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Everything posted by rakkor

  1. I have a better scan of it Room_Service.pdf
  2. Nope - There are treadmills in the Gym, although if, like me you are tall, the way they are positioned means you are liable to be pitched into the ceiling if the seas are anything less than smooth and it can be disconcerting to have the floor disappear from under you mid stride if the ship is pitching. You can run around the promenade deck, but are restricted to after 8am and it's narrow which puts you in conflict with people who are promenading, and there are plenty, moving very slowly as expeced given the demographic.
  3. That's the old menu - The current QE menu is...
  4. Jane is a martyr to seasickness, she swears by Kwells, one before a lumpy sea day, she also finds Sturgeron effective but they knock her out.
  5. They were painting bits of the Grills terrace Sunday, I assume it's a bit like painting the Forth Bridge, once finished it's time to start all over
  6. I only saw yesterday's as we left the ship, but it ll looks to be there, I'll scan it properly when we return home tomorrow so you can judge it better
  7. It does a bit, but all the info that you need is there - I'll scan it properly when I get home
  8. Daily programme format change??? This is today's DP for the start of the new Barcelona cruises.
  9. rakkor

    Upload test

    File upload failing in usual forum
  10. Everything I try to upload fails, but only in the Cunard Forum, The test forum is fine. @Host Hattie
  11. rakkor

    Fencing QE?

    I just had a look in yesterday's (sea day) daily programme and it wasn't on but it was on on all our previous sea days.
  12. I assume it will stay the same as the last two Mondays - Terminal D
  13. Yes but our changeovers aren't a full ship changeover as its a mix of 7 & 14 day cruisers
  14. I've daily programmes from March uploaded on my blog under the daily programmes menu https://blog.rakkor.uk/blog/daily-programme/q208n-northern-lights-march-2022/
  15. There was a sounding of the ships bell and sounding of the ships horn followed by a minutes silence on the QE today at 14:00 GMT to coincide with the Royal Salute.
  16. I had a chat with one of the officers this morning while waiting for the tender and she confirmed that there's nothing definite planned, but they are hoping to resume them soon, obviously there are many values of soon available
  17. It's my birthday on the 13th and although I'd have liked to spend it on board, my oppo at work wanted the end of September off and since he's been single handedly kept the office afloat while I've been off I thought I out to let him have it. Anyway, so rather than spending it on board we are staying on for a couple of days returning to the UK on the 15th
  18. There are obviously two QEs existing in the universe because this isn't my experience. I'm a firm believer in you reap what you sow, so if you treat the staff with respect they wi return that respect. As for dirty, some areas are getting a bit tired, but never dirty There's a abundance of fresh paint around, I certainly smell it all around deck 4 and the promenade deck where rust is being tackled.
  19. None at all - sorry - apologies to @Lynnewob I stuck my head in on the way to dinner last night, but I couldn't see you and we stopped for a drink post dinner on the off chance you'd come but nope.
  20. Apologies for the delay in publishing yesterday's blog but I was very lazy, plus we'd arranged for an 18:30 pre dinner drinks with our table mates so my routine was all messed up, so much so I forgot my phone/camera so missed out one one of the best sunsets at dinner. Anyway https://blog.rakkor.uk for yesterday's offerings and maybe today part 1 if I don't get too distracted in the Commodore Club by the singer - she's very good!
  21. I'll stick my head in the door on our way to dinner.
  22. Not so much a sunrise as a reflection of one as we were on the wrong side of the ship as we arrived in Valencia this morning
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