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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. Thanks to those who encouraged me to call again, now have club orange for the correct amount.
  2. Good day and thanks all! Nasty smoke for day three! Sigh! DH had a reef shark hit him in the head while diving, not sure how many points, lol! @Seasick Sailor happy birthday to Allen! @rafinmdhappy birthday to Keith! @cruising sister what wise advice, hoping baby Murphy continues to improve! @kazu glad Ivan seems a little better! @smitty34877 glad you’ve had a little break! @Vict0riannsorry you had to cancel this cruise, never fun! @Quartzsite Cruiser I hate it that so few follow thru! Vent away!
  3. That would make sense except I ready have it.
  4. Just called today and was quoted over 1800$ for 14 days club orange! And I had read this online too. Another conundrum
  5. @JazzyV I am so sorry to hear about your friend, way too soon.sending my condolences!
  6. Good morning and thanks all! Enjoying the pictures of Scotland, it has been far too long. DS is considering St Andrew’s for a doctorate so we may have to check it out. congratulations on the engagements @ottahand7 @RMLincolnhow exciting! @cruising sister thanks for the update on baby Murphy! Hope goes well. Love the spa idea, perhaps don’t read the novel nine perfect strangers,,lol! my idea of heaven https://www.facebook.com/100002630387890/posts/pfbid02t5WKT5J6JGTN29LSaZchK74jJEkNNVpoNicqBnTMfUAibK1K9b2EdZQMxQ7UAidGl/
  7. We stayed there five nights and want to go back! If you can fly into Kansei and home from Tokyo,
  8. We would recommend four nights to help with jet lag and to see as much as possible in Tokyo. We also would recommend spending an equivalent amount of time or longer in Kyoto, It is absolutely spectacular and a day trip from the cruise will barely scratch the surface. We stayed in Shibuya as it is easy to access a lot from that area and took private transport arranged through out hotel from the port. We also liked the area around Ginza. Public transport will also be available but it will depend on how much luggage you have whether this is practical or not.
  9. Happy horizon day, one of my favourite views. Although usually from here the mountains are what we see.
  10. We never thought we would sail in a Neptune, until a magical Upsell. It was incredible, mainly for the huge wraparound balcony.
  11. Yes! We keep saying it was one of the best ever! Japan is amazing! when did you do yours?
  12. As ever the devil is in the details whether for comparisons or TA. So grateful for the extra credits we get through our TA, but even more so when they have gone to bat for us on more than one occasion when HAL’s first answer was No.
  13. Thanks for the good wishes, Carolyn! We were on the Koningsdam for 23 days but disembarked October 5, Hope to catch you sometime!
  14. Good morning and thanks all. Glad to hear baby Murphy is holding her own! DH had a fully chopped Harley Sportster so that was a lot of fun, but boy did we get the looks! I appreciate all the kind words of support! @kazu glad to hear Ivan is back on the couch, now let’s get him and your elbow the rest of the way! @Quartzsite Cruiser hoping your DH can get the treatment needed, such a long haul! @RedneckBobappreciate your insight, lol! @ger_77 sounds like a lot of fun, too bad you weren’t closer! We’ve been to that area of Japan, but it was the port of Shimuzu so I’ll share a few photos of the area. They grow tea there and there is a wonderful temple that you have to take a cable car to get to. It is also near to Mount Fuji.
  15. All the better, I love business class on points! And to Asia it will be awesome. Japan has been one of our favourite trips. Hope you recover quickly!
  16. Hoping all goes well for you. I’ve had a tough year medically and am so grateful we’ve travelled a lot, hoping to do a lot more soon. Hoping you get a chance to do even more. I so agree about spending on experiences and making memories. They won’t notice the difference in their inheritance but will always have great memories. I promised DS I would take him to the Biennale in Venice on his 30 th and he didn’t forget. We had the pleasure of celebrating another milestone in Hawaii. Life’s short, fly business if you can😅😂
  17. Carol, I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. @XBGuy the Rombauer is one of my friend’s faves. Normally I don’t like oaked Chardonnay but I liked this one! @Cruising-along I keep wondering if we were on the same cruise in 2019? When were you aboard? Was it the Koningsdam? @sailingdutchyloved your photos, nice to see you visited Villa Farnese too. Loved the map room! Too bad we couldn’t take photos. @Sharon in AZwe also really enjoyed Tarquinia. Last time we visited Cerveteri to see more tombs. I finally got good news today on my pathology too, yippee!
  18. Good morning and thanks all! Sending prayers for baby Murphy! So happy there was some good news @smitty34877 the waiting is so very hard! @kazu hoping the new meds do the trick! @kochleffel appreciate the info on that Basilica, such an interesting history! Next visit! Here’s a photo of the port from the air. And a few from nearby Viterbo and the amazing Villa Farnese
  19. After cruise mom’s recommendation I went and bought beautiful gloves at Sermonetas. They were so nice I went back and bought two more pairs. I’ve been wearing them nearly every day in the winter since 2019 and they are still great. I honestly didn’t think they were that expensive for the quality. I found a local leather maker in Rome on the Main Street in Trastevere. I also like the Furla brand. We love the pizza in Naples but I would not even begin to try to do that with luggage. The tap water is safe.
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