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Everything posted by mz-s

  1. The glory sails out of New Orleans every week, how are we supposed to know which cruise you are on. Try the roll call for your specific sailing.
  2. Well if that isn't "none of your business" I don't know what is!
  3. I guess in a manner of speaking that's true, but every one of these photos if taken today would look different. There's no aft pools, no slide at the main pool, the stripes are gone from the entrance to Stripes, etc.
  4. Well it was a while ago but my Bermuda cruise was a 7 day. I guess they don't dock in Bermuda for 3 days anymore?
  5. Do they even do 5-day cruises to Bermuda?
  6. Points do not accrue between cruises but I'm sure the casino keeps track of guests' lifetime value. You can set your own PIN and change it at will, it doesn't need to be the same between cruises. There is no formula to earning offers on Carnival. Points do accrue in a predictable fashion on slots, but not for table games. And other than DOU (drinks on us) no other comps seem to follow a predictable pattern. The key though is you don't necessarily need to lose a lot of money out of pocket to get comps. You just need to play through a lot of money.
  7. Good to hear they're trying to prevent chair squatters on Mardi Gras.
  8. No, just like on Lido - coffee, hot tea, iced tea, lemonade, and water are included in the dining room.
  9. coin operated on the remaining Fantasy class vessels, S&S operated on other vessels. guest services can make change if you are cruising on a Fantasy class ship.
  10. It's not as complicated as you're making it. You don't have to sit there with a stopwatch to be able to tell when a chair is in use and someone just went to the bathroom vs. a chair hogger that's had their towel there since before breakfast.
  11. There is a plain difference between a chair that's been in use but someone just went up to get a drink or plate vs. a towel that's been sitting there since before breakfast.
  12. People like what they like what's it to you
  13. The crew don't want the confrontation. I don't blame them. People can turn mean quick when they don't get their way and it's all about me me me.
  14. You place too much importance on brand twitter accounts. They're not really for serious communication.
  15. I think it's just they have to come up with tripe to post every day a couple times a day, and every once in a while they come up with tripe that gets a rise out of people.
  16. Carnival seems to be a decade behind their competitors when it comes to wifi. Like it or not people expect usable internet on vacation these days. The technology exists but Carnival isn't deploying it.
  17. Yes you're not supposed to take anything that's unsealed onshore. Nor bring anything that's unsealed back onshore.
  18. Just move the towels. I do. I don't care anymore.
  19. When we get back to where we were in February 2020 and add jobs beyond that, then you can call it job growth.
  20. YMMV but on my most recent Sunshine cruise, iMessage worked for texting even without purchasing a plan. I couldn't get photos to send or anything but I could send and receive iMessage texts all cruise for free. I have no idea if this is fleet-wide or what.
  21. there are no open container laws on the ship if that's your question?
  22. I am not worried about the crew moving the damn ducks. I am worried about passengers leaving dozens of things behind on a ship during a pandemic. Certainly it's not a huge problem but it's just stupid.
  23. Why would you re-hide them just before the crew has to reset the ship for the next cruise?
  24. Isolating people on day 4 of a 5 day cruise is like having a no-peeing section of the pool but only after 3PM when the pool closes at 6. Doesn't do much good.
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