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Everything posted by Bubbeh

  1. What a shame the list is limited to capital cities. We moved from Perth down to Mandurah when we retired. We now live in a 3 bedroom shoebox (apartment) on a beautiful sea water canal. From what I see of real estate prices across the nation, what we have and the lifestyle that comes with it would be pretty much unaffordable for all but the very wealthy in Melbourne or Sydney. I think my favourite capital cities would have to be Canberra or Hobart, Adelaide is a close second. For me, Sydney is just too big and bustling but probably great for career development, Melbourne is wonderful on a cultural and sporting level but, why on earth does everyone wear black? Brisbane and Darwin are great but too humid for me.
  2. I promise you I took no offence at all. I see myself behaving as my parents did in certain situations and I also see one of my daughters behaving like me. I think more than anything else, the worse thing for my parents was that they were always waiting for it to happen again, they never felt safe in the world. So sad.
  3. My parents were Holocaust survivors and I think this goes at least some way to explaining their often very strange outlook on things.
  4. Well this becomes the moment when I step outside the group and everyone looks at me sideways and slowly moves away....my mother hated cut flowers, she always said that flowers belonged in a garden and in a garden only. Her rationale was that it was wrong to fatally wound something and then watch it die just to gratify ourselves and brighten our home. This is so ingrained in me that I even feel uncomfortable walking past a florist shop. Funeral Homes and cemeteries don't worry me but flower sellers make my skin crawl. I make no judgement on others, it's just my own little peccadillo and idiosyncrasy.
  5. A friend of my late mother-in-law's lost her husband (and by this I mean he died) at a comfort stop on a tour bus in Provence. The tour operator took a show of hands poll to determine if the rest of the group wanted to interrupt the tour in order to wait with her until the authorities arrived. Some did and some didn't. While I take your point and understand the necessity to adhere to schedules, I did think that this was a tad heartless on behalf of the naysayers and the tour operator.
  6. Yeah, I know and I take the comment on board. But, as the family matriarch, how could I let everybody down? I just kept telling everyone that I was fine, as you do, I still haven't fessed up. OMG, I was so panicked about not being negative for Xmas! Poor Mr Bubbeh, the man who has never been near a shopping centre from the 1st day of December until the last day of January, had to go out most days with a strict list of what to buy foodwise for Christmas lunch. You should have seen the look on his face on Xmas Eve when I said that now he had to go and get the seafood, ham and other stuff and that he had to be at the shops by 8am or all the best of the produce would be gone. Thanks for the COVID Mr B, payback is a B*^ch! 😆
  7. Until the 15th of December I was as fit as a mallee bull, then I caught COVID from my husband. He got anti-virals coz he's soooooooooo old but I, being the child bride, was not eligible. Mr Bubbeh felt a little off for one or two days and then he was fine. I on the other hand, was most unwell for at least 10 days, I woke every morning wishing I'd died in my sleep. I had 14 people for lunch at Christmas and to this day I don't know how I managed. It's now two months on and about six weeks (24th December) since I tested negative and I'm still suffering. I have ongoing issues which I fear very much will be with me for a long time if not the rest of my life. While this may just be like the 'flu for some people, they are the lucky ones because it's certainly not like that for everyone.
  8. Whether the possibility of 'getting caught' or not is a random event, the requirement is there for a reason, just don't do it. Buy a sealed bottle of water as you disembark or buy one on land.
  9. Whiskey.............may not actually help with the seasickness but drink enough of it and it'll give you another reason to feel crook.
  10. Oh Crikey! I nearly forgot, you must go to Canberra, if you possibly can. This is our Nation's capital and it's the most brilliantly interesting place. The home of our, Federal Parliament, the National Gallery, the Australian Museum, the Australian War Memorial and the High Court, amongst many other places of interest. If you plan it right you could sit in the Public Gallery in Parliament House and listen to Question Time; from memory tours of the building are free and happen frequently throughout the day. We've been to Canberra at least half a dozen times and I never get tired of it, We've a daughter that lives there but seriously, she's just a reason for going and an excuse for staying at least a couple of weeks. Only thing is, you can't cruise to Canberra. But, there is a bus you could take from Sydney.
  11. Have you tried Viator? https://www.viator.com/New-Zealand-tourism/d24-r48298850155-s954934987?mcid=28353&supbk=1&tsem=true&supci=-1275354380&supag=120697465562&supsc=aud-435409373039%3Akwd-51494174457&supai=504893240836&supap=&supdv=c&supnt=g&supti=aud-435409373039%3Akwd-51494174457&suplp=9070517&supli=2554&m=28353&supag=120697465562&supsc=aud-435409373039%3Akwd-51494174457&supai=504893240836&supdv=c&supnt=g&suplp=9070517&supli=2554&supti=aud-435409373039%3Akwd-51494174457&tsem=true&supci=aud-435409373039%3Akwd-51494174457&supap1=&supap2=&gclid=CjwKCAiArY2fBhB9EiwAWqHK6nTM1ITzR2hXWVWXgCq7lJDp5W9_Ms0OAf7soZWnZTa-V5Tn5sjEBBoCkn0QAvD_BwE
  12. In my opinion, Princess would be an ideal line and they offer a circumnavigation of the continent, as others have mentioned. However, your plans may be a bit ambitious depending on the time you have available. NZ is beautiful and so is Oz but we're a bloody big country. Having said this, whatever you do, don't think of us only in terms of Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Tasmania is amazing and there are a number of cruises going down there. South Australia (Adelaide and beyond) is a gem and the Territory is an experience. Then of course there's virtually half of the country over here in WA! If I were planning an itinerary for someone and money / time was no object, I'd recommend a circumnavigation cruise followed by a trip on the Indian Pacific (Sydney - Perth), flying to Adelaide and hopping on The Ghan to Darwin - https://www.journeybeyondrail.com.au/journeys/great-southern/ . But, I'd be sure to mention that for the train you need to go Platinum not Gold. I've done both trips and I wholly believe that Platinum is worth the extra $$s and a much more comfortable experience. Of course all this depends on so many factors including what interests you and what you really want to experience. Do you prefer a sanitised experience (this would be me) or do you want to rough it - flies up your nose and dust in your eyes?
  13. Have you actually been to these sites yet? Not sure why you're going round in circles. Is it just the NZ Visa you're having problems with or both? https://uk.embassy.gov.au/lhlh/visas_and_migration.html https://www.newzealand-etaonline.com/home?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhquax82E_QIVlVpgCh2htwmFEAAYASAAEgIPy_D_BwE
  14. You do? Can't say I've ever given it much thought. Now it's on my mind constantly...thanks for that 😟
  15. That was exactly what I thought but then I chided myself for being so insensitive. Glad to know I'm not the only judgemental ingrate on CC.
  16. To some extent I think that part of the issue might be cultural differences and what is and is not considered culturally acceptable. In my experience, every race / nationality has a bogan element. As timtam2 says, Aussies are certainly not always well behaved when overseas. I've personally been in a situation where the behaviour and attitude of my fellow Australians has left me cringing with embarrassment. Hello, Bali & Thailand! I've also been in situations where I've been physically pushed aside by a person of Asian appearance to check out the sales on a ship and even at the buffet - like they're gonna run out of food???? I've also been ignored or leered at in Arabic countries - this was one of the very few times I felt unsafe on a shore excursion. I think it's all part of the rich tapestry of travel and experiencing different cultures globally. Notwithstanding the above, we did a wonderful Quantum of the Seas 4 day cruise out of Singapore and thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. While 4 days was far too short, I would highly recommend the experience.
  17. Ah I see you found the picture of me and my sisters. 😉
  18. Anyone remember the Scared Weird Little Guys? This would have to be my favourite song of theirs - Red back, funnel web, blue ringed octopus Taipan, Tiger snake, Adderbox and Jellyfish stone fish and the poison thing that lives in a shell, that spikes you when you pick it up Come to Australia You might accidentally get killed Your lifes constantly under threat Have you been bitten yet? You've only got 3 minutes left Before a massive coronary breakdown Red back, funnel web, blue ringed octopus Taipan, Tiger snake, Adderbox and Jellyfish Big shark, just waiting for you to go swimming At Bondi Beach Come on Come to Australia You might accidentally get killed Your blood is bound to be spilled With fear your pants will be Filled Because you might accidentally get killed
  19. We've never been to Eden but looking on Google I found this https://visiteden.com.au/ . Seems like a nice spot to spend a few hours and a few $s in. Helping the local economy is always a worthwhile idea.
  20. The only time I've ever been seasick was crossing the ditch in February 2017 and yes I took sea sickness tablets with us. The seas were so rough and so many people were crook that the crew had affixed sick bags at almost every possible point throughout the ship, including in the lifts and on the bannisters on each landing. A quick trip to the medical centre, jab in the bum together with an expensive piece of paper for the insurance company later and I slept the night and was fine the following day. Yes that crossing can be rough so be prepared.
  21. Travel and all that encompasses can be stressful. Take a deep breath, open a bottle of wine then do as Mic suggests; delete and start over.
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