating work. Here’s hoping the rest of your work transition goes well. Thanks for checking in. πŸ™‚
  2. Have a great time all! We were supposed to be on that one, but work got in the way. We had to cancel, but did book Celebrity Edge for next fall when it came out, 13 nights. Work won’t be getting in the way anymore beginning next April. 😁
  3. I’m so sorry to hear that, Dani. I can’t take pain relievers for the same reason. Not really many other choices (if any) out there that don’t affect the stomachs of those who can’t tolerate them. πŸ˜•
  4. @Sea Dog, I do struggle at times with sensitive skin, especially to sun and salt water. A few doses of Benadryl helps me. May or may not be useful for you. I hope you get past the itching soon!
  5. Luckynana, sorry to hear you dealt with a bout too. Hope you get your energy back soon. That was the worst part for me, besides a high fever. It was about a month till I had my normal energy back.
  6. @derorim and @ReneeFLL, hope you feel better soon. Ken and I tend to share with one another. I kindly passed it on to him after our AK cruise last year. πŸ˜•
  7. Just drop a line in the Bella thread if you find yourselves choosing Atlanta, and we can connect. It’s our pleasure.
  8. @Sea Dog, you know, @brillohead and @Ocean Boy are right about discounts, at least for you. We follow a few YouTube vloggers that are excellent with videography, and some of them get some really great discounts in travel, just because of their videos. Something to think about. You are that great! πŸ™‚
  9. Dani, I only lurk in here but have been on CC for years now, mostly hanging in the Bella thread. If you guys decided to fly into Atlanta, Ken and I drive right thru Atlanta on our way down to Orlando. You are more than welcome to hitch a ride with us, as we are also booked on Bella 2.0. πŸ™‚. We could pick you up at the airport. Our SUV can hold 4 adults, 4 large and 4 small pieces of luggage comfortably. We will be retired then so can be flexible about when we drive down. Just wanted to toss that option out, and if you seriously consider it, I can share my email here or the Bella thread. πŸ™‚
  10. Excuse me, OB. I’m sorry I misunderstood. Thank you for including all of us. 😁Greg sure does have a big family!
  11. That's okay. It's a surprise, right? My hubby doesn't know I booked a GS to surprise him. Not telling him for another 683 days is going to kill me. πŸ˜‚
  12. If this happens, it's probably because the 'bean counters' in charge have run revenue analysis and discovered that shorter cruises have a higher spend ratio than 7 night cruises. This hypothesis is from a 'bean counter'. 😁 When they put Jason Liberty in charge, I figured it was to start seriously counting pennies.
  13. Your videography has been stellar, as always, Greg. But nothing has topped the tribute to Marty's lovely wife, Sue. That was truly beautiful. πŸ™‚
  14. I guess you should consider yourself fortunate he didn’t make you tip him so you could take them off the trolley.
  15. Any Quantum class is my favorite. Totally enclosed, climate controlled and beautiful.
  16. Thanks for this heads up. We will be sailing Miami in May, and planned to UBER. We will schedule ahead, and probably even walk off with luggage.
  17. Thanks for this review, @rimmit! I’m so glad your wife is well enough to travel and enjoy that. I’ve thought of you guys often, after reading about what happened. Hope you both had a great time!
  18. Hang in there! Our son was limited with devices as well. And when he would whine and ask my husband how he could reach us in an emergency, his dad told him to borrow one of the other kids' phones, since there were so many around him. 🀣 He was so deprived.
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