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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. Good morning and thanks all! I would very much like the quote to be true. So scary to see the awful air quality in so many places! Stay safe all! @smitty34877 so sorry that your DH needs more treatment and surgery. I truly hope life turns around for you soon. The unknown is so scary. @summer slope 🙏 yikes, we just purchased a new LG when our Samsung fridge dropped dead. @ger_77youre wise to hang on to yours! Our old fridges never seemed to die! We are enjoying some very hot weather, 30 degrees today AKA mid eighties.
  2. I love traditional seafood, as you can see in the other photos. I too wasn’t sure, and they’re wearing Kevlar, lol! But they are really good!
  3. Giggling! Our son is an artist, when he was young he wouldn’t leave the Louvre as he hadn’t seen all the sculptures 🤷‍♀️ When we visited the Tate modern in London we quickly walked through a room we thought under construction with step ladders, cans of paints, peanut shells on the floor etc. DS exclaimed later how realistic the peanut shells were.. later the caretaker made the same mistake as we did and swept up the art. Only to be fired and later hired as one of the London papers art critic 😉😀
  4. These are massive fires that are way out of the norm, especially this early in the season.
  5. @RMLincoln I hope you can get the mess straightened out soon! So sorry! @kochleffel yikes on the air! We hit over 500 in the early days, these numbers are like nothing we’ve ever experienced before. Stay safe! Some hints, if you must drive somewhere turn the air to recirculate, not fresh intake on your car. close your windows and run hepa fans inside your house. We cancelled our spring trip and BA has been very kind to put our flights on hold due to my illness. Now our next cruise that has been postponed umpteen times is looking unlikely. Final payment is due soon, and we have huge amounts of credits that I don’t think can be extended, Who knew all this unbooking would be so stressful🤷‍♀️. Hoping HAL will also be kind in light of the circumstances. Stay safe everyone!
  6. If you go Syracuse and Ortygia are also worth a visit, two amazing theatres and an other beautiful town. We also travelled by a war cemetery a fitting tribute.
  7. Good morning and yum on that meal! I’ll join Jacqui and Debbie for the dinner and rhubarb ice cream for dessert. We ate at Jamie Oliver’s restaurant in Cambridge and had rhubarb crumble ice cream, I dream about that one! I love the rhubarb sofas as well, and rhubarb tea. We enjoyed our visit to Catania, we headed further afield on a private trip to gorgeous Ortygia and Noto, a long with a visit to one of our favourite wineries for Nero D’ Avila.if you look closely you will see the famous patisserie from Netflix Chef’s Table.
  8. Arches is absolutely sublime! Go at sunset! Also there are some amazing petroglyphs nearby! Canyonlands is very close as well.
  9. Although not mentioned, if you see perceives aka gooseneck barnacles give them a try. They are really delicious and a real delicacy. They can only be found in really rough waters and are dangerous and difficult to harvest. In Canada you might get one to try at a really high end west coast restaurant. But in Portugal they are more plentiful. The copper casseroles are amazing, cataplana, For those discussing visiting .Santiago de Compestela, it is well worth it. Take time to have a wonderful lunch in the Parador near the main entrance.
  10. Moab is stunningly beautiful, but pricey! Looking forward to hearing about your visit!
  11. Good morning and thanks all! Not liking the injured foot club! Hope all heal quickly! We have visited a lot of Japan but not that port, but my guess is most would head to Kyoto. so a few photos from one of my favourite cities.
  12. Or what damage they can do to you? Norway is the most expensive place I have visited 🤷‍♀️
  13. We spent 23 nights on the Koningsdam and totally enjoyed it. We were concerned after so many negative comments but found her beautiful and spacious. The stateroom MAY have been slightly smaller, but it was very well laid out with a huge shower and wonderful balcony. I honestly noticed no difference. @Tampa GirlI am confused about your comment that the promenade is not 360 degrees. It is narrower in places but you can easily walk all around, unlike Princess where you have to go inside and out of the Royal.
  14. Good morning and thanks all! @StLouisCruisers gentle hugs, that is so much loss, glad you have some good to celebrate as well. @dfish ooh that meal would be such a treat for me! @Seasick Sailor I love blue cheeses, DH not so much, so when he enjoyed morbiere I was excited until I found out it was ash! We have thoroughly enjoyed visiting Newfoundland but not yet Cornerbrook. Hoping @JazzyV knee is starting to heal! And wishing for less foot pain for @kazu @marshhawksorry to hear Fawn is still missing. Please make sure you are getting enough rest, so important for recovery. I hadn’t heard that name, just bachelor buttons. Love how the bees and butterflies love them! we had a lovely visitor, how fun that @cat shepard is seeing them too!
  15. We had great luck with Stefano’s Rome cabs
  16. Sadly, it seems all basic manners are lacking. Hope you remain healthy!
  17. Good morning and thanks all! I did sleep in, so a little late. Thanks Sandi, Lenda, Fred, Tony, Jacqui and all for the awesome photos of Dover, and area. We arrived there by hovercraft from France many years ago and were awestruck by the cliffs. We almost visited Canterbury, but did Winchester cathedral instead so nice to see the photos! The warhorse memorial is exquisite, and I want to check out those secret tunnels! A few more blooms, I love foxglove!
  18. Because this is strangely fun, some ideas in keeping with food, eggplant, Chili and cranberry. Actual,paint colours are in the blog. From the Color concierge dot com 14 Best Front Door Colors (& How to Pick Them) March 3, 2023
  19. @dfish make sure you test the colours with your actual paint colours, and on the door. The other colours and location can have a huge impact. Perhaps paint a large square of cardboard, to try it out on the door. On my monitor it looks quite bright orange and raspberry. I know you want it to pop, but you might want to test a more burnt orange and darker cranberry too. Just my two cents. I hate picking paint colours, DS usually helps me!
  20. Good morning and thanks all! My dentist is great, he’s Croatian so has helped me with cruise tour suggestions. @LuauQueen welcome, I love caves, DH not so much, lol! @Nickelpenny enjoy and let us know! @1ANGELCAT I am just SO sorry to hear that! @Mr. Bostoncongratulations to your DH, David! @marshhawk great photos, so beautiful out there, hope you both feel better soon! @kazuglad Ivan is enjoying his toys, sounds like he’s in heaven. We met a lovely German shepherd that is being fostered, so tempting! We had a little one born at the zoo I will gladly celebrate Hawaiian donuts, which are actually Portuguese Malasadas! Lillikoi glazed!
  21. How fun! Such lovely weather in Flam! The fish looks great, we will stay tuned until you hit Anchorage, lol!
  22. So wonderful that they have come from so far to help. It’s a real mess. Again, thank you!
  23. @RMLincoln bless you! It is very scary, we’ve had a couple of towns destroyed before and people evacuated for months. Hopefully rain here and hopefully soon in the maritimes will help. @smitty34877 I’m glad you could cope. I do think it’s good to be home, but I think hospitals try to download care on families a bit too quickly for sure. The nurse I have checking on me couldn’t believe that I was sent home when I was. @tupper10 oh too bad, they have one of the best Chinese and Japanese outside Asia. But they also have excellent Italian and seafood among others. Ask for Luigi is Michelin rated and wonderful. Not to mention outstanding vegetarian at Acorn. So many places really!
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