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Everything posted by zqvol

  1. Make sure you take both passports with you. When you get a new one the old one is supposedly canceled. Just because NCL took the number doesn’t mean that is valid for travel.
  2. Port times are so short, and at a couple of places docking is so far from town I would not cruise NCL to Alaska.
  3. With demand for cruises so high, I would be very surprised if prices went down even for 2025 European cruises.
  4. He’s getting everything he paid to NCL back. The $1800 included all the taxes, gratuities, FAS upgrade, spa pass, etc. all of which is refunded to anyone who doesn’t sail. what you should do is book more than 6 days before your cruise and don’t book if you can’t get a cabin assigned. Lengthy discussions still exists on other social media sites.
  5. I wouldn’t do it. If I had two weeks I would make it a land based trip and fly between islands.
  6. Rent a car. Lots of free or almost free stuff to do at every port and on every island. There is always a beach somewhere. Check the Hawaii port of call board.
  7. Generally reservations are available when you board the ship. IMO best to handle them as soon as you check in at your muster station.
  8. No bar codes. All luggage is sorted and delivered without any electronic help. Old school way.
  9. Don’t need a passport for a closed loop cruise. NCL doesn’t care when it expires in that particular circumstance.
  10. You can do it at the pier on the day of sailing if you want, it just speeds things up to do it ahead of time.
  11. Invalid passports would never be an issue they are scanned at the pier. Truthfully there is really no need to check in a lot of people just show up with their booking slip and a passport and are good to go.
  12. The color coding identifies the ship it has nothing to do with deck or cabin.
  13. The luxury lines are a much better value and while I haven’t looked lately probably a better price.
  14. Check the Food Republic menu before making your decision. There is nothing on that menu that interests me enough to spend a credit on.
  15. Inaccurate. For closed loop cruises out of the US as long as it is valid on the day your cruise ends there is no 6 month requirement. Cruising in other parts of the world may require six months before expiration in order to enter a specific country, but even that is not everywhere. To the OP I would go ahead and renew it now, since it expires before your cruise. No need to expedite the service as it is currently being reported that renewals take 3 - 6 weeks.
  16. The only place to really avoid is over or under the theater
  17. Pretty accurate, except that I find the quality of the met to be exceptional, some of the best on the ship.
  18. That is why the hour limit and the draining requirement.
  19. On a HAL cruise we ate dinner in the buffet 4 or 5 times. Very relaxed, almost no one there and the food was excellent. Plan on trying the buffet on my upcoming B2B as the menus in the MDR sometimes have nothing that I am interested in.
  20. Whales have to breathe 24/7 just like humans. They are always coming to the surface.
  21. Other than the hotel rates are jacked way up it is not much different than any Sunday when the saints are playing at home.
  22. So you have decided, based on a few non professional photos, that the food is bad. That is just sad.
  23. Changing to Regent is like going from a Volkswagen or a Cadillac. Not at all the same and not a fair comparison. If you can go on Regent why in heavens name would you be on NCL?
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