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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. I think there are different rules based on how long you will be there. Some drugs are not allowed at all. I believe You need to apply online for a Yakkan Shoumei if it is 30 days or more. You will also need to preclear if you have a CPAP as well. The process is quite simple and fast.
  2. But did you see Barbie too? 😉😂 We enjoyed these in Italy. I guess they also make ones with lemoncello and another one called the Hugo with elderflower. I must try them next time.
  3. Good day and thanks all! @cruising sister prayers for little baby Murphy and her dear family. So sorry to hear this news, @ger_77sorry to hear your sad news as well! @summer slope wow on that drink! @Vict0riannwhat a beautiful plant, I am Envious, I’m sure our zone 3 would kill it off! So glad your headache is finally gone, I cannot imagine how tough this has been! Glad your DH is on the mend as well. @smitty34877oh my, I’m sorry you had such a tough night. Sending good wishes to your DH as he prepares for chemo and to your DH as well @marshhawk I know we are grateful for these treatments but they can be very hard. Praying for the best results for both! Bon voyage to @dfish, @Crazy For Cats @NextOne congratulations on the new pup @Denise T
  4. Just catching up, thanks all! @Seasick Sailor and @kazu hope the pups are ok! I understand the worry about the spine, as our dear old fellow had a similar issue. Hoping all is well! @ger_77 hope the side effects are out of your system soon. They can be tough, but worth it for sure. I had a strange high fever yesterday, but no shots to explain. Better today. @Sharon in AZ Happy Birthday to Craig!
  5. Let us know, when I looked it said you had to teach in the.US. Fingers crossed!
  6. Happy anniversary @Lady Hudson @NextOne prayers for a good recovery. Both my cousin and neighbour had this and have recovered. @dfish sorry you had to contend with this right before your cruise! But you will sleep better with it done. Congratulations on your new addition! @Seasick Sailor
  7. We have enjoyed several visits to Kusadasi, and agree that Ephesus and the terrace houses are a must the first time. But after several visits we were very impressed by the ancient cities of Priene, Miletus and Didyma.
  8. They did the same for us from Yokohama, but Narita is much further. I think it was about an hour and a half.
  9. It should be fine with a light rain jacket, but take along a packable down vest and a lightweight wool sweater just in case. We saw a lot of locals wearing the puffer down jackets. They are also light and easy to pack and use as a pillow on flights.
  10. @JazzyV yay on the good mammogram! Time to celebrate!
  11. I too was a teacher, so summer, spring break or Christmas. We enjoyed them all but prefer spring or fall now. I think your choice for starting in June is a good one. No guarantees of course. And I think you’ll discover Europe is not a one and done. You will likely want to return. We’ve happily been in a Europe rut for decades with occasional other forays. But Europe is huge and even one country like Italy, truly takes multiple trips to truly experience the different regions. As it does with France, And then there’s the Greek islands…. There is no way to see it all, but just go and enjoy what you are seeing and try not to spread yourself too thin to really enjoy and experience.
  12. It depends what you are wanting to do, sightseeing will be comfortable but swimming won’t be. We visited Italy in late April, and it was cool in Rome but nicer in southern Italy. Of course each year may vary.
  13. Interesting, it states only US teachers☹️
  14. Good morning and thanks all! @richwmn glad you had a little break, it’s good to disconnect electronically and see people face to face! Glad the drive went well! @smitty34877 praying all goes well for the chemo. @kazu so hoping that things continue to go well for Ivan! @Horizon chaser 1957 lake Kalamalka has to be one most exquisitely coloured lakes, what a lovely place to see your DD. Sorry to hear so many are feeling the effects of this nasty smoke. After nearly a week of 150 to 200 on the index we finally had a break! Although we visited beautiful Waterton glacier international peace park, the very end of the lake was in the US. So nice to see clear skies! Also wondered if the Saskatoons and Huckleberries are related?
  15. The Tokyo Hilton can arrange a private transfer if you contact them. It will be very pricey, Narita is a long way. Or take the train into Shinjuku station, the Hilton has a free shuttle from the train station if you are talking about the Shinjuku Hilton.
  16. Good morning and thanks all! After a Week of solid smoke, we’re driving to a less smoky area! do medical tattoos count? @Crazy For Cats happy anniversary Jake! @smitty34877 hope all those appointments go well! @ger_77 condolences on the loss of your friend! @Denise Tthat brings back memories, counselling videos @kazu the bursaries are a wonderful idea! Glad you’re enjoying the new iPad! @aliaschiefhappy birthday to your DS, Love the memes! @ottahand7how the toe? some baby squirrels came for a visit.
  17. Isn’t it a wonderful feeling to be told you can spend more, reward for being careful for years! may have to experiment with some small cruise lines.
  18. We had friends who weren’t handicapped assigned a Handicap room. The space was nice, but they were told if someone who needed it came along, they would have to be moved to another cabin. So I think HAL is aware of this issue.
  19. I meant to say the other day, hope you enjoy club orange. We will give it a try too. Yes you can be pickpocketed anywhere. DH actually grabbed the guy and got his throwaway wallet back, we keep the important stuff always in a money belt under our clothes. They are very organized so ALWAYS good to take precautions. @marshhawk we don’t remember the fries years ago, we wonder if it is the British influence of chips, I’m sure Graham will correct me if I’m wrong. I just take them out and eat them on the side. Also could be a lower cost way of filling you up. @RMLincoln hope all goes well tomorrow for your DH.
  20. @marshhawk I agree with Lenda, take the trip to Oia. It is beautiful and the cable car back down. There is probably a ships tour in Messina to beautiful Taomorina with its ancient theatre. It really is spectacular and has been my pick on two occasions. The ground in town is flat, it make sure to wear money belts with valuables under your clothes. DH got pickpocketed in the large elevators that come from the bus parking garage there. in Athens it’s worth taking a taxi to the acropolis first thing when it’s cooler and less crowded. For Katakalon, I would suggest the visit to Olympia if you haven’t been followed by lunch when you return, I’ll put the pictures of where we like to go, the local priest and some crew also enjoy this one. It’s on the end of town farthest from the ship.
  21. Good morning and thanks all! We’re praying for some relief from the smoke, maybe tomorrow. @RedneckBob Swensen’s Swiss chocolate orange chip is my very favourite but I can’t get it anymore. I also love gelato and dark chocolate Dove bars. @RMLincoln wondering if it’s Tillamook? It’s pretty good stuff! DS adores it. I used to have pet garter snakes, lol! Our DGD is continuing the tradition.
  22. Thanks to those who encouraged me to call again, now have club orange for the correct amount.
  23. Good day and thanks all! Nasty smoke for day three! Sigh! DH had a reef shark hit him in the head while diving, not sure how many points, lol! @Seasick Sailor happy birthday to Allen! @rafinmdhappy birthday to Keith! @cruising sister what wise advice, hoping baby Murphy continues to improve! @kazu glad Ivan seems a little better! @smitty34877 glad you’ve had a little break! @Vict0riannsorry you had to cancel this cruise, never fun! @Quartzsite Cruiser I hate it that so few follow thru! Vent away!
  24. That would make sense except I ready have it.
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