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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. Good morning and thank all! @summer slopesending gentle hugs and prayers for strength and peace, such a difficult decision! @cruising sister I’m sorry the holidays are so hard, I have a friend who sometimes will come over and other times prefers to be alone. I think Maureen is very wise. Hoping your aunt can be helped to have a good living situation. It’s so hard with the very elderly. I have a 99 year old aunt still in her own home. @smitty34877 hoping Lou can come home. He’ll heal better at home. I like the idea of visiting @Overhead Fred BBQ anyone? Now who has the private plane🤷‍♀️
  2. Th pinnacle has the wraparound deck, narrower in places but you can walk all the way around unlike the Royal Princess where you have to go inside and back out. Over and over.
  3. Good morning and happy Fourth of July to our American friends. @cruising sister offering my condolences on the death of your aunt, hoping you can help settle your other aunt as easily as possible. @smitty34877 glad Lou has perked up a bit, blood loss is quite devastating and hope he will feel better very soon! @kazu hoping Ivan turns the corner soon! Poor boy and poor mom! @0106thanks for your explanation of the quote. Background always helps understanding @RMLincolnas always I appreciate your insightful words! Thank you! The canola fields are already deep in bloom, it seems very early.
  4. We had awesome olive oil and honey from Crete. They sold the Cretan honey in Athens, so I’m guessing the olive oil would be available too.
  5. @summer slope sending hugs on this difficult day! @kazu just wondering, tramadol can cause nausea and dizziness. @1ANGELCAT so hard to see that.
  6. Mykonos can be a port that the winds make it difficult or impossible to stop. So I wouldn’t book anything you couldn’t cancel. We made two of the three times and we’re able to get sun beds by just showing up at the beach. Just make sure and check prices before you commit. Or you may have to share with the locals 😂 J
  7. I’m thinking you should be able to see at least two of the three, if I recall correctly it’s about a 45 minute drive each way. Priene is an uphill walk, it’s not really hard unless you have any mobility issues. But you have any you could drop that stop if necessary. But I’m sure he will advise you what will work for your schedule, We found him very responsive.
  8. Good morning and thanks all! @smitty34877 prayers for strength and peace and improvement for Lou! @kazu praying for improvement for Ivan, The huge tornado here had a path two kilometres wide and was on the ground for over twenty minutes. It completely destroyed several homes and killed many cattle and a horse, Miraculously there was no loss of human life, so lucky it was in a sparsely populated area. @Nickelpenny there is a century club I believe if you visit 100 countries. We’re working on that, lol! @Heartgrove now I’m curious about the Queen Victoria? We sailed on her and to my knowledge she still exists. Your cruising plans sound interesting. @RMLincolnhope you are able to remain Healthy. I was advised by my doctor to quarantine before surgery. Seems like we just had Stavanger as port, I’ll share a more local heart
  9. We did it as a private tour. I can’t remember the exact length but we also had lunch near Didyma. I think he would be able to arrange something that works for you. Those cities are very impressive. A few photos
  10. I am praying all will be well. @Seasick Sailor yikes. Hope you heal quickly gorgeous flower’s Carolyn sounds like yesterday was un lucky for several of us. The damage to our trailer and truck is more than we first realized sigh.
  11. Good morning and thanks all. @dfish I’m ok. I think you meant Redbird. we had a crazy storm. Many people lost homes in a tornado. We have hail damage to our truck and tv. But at least the weather allowed for fireworks. I will post some photos of Cagliari for Sandi IMG_2422.mov
  12. White rabbit. White rabbit. White rabbit. happy Canada Day thanks all for the wonderful photos. a couple of Greek salads in Greece 😎
  13. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Such a nasty disease
  14. @Cruzin Terri we have stayed at both the Marriott and the admiral. Both are lovely hotels but the marriott is a little far from Most areas. So do use taxis to get to Nyhaven area.
  15. Ooh. My post went poof. and I have little wifi and a phone grr. thanks for the lovely wishes for DH. Happiest birthday to Lou. @kochleffelhappy retirement. @luvteaching I’m glad you had a nice day in beautiful La Conner. Love that place @kazu beautiful peonies and hydrangea. I agree with Jose @Denise Ti am so sorry to hear your news. We have been fortunate most of our lives until recently. It is so difficult to deal with this in your home. We also Had to get a new survey and security after many issues. One of which was the removal of a peony and daffodils from our property. I am hoping you can peacefully resolve it. @cruising sisterglad little Murphy is holding her own.
  16. You’re most welcome. If you could wrangle a little more time it would be great. We spent 5 nights in Kyoto and that is after a few days getting over jet lag. There is a lot to see and do. We spent two weeks total in Japan and two weeks on the ship and felt it was perfect.
  17. Prayers for Murphy and Lou and Terry! And for Jazzy’s friend Ruth! We love the Vietnamese salad rolls. DH celebrates camera day with his professional Nikon D850 along with two other Nikons and lenses, whoever thought birdwatching was a cheap thing to do🤷‍♀️ The peonies are bursting forth! Courtesy of our IPhone.
  18. We really enjoyed many of the same ports on the second choice as well. Kanazawa allows you to visit the gorgeous thatched village of Shirakawa go and one of the top gardens in Japan. Aomori will also allow a visit to Hirosaki. I would suggest if you want to enjoy the cherry blossoms you head over before the end of March and spend some time in Kyoto. It is magnificent, and easy to visit your own. You could fly into Kansai for Kyoto and out of Tokyo. We also enjoyed a number of smaller places like Himeji, and visiting an onsen town. We also spent time after the cruise in Tokyo and we’re glad we did it that way as we were then more familiar with Japan.
  19. We have visited several times and it is a Beautiful city. But we have seen many stolen bags dumped and many people on our ship had their passports stolen and valuable jewellery. So don’t wear anything expensive, use a money belt under your clothes for valuables and you’ll be fine.
  20. Karen, I am just SO sorry and sending my deepest condolences!
  21. @luvteaching sending prayers for strength and peace for all of you!
  22. Good morning and thanks all! Prayers for all who need them, even those unspoken! Special prayers for Terry and Lou and family. happy birthday Carol! We too had some of the prophet read at our wedding. I like the quote, I take it to mean that when you are at peace with your thoughts they remain unspoken. But at times you need to process things and they need to be discussed. Some are naturally more reclusive at times. I find the comments on forgiveness very interesting. People can be very hurtful and unfortunately not all operate with the same consideration for others. I try very hard not to leave people out, as it can be very hurtful. Our minister has been doing sermons on the parables and had a very interesting one on trying to keep the lines of communication open and seeing each other. She said the apology may never come but at least there is a chance for togetherness. I think what’s important is to do the right thing so you can look yourself in the mirror. I believe Karma will take care of others.
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