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Everything posted by barbeyg

  1. Everyone has bad days, and can have bad attitudes, but this dude owes you an apology. I avoid confrontation like the plague, but I personally would have asked to be moved to another server after that meal. I think it is an excellent idea to mention him in the survey. If he treated you that way, he has probably treated others the same. I'm really sorry this happened to you.
  2. When the cruise is over, I suggest emailing John. He has his email in his siggy, if you expand that to see it. He can provide the details that way without playing Monopoly on CC. πŸ™‚
  3. It can be made with pistachio liqueur, but that is not necessary if they use the alternate recipe. Some bartenders don't know all the recipes for all the drinks. I carry my phone so I can whip it out if someone looks confused when asking for a particular drink. 😁
  4. You snooze you lose. πŸ™‚ Going to have to spend more time at Schooner Bar in May on Harmony. We were the "first shift" at the Martini Bar on Celebrity when we last sailed Celebrity. Second shift took over when we headed off to dinner. lol
  5. And the equipment for any wifi is only as good as the maintenance of the equipment (and rebooting as needed). RCI seems to only reboot when someone trips over the power cord. πŸ˜‚ Or the complaint line gets long enough at CS.
  6. I am so sorry you and your wife are fighting this battle. I hope the treatment goes well for her, and she is victorious over the cancer.
  7. Good to hear they didn’t charge him for a missing card. I misplaced the wrist band more than the card myself. It kept falling off while in bars. Go figure. πŸ˜‚
  8. Ridiculous for them to use replacing the cards as a money grab. πŸ™„ I love RCI, but this is pathetic. Ken misplaced his once, and there was no charge. If this was me, I would bring the suite concierge the old one, ask for it to be reactivated (and the charge removed), leave the wrong colored one with him. Sheesh.
  9. Earlier someone said that they were waiting on supplies. Probably found this thread and are stocking up liquor. 😎
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